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Guide to run SRLE + REGS + ENB on Medium Systems

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I have a 3GB video card and SRLE+REGS is just murdering my memory in cities.  Everything seems fine, even when I hit the VRAM cap its not really an issue, but there seems to also be a RAM cap of about 4.5 GB, when I hit that at the same time everything just dies and there are long pauses between each frame, the above log includes using the tweaks in this guide, so Its not a CPU/GPU problem, its simply running out of memory.  I'm going to follow the guide you have here, but I think I'll keep all the ENB settings, and just install the reduced textures for fogs and water, but follow the rest.


I finished following the guide and wow, what a huge difference that makes.  I really can't notice a drop in the way the game looks.  Now just have to figure out a couple bugs.


I went to whiterun and there were no guards to let me in the front gate.  Using TES5Edit to check all the mods for errors, I find quite a few.  How do you go about resolving these?  I did some googling and did not find anything specific, how exactly does an Error: Could not be resolved occur?

[01:20] Checking for Errors in [71] MoonAndStar_MAS.esp
[01:21] [INFO:7100C054] ('No, but the way Bal talked about him, I figured he was important. Whatever your business was with him, I'm glad it ended peacefully. He seemed nice.' in GRUP Topic Children of MASSelyseDialogNerevarineAliveTopic "I found the man I was looking for. Did you know who he was?" [DIAL:7100C031])
[01:21]     INFO \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Info VMAD \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0202CD4A] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[01:21] [REFR:71011E88] (places MASPowerCore [STAT:71011E81] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of KagrenarDepths "Kagrenar Depths" [CELL:7100C663])
[01:21]     REFR \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [02039A42] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[01:21] [REFR:71011E84] (places MASPowerCore [STAT:71011E81] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of KagrenarDepths "Kagrenar Depths" [CELL:7100C663])
[01:21]     REFR \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [02039A43] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[01:21] [REFR:71011E82] (places MASPowerCore [STAT:71011E81] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of KagrenarDepths "Kagrenar Depths" [CELL:7100C663])
[01:21]     REFR \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [02039A41] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:31] Checking for Errors in [82] Hebrock_Der Schatten von Meresis - EV.esp
[01:31] [INFO:82014BF1] ('Hmmm, fine, I have two more. Here, take them.' in GRUP Topic Children of AHebQuest01_Dialog04_Topic02BTopic "I'll take one, here's 100 gold." [DIAL:82014BF0])
[01:31]     INFO \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Info VMAD \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0201515C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[01:33] AHebSecretCandle "Loose Candle" [ACTI:8205B03D]
[01:33]     ACTI \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0205B040] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:44] Checking for Errors in [AB] imp_helm_legend.esp
[01:44] DwarvenHelmetOrc [ARMA:AB0096A3]
[01:44]     ARMA \ DNAM - Data \ Weight slider - Female -> <Unknown: 2>
[01:44] DwarvenHelmet [ARMA:0003F7FF]
[01:44]     ARMA \ DNAM - Data \ Weight slider - Female -> <Unknown: 2>
[01:44]     ARMA \ DNAM - Data \ Weight slider - Male -> <Unknown: 2>

