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Everything posted by TehKaoZ

  1. I went through the process of uninstalling everything I had to test if it would remove the problem yes. Like you said, I assume it had something to do with one of those issues but for whatever reason the problem persists. Normally I use: FNIS Realistic Ragdolls xp32 Maximum Skeleton Immersive Animations Mystic Knights (Magic animations only) 360 Walk Run Plus Chesko's Arrow/Quiver Draw Animations Some random Animations such as: Faster Get Up, Breathing Idles, YYAnim Natural Jump. Dual Sheath Redux RaceMenu + Overlays Plugin Body Replacer's: XCE for Females Better Males non-nude for Males later today when I have time I may try to link a screenshot(s) Thanks for replies!
  2. Unfortunately, no change. Went back into first person, equipped helmet went back into 3rd and hes in constipation stance again. For now I have to change into 3rd person every-time I want to un/equip something to prevent it from happening, since he maintains the correct posture as long as I do it in 3rd person and not 1st. Just a really weird problem, even if it's not game breaking.
  3. After exhausting all of my troubleshooting abilities I finally have caved in and decided to seek a second, third, and possibly fourth opinion (but not fifth! just kidding). I am experiencing this issue when I equip armors/weapons/ect. while I am in first person, when I go to 3rd person my arms are much too close to my body than they should be, like they are sticking straight down. The character still animates mind you, he walks, draws weapons ect, just his arms are off. This effect is immedietly reversed when I equip items in 3rd person, his arms just "pop" back into normal position. As long as I stay in 3rd person his arms will always stay in the correct position but as soon as I go to first person and change worn items BOOM, arms messed up again. At first I thought, okay, maybe this a skeleton/animation/body replacer bug. I have tried uninstalling xp32's Skeleton, I have made sure FNIS was always run after uninstalling or reinstalling animations or skeletons. I have uninstalled my various animation mods, I have uninstalled my custom body re-placer's (I use two separate re-placer's for each gender but the bug effects both genders). frankly, I'm at a loss as to where to look at this point. Sure it's not a game breaking bug, but I would like to avoid the "I have to take a poo" stance every-time I change equipment in first person. Any help is most welcome, Thanks!
  4. Now I want wanted posters outside cities... =P
  5. Thanks for Recommending Rootsrat! Love these tracks, Kudos!
  6. Kinda reminds me of that "sexy cities" series, everything looks sorta cartoonish to me. Looked at user images as well but not to my taste. Still it's good for people to have variety.
  7. I tried this and it's pretty awesome. Sometimes the hair can move a little too much but first world problems and all. I think this is meant more than anything as a starting point to something more expansive in the future. If xp32 doesn't expand it I'm sure other modders may take notice (we can only hope).
  8. haven't done any long tests with it, but the only crash I had was in RaceMenu, which I think the update fixed.
  9. I think one of the unfortunate side effects of release something like this is that when people CTD, guess who's thread they are going to report it on? I think most of the Nexus users comments have to be taken with a grain of salt. I shall wait until someone who undoubtedly knows what their talking about reports an issue =p
  10. Apollodown doesn't like AOS, if you search the AOS thread you can see his "review" of the mod. That's likely why he won't support any compatibility for it. In addition, in the recent past, some people were overreacting to the mods compatibilities because they didn't understand that when you edit sound, you will inevitably edit other aspects of the game in the same way non-sound overhauls edit sounds by proxy. They had no fundamental understanding of how modding and compatibility work so they acted like LK was maliciously touching records un-related to sound. If actual evidence is provided of these supposed "odd incompatibilities" then sure, but so far I haven't seen anything but speculation.
  11. Unfortunately This is the nature of sound overhaul mods, no way around it. michaelrw has been kind enough to provide the tedious service of providing patches to the various mods that need it upon request. Still, the actual amount of conflicts caused by AOS are usually minor and don't really "need" to be patched since most of the things being overwritten are not noticeable. I actually think I'm running more patches for stuff like CoT than AOS. In addition, while I don't have the entirety of Core STEP installed, I don't think it conflicts much anything on that list (short of the sound mods). Most of these types of mods get abandon or removed because of how hard it is to do a mod like this.
