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My problem with Waterfalls was as suspected due to my misunderstanding about turning off Large Objects in the game launcher options, they are all working fine again at any distance now I have put the game settings back to defaults for this machine.

  On 1/5/2018 at 10:46 AM, alt3rn1ty said:

My problem with Waterfalls was as suspected due to my misunderstanding about turning off Large Objects in the game launcher options, they are all working fine again at any distance now I have put the game settings back to defaults for this machine.

Thanks for the update.

  On 1/5/2018 at 3:33 PM, Octopuss said:

sheson, do you have a reasonably non-tech explanation how you worked around the SSE's LOD bug?

Most of the large reference bugs only happen when existing data from Skryim/Update/DLC *.esm is modified by an *.esp. If the same modifications are done by an *.esm it is usually fine, with a few exceptions.


So whatever DynDOLOD needs to do in regards to large references it does in DynDOLOD.esm and for the few exceptions just doesn't do them at all or in a different way that is not including the large reference system.


This thread might be of interest https://forum.step-project.com/topic/12977-flickering-lod-magical-college-of-winterhold/ in case the technical bug report from Docs\SkyrimSELargeRefGrid\SkyrimSE-LargeRefGrid.html is too abstract.

Posted (edited)


I am sorry if this was posted here already a 100th times, but I couldn't find any related topic that helps me (or I understand :'D). After running DynDolod like 10 times, I cannot pick out what causes the wrong LODs at the Windhelm bridge. Please see the picture below:




What can be the cause of LODs not dissappearing in near sight?



- The People of Skyrim

- Snowy AF Windhelm

- Skyrim 3D Trees


DynDOLOD Resources SE 2.36 beta

- Vanilla Skyrim and Dragonborn Billboards (maybe I don't need them?)

- Skyrim 3D Trees Billboards 3.02 

- Majestic Mountains LOD PACK (works better this way, dunno why)

- TexGen_Output

- DynDOLOD_Output


the dyndolod.esp loads last, only before bashed and my personal conflict resolution patch (which only affects weapons, armors, interior cell lighting ... etc.).


PS: Is there any guide that highlights what pre-generated LODs or meshes or textures or [anythin] could alter the DynDOLOD process? I watched several videos already (gamerpeots, weasel, yours ;-) ...)


thanks in advance

Edited by Maddin
Posted (edited)
  On 1/5/2018 at 7:09 PM, Maddin said:


I am sorry if this was posted here already a 100th times, but I couldn't find any related topic that helps me (or I understand :'D). After running DynDolod like 10 times, I cannot pick out what causes the wrong LODs at the Windhelm bridge. Please see the picture below:


What can be the cause of LODs not dissappearing in near sight?


PS: Is there any guide that highlights what pre-generated LODs or meshes or textures or [anythin] could alter the DynDOLOD process? I watched several videos already (gamerpeots, weasel, yours ;-) ...)


thanks in advance

Seems to me the LOD is correct, but didn't unload.


See FAQ: Out of place objects / floating objects / flickering full model


Could also be not following 2 step generation required for Open Cities. Could also be the game engine. See recent discussion with mohaderhangen


Open console, click object, verify you have the correct object by using disable/enable in console, note form id and look it up in xEdit to see what record it is and what its EditorID ([source-plugin-name]_[source-form-id] points to. If the object has no form-id then it is static object LOD and a game engine problem that should clear with a save/load.


We do these same troubleshooting steps every time and then I also always also ask for the DynDOLOD log to be uploaded or pasted to pastebin.



  On 1/5/2018 at 7:09 PM, Maddin said:

PS: Is there any guide that highlights what pre-generated LODs or meshes or textures or [anythin] could alter the DynDOLOD process? I watched several videos already (gamerpeots, weasel, yours ;-) ...)

The included manual and reference *might* mention that LODGen.exe uses terrain LOD meshes to optimize object LOD (remove unseen faces).

If tree LOD generation is not checked, then existing tree LOD is scanned to build a list of trees that have tree LOD. However that will typically not have good results, since tree LOD does not preserve load order information of plugins that add tree references with the well known outcomes that pre-made LOD that wasn't made for the exact same load order is always incorrect and results in wrong/weird tree LOD textures and stuck tree LOD.

So under normal circumstances only terrain LOD meshes (something DynDOLOD does not generate) matter for generating static object LOD.

Edited by sheson
Posted (edited)

Thank you for the fast reply, master sheson :)


I did as you said and started a new game with "coc windhelmbridge02". Mouseclicked on LOD with active console and disable and enable it works, but the LOD b2008756 is loaded again when I zoom out and reenter the cell (with tcl). when I am far away from Windhelms Entrydoor, the LOD is displayed correctly.


