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  On 8/18/2018 at 6:22 AM, Pandaphil said:

Been a big fan of DynDOLOD from the beginning. But theres been one ongoing issue I've been having with Whiterun. I use a mod called Whiterun Gatehouse and Walls Restored, and whenever I create new lod, it covers all these new wall sections with a blurry brick texture. These are easily removed by right-clicking and deleting,  but more annoyingly, it dumps a pile of blurry wall segments in the sky over the tundra which I can delete, but which return when I leave and re-enter the cel. Any suggestions on how I could go about fixing this?

FAQ: Skyrim: Out of place objects / floating objects / flickering full models


A: Test with new game, wait exterior for the DynDOLOD initialized message. If successful the updating of existing save game with old DynDOLOD.esp went wrong. Follow instructions how to update save game with a new DynDOLOD.esp. RTFM, watch the video or check DynDOLOD SkyUI MCM. The clean save routine can also be redone with the same plugin to reset everything.


A: If the load order had script lag and deactivating/activating from the DynDOLOD SkyUI MCM main page does not reset out of place objects, do the clean save routine where "old" and "new" plugin are the same. Consider generating less demanding dynamic LOD, see Performance section in the manual.


A: Wild edit added by a plugin. Check the DynDOLOD log for messages about wild edits. Use console in the game and click on object to retrieve form id. Look up the form id in xEdit and remove the reference, clean plugin afterwards. Notify mod author. If object is added by DynDOLOD.esp, follow the "pluginname_formid" information found in the Editor ID of the reference to find the plugin from which this object originates.


A: Sometimes LOD objects are placed on other objects without LOD and thus appear to float in the distance. Use mesh rules so that the object has no LOD or that the other object also has LOD.


I was testing my game for stability using the 28 step test provided by sands of time in combination with another stress test that involves flying around the map at speedmult 2000 with tcl on.


While I was flying around I noticed red x's in the sky above whiterun and some other locations pretty high up, wouldn't notice them normally with weather effects and stuff but they are still there.


I checked them in the console and they are associated with dyndolod.esm


I remember having this problem before with LE but I was able to fix it by sorting with loot.


This time, its not getting fixed with loot.


What are these and how can I fix them?

  On 8/19/2018 at 11:27 AM, Karma said:

I was testing my game for stability using the 28 step test provided by sands of time in combination with another stress test that involves flying around the map at speedmult 2000 with tcl on.


While I was flying around I noticed red x's in the sky above whiterun and some other locations pretty high up, wouldn't notice them normally with weather effects and stuff but they are still there.


I checked them in the console and they are associated with dyndolod.esm


I remember having this problem before with LE but I was able to fix it by sorting with loot.


This time, its not getting fixed with loot.


What are these and how can I fix them?


  On 8/1/2018 at 5:29 AM, zilav said:

NifScan doesn't support SSE meshes, only Skyrim LE ones. That's why it is hosted on Skyrim Nexus only.


Actually, according to nifscan's nexus page, it checks stuff that's specific to SSE - including catching some stuff that works in LE but not SE, and for some textures, it has the option to convert them to a format supported by SE if they aren't already. It works just fine on meshes that have been run through SSE Nif Optimizer. And looking in nifskope for what nifscan reports for various nifs, it at least seems to be legit, though I don't know how likely the random crashes that nifscan's documentation claims will happen actually are. I expect that nifscan is only found on the Skyrim LE section of the nexus and not the Skyrim SE portion simply because its author doesn't want to put it in multiple places (e.g. Mator has done the same with Merge Plugins and Mator Smash), but either way, based on what it's documentation says, it definitely supports SSE at least partially at this point.