  12. Been a while but General Store Vendors I think, maybe the Khajiit Caravan.
  13. @ mothergoose729 there is a splash sound for jumping in and out of water however, I noticed when jumping into water the sound doesn't play frequently and more times than not I just hear a standard landing noise, so maybe it is a bug idono. Enhanced Blood was patched because it was overriding the arrow impact sound, so it sounded like a dull thud no matter what you shoot, it was a minor conflict.
  14. After optimizing the vanilla textures through the guide, I have been slowly installing mod textures and trying my best to determine how much performance I was losing each time I added something new. I added in all the mods previously stated above and my average fps went down roughly by 6. While that's not too bad the thing that really hit is when I'm in a location with npc's and moving around I can fly down to 9-18 fps for a second or two causing a lot of stuttering. So I'm trying to figure out if there is something I could do to eliminate that, short of going back to vanilla. Maybe it's not the skin textures then? maybe it's the hair, or eyes (although eyes are so tiny)?
  15. Hello, I'm looking into trying to maximize performance on my game and recently I figured out I am getting a pretty significant frame drop off of face,body,hair, ect, replacers. unfortunately, while I was able to use the DDSopt guide to do the vanilla textures, every time I run a body, face or anything to do with models through it I mess it up and end up with some pretty strange looking people. Please keep in mind I'm an idiot with this stuff and only managed to get through the DDSopt guide because of how well written it was. What little I was able to dig up on the topic I think I'm suppose to avoid running msn.dds files through right? As for the other types of files I'm not really sure what constraints to use for them. specifically I have Xenius Character Enhancement, Superior Lore Friendly Hair, a few eye replacers as well as some textures for the beast races (Forgotten Argonian Roots & Cover Khajiit). I downloaded all 1k versions but still get enough of a performance hit with my system. On the DDsopt guide several of the face/body textures I'm using have a "yes" in the first or second column indicating they could benefit. Any guidance or advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
  16. From what I found, was just a simple cell and world space edit. Easily fixable, I assume that's what DoubleYou found as well
  17. Isoki posted a link on his page for people to test his parallax textures for the new enb effects just released for water. Spreading the word ^.^
  18. Idono about that. I mean you can see the time inside the wait menu and inside your map (which if you aren't using a paper map, looks like your viewing it from a satellite). The compass on your screen isn't actually an inventory item either, I think it makes sense for it to be on the HUD. ooh and after testing it's completely compatible with IHUD from what I can tell, neat ^.^
  19. Are there any issues with this since the new SFO update? (SFO version of course)
  20. https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/37347/? Apologies if someone posted this before but I could not find a post on it so figured why not. Been using this for a bit, seems like a simple enough mod, allows you to customize your camera in game. Might be handy since you can see the changes in real time as opposed to fiddling with the ini, I found it particularly useful since certain body types and genders take up the camera view in third person differently. not recommending it for anything in particular, just figured I'd post and see what people think ^.^
  21. Sometimes it's just fun to promote a good mod, not everything has to be in STEP ;)
  22. I've been tracking development of this mod for a bit on the forums, and while I won't get a chance to test it out for a while I'm excited to see a mod do something about shouts. Author is well established and his work is always outstanding. default shouting in the vanilla game is relatively useless with the exception of a few shouts with the only real recourse being to swap to magic if you want any of that supernatural power, This mod doesn't just add shouts but fixes existing ones and tries to do so in the most lore friendly way possible. Now I can feel like a dragonborn.
  23. Due to uproar about blocking 3rd party programs hes released .211 which unblocks the programs and just gives you a WARNING message if you use one with enb. I think he was just tired of getting bug reports about programs that ran alongside enb and wanted to eliminate such bug reports.
  24. Yeah, don't touch .210, all he did was block the use of other programs with his enb.
  25. I'm running .207 and it seems to run pretty well. I haven't done extensive testing but it's pretty damn smooth so far with no crashes. I didn't download .208 at all since from my understanding Boris did go backwards to .201 code, which i remember not working well on my system.
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