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This time I have a question about creating/ adjusting mods. I "inherited" a few mods on a... um "site that shan't be named", which need a bit of updating/ cleaning. Since it has been ages since I worked on mods myself, I can't remember if deleting items in the CK creates undeleted references or not. If so, can anyone tell me how to delete items the correct way? Or do I have to move them out of view ( like z=-14000)?

thanks in advance


If you have a LR, set z to -30000, enable parent on the ref, and set to player and "enable opposite of player" flag.

That tells DynDOLOD that the refs are suppose to be disabled and it should ignore them. Then in the normal plugin author place new references to replace the vanilla ones. This is the reason RWT has an ESM and ESP.

More info on this pinned topic.

No idea about the CK question



I think an alternative is to backup the plugin before you do anything. Open the plugin in CK and set the Deleted flag on the items you want to remove and save the plugin and then run the new plugin through xEdit quick clean xEdit will happily change the deleted items to initially disabled opposite of player and set the Z bounds to -30000 so you get consistent Z bounds on these items.


If the objects are added by the mod itself, as opposed to being added by another master and overridden by the mod, and they're not used by anything else, you can simply remove them completely from the plugin - as if they were never there in the first place. Adding new objects permanently disabled (UDRs) to the world doesn't make sense and is just useless bloat, they might as well not exist at all.

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