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  On 2/10/2018 at 2:08 AM, pc1 said:

Hi all, quick question I hope someone might have to answer to,


Im doing an archer playthrough and want to hit some long range shots. Is "fVisibleNavmeshMoveDist" still the ini tweak for long range shots, or is it now "fLodFadeOutMultActors"? I ask because the prior no longer exists in my .ini after using BethINI. If it is now "fLodFadeOutMultActors" should the deafault of 15 be okay for long range shots? (I run a lot of mods that add actors such as immersive patrols/warzones and dont want to set it too high if I dont have to in order to avoid potential lag)


Thank you for this great tool!

fVisibleNavmeshMoveDist is the tweak you want, but it is also included in the Unofficial Skyrim Patch, so you probably already have it.

  On 2/11/2018 at 12:47 AM, Rebel47 said:

So with regards to Fallout 4, are the following Fallout4.ini tweaks even viable


iNumHWThreads=x (x=number of threads on cpu)

bMultiThreadedAccumulation=1 (some sites suggest turning it up to 8, others say put it at 0)

bMultiThreadedRenderingUNP=1 (same as above)


Does anyone know if the HWThreads line is useful and/or working and more importantly what changing the other 2 settings values do ?

iNumHWThreads may be useful if you have more than 4 hardware threads on your CPU, but testing hasn't been done to confirm this. Default value is 4.


bMultiThreadedAccumulation and bMultiThreadedRenderingUNP are Boolean settings. A value of 1 is on. A value of 0 is off. Default value is 1. I would recommend leaving them on. Increasing the number beyond 1 will make the value become invalid, so the game will use the default value of 1.


There are several more bMultiThreaded- tweaks of interest, but testing hasn't proven them to be useful:








The default values are 0, off. In testing on my old laptop, it caused severe graphical issues, but they don't seem to have that effect on my current rig. Here is a quote of what I discovered early on with my laptop and had difficulty for reference.


  On 11/14/2015 at 6:32 PM, DoubleYou said:

It seems there are some experimental multithreaded rendering settings included:



bMultiThreadedRendering toggles any or all of the bMultiThreadedRendering- settings, which is disabled by default. Testing each of these out, I found the following:


bMultiThreadedRenderingDFL disables a bunch of objects, improving performance tremendously, but making the game unplayable simply because you can't see much.


bMultiThreadedRenderingFWD disables, at a minimum, all the glass panes in the windows. It probably disables other effects, but that was all I noticed. It comes with a slight performance increase, but invariably is a buggy setting.


bMultiThreadedRenderingPPLD causes weird flashing of the lights, which is unbearable.


bMultiThreadedRenderingPPM kills the game. You can't move, and everything is all graphically messed up.


bMultiThreadedRenderingUNP seems to be the only one that doesn't cause buggy graphics. I can't see a performance improvement, however, so it might just be internally disabled.


So, if there is any performance improvement available by means of this discussion (which remains to be found), it will be with this setting (since bMultiThreadedRenderingUNP is set to 1 by default):



Please experiment and see if this doesn't cause issues or improve performance somehow.
  On 2/11/2018 at 1:11 PM, DoubleYou said:

fVisibleNavmeshMoveDist is the tweak you want, but it is also included in the Unofficial Skyrim Patch, so you probably already have it.

Aha I see, "Arrows do not cause damage at long range even if they appear to have hit the target. This is due to an internal distance check in the game that is wrong. This issue has now been fixed through the use of an "ini snippet" which is now included with the USKP distribution."  


Not to make you repeat yourself but does the line still need to exist in the .ini?  (I only ask because I'm unsure of if what an "ini snippet" is, I assume it inserted a line into the .ini during installation but I have no idea.  Mainly out of curiously I guess, I put the fVisibleNavmeshMoveDist back in just because for now)


Thank you it is much appreciated.


When you install Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch, you'll see it includes Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.ini with these settings:


  Reveal hidden contents


Note that this comes from the 3.0.9 version of the patch I currently have installed. I really need to update to 3.0.12 soon.

  On 2/11/2018 at 4:00 PM, pc1 said:

Aha I see, "Arrows do not cause damage at long range even if they appear to have hit the target. This is due to an internal distance check in the game that is wrong. This issue has now been fixed through the use of an "ini snippet" which is now included with the USKP distribution."  


Not to make you repeat yourself but does the line still need to exist in the .ini?  (I only ask because I'm unsure of if what an "ini snippet" is, I assume it inserted a line into the .ini during installation but I have no idea.  Mainly out of curiously I guess, I put the fVisibleNavmeshMoveDist back in just because for now)


Thank you it is much appreciated.



  On 2/11/2018 at 4:59 PM, Greg said:

When you install Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch, you'll see it includes Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.ini with these settings:


  Reveal hidden contents


Note that this comes from the 3.0.9 version of the patch I currently have installed. I really need to update to 3.0.12 soon.

