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Everything posted by Darth_mathias

  1. it's this link he needs to add really https://enbdev.com/mod_tesskyrim_v0292.htm
  2. he is using the 180 version so it should play well with enhanced first person camera
  3. Legacy of the dragon dragon v15 is LIVE you can download it from here: https://www.mediafire.com/download/2zyxyt74cyw1482/LegacyV15.2K.7z Until nexus uploads in manually
  4. isn't there where Scarcity - Less Loot Mod come in (which is now in the guide). yes legacy of the dragonborn hasn't been forgooten about just wait for update before testing.
  5. gamerpoets already has a pretty good video that is quite up to date
  6. I didn't get this error. are you using the Correct CACO Vigor Patch. there are two mods i currently know with patches of CACO and Vigor you shoudl be using this one https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72849/?
  7. thanks copy and paste error FIXED.
  8. glad you got it fixed
  9. woohoo managed to fix the dark face bug i was having on Aela without resorting to the creation kit.
  10. you could be right and i could be wrong i will check. Just checked and on mione it has copied all the meshes and textures folders from the orginal RS Children mod. if it hasn't on your a suggest ypu double check or you could just copy and paste the folder from the orginal mod into the merged folder.
  11. I think when you create a merged plugin it copies all meshes and textures folders and files from the orginal mod, so all you need is the missing esm (unless I am wrong)
  12. with only 2 GB and Vram you will struggle you will have to compromise of the textre quilaty you 1K instaed of 2K i would recommed you start with SR:LE (as that is the base I used for SRLE Extended) get it working the way you want. Then look at SRLE Extended and see what mods you really cant do with out for me personally I would look to the NPC Retextures first then build from there, Good luck with your build.
  13. I am sure many of you wil be happy about this one (and some of you may not be so happy) Scarcity - Less Loot Mod and Sold out - Merchants do not sell Rare Ingots now in the guide also don't forget to vote on the latest STRAPOLL: https://strawpoll.me/6825861 IF YOU DON'T VOTE YOU THEN CAN'T COMPLAIN TO ME ABOUT IT LOL. The strawpoll will run until 5pm GMT Friday 19/02/16 as always If it ends in a draw I will cast the deciding vote.
  14. i spotted this on brodual ad it peaked my interest: Worlds Dawn - Enchanted loot and RPG attributes in Skyrim - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73094/?
  15. I suggested that cos i noted soem of them have Leveled list so it always worth having bash tags. as of yet I have found any on NPC's or in chests
  16. thanks i've had a look and there no UNPB option for the body type and since that is the main reason I am using these customizers theer no point using this one.
  17. nice could this would very useful
  18. Recorder Overhaul Recorder Customizer Recorder Overhaul + Recorder Customizer UNPB Body Only (this the option and I am currently thinking of using) Now the Bijin is back I think Recorder Overhaul suits the guide better (plus i can never say no to a red head lol.) EDIT: This decision will be left to the masses: STRAWPOLL https://strawpoll.me/6825861 Will run until the weekend so plenty of time to decide which you guys prefer.
  19. So after some recommendations I have tweaked the install order (left hand pane) of the guide I recommend every have a look no new mods were added this time. However I have decided to drop the Arrisa customizer as I didn't like the way she looked. i am also thinking of switching from the recorder customizer to Recorder Overhaul - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70715/? (although i am not to sure about this at the moment)
  20. I always appericate suggestions from you guys on the guide cos you guys see things i don't. that too make some sort of sense to me. so we move the added followers after Skin and body, rename the catergoy then add Inconsequential NPCs to this new catergoy we could even add the NPC Retextures to said new category too. 1. the mof of RS child does end up being copied in the merge (expect for the main ESM). so if you copy and paste the ESM you can get rid of the main mod. been meaning to add a note about that into the guide. 2. see above. this is the same as CACO merged too.
  21. ok and thanks for the suggestion of moving NPC Retexture section I have updated the both guides. to me it make a lot of sense to do this as all npc related mod will be more to together.
  22. In order of RS Children to overwrite Inconsequential NPCs the NPC's Retexture would have at least have to go after the ++++NPCs and Behavior++++ Section of the Guide. you shouldn't have Interesting NPCs - RS Kids.esp.bak, Interesting NPCs - RS Kids.esp should of been merged with the rest of the RS Children Merged, I dont have this file at all. did you do a seperate merge or just include the extra patches in the main SRLE RS Children Merge? EDIT: thinking about it a little it would actullay make sense to move NPC Retexture a little higher up and it would mean all npc related stuff would be roughly togther.
  23. ok thanks for this I then need to change the intergration and main guide to reflex this.
  24. Clothing and Clutter fixes is in the guide purely to provide seperation between SRLE and SRLE Extended and enable ease when switching between SRLE and SRLE Extended Profiles in Mod Organizer. I belive that this is correct (unless someone else know differently then me) Inconsequential NPCs is actually overwriting Facegen data from the orginal RS Children mod which gets included when RS Children Merged is created.
  25. Seranaholic and Valercia in the guide. Plus another small update to the CR you much be getting sick of the constant CR Updates lately LOL.
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