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Everything posted by TERRAOperative

  1. Has this been removed from v2.3? I see it is still here in the wiki: https://stepmodifications.org/wiki/SkyrimSE:Skyrim_Landscape_and_Water_Fixes/2.3 Should it still be used, and if so, should Majestic Mountains patch be enabled?
  2. I'm trying to download the 'Step ENB - Heavy' file, but I'm only receiving a 6.3Mb file instead of the 11.2Mb stated by Nexus Mods. Is this a bad upload or is something wrong on Nexus Mods' end? Nexus Mods also reports that the file contents couldn't be loaded when trying to preview.
  3. I found I had to disable 'VLC Merged Patch - CFR-StaveChurchBW.esp' to remove a dependency error but this is not in the 2.3 guide, is this an error on my part that I missed something or is this instruction missing from the guide?
  4. I'm having a problem installing this mod in MO v2.5.2 I get to the part where it gives me the error for the missing files or folders and when I click install anyway it closes the installer without installing the mod. Is this new behaviour by this version of Mod Organiser? Is there a fix for this? [EDIT] I corrected the file structure as needed and now it works.
  5. I used SSE-Terrain-Tamriel-Extend.esm while generating the LOD and the issue is resolved now. The texture is a bit repetitive, but I can live with that unless there's an easy fix? Thanks!
  6. I am running Step 2.2.0, with all updated mods. Has the next STEP version been released yet that I should follow instead? I have 'Worldspace Transition Tweaks - Skyrim to Solstheim' and 'Smooth Shores Patches - Worldspace Transition Tweaks Patch' in my modlist, but I don't have any of the Recommended Optionals you quoted. Maybe I missed those? I didn't see them in the guide. Should I install all of them then regenerate LOD? What's the difference between the TES5 and SSE versions? I should use SSE-Terrain-Tamriel-Extend.esm version I think.
  7. Hi, I recently finally got Skyrim working after the Bethesda update, and I suspect the issue may be related to that, or something I missed when rebuilding the mod list. When exploring the coastline around Winterhold area (The college is just to the right of these images), there is a glitch that looks like a wall rising from the horizon. I haven't checked other parts of the coastline yet. The rest of the game runs perfectly that I can see after a few hours gameplay so far, so I'm wondering if this glitch is something that has a known fix? It doesn't affect gameplay at all, it is simply visual. (Also I just noticed, is there meant to be water there in the first image or not? I didn't hang around there to check).
  8. Aaarrgghh. Now I'm getting more errors when running the patch. It's the same as before, but adding - imp_helm.esp and - imp_helm_dawn.esp What am I missing?
  9. Yeah, I just found that now. I misinterpreted that it was an optional thing to install in the notes. I'm not getting any errors in BOSS, but I still get the error when running the patch. Is there some trick I'm still missing?
  10. Hi, new user installing STEP (can I suggest more complete descriptions and instructions on the STEP process? What mobias posted is very true), however, I have it all pretty much good except one problem with this mod. When I try to run the java patcher, it all runs ok except for one error. It says the following: ---------- skyproc.exceptions.MissingMaster: WeaponsArmorFixes_MultiMod_DLCPatch.esp has some missing masters: - imp_helm_imp.esp Please activate and try again. ---------- Any ideas where to look? My modding experience ends with texture replacement packs in Fallout 3 years ago.... [edit] I've fixed it. I hadn't installed the optional 'no cloth around neck' file from the Improved closedfaced helmets mod.
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