[01:44] Checking for Errors in [AF] quest_nomercy.esp
[01:44] tos_VigilantPlinth "pedastal" [ACTI:AF007023]
[01:44]     ACTI \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [02007024] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:45] Checking for Errors in [B3] quest_seaofghosts.esp
[01:45] [INFO:B3012C65] ('They met the fates that they deserved. Thank You.' in GRUP Topic Children of tos_SellusRewardBranchTheSeaOfGhostsQSTTopic "The men who betrayed you are dead." [DIAL:B3012C64])
[01:45]     INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA -  \ Parameter #2 -> <Warning: Quest Stage not found in "tos_TheSeaOfGhostsQST "Ghosts and Keys" [QUST:B301214B]">
[01:45] [INFO:B3012C65] ('They met the fates that they deserved. Thank You.' in GRUP Topic Children of tos_SellusRewardBranchTheSeaOfGhostsQSTTopic "The men who betrayed you are dead." [DIAL:B3012C64])
[01:45]     INFO \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Info VMAD \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [02010B19] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:47] Checking for Errors in [B8] Chesko_Frostfall.esp
[01:48] _DE_CampVis_CampChair [ACTI:B802EE1E]
[01:48]     ACTI \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0201111B] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:50] Checking for Errors in [C1] quest_pitfighter.esp
[01:50] [INFO:C1012026] ('Please remember, my life is in danger while he lives.' in GRUP Topic Children of tos_ArenaBaseDialogueRedQuest05 "I can't help right now." [DIAL:C1012025])
[01:50]     INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA -  \ Parameter #1 -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST

[01:52] Checking for Errors in [D0] MzarkWonders.esp
[01:53] [REFR:D005D3A0] (places _LW_Projector "Projector" [ACTI:D0080A9E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of __Mzarnumez2 "Mzarnumez Light Labs" [CELL:D000F45D])
[01:53]     REFR \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [030D2AD8] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[01:53] [REFR:D002116F] (places MPSFireWallSparks [ADDN:0001C2B1] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of __Mzarnumez1 "Mzarnumez Foundry" [CELL:D000F451])

[01:54] Checking for Errors in [D5] Brevi_MoonlightTales.esp
[01:55] MT_DLC2LCharBanditBoss [LVLN:D5112098]
[01:55]     LVLN \ Leveled List Entries \ Leveled List Entry \ LVLO - Base Data \ Reference -> Found a NULL reference, expected: LVLN,NPC_
[01:55] MT_DLC2LCharBanditMagic [LVLN:D5112097]
[01:55]     LVLN \ Leveled List Entries \ Leveled List Entry \ LVLO - Base Data \ Reference -> Found a NULL reference, expected: LVLN,NPC_
[01:55] MT_DLC2LCharBanditMelee1H [LVLN:D5112096]
[01:55]     LVLN \ Leveled List Entries \ Leveled List Entry \ LVLO - Base Data \ Reference -> Found a NULL reference, expected: LVLN,NPC_