To add to what Greg said, having this INI included while using MO or WB, will overwrite any INI setting you have in your default INIs. Therefore, including this in your default INI is not necessary. You'll always have those tweaks in your game from USLEEP as long as another mod doesn't overwrite them with its own INI tweaking.


Thank you for the insight guys, Im using NMM for SE like a scrub since returning to Skyrim (MO was giving me lots of issues with permissions that I didnt feel like solving at the time)  


You learn something new every day, especially when you're modding Skyrim.  Regards!

  On 2/11/2018 at 5:07 PM, TechAngel85 said:

To add to what Greg said, having this INI included while using MO or WB, will overwrite any INI setting you have in your default INIs. Therefore, including this in your default INI is not necessary. You'll always have those tweaks in your game from USLEEP as long as another mod doesn't overwrite them with its own INI tweaking.

And to add even more to what Greg and TechAngel said :


Where two mods have their own Mod INI's, and both INI's contain the same tweak, the value of the later loading mods ini tweak wins


So you can override both with your own if you are not happy with what mods are doing to your setup ..


Add a "Bashed Patch, 0.ini", and in this INI set your own tweak which will win because the associated Bashed Patch, 0.esp should always load last, putting its ini also in last position in your Load Order.


I am new to bashed patches and had no idea you could do that.  Very useful information thank you all! Im sure I'll be back with more noob questions in the future, but finally ready to jump back into Skyrim for the first time in a few years :feelsgoodman:  :woot:

Posted (edited)

Please, I urge you to make a similar program to optimize Kingdom Come: Deliverance. It's a great game and I had been waiting for ages to play it, but when it finally got launched, I realized how horribly optimized it is and I can barely play it, even with a 6GB GTX 1060.

Edited by Avastgard

I used Bethini for SSE and everything seemed to work the first two times. Inis were generated and backups made to MO2's default profile folder. I got back lost frames from the ENB, but had screen tearing, even though Vsync was selected and reflected in MO2's ini with iVSyncPresentInterval=1 The 3rd time it broke my saves, and my game, badly. Even new games were missing master file data(no world space, vanilla character models missing etc.) This is why:


As you can see, archive data is gone. Bethini really bugged out.(I saved copies of the broke inis just in case...)

I quit out, deleted the inis from my documents and from MO2. Generated new ones via the SSE launcher. Thing is, now MO2 isn't seeing the new inis or copying them over. I had to do that by hand. I ran Bethini again just to test, and no backups made anywhere, and the game was broke again.

I got things working again with fresh inis, but I am now reluctant to use Bethini as a result of this. I deleted the Bethinicache from MO after this occurred. As I thought it may have something to do with MO not seeing the inis in my documents folder.

Any idea what could have happened, or how to correct what went wrong here? Thanks :)


Posted (edited)
  On 2/22/2018 at 2:56 AM, DoubleYou said:

Sounds like you failed to select the "Default" button before changing things, and an existing INI didn't exist, so the file was incomplete.

Thanks for the reply :) OK, that makes sense and is entirely possible. This was my first time using Bethini. Those kind of things are bound to happen in such situations I guess. I did watch Michael's GP tutorial on Bethini prior to using, and thought I was on point, guess not lol


I'll give it another try, as I'd like to get back that 5-10 frames I lost to NVT ENB. I'm still installing mods and testing things out, so It's not like I'm going to break anything too bad should this happen again. I actually made my own backups this time, just in case ;)  Thanks again :)


EDIT: I'll report back what happens next go just in case.

Edited by shayna_lynn

I reran with the settings I used when everything went wonky. Everything went fine this time, with no screen tearing either :) The new inis were properly saved to MO2's folder, and the game is back to a (mostly)solid 60 FPS. Thanks again for your work and support :) 

  • 2 weeks later...

Just a short thank you for BethINI.


STEP FO4-Guide by Kesta:

fINIp 4 - 1.0 - by DoubleYou Files to download :
  • MAIN FILES - fINIp 4 Installer

Setup :

  • Delete Fallout4.ini and Fallout4Prefs.ini for the game documents folder.
  • Download manually.
  • Run fINIp 4 Installer-67-1-0.exe and follow the instructions.
  • Select your install folder when asked to.
  • Install.
  • Wait for fINIp 4 to start the launcher and let it set your INIs.
  • You can open the settings to adjust some values to your liking.




Deleting FO4.ini and Prefs.ini prior running BethINI doesn't seem to be a good advice.







bBlurEnable toggles blurring on the background related to HBAO+. This blurring is actually quite extensive, and recommended to be disabled (set to 0).




Default is 1. Recommended is 0.



Not yet implemented

Sadly i can't find any information how to set it up. => Do not enable option in launcher.


I'll give it a try,. My new VGA should handle it with ease.


That guide is outdated for this program. That was from the earliest incarnation of this mod. Just follow the instructions I have on the mod page.


The blur tweak may be on or off. I didn't care for it, so I recommended to disable it. It is possible that there is a mod in that guide that may require it to be on.


NVFlex is weapon debris. See this link:


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