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SRLE: Legacy of The Dragonborn Reqtified

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Okay, I'm at my wits end now. I've recombined my mods in SMC using lower resolution textures wherever available, and STILL the game gives me the "Skyrim failed to allocate memory" error.


For reference, here are screenshots of two separate errors given:






I'm not sure what else I can do at this point. It seems like I get this error if I go through more than 2 doors. So it will crash, and if I load my last save, I can go through around 2-3 doors before it happens again. And again. And again.


I was hoping to spend the day actually enjoying the build, but no, instead I've probably spent more time fixing **** than playing.


Any ideas?

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So stayed up until 2 in the morning yesterday merging and going through the finish line page, and - everything works! :) Good stuff.


Note for people on a lowly Geforce 960/core i5/non-SSD like me who like to keep a smooth 60 fps(when possible).


No flora Overhaul. I would get framedrops too often and I don¡t like that.

No beautification part of the guide. Lite takes up 3 gigs, and my card is 2.

No EtAC. My fps would dip to between 47 and 53 in villages, and to me this is extremely annoyhg.

No immersive citizens, same story, frames would drop in any populated area.

WIth graphic overhauls, choose performance alternative if available.

No ENB (think thats self explanatory)


Those things will have to wait until I save up for a new computer.


So far a smooth 60fs 95% of the time, with Skyrim I doubt 100% is even possible with a heavily modded setup :)


Thanks for the guide and for all the help :)

Edited by theApe
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Paul, any chance you can put up your SMC output on Google Drive or MEGA? Since opting for the SMC addon my game has been crashing left and right. It's getting to the point where I'm willing to entertain hours wasted recompiling the SMC output.


Something about the SMC addon is really messing with the game. And we both have fairly similar systems (only real difference is you have an AMD processor, while I have an i5-4690K that in theory should outperform yours).

SMC combining has nothing to do with the CPU. It is very dependent on your disk drive speed. I am using SSD and takes about 25 min. Also do not combine on different partitions. That also slows the process.
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Just a question, if I wanted to install a new follower mod can i just plug it into my load order and redo the instructions in the finish line page? Looking at the guide Sofia doesn't have a patch for Requiem so does it mean that any custom companion can be installed?

Sofia 2.3 has/had a Requiem patch, the recent update to 2.4 needs a new one, so you have to wait until TheTrader has patched it. As JD said, Requiem is all about perks in regard of combat capability. Without a patch that properly outfits the folllower with the suiting Requiem perks they will be pretty useless in combat. If that doesn't bother you, and you choose followers because of their personality, you can use what you want (e.g. 3DNPC's Hjoromir is useless in combat by design)

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So I, too, have gotten to the "merge plugins" bit and I'm in something of a bind.


To setup like the guide says, I go to the 'integrations' part of Merge Plugins. Everything is good until I get to the "Papyrus flags path."

It literally cannot see TESV_Papyrus_Flags.flg: even when I ask it to look at all files, it excludes it. I can see it just fine in Explorer, and I triple checked to make sure I didn't have some sort of ghost Skyrim directory floating around.


I'm probably missing something obvious, but I've done some forum searching and googling but nothing pops out at me. A little help?

You need to enter that path manually. Dont browse for it. It doesnt show to me aswell. Just write it manually

Say paul... just in your pre-requisites page when referring to Wrye Bash, it still refers to "for the purpose of this guide, only the Bashed Patch functionality will be used."


Not a huge issue but it's not what Wrye's being used for in this guide. :)

Damn copy/paste 😀
  • +1 1
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Sofia 2.3 has/had a Requiem patch, the recent update to 2.4 needs a new one, so you have to wait until TheTrader has patched it. As JD said, Requiem is all about perks in regard of combat capability. Without a patch that properly outfits the folllower with the suiting Requiem perks they will be pretty useless in combat. If that doesn't bother you, and you choose followers because of their personality, you can use what you want (e.g. 3DNPC's Hjoromir is useless in combat by design).

So basically, non-patched followers would be dead weight unless I configure their perks in CK right? Thank goodness INIGO is patched. Maybe I should check how they patched him and make a trial patch by myself. or could I just use ASIS?

Edited by Jakolanten
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Okay, I'm at my wits end now. I've recombined my mods in SMC using lower resolution textures wherever available, and STILL the game gives me the "Skyrim failed to allocate memory" error.


For reference, here are screenshots of two separate errors given:






I'm not sure what else I can do at this point. It seems like I get this error if I go through more than 2 doors. So it will crash, and if I load my last save, I can go through around 2-3 doors before it happens again. And again. And again.


I was hoping to spend the day actually enjoying the build, but no, instead I've probably spent more time fixing **** than playing.


Any ideas?

I cant see your screens.

What value have you set to your crash fixes custom memory? And when you open the console. Does any of the memory blocks display 100%?

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I cant see your screens.

What value have you set to your crash fixes custom memory? And when you open the console. Does any of the memory blocks display 100%?

