fireundubh Posted December 31, 2014 Posted December 31, 2014 Ultimate Scavenger is to New Vegas what Dynamic Things is to Skyrim. I was going to install a "loot all vehicles" mod when I found Ultimate Scavenger. It's broadly compatible because the "loot all" component is accomplished through scripting rather than editing vanilla forms.
oqhansoloqo Posted December 31, 2014 Posted December 31, 2014 Thank you for the nice progress/plans summary SRB. I like the idea of going with another lighting mod than Nevada Skies. I personally always immediately disable the storms in that mod because they cause slowdown and actually don't make too much sense given the environment. Rain? It's a desert with desert landscape and plants... Sandstorm? It may be a desert, but not a sand dune desert - if that's used there's got to be some kind of silt layer on everything. Radiation storm? Everything/everyone would be dead... So, the storms in the mod really don't make sense. I like your idea about removing the weapons from Doc Mitchell's house. For people that still want to test out a weapon - they can just not do the FNVEditting that you are going to suggest... or I'm guessing they could still use a console command to place the weapon/ammo into inventory? Can I request that whichever mod changes you implement, even though you don't detail the changes in the guide, that you let us know here ion the forum exactly which mods to re-install or alter in order to properly make the changes? Otherwise it's difficult to follow all the modifications that must be made when a mod is removed or added to the guide that affects other mod installations in the guide. Granted it's only hard for people who already have the guide installed - not for people installing from scratch. :) I like the gun pack idea, as long as it's clear which guns will be conflicting with what other gun, and that the conflicting guns are kept in a separate pack from the recommended extra guns pack. I really like your ideas for your own mods - great ideas to make the game more challenging/fun or immersive/realistic. I don't know if you've seen some of these mods before, but maybe you can find some nice ones in this mod page's list of included mods: Or from sections 4 and 5 of this mod's description page:
EssArrBee Posted December 31, 2014 Author Posted December 31, 2014 On 12/31/2014 at 4:11 PM, fireundubh said: Ultimate Scavenger is to New Vegas what Dynamic Things is to Skyrim. I was going to install a "loot all vehicles" mod when I found Ultimate Scavenger. It's broadly compatible because the "loot all" component is accomplished through scripting rather than editing vanilla forms.I'll check that out. I have so many mods that I'm drowning in loot by level 3, so I need anything that helps my hoarding. On 12/31/2014 at 8:33 PM, oqhansoloqo said: Thank you for the nice progress/plans summary SRB. I like the idea of going with another lighting mod than Nevada Skies. I personally always immediately disable the storms in that mod because they cause slowdown and actually don't make too much sense given the environment. Rain? It's a desert with desert landscape and plants... Sandstorm? It may be a desert, but not a sand dune desert - if that's used there's got to be some kind of silt layer on everything. Radiation storm? Everything/everyone would be dead... So, the storms in the mod really don't make sense. I like your idea about removing the weapons from Doc Mitchell's house. For people that still want to test out a weapon - they can just not do the FNVEditting that you are going to suggest... or I'm guessing they could still use a console command to place the weapon/ammo into inventory? Can I request that whichever mod changes you implement, even though you don't detail the changes in the guide, that you let us know here ion the forum exactly which mods to re-install or alter in order to properly make the changes? Otherwise it's difficult to follow all the modifications that must be made when a mod is removed or added to the guide that affects other mod installations in the guide. Granted it's only hard for people who already have the guide installed - not for people installing from scratch. :) I like the gun pack idea, as long as it's clear which guns will be conflicting with what other gun, and that the conflicting guns are kept in a separate pack from the recommended extra guns pack. I really like your ideas for your own mods - great ideas to make the game more challenging/fun or immersive/realistic. I don't know if you've seen some of these mods before, but maybe you can find some nice ones in this mod page's list of included mods: Or from sections 4 and 5 of this mod's description page: always forget just how many mods are in NVEC. I'm going to just put two sets of merge instructions since it's like a copy paste job where one gets the extra FNVEdit instructions. I think M24E1 is the only mod that will be free. I'll put some stuff in the changelog for returning users that are uninstalling mods. I think that only a couple mods I'm dropping affect saves, but I'll know more when I start messing with stuff. We do get sandstorms in western US deserts, but nothing like in Nevada Skies. They are pretty rare too, about one or two a year, but winds can get up to almost 100mph. We have tons of wind though, from about this time of year until the start of summer is wind, wind, wind. Also, our summer starts about 6 weeks earlier than most, not much spring to speak of here. We also have a mix of the powdery sand and the grainy sand, so it's more like dust storms and visibility is a couple miles at most, but most days it's just kinda hazy and washed out. Rain is rare too, but it mostly rains in December to January and July to September and 10 inches is a good year. Where I live in particular we've had droughts of 5 months or longer 3 of the last 4 years from end of January to sometime in July. I'm a ways from the Mojave, but the climate is about the same, just some different types of cactus there. Mountains, dams from man made lakes, and unbelievable heat. Maybe I'm just picky because I live here.
