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Requiem Pack (WIP)

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There is generally only one file that needs to be edited and normally two perks that need to be added. The new Skyproc patch is supposed to do that for all followers though. That said not sure how it works for added followers there would need to be some keywords added, there is much discussion of this on the Requiem pages on both the nexus and reddedit sites. The main problem when assigning stats to the character will depend on what level they will be and how much you want them to be able to survive. Obviously setting them as essential helps but if their armor skills and health are low then it is likely that they may spend most of the time crawling around on the floor instead of helping so increasing those skills and stats is probably necessary. The other issue is that Requiem is an unleveled world in that only you really level so as you get stronger others get less difficult to defeat I am not sure whether NPC followers in the game level with you. That said it is probably why it is important to load follower plug-ins after Requiem so that those kinds of features such as leveling up are preserved. In that case you don't need to tweak them too much as they will get better as you do.


I have not gone very far into Requiem as it now stands as I was always waiting for Azirok. Now it does seem time to get into it so I will start to do so, especially as due to some wonderful PC malarkey I have had to format my system and re-install tons of stuff but managed to lose my profiles so need to build them all again, and I do not have huge amounts of time unfortunately. Someday soon I hope then I will update the pack. I am going to need to rebuild and streamline all of my packs for 2.3 if nothing else unless they become obsolete due to the excellent work of others.



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Yeah, it looks as though the skyproc patcher does add a number of perks to followers from mods. Anna's NPCs followers, for example, got a bunch of new perks added with it. Since health and stats seem to be an at my own discretion thing, I can figure that stuff out eventually.


I was looking through things today more and saw a bunch of creature perks added in vanilla requiem and through other patches like Azirok's SIC patch. Things like:


AA000XarrianBeastResistPhysicalDamage80 [PERK:5B032D8C]

AA000XarrianBeastArmorBreaking25 [PERK:5B0FAB0A]

AA000XarrianBeastArmorBreaking50True [PERK:5B0FAB0B]


Are all over the creatures in requiem and Azirok's patches, but it's difficult to figure out what exactly they do. Some of them seem fairly straight forward by their name, but it makes things really confusing. Especially when it comes to the various tiers of them, like BeastResistPhysicalDamage90, BeastResistPhysicalDamage80, BeastResistPhysicalDamage75, BeastResistPhysicalDamage60.


By the time I figure all this out either Azirok will be back or someone else who knows this stuff will have patches out, lol.

Edited by zerohaste
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These variations are to do with the level of the creature involved, things like armor penetration, and resistances. These will vary depending on tags used in the mods and as such how they are perceived by the Requificator (weird name). It is good that the patcher is doing NPCs and creatures as well because this will greatly reduce the need for patches in time. Many of Aziroks patches add keywords and perks as well as adjusting stats, so with the keywords present the patcher should be able to use them, the only problem would be that the patcher may add stats and perks on top of those already added by the patch, so care would need to be taken there.


Anyway it is really good that you are looking into this, after all the more people contribute the better we can make it all work.



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I was try to keep this brief, but the general problem I am having is that I'm utterly confused.


I'm currently installing STEP Core (as STEP extended says "This page exists in regards to 2.3.0 development and is NOT meant for users in any way" - so I'm not sure how I can possibly use that.


Anyway, I'm on Requiem 1.7.x (since there are no decent 1.8 patches for everything azirok used to cover). The issue I'm having is that I want to use STEP, your Requiem pack and either iNeed or RND. How should I go about doing this? I saw some of your earlier posts that suggest Extended should be used, but the message above sort of seems like I shouldn't.


I've never used a STEP guide, and I've been pretty conservative with mods in the past. I'm doing my best to follow instructions so that nothing breaks.


Thanks for any help

Edited by Interinactive
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You're probably looking at the wrong STEP Extended page for a kickoff: 


This is the one you should be looking at: https://wiki.step-project.com/STEP:2.2.9


And when I did it I just did my STEP:Extended as usual, making sure any mods that had the option had the Requiem options added. I then added the Requiem pack after that, keeping the Requiem pack items at the bottom of the load order.


You should be golden from there. Smile44 is almost certain to drop in at some stage, and he's the man behind the Requiem pack, so he may have some better ideas.

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Everything @Nozzer66 has said is correct. Th pack pages can be confusing I know but STEP 2.2.9 has both CORE and Extended mods in it (the ones with a green marker are CORE. Just follow that and add in any Requiem patches that are packaged with the mods (not many) and remove or don't install mods as required by the Requiem pack. May I also suggest that you install my Survival pack. It will get you iNeed and Frostfall in your game. It has Requiem instructions as well as STEP instructions. Let me know if you need help.



