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Everything posted by GamerPoets
Reinstall Mod Organizer without loosing files possible?
GamerPoets replied to Paludis's question in Mod Organizer Support
as doubleyou said, I had to do this because I accidently deleted an entire drive and had to replay 40 episodes in a lets play series lol, I copied and pasted everything (as I atleast backed up those folders ahead of time lol) and all worked out. Don't worry, I have palmed the face more than most lol -
Hello everyone, I've had a few suggestions to switch over from Dance of Death to VioLens within my Lets Play Video series. I use the entire 2.2.9 STEP mod list as well as real vision, climates of tamriel, skyre, and a few other mods. My concern : As far as I know Dance of Death which I have installed works just fine. With my massive mod list I have no crashes.... ever. Would switching over to VioLens potentially begin instability?
Yup Doubleyou... thats what I needed = ) Had to run skse by itself to figure out what was missing. darn you windows!!
High 5 Hishutup lol.... Just found that on google, did it,,, everything works! lol... windows 8 told me everything was up to date... apparently not.... thank you all!!! = )
Neither of those worked either. I ran SKSE from its loader outside of MO and I get the error about missing a d3dx9_43.dll going to try to find one and download it and see what happens.
I made sure that everything was up to date. enb 261, reinstalled real vision to be safe. This is my localini [PROXY]EnableProxyLibrary=trueInitProxyFunctions=trueProxyLibrary=d3d9_smaa.dll [GLOBAL]UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=falseUseDefferedRendering=trueIgnoreCreationKit=trueForceFakeVideocard=false [PERFORMANCE]SpeedHack=trueEnableOcclusionCulling=true [MULTIHEAD]ForceVideoAdapterIndex=falseVideoAdapterIndex=0 [MEMORY]ExpandSystemMemoryX64=trueReduceSystemMemoryUsage=trueDisableDriverMemoryManager=falseDisablePreloadToVRAM=falseEnableUnsafeMemoryHacks=falseReservedMemorySizeMb=256VideoMemorySizeMb=EnableCompression=trueAutodetectVideoMemorySize=true [WINDOW]ForceBorderless=trueForceBorderlessFullscreen=true [ENGINE]ForceAnisotropicFiltering=trueMaxAnisotropy=16ForceLodBias=falseLodBias=0.0AddDisplaySuperSamplingResolutions=falseEnableVSync=trueVSyncSkipNumFrames=0 [LIMITER]WaitBusyRenderer=falseEnableFPSLimit=falseFPSLimit=60.0 [iNPUT]//shiftKeyCombination=16//f12KeyUseEffect=123//homeKeyFPSLimit=36//num / 106 It still only works when I set the speedhack without graphic setting to true. I tried to start Skyrim through the regular launcher and through Mod Organizer. Same stuff. Only 3rd party program I have installed now is loot (deleted the rest and will reinstall later) Game works fine without the enb. Use Real vision "right out of the box" and didn't work. Didn't alter anything except to force windowed mode (and i tried it without windowed mode forced and didnt work either). Maybe a driver issue? Do you guys know how I would go about checking that?
So here is some weird news. It was set to false. didn't work. If I set it to true. it works. But then I get the "enboost" but no graphics
yeah, its in there.
Sorry if this has been answered already, Had to reinstall my system with a new HDD as a secondary drive. I have everything working. All the mods are running fine in game (same setup that I used before doing a fresh install of the OS and what not, same configuration) except... the game crashes when I load the game using enb (which I used forever before. I use real vision). If I remove the d3d9.dll file from the skyrim folder.... everything works fine but the enb doesn't load. If I put the file back into the skyrim folder. the game wont start and says "skyrim launcher has stopped working" and doesn't give any more information [*]
LOOT crashes when run through Mod Organizer
GamerPoets replied to Oreobacon's question in Mod Organizer Support
Make sure that you have installed LOOT manually. Meaning, ignore Mod Organizer completely, install LOOT and run it once without even opening M.O. ... Make sure Skyrim is chosen as a game that LOOT can organize. Close LOOT. Then open Mod Organizer. Now run the SORT button within M.O. ... That fixed it for me when I had that similar issue. The Appdata deletion could also be helpful but you said you have done that already. Hope my suggestion helps. -
skyrim Better Dwemer Spider Textures (by Naitrii)
GamerPoets replied to egocarib's topic in Skyrim LE Mods
Appreciate that = ) Here's the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSyv422yAXU&feature=youtu.be -
skyrim Better Dwemer Spider Textures (by Naitrii)
GamerPoets replied to egocarib's topic in Skyrim LE Mods
fits good... im doing a small mod review of it on my channel, should be up in video in about an hour -
SKYRIMLE Spicy Skyforge (by AnTiWoMaAgNoT)
GamerPoets replied to DoubleYou's topic in Skyrim LE Mods
Some of these statues, as I've had ample time to look at all of them while doing some videos on them, really are only slight differences, but, the ones that are slight in difference usually have a second version, such as the green stone for Mehrunes. Some people even got annoyed that I did so many statue showcases lol, truth is, these are some of the better mods being created recently. The Vaermina statue and the Mara statue are absolutely amazing. The skyforge one also changed more than just the pieces of the statue, it changes the texture on the forge (atleast the engravings below the statue) and enhances them greatly. The author is now working on a pack to put all of the statues in one. I'd recommend using the all in one when it is done and just picking and choosing at that point. -
Gopher switching to MO
GamerPoets replied to TechAngel85's topic in General Skyrim LE Discussion & Support
I think its great. So get over to gopher an encourage him to mention the STEP Mod Organizer tutorials for a thorough, STEP by STEP how to use absolutely everything within it option for people = ) lol.... Thanks -
Free (or Cheap) Games & Giveaways
GamerPoets replied to EssArrBee's topic in General Game Discussion
You guys are awesome for posting these for people. I wish I new when the New Vegas game was that cheap =( -
Can't solve it for you but I can help eliminate issues. I've used Realistic lighting Overhaul with Realistic Water Two and never had any issues. So that shouldn't be the case. I've heard that certain ENB's can have bad effects with it. If you use an ENB i believe there is an option to install the ENB files that come with Realistic Water Two in the installer. If you aren't using an ENB... I'm not too sure. Just seen the post and wanted to help atleast a little.
I love STEP. You guys have help both my channel and myself out tremendously. Thank you all.
Book Covers Skyrim - Lost Library
GamerPoets replied to DanielCoffey's topic in General Skyrim LE Discussion & Support
Always love your books my friend. Happy to have this coming down the pipeline. Will allow me to extend my book reading video series as well. If there is anything I can do to team up or help out let me know. -
I loved Red Dead... was on top of the leaderboards for like 4 months on PS3 handle = IAmMarston ... people hated me lol
Just messaged Tanning on Nexus myself. I know he's been busy. I asked if he would mind, even if its negative, to let you guys know how he feels about the videos. I'm going to leave a note on the 3rd video informing people to learn how to use the manager button in episode 5 if they prefer. I actually created episode 3 before ever speaking with Tannin. Tannin is the one who showed me pretty much everything in episode 5, which is when I changed the series from trying to just showcase Mod Organizer and what I personally knew into an entire tutorial series.