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ahh, aspens are 'runners' then ... I did not know that. More fun facts:

Other runners include:


many plants (e.g., strawberry), some fungi (the largest organism in the world is a fungi), many species of Cnidaria ... and the alien lifeform from the first segment of Creepshow :P


All that said, I agree that we need more saplings in Skyrim, preferably in clearings and areas where there could be intermittent disturbance.


The minute physics guys now do minute earth and made a wonderful video about the largest organisms on Earth.



Back on topic: I was always bothered by the size of plants and animals and people in skyrim. They were only one size, or people were only two sizes, so at least some mods address this like SkyTest. Vurt also addresses this with all the added vegetation (and dead trees as well) in the diversity plugin, but some smaller plants would probably put it over the top. Wonder if some massive trees would seem out of place in Skyrim, like the stuff in Northern California. Beth will probably save that type of vegetation if they do the home of the Bosmer and make tree cities.


Also, vurt the screens you've been posting reminded me of the trees I see in NM when I go up there to areas like Ruidoso. The bark of those trees is a bit more warm brown though. Unless during times of heavy drought, the bark stays quite brown without that greyish look. Maybe it's the lack of pollution and >7000 ft elevation, or all the radiation that penetrated the soil of New Mexico from all the bomb tests. :p


You'd probably know more than me.


Any chance of baby trees? Would be nice to some smaller stuff, especially in the aspen trees. They are pretty much all the same size.


Fun fact: aspens are actually one plant that grow out of the roots of other aspens. They are some of the largest life forms on the planet.

That's interesting, i didn't know that. I'm probably not adding more tree types because of how troublesome and buggy it is to generate tree LOD's. I would absolutely love to though, it's one of the more interesting aspects of doing flora mods and what i actually like best with doing my mods, it saddens me that it's so problematic and buggy.. it's one of the reasons why i love modding Morrowind, even to this date - no F***ING LOD's!!! :D



EssArrBee Wrote

The minute physics guys now do minute earth and made a wonderful video about the largest organisms on Earth.


Awesome video/channel :)


About fungi, yeah shrooms is a really interesting species / organism. I used to grow the psychedelic kind (cubensis) when i was younger, really cool how they can grow in complete darkness for example (not to speak of the experience of eating them, lol). Would be fun to add some as "grass", though the grass generator seems to freak out rather easily when not handling very low poly models built with just 2D planes (that's why the bushes sometimes bugs out in my mod).


Yeah I think the db files are still not part of the main mod. You should grab the file and just see if it overwrites.


Here we grow San Pedro cactus for powdered mescaline. Takes like five years to grow them big enough, but if grow a new one every six months then it works out pretty good. I find it funny that you could order the spores right out of high times for shrooms. Maybe I'll move co where all that stuff we legal soon.


So. I love this mod. I'm a girl, I like looking at flowers. My setup without it handles 1K outdoor texture packs just fine (I use mainly Skyrim Realistic Overhaul), 50+ FPS, rare hitching when spinning the camera but it's just that, rare. Unfortunately, with this mod active I get a ton of hitching, to the point I completely freeze up for several seconds when moving camera. Also unfortunately, I use the SkyRe with the AI addon, and wolves do things like circle you so spinning the camera is required and freezing gets me insta-killed.


I'm not ready to give up on it yet, though. I'm looking for ways to improve performance at some quality loss. I'm going to try to DDSopt this beetch, even though STEP doesn't recommend that. First normals, but I suspect I'm going to have to lower texture sizes, period. Is there a point beyond which I might as well not bother?


The other question I have is the "maxgrasstypespertexure" tweak. (I probably misspelled that here, whatever, you know the one I mean :P ). If I DON'T set this to 7, will I have fewer grass tufts to load and maybe gain some improvement there?


Any suggestions would be appreciated. :)


First try to reduce the density (increase the value) via the iMinGrassSize parameter in the skyrim.ini under GRASS. This can provide really huge boosts to FPS.


@Noobsayer: if you don't use it you won't see all grasses, it might look odd too since its not made to look that way.



I decided to scrap the previous trees, they just looked too "nice". The new ones have more dead branches and stuff


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What's your opinion about tree sizes? i could probably make them taller (would need to generate new LOD's). Bigger trees could obviously cause clipping and incompability problems. Not sure how much of an issue it would be though (anyone here use that mod, "Bigger Trees" i think its called? Any issues with it?)


I always thought the size of the trees was good enough. The relative height is decent compared to other objects most of the time. It is a bit odd to see giant tree trunks but no super sized trees of the same size anywhere though. I did try bigger trees, but they where just too large imo... it just looked weird in the distance when you could really see the tree/mountain size clearly in the LOD.


I guess in the more massive forested areas it would not hurt to have some taller trees inside the deepest parts, would probably add to the feeling that it is a forest that have been around for a while.


That said then I like the look of the new ones... quite nice to have a few old branches in the mix.


I think i will go for the default sizes so that it will be more compatible with mods. Another thing i don't like when they're too big is that you will see much less of the environment.. "can't see the forest because of all the trees"..

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