A common complaint that nifscan has for the meshes in the DynDOLOD Resources for SE is duplicate names - e.g.

dyndolod resources se\meshes\lod\imperial\impextlighthouse01alternativetexture_lod_1.nif
    Block [0]: Name ImpExtLighthouse01:12 is used more than once in children nodes

which nifskope usually fixes when you just resave the mesh (though it won't fix it if a node has the same resource listed as a child multiple times instead of having multiple children with different IDs but the same name). The most common complaint that nifscan has for the DynDOLOD resaurces is that bit 9 in BSXFlags isn't set correctly or that there needs to be a BSXFlags with bit 9 set, and there is no BSXFlags. e.g.

dyndolod resources se\meshes\lod\dbm\museumglow_lod_1.nif
    Block [0]: Mesh uses SLSF1_External_Emittance but BSXFlags with set bit 9 is missing.

and as far as I can tell, what it says is correct. I just don't know how likely it (or any of the other problems reported) are to cause random crashes in practice. However, the nifscan documentation certainly seems to think that they cause random crashes that are hard to track down. So, I'd definitely argue that they should be fixed unless it's known that what nifscan is reporting is wrong.

Posted (edited)
  On 8/23/2018 at 7:00 AM, Kalessin42 said:

Actually, according to nifscan's nexus page, it checks stuff that's specific to SSE - including catching some stuff that works in LE but not SE, and for some textures, it has the option to convert them to a format supported by SE if they aren't already. It works just fine on meshes that have been run through SSE Nif Optimizer. And looking in nifskope for what nifscan reports for various nifs, it at least seems to be legit, though I don't know how likely the random crashes that nifscan's documentation claims will happen actually are. I expect that nifscan is only found on the Skyrim LE section of the nexus and not the Skyrim SE portion simply because its author doesn't want to put it in multiple places (e.g. Mator has done the same with Merge Plugins and Mator Smash), but either way, based on what it's documentation says, it definitely supports SSE at least partially at this point.


A common complaint that nifscan has for the meshes in the DynDOLOD Resources for SE is duplicate names - e.g.

dyndolod resources se\meshes\lod\imperial\impextlighthouse01alternativetexture_lod_1.nif
    Block [0]: Name ImpExtLighthouse01:12 is used more than once in children nodes

which nifskope usually fixes when you just resave the mesh (though it won't fix it if a node has the same resource listed as a child multiple times instead of having multiple children with different IDs but the same name). The most common complaint that nifscan has for the DynDOLOD resaurces is that bit 9 in BSXFlags isn't set correctly or that there needs to be a BSXFlags with bit 9 set, and there is no BSXFlags. e.g.

dyndolod resources se\meshes\lod\dbm\museumglow_lod_1.nif
    Block [0]: Mesh uses SLSF1_External_Emittance but BSXFlags with set bit 9 is missing.

and as far as I can tell, what it says is correct. I just don't know how likely it (or any of the other problems reported) are to cause random crashes in practice. However, the nifscan documentation certainly seems to think that they cause random crashes that are hard to track down. So, I'd definitely argue that they should be fixed unless it's known that what nifscan is reporting is wrong.

It is great that you are mentioning the Nexus page that was created and written by Zilav back to himself.

You are probably mistaking checks that verify if older NIF versions are "compatibility" with Skyrim SE with the support of the newer NIF version from Skyrim SE. DynDLOD Resources SE almost exclusively contains NIFs in the new Skyrim SE format, which is not supported by NIFScan, according to its author Zilav.


The majority of meshes included in DynDOLOD Resources are used by LODGen.exe to generate LOD. They are not used in the game. Changing fully intended settings and options (some of which may be reported as potential problem by Nifscan) in the meshes included in DynDOLOD Resources will interfere with LOD generation.


The few meshes from DynDOLOD Resources, which are used in the game in very specific ways, are not causing a problem. We would know, because such things do not go undetected for years. More often than not, NIFs that are seemingly fine in NifSkope and have no problem reported by Nifscan cause a problem. In case a mesh causes a problem in the game it is discovered very easily and quickly. After all, a corrupt/invalid mesh is the second most common reason for problems after memory issues. Take a look at the troubleshoot recommendations and steps to solve these issues and how the DynDOLOD standalone already reports missing/corrupted meshes in its LOG at generation time. Then check discussions how often a mesh from DynDOLOD Resources was found to be the source of a problem in the game compared to meshes from other mods or official sources.


