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Requiem Pack (WIP)

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Thanks for quick response and good explanation.


The most important packs I want to use together with STEP core + extended and Requiem is Explorers Guide and SRLE, but I also would like to install War Ensemble, Companions, Weather and Lighting and Immersive Survival.

It say they should be compatible with requiem but Im not sure if they are compatible between each other and there is also much overlapping.

I have Core + Extended already installed, so what will be the process to go from there to have all this packs installed with Requiem?

I know that install order also is important so what pack do I start with and so on to get this to work together?

Edited by xxx78
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SR:LE is not a pack but a full alternative to STEP. You can't really add it to STEP. Immersive survival has some mods that may not play nice with Requiem and it is out of date The other s will work but I would go for Survival pack plus Hunterborn which has a Requiem patch.



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Yeah ok, sry for not doing much research on it, I just hoped all packs would be compatible with STEP CORE and extended.

Anyway, maybe I should start fresh with SR:LE instead of Core + extended and then build Requiem, Explorers guide, war ensemble and the other packs on SR:LE.

I'm probably in the wrong forum then :P


Thanks for help Jarl :)

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No worries mate. I use SR:LE over STEP and it does work really well with Requiem, you might say they were made for each other. SR:LE includes lighting, weather and survival mods so I Would just add REGS and then Requiem. One problem you will run into is the 255 plugin limit so some merging is necessary. You will come across this in you install of SR:LE, you will also need to do this with REGS patches and Requiem patches. to get under the limit. It is doable though and it is well worth it.



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Smile, when you merge requiem patches, do you renumber formids or not?  and what is the rule of thumb for doing so?  


I know the pack is not quite ready, but there are quite of patches showing up. Do you plan to create a working list of good patches before Azirok comes back? re: the new version of requiem.

Edited by dem1an
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I have made a link on this thread to a patch which pretty much gets 1.8,1.1 working with STEP though I have not had time to test it I think it is good. SR:LE and REGS though have more difficulties as far as patching goes with the new Requiem.


As for merging patches the rule of thumb I use is generally to not renumber the form IDs this is because they have other mods as masters and I worry that they may not work properly if I did. I am not an expert on this but it has worked for me. All of Azirok's patches merge well and there is a note about this in the guide. As for mods that have multiple plugins or are standalone then I do renumber the form IDs.


Hope this helps.



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The guide says quite clearly to use the 1.73 version as the patches used by this guide are not compatible with 1.8+. I will update the guide when the patches are updated. That said Azirok has disappeared so no idea when that will be. There is a new set of patches which are awaiting testing these seem ideal for STEP but not as yet enough for SR:LE or indeed REGS. One of these patches gives you pretty much all that you need for STEP Extended, though not completely which is why I am not updating the guide yet. - LINK. You just need the "Requiem - Unofficial Patches Patch and Dragonborn Reqtified" patch near the end of the list for now. This should get things working but does not have all the bits you need yet, e.g. Close faced helmets. Some of these are minor though so you should be able to get things working with just this patch linked and the new updated BOYD patch as linked in the guide.



It's in this post on the previous page and now of course here - have fun.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Nope the fellow seems to have disappeared. There enough patches out there to make STEP work though but not SR yet. We need SIC and possibly HLE. Otherwise it is good to go. Rumor has it that the requifiticator will make many patches obsolete though it will require the additions of a few key words into specific mods so they can be patched by the skyproccer. I do not currently have time to do much with the pack at the moment. It would be too confusing to make the pack just for STEP and a different guide for SR.



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I use his other megapatch for Weathers/Lighting etc and it works an absolute treat. All well laid out and easy to follow install instructions and helpful in the forums. 


You could do worse than use both his setups, actually.

I use his other megapatch for Weathers/Lighting etc and it works an absolute treat. All well laid out and easy to follow install instructions and helpful in the forums. 


You could do worse than use both his setups, actually.

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Are there any specific rules Requiem follows for NPC/Follower/Mob health, or is it just whatever the modder feels like it should be, like it appears to be? I've been looking more and more into creating patches for myself since it doesn't seem like azirok will be coming back (I really hope he's ok), but am really confused how values for attributes (Health, Magicka, Stamina, plus offsets) and skills (one/two handed, magicka schools, etc) are determined. Plus, all the various perks that get added by Requiem that need to be placed. It's all really confusing and I feel like I'm getting no closer to understand it when I just randomly look at entries, because things seem like they're just all over the place, even in default Requiem.


I'm a complete newbie when it comes to this stuff, so I'm probably just overlooking or not understanding something really simple in TES5Edit and/or Requiem.

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