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Everything posted by sheershaw

  1. I decided to upgrade DynDoLOD to 1.46, and played with it for a while. What happened is that almost every single save I made after I re-added DynDoLOD became corrupt. Then I uninstalled, played again, some of the saves became corrupt, some of them did not. It's random. So it seems like DynDoLOD isn't the cause, though it does seem to make whatever the issue is even worse. My saves without DynDoLOD installed are about 21 megabytes, which, considering how many mods I am using, is not too much. So I don't think it's save bloat or any thing. I've had this save corruption problem for a while now actually. I already lost two of my more invested characters to this issue already.
  2. I'd like to chime in on the corrupt saves issue. I too was having trouble with my saves. At some point I had entered Silverdrift lair, and every save after exiting it became corrupt. Disabling DynDOLOD did alleviate this problem. I am not going to accuse sheson of breaking my game or anything, since it could have been any host issues that ultimately kept breaking my save--I run a heavily modded load order. I just wanted to say that removing DynDoLOD 1.45 fixed the issue. I might as well use this to upgrade to 1.46. Maybe it'll solve the issue :confused:.
  3. Small suggestion: for Elemental Destruction Magic, I would suggest that you add a note instructing the user to add "Elemental Destruction.esp" to ModInclusions in ASIS's Automatic Spells ini. This way, they can appear on NPCs. The mod author himself added a few NPCs that use these spells, so I imagine there should be no technical problems with doing this. I also took a look at the mod in TES5Edit, and it has a conflict with Disparity, though it's nothing critical. It adds resistances to the new spell types to some of the races, namely it makes Argonians resistant to water and Orcs to earth. Disparity will overwrite these changes. Nothing huge, though.
  4. Hodilton's video demonstration really hammers in what an improvement this mod is. I don't remember the vanilla pots looking that atrocious!
  5. Agreed. These robes are absolutely beautiful.
  6. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70386/? This looks really smooth. Dare I say it, it actually makes the honey in the game look delicious. Plenty of installation options. I use the one with no honey label and no dripping honey. I resized the textures to 512x512 since I think 1K textures are a little too much for an object this size though.
  7. I know new ingredient and food mods have problems with CACO, but how do new alcohol mods interact with this? I'm using https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68592/?. Any forseen problems running this with CACO?
  8. Oh man, this looks amazing. But I think I'll wait to install. I just installed a new game, for one, and I want to keep it stable this time. I'm also gonna wait until some patches for Hunterborn, Ordinator, iNeed, and possibly Frostfall come out.
  9. I've had it in my load order for a while, and the older version even longer, and have not encountered any issues. I've also included it in the ASIS Automatic Spells ini, so enemies also have them. No troubles on that front either. The spells seem useful without being overpowered. In particular, I like the wind spells, since they have a chance of blowing enemies away. You can use wind spells to set up more powerful attacks. The animations and effects for the spells are top notch. Seriously, they feel like they've been in the game all along. I think it's a great mod, and it fits in perfectly into the game.
  10. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69474/? This looks cool! The guy's previous Wind and Water Magic mod was excellent as well, and this looks like and expansion of that.
  11. This mod is simply incredible work. It probably falls outside of STEP's scope, but it's one of the best loot mods out there.
  12. The mod has been updated. Now has better feet meshes! https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58443/?
  13. Discussion thread: Rustic Clothing by Gamwich Wiki Link Accepted for Core v2.10.0. Not much to say here! It's gamwich's work, which is always solid. I'm surprised no one has made a topic about this yet.
  14. Woops, didn't notice LWE was already in the pack. You might want to check out this: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53118/? It's an updated Lootification XML from the same guy who made those updated ASIS .inis, and it has support for Immersive Armors 7 and Complete Crafting Overhaul.
  15. Enai also suggests running Lootification before running Wintermyst, since Wintermyst only adds enchanted variants of items that had enchanted variants in the first place. Also, question. Is there any reason why Lost Longswords and Lore Weapon Expansion are not in Deleveled Loot? Morrowloot Ultimate has patches for those mods, so I don't think there should be any balance problems, and they add some really beautiful and well made weapons.
  16. I greatly prefer Vivanto's. His is way more fully featured.
  17. I think it's important not to be too harsh on the modders. Chesko said that Valve approached them, and I am guessing that Valve's silver tongue convinced these modders this experiment would be a good idea. Given the paltry returns for these mods, I doubt there was too much of a financial motive. I think, for some of the modders at least, they were genuinely convinced that paid mods would help the community. Now it is obvious it is a terrible idea, but it might not have sounded so obvious when Valve was pouring sugar into their ears. The modders who cooperated deserve some blame, of course, but most of the ire should be directed towards Valve. I was really furious with the modders who made paid content until I put myself in their shoes and realized I would have done the same.
  18. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53102/? Looks neat. I like simple UI mods like this, it can make the game that much more enjoyable to play.
  19. Oh, this looks cool. Considering the only reason I ever wanted mods like EFF, UFO, etc. was because I wanted invincible followers and multiple followers. This mod seems to accomplish all that without requiring me to download scores of plugins and patches.
  20. Jewels of the Nords still has amulets though, and neither SMIM or Gemling Queen have those (yet).
  21. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51822/? Looks interesting. It seems like a pretty simple replacer. I can't play Skyrim ATM, so I can't say how it looks in game, but from the screenshots it looks like it could fit the STEP mandate.
  22. This mod is fantastic. It makes the game just that much more atmospheric.
  23. I noticed CCO has added crossbow distribution now, which is great, since it means I can remove Convenient Crossbows. Though I noticed that they only appear on guards and Imperial troops, and no one else. Is there a possibility for adding the option for crossbows to appear alongside regular bows amongst all NPCs?
  24. I've always wanted a mod that allows the books to provide a flat amount of experience for that skill. If you read the book at a low skill level you can jump up several points in the skill, if you read it at a high level you might go only a fourth towards the next level. I'm not sure that is even possible though, so I guess I'll have to settle for this then.
  25. This sounds similar to Unlimited Bookshelves.
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