If you have problems in the game that are caused by assets included in DynDOLOD Resources or that are caused by a bug in DynDOLOD standalone those specific assets or bugs will be fixed accordingly and promptly.

Edited by sheson
  On 8/23/2018 at 8:23 AM, sheson said:

It is great that you are mentioning the Nexus page that was created and written by Zilav back to himself.

LOL. Well, then I guess that I get to look like an idiot.


  On 8/23/2018 at 8:23 AM, sheson said:

You are probably mistaking checks that verify if older NIF versions are "compatibility" with Skyrim SE with the support of the newer NIF version from Skyrim SE. DynDLOD Resources SE almost exclusively contains NIFs in the new Skyrim SE format, which is not supported by NIFScan, according to its author Zilav.

Well, the nexus page quite specifically talks about reporting issues with regards to SE, and nifscan definitely reports errors on nifs which have gone through SSE Nif Optimizer and thus - if I understand correctly - should be in the newer format at that point. What it says about meshes that have gone through the SSE Nif Optimizer seems to align with what NifSkope says, which strongly implies that it understand the new SSE format - certainly it doesn't complain about it being in an unknown format, and it doesn't choke on it. So, between what the nexus page says and what nifscan at least seems to do when using it, I don't know how it could be the case that it doesn't support the newer format, since it definitely seems to.  But I clearly don't understand the situation properly.


In any case, if nifscan can be trusted when processing the nifs in the DynDOLOD SE resources, then I would argue that what it's complaining about should be fixed, but if it can't be trusted, then obviously, it should be ignored.

  On 8/23/2018 at 9:08 AM, Kalessin42 said:


In any case, if nifscan can be trusted when processing the nifs in the DynDOLOD SE resources, then I would argue that what it's complaining about should be fixed, but if it can't be trusted, then obviously, it should be ignored.

"NifScan doesn't support SSE meshes" is a very clear statement. That doesn't mean it can not read some headers and some blocks that did not change in the new format. Probably best to discuss such things on the Nifscan page.


The warnings reported by Nifscan are correct in itself. However, nothing needs to be changed if it doesn't cause problems and none of the fully intentional things required for correct LODGen operation should be changed.


Use Nifscan as a tool to help troubleshoot if there is an actual problem to make informed judgement and decisions.

Posted (edited)

I've been modding Skyrim for years, and feel like I have a handle on just about everything, but without fail every time I plan a new playthrough I have tons of issues with LOD. I try hard to RTFM and figure it out myself, but after several days it gets so frustrating that I often just use some one-click tree solution and move on, eternally disappointed. This time around I thought I couldn't go wrong if I just followed the ultra trees YouTube video so many people have been relying on for awhile now, and it almost worked!. I followed it to the letter save for not including whiterun forest borealis (personally don't care for it), and I chose to let Indistinguishable Billboards overwrite DynDOLOD resources since the very few files (4 I think) that conflicted seemed lower res in Dyn's resources. I won't drag this explanation on though, here is what the problem is, and it's probably trivial, but I just can't get it.


[spoiler=White tree LOD of a completely different tree]




The small dead trees are the full model.




[spoiler=No LOD at all, full model pop-in.]






I've read about both of these issue, but I just can't figure it out. I was very careful to follow the instructions, and it was all pretty basic stuff that I've done many times before. I didn't even get tripped up when copying over SFO trees by the very similarly named TreePineForestSnow03 and TreePineForestSnowL03. I searched the DynDOLOD log for instances of "Billboard not found" and got 52 hits, many of which seem to be fine because it found a 3D lod, but there were a few times it didn't.