stepstep Posted January 1, 2015 Posted January 1, 2015 (edited) After just going through the whole process I have some feedback. In the Yuki Merge Mod Section you are missing info on Veronicas pistol and what to do with it (disable the mod in the left pane) I think you just left it out on accident. Quote "In the left pane of MO, untick Craft and Cook at Camp and Barbecue Grills, Dead Money Surprise Items, Improved Transportalponder - Old World Blues, Old World Blues - Keep Big MT Active, Pickable Cave Fungus outside of Zion, Radscorpion Egg - Restoration, Removeable Pip-Boy Glove, Working Gomorrah Prostitutes - pun intended, and Working Grinding Wheel." Also, more information on configuring WryeFlash would be useful such as, Configuring the back-date issue by re-assigning the dates on the mods.Configuring Wrye not to auto-sort your mods by right clicking in the category view and removing the date lock. Becuase going through 170+ mods and having wrye flash just mess everything up is really annoying. Also, my latest install (5 minutes ago), I had to disable and re-enable Electro-City before NV would run. (I also put one of the sort compatibility mods as active figuring it might be another issue.) All in all good work. I'll be back to harass some more when I find something else to moan about. Edit: In a new game, when on the race selection screen, the lobotomite character had purple facial textures. I went toFCOMaster.esm.and removed all the entries inFCOMaster.esm->Non-Player Character.Starting with 01 as well and it fixed the issue. Edited January 1, 2015 by stepstep
EssArrBee Posted January 1, 2015 Author Posted January 1, 2015 Alright, anyone that is having problems with the Crossbow mod giving them framerate issues in GoodSprings try this:For the Crossbow.esp: Load the plugin in FNVEdit Expand Worldspace and delete the 000846EA record If that doesn't work then load up the plugin and delete the Worldspace record completely For people with the merged plugin already: Load the merged plugin in FNVEdit Expand Worldspace and delete the 000846EA record if that doesn't work then load up the plugin and expand Worldspace->Block -1, 0->Sub-block -3, 0->000DAEB9->Temporary Now find the record XX00A803 Placed Object - Das Container and delete it. XX is the load order position that FNVEdit has the plugin in. Should be like 02, 03, 04, something low since you only loaded one plugin. Let me know if deleting only the first record works or not. I don't really have the issue, so not sure what the deal is. I think the Actor reference being in the persistent worldspace instead of the designated Goodsprings block is what messes it up. I had something similar happen in Skyrim. I'll add the instructions to the mod install instructions after I know what the problem is.
monk56 Posted January 1, 2015 Posted January 1, 2015 On 12/31/2014 at 3:05 PM, fireundubh said: FWL Realistic Wasteland Lighting causes a whiteout issue in Freeside (i.e., there's a slightly transparent but mostly opaque white overlay covering the entire screen.) The modder claims to have fixed the issue in the Friend of the Night script, but that wasn't the culprit. Freeside is unplayable while this issue persists, so I don't recommend the mod.I agree with this observation for the latest version of FWL Realistic Wasteland Lighting , version 5. I used version 4.1 ( Old Versions : FNVRWLO Ultimate Edition ) and it did not have the whiteout issue that exists in version 5.
