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DynDOLOD 3.00 Alpha 173


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8 hours ago, BigPoppa said:

Nevermind I fixed the issue. Somehow I still ended up with the wrong Resource file. After replacing it with the 3.0 version everything was  cash money.

However, now the following issue occurs: DynDOLOD_SSE_log.txt What to do?

Read the first post which log, debug log and bugreport.txt it to upload.

See https://dyndolod.info/Messages/Exceptions#Access-violation-at-address

Fix errors like https://dyndolod.info/Messages/Internal-File-FormID-Is-A-HITME

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1 hour ago, sheson said:

Read the first post which log, debug log and bugreport.txt it to upload.

See https://dyndolod.info/Messages/Exceptions#Access-violation-at-address

Fix errors like https://dyndolod.info/Messages/Internal-File-FormID-Is-A-HITME

Thank you for your reply. Only Daedric Castle and SnowElf Palace Contain HITME Records and they dont even have any masters as far as the mod pages tell me. Very fishy. Can I ignore this then?


Also debug log txt is too big. Im not permitted to upload it. xD

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46 minutes ago, BigPoppa said:

Also debug log txt is too big. Im not permitted to upload it. xD

Use a file or text sharing service as explained in the first post.

46 minutes ago, BigPoppa said:

Thank you for your reply. Only Daedric Castle and SnowElf Palace Contain HITME Records and they dont even have any masters as far as the mod pages tell me. Very fishy. Can I ignore this then?

I can not tell you if broken plugins from 3rd party mods can be can be salvaged. That is outside the scope of testing DynDOLOD Alpha / providing support.

What I can tell you is that ignoring errors or problems or temporarily disabling mods or plugins does not fix the errors or problems.

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Got another Assertion Failure in alpha 95. Probably another race condition?

Assertion failure (C:\Delphi\Projects\DynDOLOD3\Core\wbImplementation.pas, line 17465) while processing cckrtsse001_altar.esl [REFR:FE03EF28] (places RockPileL03Snow_HeavySN [STAT:0005B506] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:FE03EE5D] (in ccKRTSSE001QNWorld "Giant's Tooth" [WRLD:FE03EA5F] at -1,1))

Logs: https://mega.nz/file/l1UD3L6S#DePgP5PJUq3nUPXBFdFm7pITaAA-6Otg6x5SaF-L3ks

Bugreport attached.


key point in the debug log:


00000000 ???                                           
01047b48 DynDOLODx64.exe DynDOLODResourceStrings   802 dynMessageDialog
0103f274 DynDOLODx64.exe xeMainForm              21196 TLODGenThread.Execute
005de270 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Classes                ThreadProc
0042aa05 DynDOLODx64.exe BrainMM                  2540 BrainMMThreadProxy
0041214a DynDOLODx64.exe System                        ThreadWrapper
00511c69 DynDOLODx64.exe madExcept                     ThreadExceptFrame
7ffc3e16 KERNEL32.DLL                                  BaseThreadInitThunk
7ffc4010 ntdll.dll                                     RtlUserThreadStart




Edited by DarthVitrial
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1 hour ago, DarthVitrial said:


Got another Assertion Failure in alpha 95. Probably another race condition?

Assertion failure (C:\Delphi\Projects\DynDOLOD3\Core\wbImplementation.pas, line 17465) while processing cckrtsse001_altar.esl [REFR:FE03EF28] (places RockPileL03Snow_HeavySN [STAT:0005B506] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:FE03EE5D] (in ccKRTSSE001QNWorld "Giant's Tooth" [WRLD:FE03EA5F] at -1,1))

Logs: https://mega.nz/file/l1UD3L6S#DePgP5PJUq3nUPXBFdFm7pITaAA-6Otg6x5SaF-L3ks

Bugreport attached.


key point in the debug log:

  Reveal hidden contents



bugreport.txt 167.76 kB · 0 downloads

How reproducible is this one?

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Running Dyndolod (v3.00 Alpha 95) I get this seam along the top line of the trees. 

I can not figure out the cause of this or how to make it go away, or find anyone else with the same issue.


It's a little hard to see in the picture because it's only a few pixels thick. Look at the very distant trees around the crosshair. It's more noticeable in game and it flickers as you move. It's as though someone put a straight, horizontal line right at the top of the trees. Or the very top of the invisible 'square' around LODs, like there's an outline. 

The problem seems to be with the lods for trees pine tree 01, pine tree light snow 01. It also affects very distant LODs. Once you get close enough (but where the trees are still LODs) the problem goes away.

Edited by eternalraven
forgot detail about specific model of trees affected
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Hi - upgraded to Dyndolod 3.0 Alpha 95 after using 2.93 successfully for a long time.  I ran xLodgen and Texgen (as well as Dyndolod) using the instructions here and at the main site. 

The results, using Happy Little Trees, Veydosebrom, JK's Skyrim, Majestic Mountains and EEK's Renthal, are fantastic throughout Tamriel. 

But when I go to Riften, I get an immediate CTD whenever I am able to see the Gates (North or South).  When I disable the Dyndolod plugins, though, I can look at those gates without issue. 

I'm pulling my hair out on this.  My main question is should I concentrate on Dyndolod or are there other issues you think I should check first.

Thanks for your anticipated help.

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1 hour ago, eternalraven said:

Running Dyndolod (v3.00 Alpha 95) I get this seam along the top line of the trees. 

I can not figure out the cause of this or how to make it go away, or find anyone else with the same issue.


It's a little hard to see in the picture because it's only a few pixels thick. Look at the very distant trees around the crosshair. It's more noticeable in game and it flickers as you move. It's as though someone put a straight, horizontal line right at the top of the trees. Or the very top of the invisible 'square' around LODs, like there's an outline. 

