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Everything posted by Darth_mathias

  1. ok guys i just want to check things with you i see if i got this right regarding RotE and SIC and HLE load order i was look at https://sites.google.com/site/immersivecreatures/installation/loadorder and the load i have understood it this: Skyrim Immersive Creatures.espSkyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.espHigh Level Enemies - SIC.espHigh Level Enemies - SIC Falskaar.espRebirth Monster.esp
  2. i belive it it made compatbile via the bash patch i actually cant decided what would be best at the moment i did read soemwhere that RoTE needs to load afetr OBIS unless i read it wrong. i see fair enough i must of understood things wrong. I'll get Lexy to look at it and do her CR wizardary when she is feeling better.
  3. few changes to existing mods and one bug fix. Skytest interegration project - no extra spawn combat evolved modular (core only) - Changed bugfix LvlPredatorScript - recompied by astakos updated CR
  4. i will take a look at these when i can
  5. thanks paul666root i will update tonight when i am at home.
  6. I've looked in TES5Edit and yes it gives vanillia perks to NPC's I belive Ordinator just give Perks to the player. so in a sense they are compatable all it means is NPC wont have Ordinator perks. Just so you realise my replacemnet esp for Bijin, Males of Skyrim, The Ordinary Women, Companion improvement only carry over vanillia perk and not ordinator perks. As Ordinator doesn't give its perks to non player characaters. I will look at the patches but I already dealt with USLEEP, ESF Companions, cutting room floor and ICW compatbility with within the replacement esps so i don't think they will be needed.
  7. oooooh Skyrim NPC Overhaul Legendary https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73159/? back on the nexus as well as Enhanced Mighty Dragons v.3 .0 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73228/? I will be downloading and testing both. (already got enhanced mighty dragons) EDIT: Skyrim NPC Overhaul Legendary does look to need some records forwarding into the replacemnet esp for BIJIN, Males of Skyrim, and the Ordinary women it overwrtie some stuff from RS children but that just a matter of forwarding conflicts into the CR. all in all look pretty good I going to adds this to my load order and if i like it, it might end up in the guide.
  8. I sure if you mention it to him he will change it.
  9. If it is Neo should know snice both these are added by SRLE Base and not Extended. Neo says to only install the animations so i don't see how this can be a script conflcit with frostfall most definatly aganist the rules
  10. i did try out RND early on but it was changed back to iNeed when CACO come out i had toi change back cos of SRLE Base and SR Conflict . personally I cant wait for chesko to hurry up with his needs mod.
  11. so I have been playing around with some things changed a few mods for different versions of the same mod (so thats allowed hehehe) and the drop frame into the skills menu I was getting (outside in the world) while still there has noticeably decreased. ie it now drops to around 40 instead of sub 20.
  12. Or a MCM so you can toggle what you want I have add this replacer esp to the guide hopefully it is clear which is which version
  13. no i send i private message with my email address.
  14. some help would be awesome, how easy it is to re-complie the script? as it would be easier to just let people download the modified script.
  15. ok Thanks Astakos for point out my sillyness of not reading the mod page proberly lol. The skytest page actually does say to use this script which I totally missed I will amend the guide best to install as a seprate mod under the compaybilty section i will mention about not using the Script with vanillia start. in fact proberly easiest to wait until you exit Helgen before activating this mod.
  16. ok thanks i'll look into this. I take it this script get added to SkyTest or on it's own?
  17. no i haven't but I haven't built a hf house i so long I would be interested in hear if there was a issue. Lexy made SKYTest Compabtile with USLEEP via the CR.
  18. mmmm good advise I actually cant remember which version I chose for Combat Evovled the i might have to look into this. Edit: looks like i chose the full version i try out the modular version too.
  19. That was actually the combination i am thinking of trying out, but without RoTE 2016
  20. I could but that would only work if you still have all three of the orginal mods downloaded you'll need the textures a meshes. No there not better it suck bijin gone they are basically the only option we have for the guide at the moment for those that don't already have all three. ok i'll update although i am not fully convinced by the newer version of RoTE. RoTE might be another mod on the chopping block
  21. Glad someone got the reference. they could be i just left them as default after Running spINI. i have changed iMinGrassSize=40 to 50 to thin out the grass a bit Tamriel reloaded and Noble skyrim actually sound like a good combination you may want to turn them round just to see which you prefer (ypu may not even need the paralax patch for noble skyrom as Tamriel Relaod come with parallax textures). I hope you work out the CTD issue I am looking at what scripted mods can be cut from the guide, But as we all know it's not easy let go of mods we like. but one thing I will do is cut Ultimate Combat from the guide as that is heavy and i'll just let you guys decided what combat mods you want to use on your own.
  22. his name is Sobek-Ra an argonian Battlemage specializing in destruction and using Bound Sword and Bound Bow. he is using Sofia as cannon fodder and a pack mule
  23. i chose the diffculty 6 or 7 cant remember which Unleveled mighty dragon for deadly dragon. Not as yet still testing this mod. thanks I just need to work how to get the side by side instead of one after the other LoL. or i;ll just put them in a spoiler tag.
  24. Screenshoot attempt number 2. all this with Medium Setting of DynDoLod
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