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Skyrim Revisited Pre-Release Feedback

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  On 4/13/2015 at 6:02 AM, cstarkey42 said:

It looks good to me, but I've done it a few times already so I know what to expect. Trying to read it as a new user the only spot that might get confusing is the last direction, "go to the output directory selected in the script...". If I had to guess I'd say that's where you're going to get the most questions. Otherwise I'd say you did a great job laying it out.


Judging by a lot of the comments here, having the "high" preset might cause some problems. It adds a ton more rocks, though they're mainly small rocks and I found medium to be a great alternative with a big boost in performance. Obviously high is preferred, and the one I'm running, but it might save you some headaches if you stress that medium is more than adequate for anyone with a decent but not extremely powerful rig ( seems there are a lot of people running it on laptops. Maybe I'm just old but a lot more than I would have expected, judging from step forums and nexus mod pages ).

  On 4/13/2015 at 6:10 AM, cstarkey42 said:

Looking at it again has me wondering if a section added to the Tes5Edit script section dealing with rerunning the patches wouldn't be a bad idea. Just something reminding users to


1) replace their RSPatch.esp with an unmodified vanilla version

2) their DynDOLOD.esp with an unmoddified vanlla version and to delete the DyDOLOD Contents folder contents and the Skyrim/Edit Scripts/DynDOLOD/cache folder contents

Thanks for the feedback. I'm thinking a dedicated "update" section is probably better than a bunch of notes around the guide. I'll see what I can do in the next week or so.
  On 4/13/2015 at 1:04 PM, darkside said:

Great update. I tried the DynDOLOD. Looks great, but it is too heavy for me even on medium setting (GT 750m SLI).

  On 4/13/2015 at 1:17 PM, Darth_mathias said:

I gave DynDoLOD on Medium Setting a go and for it is far to heavy my GTX 670 my FPS shoot to below 35 (average) 25 (min) FPS which is basically unplayable i am planning to upgrade to a GTX 970 sometime this week, I will give it another go once it turns up and is installed.

Did you guys try low? Did you use Skyrim Distance Overhaul / Skyfalls before DynDOLOD without issues?
  On 4/13/2015 at 9:22 PM, Razorsedge877 said:

Good day Neo. Should the line Do not install: README - PapyrusUtil.txt be added to your guide under the PapyrusUtil mod

Doesn't hurt to be there, but for consistency sake I should remove it. :)
  On 4/13/2015 at 9:44 PM, afonik said:

Tested with SFO 2.0F and RAT and it's another skyrim.

The detail is everywhere and heavily noticed.

And on a modified SRLE setup I still get 45 min with HIGH settings!


Guess we all can say:


Holy Cow sheson fixed Skyrim ... again!

Did the resulting tree lod from DynDOLOD work ok? I know some people complained about color issues with aspens.
  On 4/13/2015 at 10:17 PM, Neovalen said:

Thanks for the feedback. I'm thinking a dedicated "update" section is probably better than a bunch of notes around the guide. I'll see what I can do in the next week or so.


Did you guys try low? Did you use Skyrim Distance Overhaul / Skyfalls before DynDOLOD without issues?

Doesn't hurt to be there, but for consistency sake I should remove it. :)

Did the resulting tree lod from DynDOLOD work ok? I know some people complained about color issues with aspens.

My laptop can handle low, but I can't see much difference unless doing side by side comparison (This is my problem, not the mod problem).

  On 4/13/2015 at 10:17 PM, Neovalen said:

Did the resulting tree lod from DynDOLOD work ok? I know some people complained about color issues with aspens.

I couldn't get the lods to work right with RAT and SFO 2.0f, they looked puke yellow and not sharp at all.  They RAT billboards were for 1.5 so I'm not sure if that had anything to do with it.  I tried to make my own with Dyno and TES5EditLodgen but, since RAT doesn't have it's own esp, couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong so I finally just gave up.  My LO in MO was correct, so they should have been the textures and LOD that was getting used, so beats me.  Skyrim Bigger Trees is working great though so it really seems a mystery why some work so easily and others don't want to take.  The Vivid Landscape textures also weren't working correctly, most noticeably the cabins and the rocks, but EWI's Whiterun was working great ( I could see the red rooftops from Rorikstead, it seemed ), so I finally just gave up and am still very happy with the results.  That was a few version ago, however, and now I'm just sitting until Frostfall, Wet and Cold, and ineed all get updated before I bother running it again and finally starting my new play through.


Right on, that's great news.  It was 3 or 4 updates ago ( he's really been pumping them out the last couple of weeks ) so that might have been my problem.  I also kept the vivid lod active, thinking it might help, but I see you did away with it so that might have been my problem as well.  Either way, I'm really itching to try it again so I might have to just do it for a practice run while Chesko and Isoku finish their updates.  I've been playing with Sands of Time and Warzones 2015 ( not together ) to see if I want to add one to my next game so it'll give me a chance to evaluate those some more, I guess :)  ( any excuse I can find to play more Skyrim! ).  

Posted (edited)

Just trying to help keep your guide consistent. lol its about the only skill I have. I had a thought but I think you guys may have covered it. I installed the new TES5Edit tonight and you have a few mods there you need to add the scripts in every time  you update TES5edit (ex. RS Patcher. I think Dyndolod). It would probably help new users if you added a note in the TES5Edit  section about the scripts. If it is noted in the guide already sorry for missing it


Edit: Should DynDOLOD.esp TOP Dynamic Patches, be Dynamic Plugins instead

Edited by Razorsedge877

Where should the conflict resolution patch be in relation to dyndolod.esp?


