BlackJackal Posted May 30, 2018 Posted May 30, 2018 (edited) DELETED Edited May 30, 2018 by BlackJackal
DarkladyLexy Posted May 30, 2018 Author Posted May 30, 2018 On 5/30/2018 at 4:23 PM, BlackJackal said: Im on the Miscellaneous Merged section of the Merge page and when i start up Merge Plugins Standalone it finds all the mods i selected in the check list. but once the Program finishes loading, iNeed Bruma Patch.esp is missing from the Plugins pane. so i cant merge it. 1) run LOOT First them move the mod you want to merge to the bottom of the load order in the order I suggest.
BlackJackal Posted May 30, 2018 Posted May 30, 2018 On 5/30/2018 at 4:49 PM, DarkladyLexy said: Always run LOOT First them move the mod you want to merge to the bottom of the load order in the order I suggest.i did follow you guide and had all the mods in the same load order. i did not think to run loot though since i was just mergeing a small amount of mods. and sorted them manually. but that did seem to work thanks, its really appreciated.
BlackJackal Posted May 30, 2018 Posted May 30, 2018 ok i was able to complete the merge for the MLU as normal just like the others. but when i made the Miscellaneous Merged i got an error. idk what it means.Exception EinvalidPointer in module MergePlugins.exe at 00005E69. invalid pointer operation i Deleted the merge from MO2 and rebuilt the Miscellaneous Merge and it did not reoccur. sooooo....idk what happened. but it seemed to have resolved itself.
Kneph13 Posted May 30, 2018 Posted May 30, 2018 On 5/30/2018 at 5:28 PM, BlackJackal said: ok i was able to complete the merge for the MLU as normal just like the others. but when i made the Miscellaneous Merged i got an error. idk what it means. Exception EinvalidPointer in module MergePlugins.exe at 00005E69. invalid pointer operation i Deleted the merge from MO2 and rebuilt the Miscellaneous Merge and it did not reoccur. sooooo....idk what happened. but it seemed to have resolved itself. Skyrim Modding at its best!!! LoL 1
Alkira Posted May 30, 2018 Posted May 30, 2018 (edited) On 5/30/2018 at 5:28 PM, BlackJackal said: ok i was able to complete the merge for the MLU as normal just like the others. but when i made the Miscellaneous Merged i got an error. idk what it means. Exception EinvalidPointer in module MergePlugins.exe at 00005E69. invalid pointer operation i Deleted the merge from MO2 and rebuilt the Miscellaneous Merge and it did not reoccur. sooooo....idk what happened. but it seemed to have resolved itself.Hello,You did the right thing.Every time I got weird error after merging I redo it till the error disappears.This below is also safe to do after merging plugins:- go to MO's left pane;- find the merged mod;- double left click on it;- look for "merge/merged name_plugins" under Textfiles tab and click on it;- check all the plugins are present and that the ORDER of these matches the one instructed by the guide. Alkira. Edited May 30, 2018 by Alkira
Brotherofcats Posted May 30, 2018 Posted May 30, 2018 On 5/30/2018 at 4:46 PM, DarkladyLexy said: I use Imgur for my screenshotI have never used that. I took a lot of screenshots, then cropped them in Paint and converted to jpgs, and put several of them together in It was about an hour's work including searching through the xEdit files. Isn't there some way to post from my computer?
Brotherofcats Posted May 30, 2018 Posted May 30, 2018 (edited) On 5/30/2018 at 6:18 PM, Brotherofcats said: [post=''][/post][post=''][/post]I have never used that. I took a lot of screenshots, then cropped them in Paint and converted to jpgs, and put several of them together in It was about an hour's work including searching through the xEdit files. Isn't there some way to post from my computer?[post=''][/post][post=][/post] Edited May 30, 2018 by Brotherofcats
Brotherofcats Posted May 30, 2018 Posted May 30, 2018 On 5/30/2018 at 6:23 PM, Brotherofcats said: [post=][/post][post=][/post]This board is driving me crazy. I'm trying to use imgur as suggested, and I keep putting up the same stuff over and over, even though I'm clicking on new images. It would work so much better if I couold upload from my hard drive.Until I can figure out the image upload, here's some more info. I went into the Creation Kit and found out that the codes for the Stormcloack armors were 00a6d71, 00a6dd7b, 00a6dd7d, 00a6dd7f. I tried to add these armors in game to a character through the console, and kept getting an error message that they were not available.
