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Dovahkiin Reborn

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Thanks everyone, appreciate it. We also got matching tattoos of a bottle of poison, only swedes will get that :)


Back to business:

Using ordinator with TTRSO is asking for trouble. It is oc possible to make a patch to make certain skills from TTRSO overwrite Ordinator and make it compatible with the rest but it would probably unbalance both mods. I don't see how you could effectively merge them and get a good result. SSR and Ordinator might be possible but Ordinator does overhaul both the stealth skills and the game settings that are related to sneaking/pickpocketing/lockpicking, just like SSR does. To make a patch would be to make SSR overwrite Ordinator and patch the few conflicts that remains. I'm not up for it though, I have too little time and I don't think SSR+Ordinator is a good match since you'll have 3 skill trees that are totally different from the rest.



  On 2/3/2016 at 10:37 PM, FlyingFox said:


First of all, this looks like a great pack. I just installed it along with some others with your modular patches and can't wait to get started.


A few remarks and questions though:

  1.  There is a WAFR/CCOR Patch available for ordinator (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70055/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D70055&pUp=1); shouldn't this be installed as well? I checked the changes it makes in TES5Edit and they seems appropriate.
  2. Why shouldn't the wyrmstooth patch for thunderchild be installed?
  3. You only mention the EBQO patch for alternate start, but what about a patch for farmhouse chimneys?


1. I have looked at this patch before but it has changed and I'll add it to the pack. It will overwrite a change from MLU that restricts dragon armor from being created anywhere else than at the Skyforge. I'm going to let it since it is not a big thing imo.

2. Already answered.

3. Use that patch too, I'll add a note about it. It is not a very big thing, it just adds chimney to the alternate start house(s). It is oc a big thing if you are really into immersive chimneys :)  (known as the STEP syndrome... )

  On 2/9/2016 at 8:12 AM, dreadflopp said:

Thanks everyone, appreciate it. We also got matching tattoos of a bottle of poison, only swedes will get that :)


Back to business:

Using ordinator with TTRSO is asking for trouble. It is oc possible to make a patch to make certain skills from TTRSO overwrite Ordinator and make it compatible with the rest but it would probably unbalance both mods. I don't see how you could effectively merge them and get a good result. SSR and Ordinator might be possible but Ordinator does overhaul both the stealth skills and the game settings that are related to sneaking/pickpocketing/lockpicking, just like SSR does. To make a patch would be to make SSR overwrite Ordinator and patch the few conflicts that remains. I'm not up for it though, I have too little time and I don't think SSR+Ordinator is a good match since you'll have 3 skill trees that are totally different from the rest.



1. I have looked at this patch before but it has changed and I'll add it to the pack. It will overwrite a change from MLU that restricts dragon armor from being created anywhere else than at the Skyforge. I'm going to let it since it is not a big thing imo.

2. Already answered.

3. Use that patch too, I'll add a note about it. It is not a very big thing, it just adds chimney to the alternate start house(s). It is oc a big thing if you are really into immersive chimneys :)  (known as the STEP syndrome... )

1. It also removes the need for the ebony smithing perk for crafting dragon stuff. I actually put the ordinator-CCOR Patch before MLU and forwarded only the elven and advanced smithing perks from the patch to a new MLU-Ordinator-CCOR patch. That seems to do the job.

3. I agree it's not a big thing. In fact, I have now disabled farm house chimneys. All it does is add extra plugins and conflicts for something I wouldn't even notice.


Something else I noticed is an issue with realistic water and AOS. You recommend a priority value for realistic water two, which places the plugin later in my load order. Howaver, since AOS is always placed after RWT, it is pushed further down as well, after some other sound mods from the STEP list (IHSS, improved combat sounds, immersive thunder). I believe these should be overwriting AOS, so you might want to add a loot rule for them as well.

  On 2/9/2016 at 2:39 PM, FlyingFox said:

1. It also removes the need for the ebony smithing perk for crafting dragon stuff. I actually put the ordinator-CCOR Patch before MLU and forwarded only the elven and advanced smithing perks from the patch to a new MLU-Ordinator-CCOR patch. That seems to do the job.

3. I agree it's not a big thing. In fact, I have now disabled farm house chimneys. All it does is add extra plugins and conflicts for something I wouldn't even notice.


Something else I noticed is an issue with realistic water and AOS. You recommend a priority value for realistic water two, which places the plugin later in my load order. Howaver, since AOS is always placed after RWT, it is pushed further down as well, after some other sound mods from the STEP list (IHSS, improved combat sounds, immersive thunder). I believe these should be overwriting AOS, so you might want to add a loot rule for them as well.

1. That's true, the whole Constructible objects section of the patch should be removed imo. I'll make patches that reverts the changes to that category.


Tue, randomthunder.esp should go after AOS.esp. IHSS/AOS/Improved combat sounds are patched by the STEP patch where they overlaps and are therefore load order independent.

  On 2/9/2016 at 3:32 PM, dreadflopp said:

1. That's true, the whole Constructible objects section of the patch should be removed imo. I'll make patches that reverts the changes to that category.


Tue, randomthunder.esp should go after AOS.esp. IHSS/AOS/Improved combat sounds are patched by the STEP patch where they overlaps and are therefore load order independent.

You are correct again, of course. I can see why I made the mistake though.


On your modular patches page, you make a recommendation for removing enhanced blood textures from STEP Extended. This involves removing some records from the STEP Patch that also include the ICS/AOS patches. When I examined AOS later on in TES5Edit, I had already forgotten this and things seemed incorrect. But in fact, things work out just as STEP (and you) intended.