[spoiler=Partial LOG]

Search "billboard not found" (52 hits in 1 file)  C:\Games\Modding Tools\Skyrim SE Tools\DynDOLOD\Logs\DynDOLOD_SSE_log.txt (52 hits)	Line 2764: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\bsassets.esm\bsmtreepineshortheavysnow_006015b2.dds>, 3D LOD found 	Line 2767: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\bsassets.esm\bsmtreepineshortheavysnow01_006015b3.dds>, 3D LOD found 	Line 2770: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\bsheartland.esm\cyrtreewinteraspen01_000cc263.dds>, replaced tree, 3D LOD not found <winteraspen01_430ACA11> fallback Full Model	Line 2773: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\bsheartland.esm\cyrtreewinteraspen02_000cc262.dds>, replaced tree, 3D LOD not found <winteraspen02_A708F2DD> fallback Full Model	Line 2776: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\bsheartland.esm\cyrtreewinteraspen03_000cc260.dds>, replaced tree, 3D LOD not found <winteraspen03_123E7E02> fallback Full Model	Line 2779: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\bsheartland.esm\cyrtreewinteraspen04_000cc261.dds>, replaced tree, 3D LOD not found <winteraspen04_03E596C1> fallback Full Model	Line 2781: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\bsheartland.esm\cyrtreewinteraspen05_000cc25f.dds>, replaced tree, 3D LOD not found <winteraspen05_9EA238E4> fallback Full Model	Line 2784: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\bsheartland.esm\cyrtreewinteraspen06_000cc25e.dds>, replaced tree, 3D LOD not found <winteraspen06_1D42EDBD> fallback Full Model	Line 3077: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treereachtree01magic_000f64bf.dds>, replaced tree, 3D LOD not found <treereachtree01magic_0D733395> fallback Full Model	Line 3080: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treereachtree01snow_0006b1b8.dds>, replaced tree, 3D LOD not found <reachtree01_19261A56> fallback Full Model	Line 3083: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treereachtree01winterhold_00109716.dds>, replaced tree, 3D LOD not found <reachtree01_19261A56> fallback Full Model	Line 3091: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treereachtreestump01_000b8a75.dds>, replaced tree, 3D LOD not found <reachtreestump01_7F7C9D96> fallback Full Model	Line 3098: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\dawnguard.esm\treewinteraspen01_00003ac5.dds>, replaced tree, 3D LOD not found <winteraspen01_430ACA11> fallback Full Model	Line 3101: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\dawnguard.esm\treewinteraspen02_00003ac9.dds>, replaced tree, 3D LOD not found <winteraspen02_A708F2DD> fallback Full Model	Line 3104: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\dawnguard.esm\treewinteraspen03_00003aca.dds>, replaced tree, 3D LOD not found <winteraspen03_123E7E02> fallback Full Model	Line 3107: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\dawnguard.esm\treewinteraspen04_00003acb.dds>, replaced tree, 3D LOD not found <winteraspen04_03E596C1> fallback Full Model	Line 3109: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\dawnguard.esm\treewinteraspen05_00003acc.dds>, replaced tree, 3D LOD not found <winteraspen05_9EA238E4> fallback Full Model	Line 3112: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\dawnguard.esm\treewinteraspen06_00003acf.dds>, replaced tree, 3D LOD not found <winteraspen06_1D42EDBD> fallback Full Model	Line 8717: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\bsassets.esm\bsmtreepineshortheavysnow_006015b2.dds>, 3D LOD found 	Line 8720: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\bsassets.esm\bsmtreepineshortheavysnow01_006015b3.dds>, 3D LOD found 	Line 8768: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\bsheartland.esm\cyrtreewinteraspen01_000cc263.dds>, 3D LOD found 	Line 8771: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\bsheartland.esm\cyrtreewinteraspen02_000cc262.dds>, 