The wrong LOD still persists but I now know the source: The people of tamriel (tpos_ultimate_esm.esp). Honestly, I don't know what to do with this information, now. Do I have to disable/hide some files inside the "The People of Skyrim" Mod, when Dyndolod generates the LOD? Right now, I am reading through the DynDOLOD_manual_SSE.html in search for answers, but appreciate any direct tip or suggestion highly :).




Btw, I don't have open cities installed and know from experience that near sight LODs happen one ignores the right OC-install-process.




Edited by Maddin
Posted (edited)

SOrry, I forgot the DynDOLOD_SSE.log. Sadly, it's too large for pastebin, so I'll add it here as googledrive link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gmFZLRnj_ADnuBU2M8JwECvOSw5dFIHm/view?usp=sharing


One thing bothers me: DynDOLOD may use the wrong Skyrim.ini and plugins.txt, because they are loaded from "My Documents/My Games/Skyrim Special Edition" and "AppData/Loca/Skyrim Special Edition" (!?). I have an Mod Organizers plugins.txt that differs from the one in AppData. However, the plugin list in the DynDOLOD log file is correct. Very strange, I feel like I am missing the basics here  :unsure:

Edited by Maddin
Posted (edited)
  On 1/6/2018 at 12:53 AM, Maddin said:

Thank you for the fast reply, master sheson :)


I did as you said and started a new game with "coc windhelmbridge02". Mouseclicked on LOD with active console and disable and enable it works, but the LOD b2008756 is loaded again when I zoom out and reenter the cell (with tcl). when I am far away from Windhelms Entrydoor, the LOD is displayed correctly.


The wrong LOD still persists but I now know the source: The people of tamriel (tpos_ultimate_esm.esp). Honestly, I don't know what to do with this information, now. Do I have to disable/hide some files inside the "The People of Skyrim" Mod, when Dyndolod generates the LOD? Right now, I am reading through the DynDOLOD_manual_SSE.html in search for answers, but appreciate any direct tip or suggestion highly :).




Btw, I don't have open cities installed and know from experience that near sight LODs happen one ignores the right OC-install-process.





This is DynDOLOD 2.36 SE BETA and I am not pro-actively testing compatibility with mods while Skyrim SE is a broken mess of bugs that are not fixed by Bethesda.


You might notice the short list of compatible mods compared to the Skyrim version.


The LOD of the gate should not really have a form id, but rather be static LOD usually. I will need to check what tpos does and then typically add some rules to fix stuff like that.


  On 1/6/2018 at 1:34 AM, Maddin said:

One thing bothers me: DynDOLOD may use the wrong Skyrim.ini and plugins.txt, because they are loaded from "My Documents/My Games/Skyrim Special Edition" and "AppData/Loca/Skyrim Special Edition" (!?).

DynDOLOD is using the correct and very much the same INIs and plugins.txt like the game. You might want to read up on how MO works in the background "updating" those files virtually before starting an executable.

Edited by sheson
Posted (edited)

How do we access the MCM menu ?


I cant find it in any of the game settings menus, Game version and SKSE version show correct, so I believe I should be able to access a DynDOLOD menu somewhere in there, but cant find it.





I also do not get a message top left of the screen when the game starts indicating that DynDOLOD is running, but the esm and esp are active



  Reveal hidden contents


Edited by alt3rn1ty
Posted (edited)
  On 1/6/2018 at 10:57 AM, alt3rn1ty said:

How do we access the MCM menu ?


I cant find it in any of the game settings menus, Game version and SKSE version show correct, so I believe I should be able to access a DynDOLOD menu somewhere in there, but cant find it.





I also do not get a message top left of the screen when the game starts indicating that DynDOLOD is running, but the esm and esp are active

The MCM requires SkyUI. Then click on "Mod Configuration" in that screen. The message "DynDOLOD successfully initialized" *should* show regardless of SkyUI being installed or not.

Edited by sheson
Posted (edited)

ah, ok, so without SkyUI after a rebuild to test different setups out .. A clean save just consists of remove mod and sit it out for 30 days indoors :


In the docs there does not seem to be any facility to do a full clean save routine without SkyUI being installed ..