oqhansoloqo Posted January 1, 2015 Posted January 1, 2015 (edited) stepstep - do a search in this forum for "lobotomite" - we already talked about that. Recap of that: don't worry about that issue because it's only an issue for females in the character creation screen and won't affect any NPCs.. and it's an issue with FCO that the mod author knows about. Also, I couldn't find any of those toggles/options/settings in my version of Wrye Flash. Which version did you install? Maybe I just don't know Wrye Flash very well though. Edited January 1, 2015 by oqhansoloqo
EssArrBee Posted January 1, 2015 Author Posted January 1, 2015 Okay, now that I did a little more digging I'm not sure that Crossbow fix will work. For one thing, the worldspace being deleted messes up the explosive bolt script. If you do it before merging then the merge won't work with since there are errors in the script.
EssArrBee Posted January 2, 2015 Author Posted January 2, 2015 Okay I did a second set of merging instructions for Millenia's Weapons. This removes the guns from Doc's house and it is very easy to accomplish. Even if you have already merged the plugins you can delete the guns. Just open the plugin in FNVEdit and delete Cell record, close and save. That's it. You could even do it on a current game, but I'd recommend not loading a save inside Doc's house. I'll be something similar with the Additional Weapons, but it's not as easy since they are in lots of different places. This will help people with no will power not cheat so much.
EssArrBee Posted January 2, 2015 Author Posted January 2, 2015 On 1/1/2015 at 1:44 AM, stepstep said: After just going through the whole process I have some feedback. In the Yuki Merge Mod Section you are missing info on Veronicas pistol and what to do with it (disable the mod in the left pane) I think you just left it out on accident.Thank you for pointing that out.Also, more information on configuring WryeFlash would be useful such as, Configuring the back-date issue by re-assigning the dates on the mods.Configuring Wrye not to auto-sort your mods by right clicking in the category view and removing the date lock.Sure, I can do that. You're the first person to ask, but I see how it would help people. I hate that stupid date lock crap. Becuase going through 170+ mods and having wrye flash just mess everything up is really annoying. Also, my latest install (5 minutes ago), I had to disable and re-enable Electro-City before NV would run. (I also put one of the sort compatibility mods as active figuring it might be another issue.) Never heard of this issue before. Maybe just Fallout gremlins.All in all good work. I'll be back to harass some more when I find something else to moan about. Edit: In a new game, when on the race selection screen, the lobotomite character had purple facial textures.Probably females right? It doesn't have the females yet, but there are spaces for them in character creation menu. Should be in the next FCO update. I think will come out pretty soon.I went toFCOMaster.esm.and removed all the entries inFCOMaster.esm->Non-Player Character.Starting with 01 as well and it fixed the issue. On 1/1/2015 at 2:38 PM, monk56 said: I agree with this observation for the latest version of FWL Realistic Wasteland Lighting , version 5. I used version 4.1 ( Old Versions : FNVRWLO Ultimate Edition ) and it did not have the whiteout issue that exists in version 5.I'm still building my latest playthrough and planning out all the new stuff I want to do for the guide, so I'll look at that issue first and see if 4.1 is better. Thanks for looking into that.
Satur9 Posted January 2, 2015 Posted January 2, 2015 Regarding FNV Realistic Wasteland Lighting, I did my last playthrough using, AFAIK, 4.1. It had a brighter nights option that the current version no longer offers, along with an option to "re-greenify" the Searchlight area to reflect its radioactivity. Sheogorath knows why green is the designated color of radioactivity, but in the current iteration of the Wasteland, it just is. I don't see that option available on the nexus page, but If anyone wants it I'll upload it. Anyway, I never had any problems in Freeside with 4.1, or anywhere else, so it's worth a try until they get the whiteout/blackout issue sorted out.