OCDCoder Posted May 30, 2018 Posted May 30, 2018 On 5/30/2018 at 9:29 AM, DarkladyLexy said: Oh Aela she is a pain the arse she the one NPC that gives me more headaches than any other with her make sure you have forwarded her head parts correctly and if she has a WNAM - Worn Armor conflict make sure that is forwarded to the last esp to affect her (This will likely be zEdit by the time you reach the Finishing line). I could be SMASH is not properly forwarding those records as well if the formid and look them up in xEdit (xEdit is your friend) and check for conflict with your CR, SMASH and zEdit the records you are most intersted in are Head parts make sure they are forwarded properly.Um.... Ok, so I have quite a few perks in dealing with load order and a few with dealing with patches and xEdit, but I don't think I have the right one(s) to quite understand your last paragraph... I did a bit more troubleshooting. Originally, with just WICO, 3DNPC Overhaul, and my custom patch of those files, this is what I ended up with Aela:, in that image (one of the reasons I went ahead and posted it, I know you know what this bug looks like), notice how my character is looking to the left? She's stuck that way. Any idea how to get her eyes back to normal? I've tried going into Racemenu and even switching her race and going to presets and all of them have stuck eyes. Ok, anyway, Aela looked fine with everything installed. (Actually better, at some version of "fixed," she had a big handprint of war paint on her face.) This is Frailia, the left as-is in the guide, the right with Consistent Older People. I made sure to unpack the bsa in COP, placed it after the others, and made a LOOT rule to load it after the patch. No difference. (I don't have a shot with just WICO and 3DNPCs, but she essentially looks like herself there.) I look REALLY close, she does still have very light wrinkles, they just look kind of... drawn on. Not like normal wrinkles. And I found the NPC that STILL has that problem after all of that: tells me she's from Immersive Patrols. I notice that one has two BSA files. One thing I'm wondering, I also have Jobs of Skyrim installed, and it also generates random NPCs. It's WAY down in my left pane, though LOOT puts it above Immersive Patrols. (Your patch is way down near the bottom. I have the global priority set, but I've never understood how that affects things.) BUT the difference between those two is that Jobs of Skyrim doesn't have BSAs, just loose textures and meshes, Immersive Patrols does. Do you think unpacking those might fix this problem?
OCDCoder Posted May 30, 2018 Posted May 30, 2018 (edited) So I'd mentioned on here earlier about REALLY wanting to get SkyrimSouls - Unpaused Game Menus to work. It's always really bugged me that time stops when you read a book, and the only other mod (don't know if it's been ported) causes it to take an hour to read every book, which is silly if the book is one page. Or... any number of pages, really. Some are long, but not an hour long. The only real immersive option is to read a stack of books at once that takes about an hour of real life time, then wait for an hour. But in the interest of making the game harder, the overall goal is to not pause the game when opening ANY menu. So no more pausing a battle to chug five health potions. (And setting it to JUST keep the book reading unpaused didn't seem to work.) Problem is that loading it as-is causes an immediate CTD with a message to wait for an upgrade. And the mod author, though still active on NM, seems to have given up. BUT I finally got it to work (well, people in the forum did) so I wanted to share the method in case anyone here wants to try it. Someone on the forum posted a fixed DLL. I was still having some CTDs using it (and BAD stuttering, even temporary freezing when opening the console) so I tweaked the .ini file in SKSE/Plugins like so. A one means keep the game running, a zero means to pause it. I kind of went with a combo of logical and stable.[spoiler=My settings]bConsole=0bTutorialMenu=0bMessageBoxMenu=0bTweenMenu=1bInventoryMenu=1bMagicMenu=1bContainerMenu=1bFavoritesMenu=1bBarterMenu=0bTrainingMenu=0bLockpickingMenu=1bBookMenu=1bGiftMenu=0bJournalMenu=0bLevelUpMenu=0bStatsMenu=0bMapMenu=1bModManagerMenuu=0bCustomMenu=1bSleepWaitMenu=1 (No, bModManagerMenuu isn't a typo. That's copy/paste up there.) So far in my testing it works perfectly, EXCEPT that I get a CTD occasionally when I quit the game, which is honestly fine by me, it just means it quits a bit faster. :-p Some people are saying they get CTDs after a couple of hours of play, but I've probably put about 12h in since I got it working and no CTDs EXCEPT when I tried opening my inventory menu the second the game started. Give it a few seconds. Some people are saying it was a problem with moreHUD, which we aren't using, though it could still be a HUD thing, or some other conflicting mod. It could also be where I have it in my load order. Overall, I think stability is related to which menus you allow to pause and which you don't, so if you get CTDs or stutter on a specific menu, set that one to zero. Oh, and I just found one saying to delete SkyrimSouls.mem, so I just did that (actually I just gave it a .disabled extension in case that actually causes more problems) but really, I LOVE this mod. A random CTD sometimes when I exit the game really isn't something I mind compared to the extra difficulty and realism this mod provides. BTW, if you use Take Notes, it doesn't consider that a book, it does pause the game. Which is a good thing, because even with my timescale set to 5, I'd probably use about 3h of game time to write about my character's adventures. LOL Edited May 30, 2018 by OCDCoder 1
Brotherofcats Posted May 30, 2018 Posted May 30, 2018 (edited) Go9ing to try to get these other pictures up. Here goes. Edited May 30, 2018 by Greg Fixed img tags
Greg Posted May 30, 2018 Posted May 30, 2018 I'm not sure how you're doing this but you don't need the tags at all. To include images, all you need to do is click the image button just above the editor and paste the URL. Alternatively, you can use the img tag like this: [img=]
zvansom Posted May 30, 2018 Posted May 30, 2018 (edited) Hey Brotherofcats, This doesn't really answer your question, but if you're just trying to add items in game I highly recommend the new AddItemMenu mod from the Nexus: You'll also need UIExtensions for AddItemMenu to work. Dirty Weasle made a YouTube tutorial on it. It's on the AddItemMenu page's video tab. Super easy mod to use, and worked for me dropping it into this build. Also, props to the person that posted about these a couple days ago! Edit: It was Lexy! Props to Lexy! Edited May 30, 2018 by zvansom
sirjesto Posted May 30, 2018 Posted May 30, 2018 On 5/30/2018 at 10:31 PM, Brotherofcats said: Go9ing to try to get these other pictures up. Here goes. Extract the Immersive Armors .bsa and run the Nif Optimizer on the meshes.
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