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Just a quick note: my problems with enb came from some ini changes I made. I will do some further testing to see which ones it were and then report back :)


[edit]The water settings require bDoDepthOfField=1

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It should work to just install the blacksmith water fix optional from WATER and then install RWT2 as your main mod. I don't think they conflict but that would need to be tested so don't quote me on that.


As far as particle patch, that is mainly for ENB and STEP has no standing with ENBs so there is no official "verdict" on those meshes fixes. They are good to use though. Particle Patch should most likely be installed at the top of your load order so most mods overwrite it. The conflicts from the other mods usually contain corrected meshes so doing this will allow you to keep only the mesh fixes that aren't covered by the other mods.

But amm.. there is no optional file from WATER that fixes only the blacksmith water, or at least, not that I know of. I have the WATER.esp, WATER Plants.esp, WATER DG.esp and the WATER DB Waves.esp. I did use to have the Blacksmith water fix mod, but that also had like 4 different esps to work with all the DLC's, I think.

I took a look and I'm not sure if you would need matching textures, but for meshes there are blacksmith forge files in W.A.T.E.R./meshes/furniture. You COULD try manually installing those to see if they have an affect on the forges.


In fact, i'm testing now. Be back in a few to post results.


Nexus is down, otherwise I would try looking for it. The testing can be done with the WATER files while I wait :p


Edit - Nope. Not gonna work, there must be something in the esp plugin for it.


I'd immediately notice that there's no water on the forge if it were missing, it's like if I didn't have SMIM, I'd notice the 2D chains and ropes right away. I definitely will ask isoku for that fix when Nexus is up, he doesn't visit the forums, does he?


Thanks for testing it out deathneko, too bad it doesn't work. And, DoubleYou, I did use to have that mod installed but I changed to the WATER fix per suggested by either Aiyen or EssArBee: having four esps working just for the Blacksmith water was a bit much. :)


Very sorry to repeat my question but I think it was kind of lost in translation... I won't repeat again if no response is given.


"When using the Water Parallax textures, do any values need to be tweaked to make it fit with an ENB, such as color, intensity, etc? If so, where are they and how can I change them?"


You activate the effect, and then go see how it looks. You can enable and disable it ingame.

Also the other surface water effects look a bit different with it on, tweak away until you are happy!

I doubt that many preset creators are going to set up the values for you since it depends on the water texture used.

  • 2 months later...

When you install this with the legendary.esp, there's still a realisticwatertwo.esp in addition. Is this normal? I followed the FOMOD instructions. I just want to make sure I don't have an extra .esp. The realisticwatertwo.esp is in the 00-core folder if you look inside so I figure it's needed in addition to 'legendary.esp' right?

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