3D LOD found 	Line 8774: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\bsheartland.esm\cyrtreewinteraspen03_000cc260.dds>, 3D LOD found 	Line 8777: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\bsheartland.esm\cyrtreewinteraspen05_000cc25f.dds>, 3D LOD found 	Line 8780: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\bsheartland.esm\cyrtreewinteraspen06_000cc25e.dds>, 3D LOD found 	Line 8893: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treeaspen04_0005fada.dds>, 3D LOD found 	Line 9071: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treereachtree01magic_000f64bf.dds>, 3D LOD found 	Line 9074: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treereachtree01snow_0006b1b8.dds>, 3D LOD found 	Line 9077: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treereachtree01winterhold_00109716.dds>, 3D LOD found 	Line 9085: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treereachtreestump01_000b8a75.dds>, replaced tree, 3D LOD not found <reachtreestump01_BA992F80> fallback Full Model	Line 9092: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\dawnguard.esm\treewinteraspen01_00003ac5.dds>, 3D LOD found 	Line 9095: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\dawnguard.esm\treewinteraspen02_00003ac9.dds>, 3D LOD found 	Line 9098: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\dawnguard.esm\treewinteraspen03_00003aca.dds>, 3D LOD found 	Line 9101: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\dawnguard.esm\treewinteraspen05_00003acc.dds>, 3D LOD found 	Line 9104: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\dawnguard.esm\treewinteraspen06_00003acf.dds>, 3D LOD found 	Line 14582: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\bsassets.esm\bsmtreepineshortheavysnow_006015b2.dds>, 3D LOD found 	Line 14585: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\bsassets.esm\bsmtreepineshortheavysnow01_006015b3.dds>, 3D LOD found 	Line 14633: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\bsheartland.esm\cyrtreewinteraspen01_000cc263.dds>, 3D LOD found 	Line 14636: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\bsheartland.esm\cyrtreewinteraspen02_000cc262.dds>, 3D LOD found 	Line 14639: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\bsheartland.esm\cyrtreewinteraspen03_000cc260.dds>, 3D LOD found 	Line 14642: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\bsheartland.esm\cyrtreewinteraspen05_000cc25f.dds>, 3D LOD found 	Line 14645: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\bsheartland.esm\cyrtreewinteraspen06_000cc25e.dds>, 3D LOD found 	Line 14758: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treeaspen04_0005fada.dds>, 3D LOD found 	Line 14936: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treereachtree01magic_000f64bf.dds>, 3D LOD found 	Line 14939: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treereachtree01snow_0006b1b8.dds>, 3D LOD found 	Line 14942: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treereachtree01winterhold_00109716.dds>, 3D LOD found 	Line 14950: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\treereachtreestump01_000b8a75.dds>, replaced tree, 3D LOD not found <reachtreestump01_BA992F80> fallback Full Model	Line 14957: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\dawnguard.esm\treewinteraspen01_00003ac5.dds>, 3D LOD found 	Line 14960: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\dawnguard.esm\treewinteraspen02_00003ac9.dds>, 3D LOD found 	Line 14963: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\dawnguard.esm\treewinteraspen03_00003aca.dds>, 3D LOD found 	Line 14966: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\dawnguard.esm\treewinteraspen05_00003acc.dds>, 3D LOD found 	Line 14969: 					Billboard not found <textures\terrain\lodgen\dawnguard.esm\treewinteraspen06_00003acf.dds>, 3D LOD found 