[01:58] Checking for Errors in [E3] FarmhouseChimneys.esp
[01:58] [REFR:0A0380C9] (places TreePineForest01 [TREE:0001306D] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of FalskaarDocks [CELL:0AA1D413] (in Falskaar "Falskaar" [WRLD:0AA1CF42] at 8,-23))
[01:58]     REFR \ Cell -> [04A1D413] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[01:58] FalskaarDocks [CELL:0AA1D413] (in Falskaar "Falskaar" [WRLD:0AA1CF42] at 8,-23)
[01:58]     CELL \ Worldspace -> [04A1CF42] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[01:58] AmberCreek07 [CELL:0AA1D96B] (in Falskaar "Falskaar" [WRLD:0AA1CF42] at -12,-12)
[01:58]     CELL \ Worldspace -> [04A1CF42] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[01:58] [REFR:0A0E55CB] (places TreeFallForestShrub02 [TREE:000AAE90] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of AmberCreek02 [CELL:0AA1D8EB] (in Falskaar "Falskaar" [WRLD:0AA1CF42] at -12,-13))
[01:58]     REFR \ Cell -> [04A1D8EB] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[01:58] [REFR:0A0E55C4] (places TreeAspen05 [TREE:0007614B] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of AmberCreek02 [CELL:0AA1D8EB] (in Falskaar "Falskaar" [WRLD:0AA1CF42] at -12,-13))
[01:58]     REFR \ Cell -> [04A1D8EB] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[01:58] [REFR:0A0E55C2] (places TreeAspen02 [TREE:0006C9D5] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of AmberCreek02 [CELL:0AA1D8EB] (in Falskaar "Falskaar" [WRLD:0AA1CF42] at -12,-13))
[01:58]     REFR \ Cell -> [04A1D8EB] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[01:58] [REFR:0A019D73] (places TreeAspen01 [TREE:0006A9E6] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of AmberCreek02 [CELL:0AA1D8EB] (in Falskaar "Falskaar" [WRLD:0AA1CF42] at -12,-13))
[01:58]     REFR \ Cell -> [04A1D8EB] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[01:58] AmberCreek02 [CELL:0AA1D8EB] (in Falskaar "Falskaar" [WRLD:0AA1CF42] at -12,-13)
[01:58]     CELL \ Worldspace -> [04A1CF42] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[01:58] AmberCreek01 [CELL:0AA1D8E9] (in Falskaar "Falskaar" [WRLD:0AA1CF42] at -13,-13)
[01:58]     CELL \ Worldspace -> [04A1CF42] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[01:58] [REFR:0A127C3E] (places HayMound01 [STAT:00019B13] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of AmberCreek04 [CELL:0AA1D86B] (in Falskaar "Falskaar" [WRLD:0AA1CF42] at -12,-14))
[01:58]     REFR \ Cell -> [04A1D86B] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[01:58] [REFR:0A127C3D] (places HayMound02 [STAT:0003103A] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of AmberCreek04 [CELL:0AA1D86B] (in Falskaar "Falskaar" [WRLD:0AA1CF42] at -12,-14))
[01:58]     REFR \ Cell -> [04A1D86B] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[01:58] AmberCreek04 [CELL:0AA1D86B] (in Falskaar "Falskaar" [WRLD:0AA1CF42] at -12,-14)
[01:58]     CELL \ Worldspace -> [04A1CF42] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[01:58] [REFR:E3006D2E] (places FXSmokeChimney02 [MSTT:000B09ED] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of AmberCreek03 [CELL:0AA1D869] (in Falskaar "Falskaar" [WRLD:0AA1CF42] at -13,-14))
[01:58]     REFR \ Cell -> [04A1D869] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[01:58] [REFR:E3006D2A] (places FXSmokeChimney02 [MSTT:000B09ED] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of AmberCreek03 [CELL:0AA1D869] (in Falskaar "Falskaar" [WRLD:0AA1CF42] at -13,-14))
[01:58]     REFR \ Cell -> [04A1D869] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[01:58] [REFR:0A1957C8] (places TreeFloraHangingMoss01 "Hanging Moss" [TREE:000BB94F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of AmberCreek03 [CELL:0AA1D869] (in Falskaar "Falskaar" [WRLD:0AA1CF42] at -13,-14))
[01:58]     REFR \ Cell -> [04A1D869] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[01:58] [REFR:0A1957B9] (places TreeFloraSnowberry01 "Snowberry" [TREE:000BCF33] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of AmberCreek03 [CELL:0AA1D869] (in Falskaar "Falskaar" [WRLD:0AA1CF42] at -13,-14))
[01:58]     REFR \ Cell -> [04A1D869] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[01:58] [REFR:0A1957B8] (places TreeFloraSnowberry01 "Snowberry" [TREE:000BCF33] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of AmberCreek03 [CELL:0AA1D869] (in Falskaar "Falskaar" [WRLD:0AA1CF42] at -13,-14))
[01:58]     REFR \ Cell -> [04A1D869] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[01:58] [REFR:0A195788] (places Hoe [MSTT:0005B8F6] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of AmberCreek03 [CELL:0AA1D869] (in Falskaar "Falskaar" [WRLD:0AA1CF42] at -13,-14))
[01:58]     REFR \ Cell -> [04A1D869] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[01:58] [REFR:0A195787] (places BarrelFood01 "Barrel" [CONT:00000845] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of AmberCreek03 [CELL:0AA1D869] (in Falskaar "Falskaar" [WRLD:0AA1CF42] at -13,-14))
[01:58]     REFR \ Cell -> [04A1D869] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[01:58] [REFR:0A195786] (places BarrelFood01 "Barrel" [CONT:00000845] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of AmberCreek03 [CELL:0AA1D869] (in Falskaar "Falskaar" [WRLD:0AA1CF42] at -13,-14))
[01:58]     REFR \ Cell -> [04A1D869] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[01:58] [REFR:0A019ACB] (places TreePineForest02 [TREE:00018A02] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of AmberCreek03 [CELL:0AA1D869] (in Falskaar "Falskaar" [WRLD:0AA1CF42] at -13,-14))
[01:58]     REFR \ Cell -> [04A1D869] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[01:58] AmberCreek03 [CELL:0AA1D869] (in Falskaar "Falskaar" [WRLD:0AA1CF42] at -13,-14)
[01:58]     CELL \ Worldspace -> [04A1CF42] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[01:58] AudmundsFarmExterior [CELL:0AA1D667] (in Falskaar "Falskaar" [WRLD:0AA1CF42] at -14,-18)
[01:58]     CELL \ Worldspace -> [04A1CF42] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[01:58] FSSQ15ChickenSpawnRef [REFR:0A127C36] (places XMarker [STAT:0000003B] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:0A023974] (in Falskaar "Falskaar" [WRLD:0AA1CF42] at 0,0))
[01:58]     REFR \ Cell -> [04023974] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[01:58] [REFR:0A0E55CE] (places HorseTrough01 [ACTI:0005157A] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:0A023974] (in Falskaar "Falskaar" [WRLD:0AA1CF42] at 0,0))
[01:58]     REFR \ Cell -> [04023974] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[01:58] [CELL:0A023974] (in Falskaar "Falskaar" [WRLD:0AA1CF42] at 0,0)
[01:58]     CELL \ Worldspace -> [04A1CF42] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[01:58] [CELL:0B03258B] (in WyrmstoothWorld "Wyrmstooth" [WRLD:0B000D62] at -8,-4)
[01:58]     CELL \ Worldspace -> [03000D62] < Error: Could not be resolved >