"If an existing save is updated from scratch, follow the 'clean save' cycle: first deactivate DynDOLOD from MCM, wait for deactivation message, go into interior, check MCM DynDOLOD is still deactivated, save, exit game. Remove old DynDOLOD.esp, in case papyrus scripts are updated remove the old scripts (see update post), remove old meshes/skse/textures from former output. Start game, load last save, wait a bit, save again. Install new papyrus scripts in case they are updated, the new DynDOLOD.esp and the new generated LOD. Enable the new DynDOLOD.esp. Start game, load the last save, go outside. DynDOLOD should initialize by itself, else activate from MCM."


But SkyUI is not a requirement. Or is there a console command to stop DynDOLOD first when we do not have SkyUI ?




Edit : Just rechecked in game .. The message never comes up for me.

Edited by alt3rn1ty
  On 1/6/2018 at 12:53 AM, Maddin said:

Thank you for the fast reply, master sheson :)


I did as you said and started a new game with "coc windhelmbridge02". Mouseclicked on LOD with active console and disable and enable it works, but the LOD b2008756 is loaded again when I zoom out and reenter the cell (with tcl). when I am far away from Windhelms Entrydoor, the LOD is displayed correctly.


The wrong LOD still persists but I now know the source: The people of tamriel (tpos_ultimate_esm.esp). Honestly, I don't know what to do with this information, now. Do I have to disable/hide some files inside the "The People of Skyrim" Mod, when Dyndolod generates the LOD? Right now, I am reading through the DynDOLOD_manual_SSE.html in search for answers, but appreciate any direct tip or suggestion highly :).




Btw, I don't have open cities installed and know from experience that near sight LODs happen one ignores the right OC-install-process.




The tpos plugin adds a duplicate gate inside the city. Considering that the vanilla gate with form id 0009A272 is not deleted/disabled and the new gate (xx765A72) has exactly the same position it seems like a wild or unintentional edit of sorts.

Both gates show right on top of each other, so there are no visual errors when inside the city.


New objects added to cites are picked up by DynDOLOD to receive LOD and a facsimile in the parent world.


Before generating LOD, either remove the duplicated from the plugin (together with the reported wild edits near cell 0,0 - which are curiously initially disabled) or add a line to ..DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_SSE_childworldlod_Tamriel.txt


which will instruct DynDOLOD to ignore the gate. This will be included in the next update.


I am curious about something else, unrelated. Do you have any mod overwriting any meshes from tpos?

Posted (edited)
  On 1/6/2018 at 1:26 PM, alt3rn1ty said:

ah, ok, so without SkyUI after a rebuild to test different setups out .. A clean save just consists of remove mod and sit it out for 30 days indoors :


In the docs there does not seem to be any facility to do a full clean save routine without SkyUI being installed ..


"If an existing save is updated from scratch, follow the 'clean save' cycle: first deactivate DynDOLOD from MCM, wait for deactivation message, go into interior, check MCM DynDOLOD is still deactivated, save, exit game. Remove old DynDOLOD.esp, in case papyrus scripts are updated remove the old scripts (see update post), remove old meshes/skse/textures from former output. Start game, load last save, wait a bit, save again. Install new papyrus scripts in case they are updated, the new DynDOLOD.esp and the new generated LOD. Enable the new DynDOLOD.esp. Start game, load the last save, go outside. DynDOLOD should initialize by itself, else activate from MCM.[/size]"


But SkyUI is not a requirement. Or is there a console command to stop DynDOLOD first when we do not have SkyUI ?




Edit : Just rechecked in game .. The message never comes up for me.

Enthusiast modders know that Mod Configuration Menus (MCM) require SkyUI. However, the DynDOLOD SkyUI MCM is not required to generate LOD or use dynamic LOD in the game or to make "clean" saves. The final requirements of the LOD mod that a user creates with the tools is up to the users decisions and discretion.


The "clean" save is to make sure position/rotation information for references is removed from the save. The instructions to disable and to "check MCM DynDOLOD is still deactivated" when indoors is mostly a clever way to make sure that enough time has passed to make sure there is no active script anymore. Disabling before-hand shortens that time.


I think in the past 3 years there was only one question what to do if SkyUI is not used. Which is what they were before the DynDOLOD SkyUI MCM was added: just wait a bit / use in-game wait menu for 24 hours (again, just a way to make sure enough real time has passed for active scripts to complete)


Waiting 10/30 days is usually not required either, as references added to DynDOLOD plugins can not be reset anyways (they would lose their current LOD "state").


If the message "DynDOLOD successfully initialized" does not show top left the very first time a worldspace is entered with DynDOLOD, it either means something is wrong obviously, or may be the message passes to quickly because of other messages.

Edited by sheson

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