Full log: https://gist.github.com/Drexl/4d451613eb40ea56411618996432d0cb

I read about a similar issue in a thread here that made it seem like the SSE version of EVT might be causing an issue. That's an old thread now. I don't know if it's still an issue or not. If it is would I have to convert the vanilla EVT and EVT billboards to form 44 since it contains meshes? I'm getting worn out from bashing my head against a wall on this for so long. I want to learn how to deal with these issues now so I can deal with them in the future too.



Edit: Updated the full log link because I realized I posted an older one with completely different trees when I was toying around with options. I think I have the correct one linked now. Ignore the partial log I posted, it is inaccurate, but I can't edit my post. There are only 17 hits, not 52 when considering the most recent run of DynDOLOD. They can be found below:



  Reveal hidden contents



The only tree without a billboard or 3d LOD is

reachtreestump01_BA992F80 according to this log. I don't actually know if this has any relevance to the problems I'm experiencing. I'm just mentioning things that stand out to me. :-/

Edited by sheson
  On 8/25/2018 at 6:18 AM, Drexl said:

I just followed the ultra trees YouTube video

I can not support 3rd party guides. If you have problems with a 3rd party guide you need to discuss that with the author of the guide or in its appropriate forum.


  On 8/25/2018 at 6:18 AM, Drexl said:

Here is what the problem is, and it's probably trivial, but I just can't get it.

The first screenshot look like textures are missing in the load order. This is typically a file not found problem.


If LOD does not match the full model, then most likely the wrong LOD resource for that full model was installed at the time of LOD generation. If this happens with 3D tree LOD is most likely happened because of renaming LOD resources incorrectly for some reason.


If there is no LOD for a full model, then typically there was no LOD model installed for this full model at the time of generation, or the plugin that adds the full model was not part of the load order of the time of LOD generation.


In case of tree the DynDOLOD log prints a detail log which tree uses which LOD resources as you seem to know. Use that to troubleshoot above issues by getting the base record form ID for trees which LOD has problems. Then check the mentioned nif in nifskope and the mentioned billboard in an image viewer. If a nif or billboard was not found and you want LOD for that tree supply either or both resources types.


  On 8/25/2018 at 6:18 AM, Drexl said:

I searched the DynDOLOD log for instances of "Billboard not found" and got 52 hits, many of which seem to be fine because it found a 3D lod, but there were a few times it didn't.

3D tree LOD uses NIFs for LOD level 4 and billboards for the higher LOD levels. The problems above all seem to be with NIFs for LOD Level 4 and not with billboar used in level 8 and 16.


  On 8/25/2018 at 6:18 AM, Drexl said:

Billboard not found , 3D LOD found

This type of message tells you if a billboard was found in the load order or not. If you expect to have billboard tree LOD for such a tree, install a billboard for it. The path and filename of the billboard is printed so you can check your load for that billboard and take the appropriate action.


  On 8/25/2018 at 6:18 AM, Drexl said:

I read about a similar issue in a thread here that made it seem like the SSE version of EVT might be causing an issue. That's an old thread now. I don't know if it's still an issue or not. If it is would I have to convert the vanilla EVT and EVT billboards to form 44 since it contains meshes? I'm getting worn out from bashing my head against a wall on this for so long. I want to learn how to deal with these issues now so I can deal with them in the future too.

From DynDOLOD-Trees.html: Enhanced Vanilla Trees - The Skyrim SE version does not properly support 3D tree LOD. Use the Skyrim version. Convert only the plugin in CK64. Do not convert any of the 3D models.


The form version in the plugin does not affect LOD  generation. All that matters that the correct LOD resources are installed for the current full models in the load order.




Thanks for the response @sheson, I really do appreciate it. I had the impression from another thread that the video was yours, I guess I was wrong. It's late now, but I'm going to work on this later ASAP. I'll probably start by using only EVT from Skryim LE and go from there. With the amount of time I've put into this so far I'll be happy with any "not vanilla" result that doesn't break, and teaches me something for next time. If anyone has any suggestions for other mods that, preferably, support 3d LODs I'm all ears. I've not found many.


Sheson! I found out what the problem was with the weird angled trees.  I was running Dyndolod from ModOrganizer and that seemed to be the problem.... Once I ran it by itself it worked perfectly. In fact the ouput was 2.1 GB whilst the output with the bug trees was 1.3 Gb... In case anyone else was having this issue. 

  • 2 weeks later...

ESL files are counted in the 255 plugin limit(has been fixed in the latest xEdit). This makes my 260+plugins can't use this tool. I have to remove some "no need for LOD" esp temporarily.

  On 9/8/2018 at 5:39 AM, Elzee said:

ESL files are counted in the 255 plugin limit(has been fixed in the latest xEdit). This makes my 260+plugins can't use this tool. I have to remove some "no need for LOD" esp temporarily.


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