EssArrBee Posted January 2, 2015 Author Posted January 2, 2015 I updated the additional weapons page now. It is the same idea as the Millenia's one, but it's a little more complex for deleting the easy to reach weapons. I also added some cleaning instructions and other FNVEdit instructions for mods that had some wild edits. The merging insturctions pretty much assume you've already done all the cleaning and removal of wild edits. Also, added two more guns. The Tesla Rifle and Tesla Assault Rifle, the Tesla Rifle has that animation issue the Wattz Lazer Rifle has with the ironsights, so attach the scope. I'll try a new set of animations from WAR to see if they are any better soon. On 1/2/2015 at 2:19 AM, Satur9 said: Regarding FNV Realistic Wasteland Lighting, I did my last playthrough using, AFAIK, 4.1. It had a brighter nights option that the current version no longer offers, along with an option to "re-greenify" the Searchlight area to reflect its radioactivity. Sheogorath knows why green is the designated color of radioactivity, but in the current iteration of the Wasteland, it just is. I don't see that option available on the nexus page, but If anyone wants it I'll upload it. Anyway, I never had any problems in Freeside with 4.1, or anywhere else, so it's worth a try until they get the whiteout/blackout issue sorted out.Alright thanks. I should start testing by tomorrow, so I'll let you know if I need that file, but I doubt it.
dragonshardz Posted January 2, 2015 Posted January 2, 2015 (edited) Heyo, I've gone through the guide as presented and I've run into a bit of an issue. When I launch the game, the intro videos (BethSoft logo, etc.) play, the main menu background loads, and then the game freezes before the actual menus load. Any ideas as to the cause of this kind of issue and a potential fix? E: Reading up, my interest was piqued by the discussion of the weather mod. I lived in Arizona, right smack in the middle of the Sonoran desert, for about seven years. It's got a similar climate to the Mojave, and about the only thing I'd want to change regarding NVSkies is the frequency and impenetrability of the sandstorms. There are some dust storms now and then that are absolutely impenetrable murk - I recall one where I had to pull over and wait it out because you literally could not see anything - but in general they tended to range from "hazy, gritty air" to "huh, dirt is falling from the sky" in terms of intensity. They also weren't all that frequent, maybe three or four a year. E2: It also snows occasionally in the Sonoran, even in Phoenix. E3: On a hunch, tried disabling NVSR, since it can be finicky. No dice. Edited January 2, 2015 by dragonshardz
Audley Posted January 2, 2015 Posted January 2, 2015 On 1/2/2015 at 12:53 PM, dragonshardz said: Heyo, I've gone through the guide as presented and I've run into a bit of an issue. When I launch the game, the intro videos (BethSoft logo, etc.) play, the main menu background loads, and then the game freezes before the actual menus load. Any ideas as to the cause of this kind of issue and a potential fix? E: Reading up, my interest was piqued by the discussion of the weather mod. I lived in Arizona, right smack in the middle of the Sonoran desert, for about seven years. It's got a similar climate to the Mojave, and about the only thing I'd want to change regarding NVSkies is the frequency and impenetrability of the sandstorms. There are some dust storms now and then that are absolutely impenetrable murk - I recall one where I had to pull over and wait it out because you literally could not see anything - but in general they tended to range from "hazy, gritty air" to "huh, dirt is falling from the sky" in terms of intensity. They also weren't all that frequent, maybe three or four a year. E2: It also snows occasionally in the Sonoran, even in Phoenix. E3: On a hunch, tried disabling NVSR, since it can be finicky. No dice.In my experience if the game loads but freezes/crashes right before the main menu, it means that one of your .esp's could have gotten corrupted somehow. If this is the case, it would be most likely from merging. I would uncheck your merged mods one by one and load the game and see if that works. If not then it might be an ENB issue. Try removing the d3d9.dll from your NV folder and place it on the desktop. Load the game and see if it runs. Check those and if neither of those things work we can go from there. I also recommend starting a post in the Troubleshooting thread if the issue persists.
EssArrBee Posted January 2, 2015 Author Posted January 2, 2015 Well, my add merging instructions for the extra weapon pages don't work. If you went through them, then I'm sorry about that. It makes the game not start for some reason. I have no idea why it wouldn't work, but I can't get them to work. I think the Cell data is also needed for the FormID lists so there are a bunch of errors in those if you delete the weapons from the world. I may try something else like moving them all into the floor which may be done with a script that goes through and sets everything's Z position to -30K.
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