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Everything posted by Darth_mathias

  1. I really wish I could merge all the followers used in the guide into one patch but since most contain nav meshes thats not really and option. it's a liitle annoying that Seranaholic isn't re-published yet he most of this others are but hey I am just glad to bijin back so can't complain. EDIT Sernaholic is up downloading now.
  2. so with Bijin back in the guide the next few mods i plan to look at are: Enhanced Mighty Dragons Reborn - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73224/? Dragon Combat Overhaul - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32597/? Endgame NPC Overhaul - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49330/? I have already been playing with EMD and DCO for a while (DCO been in my load order since the beginning) and I really like them although so far I have only faced 1 dragon and he was bloody tough. Endgame overhaul looks fairly simple to implemenet but I will have to do some work on Bijin (proberly a replacement esp for this one as the mod author currently uses 3.0 of Bijin.) ESF: companions and ICW conflicts.
  3. I have already rejected this.
  4. Nice Techangel i've got this current housing Steam + Skyrim with MO SRLE and SRLE Extended and GOG + Withcer 3.
  5. yes he has certain made some improvements and if you got the VRam to spare, there a 4K upgrade to 3.1 which i reccommend every look at. the only thing I really don't like about the new version of lydia is her hair. If she had the hair of his private version then for me it would be a no brainer. Also I really hope rxkx22 re-publishes Seranaholic.
  6. thanks I do know how to do this personally I think is cos I didn't go do a "Clean Save" before I removed my older verison on bijin and updated so some data maybe have been left over. new save and my test vanillia saves are fine. Edit: there you go "clean save" wait 10 in game days and it's all fixed. conclusion bad modding practices on my part lol. OK Bijin included and new CR up. OK USLEEP update has dropped i will look at this tomorrow, cutting room floor too has dropped.
  7. thanks it is a small issue in the grand scheme of things but if it annoys me it willl mostly certainly annoy all you lol. The CR is all but done i just want to get the the bottom of what is causing the black face issue. IO have a feeling i will have to restart as I did also update immersive citizen, I was hopeing I got away with it.
  8. yes it will. I am currently having a small issue with Bijin AIO at the moment but when i get it sort and have re-added these mods to the guide I will be issueing a new CR.
  9. Personally i think his Private version is better i'm going to be sticking with that for her.
  10. Thanks I have decided not you use the customizer after your message about them. only thing i can think of companion improvement might be doing something odd. Bijin is at the bottom of the NPC Retexture section that way it should be overwriting evenrything it needs to overwrite. EDIT: that is just reduciously stupid starting a new game fixes the problem.
  11. yes he a pretty much said since he cant reproduces it its not a bug so screw it i give up.
  12. i know i got the lastest update but i am still have a major issue which i can't get to the bottom of if any of you guy know what might be causing it let me know I am having an issue with Njada Stonearm when she is in shadow she has and black face. when she in not in shadow she has a normal face. Her face also changes from black to normal when I move the camera in certain angles. I am at my wits end with this cant workout what is causing it. This bloody face flickering issue is now really stressing me out I cant figure it out so, I give up since i doesn't do it with the main warmadian i wont bloody use the all in one plugin.
  13. no one has mentioned that mod to me yet.
  14. i know downloading right now. Edit so it would appear the newer Bijin Warmaidains 3.1 has issue with missing body textures (at least in my game). I might recommend stick with the older 3.0 loose versionb cos that does work. Ohh duh i am an idiot re-run ASIS Darth. nope it does appear version 3.1 of warmaidians has some sort of issue. OK found the issue it is not the bijin mods it the Bijin AIO - so until this is fixed i will hold off readding bijin to the guide
  15. well have i have had a quick look and it very simple and it works as intended so that is a very veriable option and i wil like drop it to the guide tonight once bijin is released (which is Live now)
  16. thanks i'll take a look.
  17. you should be able to use wearable lantern without any issue just make sure you select the patch from vividian enb
  18. hi guys just so you all know i have update the CR to use the latest version of ICAIO (nothing major just removed a few record cos they are included in the new verion). however if you are NOT updating don't use the new CR. records removed were Block 0 \ Sub-Block 9 \ 000133C6 <RiverwoodSleepingGiantInn> \ Persistent \ 00064110 Block 6 \ Sub-Block 0 \ 0001605E <WhiterunBanneredMare> \ Persistent \ 00092A30 0000003C <Tamriel> \ 00000D74 \ Persistent \ 0007F411 EDIT: CR updated again for v1.9 of The Ordinary Women.
  19. you all proberly already know this but i'll put here as well. Immersive Citizens was updated, unfortunately according to the author the update requires a new game. So don't update if you need to keep a playthrough.
  20. nope i've check both the bannered mare and the drunken huntsman no tub.
  21. in fact the only place to bath in the whole a whiterun is the the pool outside dragonsreach that doesn't sound to sanarity to me lol.
  22. so i have realised soemone needs to mod jorrvaskr. It needs a bath so you can clean yourself with bathing in skyrim.
  23. you could use something like Vigor Combat and Injuries (by the same author) to help balance WAA out. Edit been testing out WAA and Vigor Combat and Injuries and from what i can see they complent each other very nicely. since I am already considering vigor for inclusion it makes sense to check WAA out at the same time.
  24. she is. she has even kcked me off our main PC so she can play it and I am condemned to my old laptop
  25. oh dear the wife has started playing the Witcher 3 and she is loving it she said if we lived near Neo she would come give him a big sloppy kiss looks like i've got some competition.
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