The problem seems to be with the lods for trees pine tree 01, pine tree light snow 01. It also affects very distant LODs. Once you get close enough (but where the trees are still LODs) the problem goes away.

What mod are you using for trees specifically ... what file and version? I had to maximize the image to see what you mean. It's a small horizontal line just above billboard trees.

What is your tree mesh rule?

Try TFC in the console to get closer to the billboard. Please provide the tree name of the affected billboards (e.g., treepineforestsnowl01.nif)

It looks like you could possibly resolve to some extent with an adjustment to TreeMSAlphaThreshold in TexGen_SSE.ini ... maybe 144 or something like that.

I doubt this is a DynDOLOD issue. It's probably the texture UV being off or having some noise where it's not wanted.

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44 minutes ago, Dez756 said:

Hi - upgraded to Dyndolod 3.0 Alpha 95 after using 2.93 successfully for a long time.  I ran xLodgen and Texgen (as well as Dyndolod) using the instructions here and at the main site. 

The results, using Happy Little Trees, Veydosebrom, JK's Skyrim, Majestic Mountains and EEK's Renthal, are fantastic throughout Tamriel. 

But when I go to Riften, I get an immediate CTD whenever I am able to see the Gates (North or South).  When I disable the Dyndolod plugins, though, I can look at those gates without issue. 

I'm pulling my hair out on this.  My main question is should I concentrate on Dyndolod or are there other issues you think I should check first.

Thanks for your anticipated help.

See forum posting rules in the parent forum and the OP. Log files needed for DynDOLOD. Those will possibly provide useful related xEdit errors.

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Are you using Cutting Room Floor? Both Jk's Skyrim and CRF add the north gate as usable. Dyndolod could be creating files for both gates. I use the patch from JK's Skyrim page. If you are not using it try it out. Others have reported issues with the riften gates with both mods installed such as overlapping. 

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12 hours ago, DarthVitrial said:

Maybe 10% of the time or so?

It is not always the same plugin and record, right?

7 hours ago, BrotherShamus said:

Works perfectly.  Thanks!

Thanks for letting us know. Enjoy.

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7 hours ago, Dez756 said:

Hi - upgraded to Dyndolod 3.0 Alpha 95 after using 2.93 successfully for a long time.  I ran xLodgen and Texgen (as well as Dyndolod) using the instructions here and at the main site. 

The results, using Happy Little Trees, Veydosebrom, JK's Skyrim, Majestic Mountains and EEK's Renthal, are fantastic throughout Tamriel. 

But when I go to Riften, I get an immediate CTD whenever I am able to see the Gates (North or South).  When I disable the Dyndolod plugins, though, I can look at those gates without issue. 

I'm pulling my hair out on this.  My main question is should I concentrate on Dyndolod or are there other issues you think I should check first.

Thanks for your anticipated help.

I moved the post to the DynDOLOD 3 Alpha thread.
Read the first post which log and debug log to upload when making posts. Pay attention to the log messages and the summary that might open at the end. https://dyndolod.info/Help/Summary-Of-Messages

See the answers for "ILS or CTD" at https://dyndolod.info/FAQ, then read the ..\DynDOLOD\docs\DynDOLOD-README.txt as suggested by one of the answers.

Upload crash log from .NET Script Framework or Crash Logger if you are using game runtime 1.6.x

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8 hours ago, eternalraven said:

Running Dyndolod (v3.00 Alpha 95) I get this seam along the top line of the trees. 

I can not figure out the cause of this or how to make it go away, or find anyone else with the same issue.

The problem seems to be with the lods for trees pine tree 01, pine tree light snow 01. It also affects very distant LODs. Once you get close enough (but where the trees are still LODs) the problem goes away.It's a little hard to see in the picture because it's only a few pixels thick. Look at the very distant trees around the crosshair. It's more noticeable in game and it flickers as you move. It's as though someone put a straight, horizontal line right at the top of the trees. Or the very top of the invisible 'square' around LODs, like there's an outline. 

I moved the post to the DynDOLOD 3 Alpha thread.

Read the first post which log and debug log to upload (both for TexGen and DynDOLOD in this case)

If making screenshots, use tfc to enable the free camera mode to get closer to LOD or if that makes the problem go away, try to use a small fov to "zoom" into the problem.

Double check that no third party billboards are installed. Use TexGen to generate all required and desired billboards. https://dyndolod.info/Help/Tree-Grass-LOD-Billboards#3rd-Party-LOD-Billboards

If you are certain this happens with a billboard generated by TexGen, zip and upload all the billboard files (dds and txt) that Texgen generated.

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Got this error in DYNDOLOD

Error: Item not found while processing ccbgssse020-graycowl.esl ccBGSSSE020FakeDeedActivator "Dresser" [ACTI:FE00B81D]

Pastebin for bugreport.txt - https://pastebin.com/07SnNmCp

Pastebin for \DynDOLOD\Logs\DYNDOLOD_SSE_log.txt - https://pastebin.com/nwvKTGsu

Pastebin for final lines of \DynDOLOD\Logs\DynDOLOD_SSE_Debug_log.txt - https://pastebin.com/TEbfUN29

(zipped Debug_log.txt as an attachment)

[EDIT FOR DETAILS: The placed object/activator in question is changed to "Set Enable State to Opposite of Parent" by DBM_CC_GrayCowlReturnsPatchMGTGCoNPatch.esp which makes the CC gray cowl play well with Manny GT's Gray Cowl and LotD.]


Edited by tarduhaikuadamantivy
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