Well for one, those errors aren't related to this guide as it makes no changes to ESPs... Looking at the log I cannot judge the cause of these. Can you go to one of the erroneous FormIDs in TES5edit and make a screenshot of the right window panel? The one that compares the ESPs for the same FormID. 

Posted (edited)

I think my TES5Edit is jacked up somehow.   Still figuring it out, but the jist is I sort stuff in BOSS and close BOSS, check the list in MO and it matches the sort BOSS performed, open Wrye Bash, and its in the right order.   Open TES5Edit and its all in a different order....  


EDIT: found a fine in the Mod Organizer/Profile directory called plugins, deleted that and relaunched MO, reenabled all the plugins, and TES5Edit will finally load again, horray. 


PS: Sorry about posting my support question in the wrong thread, will get it sorted.  Thanks!



Edited by eberkain
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Did some testing on this case. Specs:



8GB 2133 RAM


no overclock


Overclocking my GPU by 200mhz gave me 2-3 FPS outside of whiterun.

Inside GPU OC did nothing but CPU OC gave mie 8 FPS (4ghz).

22 FPS at Dragonsreach door.. :( removing JKs Cities +20 FPS !


VRAM usage 3.6GB in whiterun, 3.2GB outside

Optimizing textures now, let's see the result...

Edited by Quando

I have a very similar setup as yours Quando, instead of removing JK's Skyrim I'd suggest tuning down your fShadowDistance setting. At my old setting of 8000 I also got the 20+ FPS impact, but you can get 10-15 FPS back by setting it to ~3000-4000. You will notice shadow pop in though. For me that's worth it if it means keeping JK's Skyrim.

  • 7 months later...

A bit early to be asking this I realize, but will this guide eventually be updated to incorporate your newer SRLE Explorer's Edition guide (assuming changes are necessary)? I suspect you might be off on a newer video card at this point, but for those of us still plugging away at 2GB VRAM, this guide is invaluable!

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