Reason I ask is - following the guide, the conflict patch comes after dyndolod.esp in the load order. But when running the dyndolod script I noticed a few errors relating to the conflict patch. Can't remember what exactly, sorry. Didn't think much of it at the time. When the script finished and I exited TES5Edit the pop-up offered to save updates to the conflict patch as well as dyndolod.esp (I only saved the changes to dyndolod however).


After that when loading up TES5Edit again to run the real shelter script, I got an error saying the conflict patch is a master to dyndolod.esp and needs to load before it.


Normally I have the conflict resolution after everything else in SRLE because that's where BOSS places it (since it has no rule). Just wanted to check before I move it before the dynamic esp's.

Posted (edited)

I have not yet installed DynDOLOD but previously I have cut down my shadows a bit to help out with FPS:






I can't really tell any difference using these - though perhaps I'm not terribly observant.


I wonder if the High Quality LODs in DynDOLOD actually make much of a difference given the DOF in Vividian... can you tell the difference?


I wonder if a next step for DynDOLOD and similar programs might not be occlusion polygons in the mountains to prevent distant LODs from trying to load.  (Or do I just not understand how these work?)


P.S. I use a GTX 680 4 GB.

Edited by statmonster
  On 4/14/2015 at 4:11 AM, Pegasus33 said:

Where should the conflict resolution patch be in relation to dyndolod.esp?


Reason I ask is - following the guide, the conflict patch comes after dyndolod.esp in the load order. But when running the dyndolod script I noticed a few errors relating to the conflict patch. Can't remember what exactly, sorry. Didn't think much of it at the time. When the script finished and I exited TES5Edit the pop-up offered to save updates to the conflict patch as well as dyndolod.esp (I only saved the changes to dyndolod however).


After that when loading up TES5Edit again to run the real shelter script, I got an error saying the conflict patch is a master to dyndolod.esp and needs to load before it.


Normally I have the conflict resolution after everything else in SRLE because that's where BOSS places it (since it has no rule). Just wanted to check before I move it before the dynamic esp's.

Conflict Resolution should be before bashed patch and DynDOLOD.esp and RSShelter.esp are directly below bashed patch. Assuming you input all the rules properly in BUM.

  On 4/14/2015 at 4:18 AM, statmonster said:

I have not yet installed DynDOLOD but previously I have cut down my shadows a bit to help out with FPS:






I can't really tell any difference using these - though perhaps I'm not terribly observant.


I wonder if the High Quality LODs in DynDOLOD actually make much of a difference given the DOF in Vividian... can you tell the difference?


I wonder if a next step for DynDOLOD and similar programs might not be occlusion polygons in the mountains to prevent distant LODs from trying to load.  (Or do I just not understand how these work?)


P.S. I use a GTX 680 4 GB.

I can definitely tell the difference, objects that previously were invisible are now visible. My understanding is DynDOLOD does provide some culling for behind mountains... but I could be wrong on that.


Hi folks, my first post, but I'm nearing the end of setting up SR:LE at the revision right before DynLOD. This is also my first and only significant modding attempt, and I'm in awe at all the tools the community built, and inhuman attention to detail that Neo seems to possess. Thank you. Really wish there was a paid download (say, $9.99) to get the entire SR:LE, although it's probably a licensing nightmare. I made a small list of things that I had to figure out, that were a little ambiguous in the guide:


1) The part where you merge Vividian there's a note that Wearable Lanterns should be installed. It would put me at ease to just have it normally listed for install before the ENB. The note makes it seem like installing it now would be some sort of a compromise.

2) When installing Real Shelters, the script there can't be run until all dependencies are satisfied, one of which is that Carriages mod that isn't installed until the end. I think again it would save some worrying if that section is just moved to the bottom.

3) The SkyProc patching is not working for Dual Sheath Redux Patch with the version of MO in the guide, JRE 8 (32bit), on Windows 7. From the logs I managed to figure out that the problem was with MO's hook.dll, and somebody posted an alternative file that fixed this issue (search page for hook.dll). This was the only solution I could find, and only by googling hook.dll which I dug out from java error logs. I think this should be noted in the mod.


Again, big thank you for this huge effort.


I had the same problem with the DSR patcher but no problem running them all at the same time using SUM including PerMa which takes bloody ages.


  On 4/13/2015 at 11:16 PM, cstarkey42 said:

I've been playing with Sands of Time and Warzones 2015 ( not together ) to see if I want to add one to my next game so it'll give me a chance to evaluate those some more, I guess :)  ( any excuse I can find to play more Skyrim! ).

I'm running Warzones 2015 as well and am patiently waiting for the update to that one too.

Posted (edited)

With the Vividian Merge, you can install the Wearable Lanterns mod when needed for the merge and just drag it back into the position it should occupy when you get to it. That's option A.


Option B, is just don't do the merge till all components are actually loaded.


I typically do option B cause I like to do all the merges at once. But have done it the other way before.


With the hook.dll issue that was, I thought, fixed a while ago. What version of MO are you running?

Edited by Nozzer66
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