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Perkus Maximus (PerMa - PaMa) Pack

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Perkus Maximus (PerMa -PaMa) Pack

I'm currently working on organizing my current notes for running Perkus Maximus on a large mod list. Read Skyrim Revisited - Legendary Edition + REGS + Perkus Maximus with some of my other favorite goodies sprinkled in. I'm using WB 306 Beta and am not seeing any issues (after sorting out a problem I was having with the perk tree names). It might take me a while since writing HTML with inline CSS is not one of my favorite things to do. I will be updating as I find things or more patches are made for the patcher and bugfixes are made. Oh. Also I use LOOT for sorting so I'll probably be including any necessary LOOT instructions though I doubt they're even needed.


Some notable things are I'm not using ASIS from SR:LE or any of the Gameplay Affecting Quests Mods from REGS.

Posted (edited)

Looking forward to the note/ guide.


I am running SRLE + REGS + PerMa with no obvious problem, although my play testing time is limited. I plan to add some mods from MMO as well.

Edited by darkside

This sounds like it might be really useful, I'm planning on playing my next skyrim game with SR:LE and REGS and if I can add PerMa on top, even better :D


Sort of. There is a pack page linked in the OP, but there's not really anything on it apart from the main module instructions for PerMa and what's required so far. It's taking longer than I'd hoped to get the Mod Pages looking good. I have to make threads for, and create mod pages for each of the mods.


Great pack idea Phazer, I expected someone to inevitably take this up :)


Btw why not use the ToC format instead of tables? I can tell from experience, it can save you a lot of time as you won't need to make new mod pages etc. Plus, some of the other step wiki pages are currently being converted to ToC as well. It's also easier to navigate a ToC page and to add more detailed information (something which you'll probably need to do with Perma/Pama + SRLE/REGS.


Well that was the original idea. However since the CSS extension will be going away... soon; for now I will do it this way since I don't like cluttering up my code with inline CSS (which will be the only way moving forward). I need to create the mod pages anyway. You're supposed to. I have the pages in pure HTML in a document right now. I'll see. You have a link to the CSS for your guides?


Feel free to make me a template or something along the lines of what I have that I can fill in. I basically have a ToC just with the instructions on the mod pages in the wiki.


Could you strip out the contents of the REGS guide and just leave me a few blank mod spots (i.e. the code for the field like version: etc.) in one of the mods sections so I can view it without having to slog through please? I'm doing something like that with my pure HTML document but it's tedious.


Check out fs and fc templates. They are inline CSS but simplified. If you have something specific then I can whip something up but you'll have to provide an example.

REGS doesn't use the pack system mod tables.


Well I was going to stylize it a bit but it probably would be best to use something similar to REGS. I'll pick about the CSS and take the pieces I want.


The way regs is set up, it doesn't use the mod tables but rather it uses free text (whatever you want to call it). If you are not using the mod tables then that partially defeats the purpose of the pack system.

EDIT: Also, I think the point of removing the CSS extention in the future was to keep people from drifting away from the step colors.


I got perma setup with my SR:LE install, i cannot make assorted buckles at the forge. Any patch for that? Also, only some items show a [type], not sure if that is correct or not.

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