Question about WM flora fixes. Your guide says the following:




 This mod is needed by Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul. Choose Normal Juniper in the SMIM patch installer. After installation, delete the plugin WM Flora Fixes.esp

The SMIM patch has no installer. 

Why should I delete the flora fixes plugin, considering it is needed for CACO?

  On 2/17/2016 at 8:37 PM, FlyingFox said:

Question about WM flora fixes. Your guide says the following:

The SMIM patch has no installer. 

Why should I delete the flora fixes plugin, considering it is needed for CACO?

These instructions were old, I deleted them. Install the main file + the patch, don't delete anything.


hey dreadflopp i just want to check with you since you have been using both imperious races and disparity for a while. Am right in saying that the Racial Abilities Use Modified Abilities from disparity need to DISABLED In the MCM?

  On 2/23/2016 at 5:16 PM, Darth_mathias said:

hey dreadflopp i just want to check with you since you have been using both imperious races and disparity for a while. Am right in saying that the Racial Abilities Use Modified Abilities from disparity need to DISABLED In the MCM?

Use the patch from imperious nexus page and leave the modified abilities setting alone at its default setting. The switch shouldn't be touched at all of I understand Enai correctly. I don't remember its default state though.
Posted (edited)
  On 2/23/2016 at 5:16 PM, Darth_mathias said:

hey dreadflopp i just want to check with you since you have been using both imperious races and disparity for a while. Am right in saying that the Racial Abilities Use Modified Abilities from disparity need to DISABLED In the MCM?

Ensai says not to toggle it.  Not too long ago someone asked him for clarification if this meant to leave it on and I'm sure he said "yes".  I can't find the post on the Imperious site though.  It's on by default though in Disparity, so "do no toggle" should mean to leave it active.

Edited by cstarkey42
  On 2/23/2016 at 5:45 PM, cstarkey42 said:

Ensai says not to toggle it.  Not too long ago someone asked him for clarification if this meant to leave it on and I'm sure he said "yes".  I can't find the post on the Imperious site though.  It's on by default though in Disparity, so "do no toggle" should mean to leave it active.

cool that then i am wrong of my own guide i will change it now


Forgive me if you have covered this before - I couldn't find anything with the search function.


Your instructions for installing CACO instruct users to


  • Deactivate the Dangerous diseases plugin from iNeed, if you use that


The next mod "Extra CACO Compatibility Patches" contains a patch for iNeed - with or without Moonlight Tales. According to the download patch, both require iNeed to be installed with Dangerous Diseases.


Has this been taken care of with your patches, and it is safe not to install dangerous diseases? What is the reasoning behind the instruction not to install it alongside CACO?


Thanks for anything you can share on the matter - I'm trying to make an informed decision on whether to include the dangerous diseases ESP with CACO.    

  On 2/27/2016 at 7:29 PM, shaunlewis said:

Forgive me if you have covered this before - I couldn't find anything with the search function.


Your instructions for installing CACO instruct users to


  • Deactivate the Dangerous diseases plugin from iNeed, if you use that


The next mod "Extra CACO Compatibility Patches" contains a patch for iNeed - with or without Moonlight Tales. According to the download patch, both require iNeed to be installed with Dangerous Diseases.


Has this been taken care of with your patches, and it is safe not to install dangerous diseases? What is the reasoning behind the instruction not to install it alongside CACO?


Thanks for anything you can share on the matter - I'm trying to make an informed decision on whether to include the dangerous diseases ESP with CACO.    

When CACO was released it wasn't fully compatible with dangerous diseases, hence this instruction. I have removed it, you can use dangerous diseases if you wan't. I use it myself. Thanks for noticing and making me aware of the incorrect instructions.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi dreadflopp! I apologize for my English, I am not native speaker ...I finally resolved the issue of patches in another post, I had to do was control the ESP and saw that contained patches like the others. So consequently I only used what I needed. Skyrim with yours packs became really gorgeous! Thank you again for all you've done! I only noticed one thing that I would recommend. Since because i use this package (Dovahkin Reborn) ...In Spectraverse, the kajhit that does begin the Mission reaches out to me as "Dragonborn". Because i play a "Non-Dovah" playthroughs, gave me a little annoyance...Since there is a patch on the mod page to start the mission after "Dragon Rising" quest, I was wondering would it not be better to install it? Is there any particular reason why don't you add to the list? Maybe incompatibilities or similar? Thanks.

  On 3/12/2016 at 7:36 PM, Bivo said:

Hi dreadflopp! I apologize for my English, I am not native speaker ...I finally resolved the issue of patches in another post, I had to do was control the ESP and saw that contained patches like the others. So consequently I only used what I needed. Skyrim with yours packs became really gorgeous! Thank you again for all you've done! I only noticed one thing that I would recommend. Since because i use this package (Dovahkin Reborn) ...In Spectraverse, the kajhit that does begin the Mission reaches out to me as "Dragonborn". Because i play a "Non-Dovah" playthroughs, gave me a little annoyance...Since there is a patch on the mod page to start the mission after "Dragon Rising" quest, I was wondering would it not be better to install it? Is there any particular reason why don't you add to the list? Maybe incompatibilities or similar? Thanks.

Thanks for your kind words. I didn't know about the optional plugin actually. I'll check it for conflicts tomorrow and add it to the guide. I agree that it is better if the questline starts after the Dragon Rising quest. Thanks for letting me know of it.

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