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Everything posted by GamerPoets

  1. Cool = ) yeah, im about to get out there with my nieces shortly. Arlington house mod as of september 24th no longer needs an update file installed over it. I think the author merged it and made it one file. Better Booze: The folder give you 3 to 4 options each and you have to choose and rebuild the archive or drag them via open explorer animated fan : esp can be moved to optional as Mod Organizer activates the BSA on its own.
  2. The brotherhood of steel esm has 2 records that acn be removed with FO3Edit. I did so. Should I have? lol.. It is the only of the 5 dlc that "needed" any cleaning. PLaying an african character my left hand was white. Had to hid the left hand pip boy files from roberts make body and the hand was normal again
  3. cool = ) Im almost through the guide and those seemed to be the only things that I could find to mention. Thought I'd help. oh, and awesome guide man holy hell. Saving me so much time in being able to start my playthrough. My fallout playthrough will be your guide explicitly (other than i may add an enb of my choosing but Im not at the end of the guide yet so who knows lol) I'll be sure to refer people in each episodes description. EDIT: I just went back to Better high detail map. Didn't realize to download the optional file. When installed the map from the 3000 in there all worked out. Its wierd because the FOMOD for the main file for me asked me 3 times in the a row to install the same thing without explanation. Perhaps thats where I got lost? But dropping the optional file (archive open in separate window) into the explorer gave me the 660 line and changing to 650 worked great = ) question: How do you de-archive a fomod? (batteries plus small cell) Point me to where it says and i'll happily read up on it lol Animated Fan: M.O. flags the esp as a dummy file. Do you know if it is? Essentials Retex: instructions say get the main file and install though there are 3 main filres (which I'll install all?) Edit: volume 2 is what you specify will be changed in guide so I'll go with that = ) Skillbooks Retex: installed right but no fomod? Better Booze: Open archive and repackage my selection into a new data folder and rearchive it.
  4. Not sure if this is helpful but while following the guide I installed ENBoost. Haven't done any graphics additions yet, just everything mentioned under enboost and the wrapper version works perfectly fine with my AMD cards. Just installed everything up to where it says test the game out after installing all of gophers HUD stuff (and wanderers edition and so on).... everything appears to working just fine. Except when I try to move the position of the HUD, where it says click ok and then the hud elements will appear... they never appear and I have no options to move anything? EDIT: Omni's Hi res pip boy, if using a controller to play instead of the mouse = inside the mods data folder is a folder named "pc" you have to change it to "xbox" and then the textures work. May be very helpful to mention to some to add that. I need a controller to make videos smoother. Better High Detail Map: where the instructions say "Using" (as to tell you what to open the file with) there is not word following it to inform people how to open it. I used Notepad. Seems fine? Though where it says that the numbers should be 660 and switch them to 650... all of my numbers are 724 and not 660. And even when I change them nothing seems to happen. EDIT: Fallout 3 Redesigned archive is packaged wrong. The Esp's/esm's are outside of the data folder causing red exclamation points to appear instead of people. Adding the esps into the data folder and repacking the mod makes everything work for me.
  5. This mod is great as for what it does. But I mentioned on the mod page in the POSTS section that there are a lot of places where the bottom fence cross posts clip into the ground and in some case are not there. Thus, showing only one set of crossbars: the top set. In that respect, the fence becomes mostly useless. As I said on the page, its a great mod and a great idea, however, it nearly defeats the purpose of having fences at all. Small animals should (but wont) be able to sneak right through the fences and the larger ones that the fence would still potentially keep out should just topple over if they pushed against it (which, again, it wont). So while its definitely a great idea it make the fence lose its purpose.
  6. hahaha lol i thought I did...
  7. I hope I already didn't make one with this in it lol i have a feeling I may have... smh
  8. oh.... derp lol... thanks for that man... my eyes aren't the best... looked right over the grayed out stuff... that was easy... =)
  9. Hey everyone, A question that I've not needed to know until now. I've installed a new drive as now I'm working on 3. Is it possible, and how if so, do have the mod organizers download folder on a separate drive from mod organizer. Why? So I can download with manager to a folder on an HDD, that will load into MO on an SSD. And with the mods folder still on the ssd it will save space. I can simply download manually take out what I like from the mod and drop it into the mods folder. But is there a way to change the file path for the downloads folder to accomplish this?
  10. Posting again for the gentleman on my page = ) Thank you guys for helping him out. am not sure if Fallout redesigned HD is conflicting or not, Do not know weather or not to use this mod, as i can not solve the red triangle problem. I have just started at the top of this page: https://wiki.step-project.com/User:Kelmych/Fallout3#Merge_Plugins_xEdit_Script. Is this the fallout guide you was telling me about Kelmych, if so what an amazing job bro.... I noticed that These are listed in the installation order that would be used in Mod Organizer. Is this correct? Shall i just carry on modding and come back to Fallout Redesigned later and see if a mod missing is the cause or might you have a solution to fix it first.
