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Can someone help me make sense of a repeatable CTD I'm getting?


It happens under certain circumstances when I ENTER an indoor cell from outside in Skyrim.


It seems to be related to DynDOLOD - if I deactivate dyndolod.esp and open a save immediately before entering the cell in question, I don't get it. (I haven't actually tried deactivating ALL my other 175 plugins, but none of the others have made any difference to the CTD.)


A few notes:

- It doesn't ALWAYS happen when I enter an interior cell. Only seems to happen after I've been outside traveling for a while.

- Turning off DnyDOLOD in MCM (and waiting for notification) doesn't stop the CTD.

- If I fast travel to any point - even a few meters away, THEN enter, I don't get the CTD.

- I rebuilt my DynDOLOD output folder to no avail.

- Checked DynDOLOD_SSE_log.txt. It mentions a couple missing meshes, but also says: "No missing models are used in the current load order. Messages about missing models can be ignored."

- Turned on papyrus logging just for kicks, but I didn't find anything interesting.


Any ideas what might be going on? 



  On 5/27/2018 at 6:14 PM, mikegray said:

Can someone help me make sense of a repeatable CTD I'm getting?


It happens under certain circumstances when I ENTER an indoor cell from outside in Skyrim.


It seems to be related to DynDOLOD - if I deactivate dyndolod.esp and open a save immediately before entering the cell in question, I don't get it. (I haven't actually tried deactivating ALL my other 175 plugins, but none of the others have made any difference to the CTD.)


A few notes:

- It doesn't ALWAYS happen when I enter an interior cell. Only seems to happen after I've been outside traveling for a while.

- Turning off DnyDOLOD in MCM (and waiting for notification) doesn't stop the CTD.

- If I fast travel to any point - even a few meters away, THEN enter, I don't get the CTD.

- I rebuilt my DynDOLOD output folder to no avail.

- Checked DynDOLOD_SSE_log.txt. It mentions a couple missing meshes, but also says: "No missing models are used in the current load order. Messages about missing models can be ignored."

- Turned on papyrus logging just for kicks, but I didn't find anything interesting.


Any ideas what might be going on? 

It is very unlikely that this is a invalid nif, since typically none are enabled when entering any interiors. There is also no data in the plugins from interiors, all that happens is that the scripts are shutting down everything once a worldspace is left. Typically, in the past any CTD caused by nif or by data in the plugins were easily repeatable. Seems to me the only way to trouble shoot this, find a repeatable location/series of events and then selectively remove data from tthe plugins as explained before. Let me know if you need more info.


Hi Sheson!


So I am using the recent Wyrmstooth SSE Release, and when I build the LOD in DynDOLOD I seem to CTD whenever I travel to Wyrmstooth. Do you know what could cause this, or is there anything that I can send to you to help figure out what could be causing this?


For testing purposes I build LOD in LODGEN just for Wyrmstooth and had no problems.

Posted (edited)
  On 5/30/2018 at 6:24 PM, Sandman53 said:

Hi Sheson!


So I am using the recent Wyrmstooth SSE Release, and when I build the LOD in DynDOLOD I seem to CTD whenever I travel to Wyrmstooth. Do you know what could cause this, or is there anything that I can send to you to help figure out what could be causing this?


For testing purposes I build LOD in LODGEN just for Wyrmstooth and had no problems.

1.17B seems to works fine for my with a minimal load order (USSEP, SkyUI). Are you using any other plugins adding/updating the  WyrmstoothWorld?


See if doing the debugging described in Debug CTD caused by missing or invalid nif in https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59721?tab=docs helps to find something.

Edited by sheson
Posted (edited)
  On 5/30/2018 at 6:46 PM, sheson said:

1.17B seems to works fine for my with a minimal load order (USSEP, SkyUI). Are you using any other plugins adding/updating the  WyrmstoothWorld?


See if doing the debugging described in Debug CTD caused by missing or invalid nif in https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59721?tab=docs helps to find something.