Sorry, here are the screens again:






As for memory blocks, this is what I am getting while running around in Solitude:




And this is what I am getting outside Whiterun:




This is all my with setting of CustomMemoryBlockTotalSizeMb=128.

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And where you crash ? Can you check memory blocks after you go through some doors? I understoond thats how you crash. Also did you try with alignheapallocate to 0 ?

So far I've been crashing in Solitude mostly (although that may have something to do with me starting there).


I've turned the CustomMemoryBlockTotalSizeMb setting to a few different values. It looks like the more I assign here the lower the %. At CustomMemoryBlockTotalSizeMb=64, the console shows 100% for all values.


However, I also just crashed at CustomMemoryBlockTotalSizeMb=64. This is what my screen looked like when it did:






This last crash happened after going in to Solitude from the docks, then into Winking Skeever, and then out again. After a few seconds of walking around, the message popped up again.


And yes, I did try AlignHeapAllocate. That made the problem even worse...

Edited by johnnywatts
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Well increase the value over 128. Put 136 if still its 100% in that place increase to 142. In solitude the biggest hit is DOS directors cur

DOS directors cur?


EDIT: Nevermind. I give up.


It doesn't appear to matter what value I use. The console can report 100%, 80%, 60%, and at one point, even 20%. It doesn't matter. It crashes over and over again.


I'll just revert to a non-SMC build. I'd like to enjoy my game, not spend time ******* with it.

Edited by johnnywatts
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Haha, that didn't take long.  So this in the spoiler is my next quandry.  Basically it looks like it's looking for a bunch of tools that are not present.


Building merge: ---> ++++ Arthville Patches Merged
Merge is using plugin: Arthville Patches Merged.esp
Adding masters...
Done adding masters
Renumbering Conflicting FormIDs
  Renumbering FormIDs in arthville__3dnpc.esp
  Renumbering FormIDs in arthville__inigo.esp
  Renumbering FormIDs in arthville__usleep.esp
Copying records
  Copying records from arthville__usleep.esp
  Copying records from arthville__inigo.esp
  Copying records from arthville__3dnpc.esp
Handling assets
  Handling assets for arthville__3dnpc.esp
    Copying general assets from S:\Tools (Actual)\Mod Organizer\mods\Arthville
  Handling assets for arthville__inigo.esp
  Handling assets for arthville__usleep.esp
Decompiling scripts
  No files found matching S:\Tools (Actual)\MergePlugins\temp\generalPex\*.pex
  No files found matching S:\Tools (Actual)\MergePlugins\temp\pex\*.pex
Remapping FormIDs in scripts
  No files found matching S:\Tools (Actual)\MergePlugins\temp\psc\*.psc
Compiling scripts
  No files found matching S:\Tools (Actual)\MergePlugins\temp\psc\*.psc
Copying modified scripts
Failed to merge ---> ++++ Arthville Patches Merged, Cannot create file "S:\Tools (Actual)\Mod Organizer\mods\---> ++++ Arthville Patches Merged\merge\Arthville Patches Merged-Copy.bat". The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect
All done!



Annnnnd I fixed it.  I was too literal with the build name, and Windows doesn't like ---> ++++ :D

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So stayed up until 2 in the morning yesterday merging and going through the finish line page, and - everything works! :) Good stuff.


Note for people on a lowly Geforce 960/core i5/non-SSD like me who like to keep a smooth 60 fps(when possible).


No flora Overhaul. I would get framedrops too often and I don¡t like that.

No beautification part of the guide. Lite takes up 3 gigs, and my card is 2.

No EtAC. My fps would dip to between 47 and 53 in villages, and to me this is extremely annoyhg.

No immersive citizens, same story, frames would drop in any populated area.

WIth graphic overhauls, choose performance alternative if available.

No ENB (think thats self explanatory)


Those things will have to wait until I save up for a new computer.


So far a smooth 60fs 95% of the time, with Skyrim I doubt 100% is even possible with a heavily modded setup :)


Thanks for the guide and for all the help :)

Smooth 60fps is in no way worth the tradeoffs you're making.  Each to their own but IMO you should FPS lock at 30 and ensure you never drop below that point.  Things will still be smooth as your FPS won't be fluctuating but you'll unlock a much better skyrim for yourself.

Annnnnd I fixed it.  I was too literal with the build name, and Windows doesn't like ---> ++++ :D

Ah, yes the ---> Isn't part of the merge name.. Just ++++ :)

DOS directors cur?


EDIT: Nevermind. I give up.


It doesn't appear to matter what value I use. The console can report 100%, 80%, 60%, and at one point, even 20%. It doesn't matter. It crashes over and over again.


I'll just revert to a non-SMC build. I'd like to enjoy my game, not spend time ******* with it.

Assuming your ENBoost is setup properly then you're literally running out of memory on your machine.  My only suggestion would be to recombine using SMC lite and give it a try.    Alternatively just play without SMC and drop a few texture modifications of your own in there. :)

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