  11. A person on my channel feed asked me to post this for him as he couldn't figure out how to start a new thread. If anyone has any feedback please ring = ) Fallout 3. At the beginning of the game where James your dad first talks to you there are huge red triangles with exclamation marks through them. I know what mod is causing this is fallout 3 redesigned, formally known as project beauty, because when i deactivate it the game runs without the problem. So I am Not sure what i am doing wrong. The mods i am using with fallout redesigned are FWE, MMM and MMM merged, EVE, DarNified UI F3, Updated unofficial patch, nmc's texture pack, Blackend and finally all the DLC's. My system is Intel i5-2500k 3.30GHz-3.60 GHz RAM 6.00 GB, 64-bit os. Windows 7 home premium service pack 1.
  12. Not esps. I meant I had 275 mods (some textures and stuff without esps) that i've combined into single mods. esp's I still only have like 200. Haven't needed to combine those yet.
  13. That would be fantastic. Thanks for all the response.
  14. Shall do = ) ... My main drive is an ssd for the OS and my secondary drive an hdd to work on. What I had initially was steam (skyrim as well with all the mods/mod organizer) on the SSD with the OS. Then all of my recording/editing software as well as the folders that the software records too on the HDD. I installed FO3 via STEAM, when asked if I'd like to install in a different location other than the C drive (SSD) I selected to install it on the D drive (HDD). As I wanted to be able to try and be a head of the game (new SSD on the way and I like to do the work on the HDD and transfer afterwards). I tried everything posted above and nothing worked. So I deleted it off the HDD. Then I installed FO3 on the SSD (C/main drive) and without having to do anything at all it worked right off the bat. Though now I'm going to have to wait until my new drive comes in next week to do any work on it as I don't want to keep it on the SDD with my OS and skyrim. What I will be doing (and I can tell you how it goes if you like) is... C: (250GB SSD) = OS + Recording/Editing Software D: (250GB SSD) = Steam + FO3 + Skyrim + mods + Mod Organizer (except the M.O. download folder) E: (4TB HDD) = M.O. download folder, Video Footage/Asset Folder and all work folders.
  15. Its weird. I re-installed the game on the main drive where the original steam folder and OS are... works perfectly. No problems.
  16. That makes sense. Didn't think of that... yup... both ssd. Just bought a new one for this game lol
  17. FO3 GOTY on steam, yes. The main steam installation is on C drive. Game is on D drive. Steam gave me the option to dowload the game to a new Steam Library location. Created the library on the D drive from steam itself. I then went back just now and installed GFWL on both drives. Tried every combination of enabling/disabling with the disabler and still the same error. Tried running FO3 with and without xlive. no good. Maybe I'm going to be forced to run the game on the main drive? But if i do i wont be able to run the game I don't think for space purposes. will try something.
  18. I got windows live installed (which was funny because windows live could not launch but did install right). I then ran the disabler. It worked. Says windows live is disabled. No DLC to move (I have GOTY edition?). Then I click the "exit" button on the disabler. Try to launch Fallout3.exe and now I get this error "Application load error 5:0000065434" =(
  19. Doesn't work. I get an error message saying that the game must not have run yet and can't locate the fallout.ini Which would be accurate because I can't get the game to open at all. So I moved the Live Disabler to the location of the fallout_default.ini to be make sure that wouldnt work... it didnt.... then i made a copy of the ini... renamed it simply fallout.ini .... still same message from the disabler "Cannot find your FALLOUT.INI! This usually means you haven't run Fallout 3 yet...please do so before running the disabler again." Which puts me back to the first issue of not being able to run the game. yeah, I couldn't find anything for this issue in there though...unless im just crazy and missed it (which could be the case)... i shall check again Also, all of my direct X stuff is up to date. I run skyrim just fine and had to update it to do so.
  20. What about Installation? I need to install FO3 on a drive seperate from my OS as I wont have the extra space on it to install the game without deleting too many things that I need on a daily basis. I try to launch the Fallout3.exe and I get this error "The ordinal 42 could not be located in the dynamic link library C:/Windows/SYSTEM32/xlive.dll." The game is intsalled in a new steam library on D: drive. and xlive? Sounds like an xbox thing of which I have nothing of on my PC.
  21. I'm going to have to try it out. I've yet to head anything bad about it anywhere lol.
  22. I appreciate that my friend. I use M.O., I've created a couple videos on it = ) I was thinking along those lines for testing it. Was hoping not to have to do too many hours of testing as my free time to do so is limited. Perhaps a few hours here and there over the next few weeks and see where it goes. Do you know if VioLens allows for more, different, kill moves in game? Say, my character doesn't chop an enemies head off or stick the sword through their ear everytime? Tired and wording it wrong I think. More variety than DoD I guess I'm trying to say? I've read the mod page but I much rather hear from someone using it.
  23. Feedback that the viewer who suggested it also said he had 100 mods installed and switched over without issues. I think I have something like 275( of which I've combined some) and close to 200 esp's . I'm really interested in trying it. Perhaps a few days on different save are in order. Thank you guys for the quick response.
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