So I actually narrowed down the offending mod to Indistinguishable Billboards for Skyrim SE. Whenever I generate LOD with this one active it seems to cause Wyrmstooth to CTD. I don't know how that mod would interact with Wyrmstooth, but Is there any reason for that to happen?


Also to further test this. I generate the LOD and ran the game without enabling the mods. It seems like whatever is causing it to CTD is in bto files for that world. I tested that by deleting the Objects folder and seeing if it CTD on me and it did not. I do not know enough about BTO files, or LOD in general, to really figure out what's going on though.

Edited by Sandman53
Posted (edited)
  On 5/31/2018 at 2:04 AM, Sandman53 said:

So I actually narrowed down the offending mod to Indistinguishable Billboards for Skyrim SE. Whenever I generate LOD with this one active it seems to cause Wyrmstooth to CTD. I don't know how that mod would interact with Wyrmstooth, but Is there any reason for that to happen?


Also to further test this. I generate the LOD and ran the game without enabling the mods. It seems like whatever is causing it to CTD is in bto files for that world. I tested that by deleting the Objects folder and seeing if it CTD on me and it did not. I do not know enough about BTO files, or LOD in general, to really figure out what's going on though.

That is really odd. Can you zip the BTOs and upload them somewhere for further testing?

Edited by sheson
  On 6/3/2018 at 7:18 AM, Sandman53 said:

Here is the LOD generated for just the Wyrmstooth world


Thx that helped to identify the problem. For reasons billboards are not added to a texture atlas, which means the object LOD uses billboard textures directly. This can cause problems because billboards often do not have certain required texture dimensions, since they are not intended to be used that way.


This will be fixed in the next version. In the meantime you can remove the second to last "tree" mesh rule in the advanced option and generate static object LOD only (uncheck generate tree LOD and Generate DynDOLOD) for the two worldspaces.

Then copy over the newly generated BTO and textures. Discard any changes to plugins, SKSE/json files etc if there are any.


Some trees that can not have traditional tree will just not have LOD for the time being.

Posted (edited)




I get this error repeatedly when running Dyndolod x64.

How would I go about fixing this?

Edited by Hazado
  On 6/5/2018 at 5:38 PM, Hazado said:

I get this error repeatedly when running Dyndolod x64.

How would I go about fixing this?

Well, after running dyndolodx64 three times it completed successfully.


  On 6/5/2018 at 5:38 PM, Hazado said:

I get this error repeatedly when running Dyndolod x64.

How would I go about fixing this?

If this comes back post the entire log, not just the end. The error happens before the report about plugins modifying large reference causing texture flicker.


Does the new beta fix the wyrmstooth issue and the issue where Shadowrend would be set as a Master file for dyndolod? Sorry, just asking since I didn’t see that

in the changelog.

Posted (edited)
  On 6/11/2018 at 3:40 PM, DarthVitrial said:

Does the new beta fix the wyrmstooth issue and the issue where Shadowrend would be set as a Master file for dyndolod? Sorry, just asking since I didn’t see that

in the changelog.

Yes, as promised in this post, the flat atlas not being creating causing problems with Wyrmstooth as reported by Sandman53 has been fixed.


No idea what the "Shadowrend" issues is about. I do not remember that mod being discussed. Sounds like a case of not understanding why plugins are added as master, though it is always possible something goes weird.

Edited by sheson
Posted (edited)
  On 6/11/2018 at 4:25 PM, DarthVitrial said:

Sorry, I was referring to the the Shadowrend Creation Club mod. It gets added as a Master for dyndolod.esp, same as the homestead did.

Technically there is nothing wrong with official ESL/ESM CC plugins being added as masters.


This typically happens when they modify or add things to worldspaces. Homestead is now even supported (rules work around an "odd" nif and ensure nice LODs are added for everything including the trees)


I may acquire Shadowrend at some time to verify all is well and works as its supposed to.

Edited by sheson

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