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Everything @Nozzer66 has said is correct. Th pack pages can be confusing I know but STEP 2.2.9 has both CORE and Extended mods in it (the ones with a green marker are CORE. Just follow that and add in any Requiem patches that are packaged with the mods (not many)

Thanks for the response!


Are you saying that as I go through the core mods, I should watch out for additional Requiem patches?


Also, with Core and Extended, are there not two different installation pages? I'm not sure I can see the difference entirely


Thanks again

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STEP Core are the mods with the green tabs by the name (to the left) extended mods are the ones without the green tabs. In the furture (most likely the next version of the step guide v2.3.0) we will have a Pack for Extended mods and the main STEP guide will be only the core mods.


List of Core Mods as of current release.

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Thanks for the response!


Are you saying that as I go through the core mods, I should watch out for additional Requiem patches?


Correct. :) But not just on Core Mods, on the Extended ones as well. Or in mods with installers, look for Requiem options in there.

Edited by Nozzer66
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I'm going to murder somebody is this doesn't end up working. I'm still working on the extended mods and it's been around 16hrs since I started all of this.


With the STEP patches, you either use Core or Extended right?


Also; is the Requiem Pack old? Should be not be using LOOT rather then B.U.M.?


Should Skyrim-Community-Uncapper from Core be used?


Finally, for the load order (with Step + Requiem Pack), how are people sorting that? Is there not one massive list that has every single STEP mod + Requiem pack mod showing the correct load order?


Sorry if all of this sounds stupid, but it's like I can *feel* that it's going to break when I try it, so I'm trying to eliminate all that I can :(


Thank you

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There are LOOT instructions added to the pack at the end after the BOSS instruction. Loot does not sort Requiem correctly unless you are happy building a big compatibility patch in TES5Edit.


STEP 1) Follow the STEP 2.2.9 guide to install STEP Core and Extended.

STEP 2) Test that it is all working OK.

STEP 3) Add Survival pack (exclude Subliminal Traps, RND and Traps are Dangerous). USE LOOT to sort.

STEP 4) Run bashed patch and any skyproc patchers if used.

STEP 5) Test that it is all working OK - run around a bit get used to the mods and their effects.

STEP 6) Adjust and or remove mods from STEP as directed by Requiem pack, make sure any relevant mods have their Requiem patches available.

STEP 7) Add Requiem pack. Make sure all necessary patches are present as described in the pack.

STEP 8) Manually sort Requiem and it's dependent patches at the end of your load order before the bashed patch in the order described on the Requiem patch page.

STEP 9) Run bashed patch again and any skyproc patchers if used.

STEP 10) Test that it is all working OK - adjust and tweak if needed.


If there are any problems then you have made an installation error or similar because a) I have not explained something clearly enough or b) you have missed or skipped or misunderstood an important STEP somewhere. NOTE: most modders on here have built and rebuilt STEP and or SR:LE many times - yes it is hard work - yes it is worth it.


Happy modding;



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Won't I have issues without Requiem installed as well? I followed previous instructions, for some mods I installed Requiem patches (that came bundled with them) during the STEP process. Without those, won't it crash as it can't find the Requiem Dependency?


I've done both Core and Extended now. I'm up to the STEP patches, but again on the last step I'm not sure whether I should install both of them. Does extended include Core at all, or are they both needed?

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That slight sense of 'This is going to all go awry' is not unusual in Modding. :)


If you follow the STEP and Packs instructions you should end up with a perfectly workable game. 


It's probably not a real bad idea to test each section of mods as you go. IE add all the Fixes, run the game, make sure it doesn't CTD. Then load up the 'Test-Vanilla-Save' every modder has hidden somewhere, run through a few parts, see if all seems OK.


Add the next section, rinse, repeat. Everything should work fine if you're painstaking. It's worth the time. :)


EDIT: With the Requiem stuff you may have pre-loaded during STEP install, simply unclick any such ESP's when you fire up the game. Leave them unclicked until Requiem's added, then re-enable them.


EDIT2: With the patches. If you have STEP Extended all done, use that patch alone. Extended patch includes the Core patch so you don't need both.

Edited by Nozzer66
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This is what I meant about unclear instructions. Do not activate Requiem patches without Requiem installed, just make sure that you have them, you can hide the plugins in MO until you need them. I was just trying to give you some clear steps to follow, but as is often the case what seems clear to me does not always appear clear to another (I should know as I am a teacher), this is why it is good to ask questions if you don't understand something so that it can be cleared up.



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