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DynDOLOD 3.00 Alpha 173


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13 minutes ago, blueetenicolet said:


The LOD is generate with NG DLL and WorshipperACTI=0.

use version1 (SE DLL) to test, still happens.

use version2, not happen.

And here's a new .Net crash log (the crash is caused by somthing other but not DynDOLOD i think), it contains the plugin informations(sorry i don't know other way to post the dll list XD)

Crash_2023_1_3_20-13-26.txt 46.76 kB · 0 downloads

In MO2 right windows data tab, right click any folder and select "Save tree to text file" and upload that.

The crash logs like a problem with the WeaponMace NIF for the Weapon xx013780 in DIS_Armor_Fractions.esp.

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@sheson@blueetenicolet I also ran the new DyndoLOD alpha with large reference fixes against my load order. If there's anything I can do to test to try and reproduce the bug of if you need me to check something else, please let me know.

Looks like I won't be starting my next playthrough before this is getting fixed anyways (in the process of moving between homes) :)


EDIT: Apart from the alias bug, the new NG with large reference bug workarounds enabled seems to do it's job quite nicely.

Edited by Trademark
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So I fixed it. I found gamerpoets video on youtube and did a clean uninstall.  Wiping out all folders, even one under appdata which I was unaware of.  Reinstalled and he is there.  Just in case anyone else has this issue.  So NG dll works.  Sorry.  Keep up the good work.

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ill provide information needed to help with these issues, i just dont know what would be of use. please ask for the relevant information and i will provide it.

trying to generate LOD billboards, generates the texgen perfectly fine, but when i take it into DynDOLOD it says a bunch of dragonborn.esm trees are not found, and when i check the texgen output folder, it is correct, they are not present, some of them are but a large portion seem to not be, as far as i know (and as it says on their nexus page) veydosebrom regions has DynDOLOD support, and i have no other tree or flora mods, only other thing akin to it i suppose would be 202x by pfuscher but thats just a texture overhaul.

if you need any files or bug reports, please tell me how id see them, and what you may need, love yall. please help

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2 hours ago, yeetmeat0 said:

ill provide information needed to help with these issues, i just dont know what would be of use. please ask for the relevant information and i will provide it.

trying to generate LOD billboards, generates the texgen perfectly fine, but when i take it into DynDOLOD it says a bunch of dragonborn.esm trees are not found, and when i check the texgen output folder, it is correct, they are not present, some of them are but a large portion seem to not be, as far as i know (and as it says on their nexus page) veydosebrom regions has DynDOLOD support, and i have no other tree or flora mods, only other thing akin to it i suppose would be 202x by pfuscher but thats just a texture overhaul.

if you need any files or bug reports, please tell me how id see them, and what you may need, love yall. please help

See the top of forum and DynDOLOD OP for what to provide for support.

You will need to provide this information.

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12 hours ago, yeetmeat0 said:

ill provide information needed to help with these issues, i just dont know what would be of use. please ask for the relevant information and i will provide it.

trying to generate LOD billboards, generates the texgen perfectly fine, but when i take it into DynDOLOD it says a bunch of dragonborn.esm trees are not found, and when i check the texgen output folder, it is correct, they are not present, some of them are but a large portion seem to not be, as far as i know (and as it says on their nexus page) veydosebrom regions has DynDOLOD support, and i have no other tree or flora mods, only other thing akin to it i suppose would be 202x by pfuscher but thats just a texture overhaul.

if you need any files or bug reports, please tell me how id see them, and what you may need, love yall. please help

Moved to the DynDOLOD 3 alpha thread. Read the first post which log and debug log to upload.
Also read https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum

"it says a bunch of dragonborn.esm trees are not found"
This is not a proper error description.

As explained in the documentation, pay attention to log messages about errors or problems.

See https://dyndolod.info/Help/TexGen-Configuration#Tree-Grass-LOD-Billboards

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21 hours ago, blueetenicolet said:

I'm not sure the previous logs is with version 2 DLL or NG. I re-tested to repeat the bug with NG DLL. Here's the log.

skse64.zip 23.1 kB · 1 download

Here's log test with version 2 DLL

skse64 Version2 DLL.zip 23.49 kB · 1 download

Let me know what happens when using this DynDOLOD.esm with the original NG DLL and scritps. Do not add/enable a DynDOLOD.esp.


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25 minutes ago, blueetenicolet said:

Tested. That still happends.

Can you double check the issue does not happen without a DynDOLOD.esm (e.g. no DynDOLOD plugins at all)?

1 hour ago, Mousetick said:

Might it be not detected because one is temporary and the other is persistent?

It is not reported because the references are not identical. Different flags and different form versions.

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