So, I'm running into a bit of a bug, but have no idea what is causing it: whenever my character leans down to use the Arcane Enchanter, her hands clip through the top of the table so that her hands are "submerged" in the table. Any idea what might be causing this?
Would this be something with my skeleton (XPMS) or something with the meshes of the table? I'm running STEP Extended + lots of clothing mods + some movement animation mods, but nothing that should affect the way my character bends down over the table...
Any advice would be very helpful!
Update: Would this possibly have anything to do with using the Gender-Specific option in the FNIS patcher? Since I use a number of animation mods, I tend to use the gender-specific option due to the fact that males using female-centric animations tended to break the immersion. Could it be grabbing the male enchanting animation and forcing my character to bend down as much as a taller male would need to? If so, how would I go about fixing that? Is there an .hkx anim file for the enchanting lean-down?
Here's a pair of pictures showing the issue.
Edit: Brightened the pictures so it's a bit easier to see.
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