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Everything posted by Astakos

  1. Is this an nVidia issue only when using SMAA or it influences AMD cards as well? Still haven't made the switch to VW...
  2. I would also say stick to the History page. No reason to create yourself this extra work load.
  3. Hi Darth, Since you are using Arthmoor's Whistling Mine, you may want to add this to the guide as well: Whistling Mine - No Snow Under the Roof
  4. It is a great write-up Kesta! Thank you for that!
  5. Sorry Darth, I lost you! I thought you said that you corrected your problem by changing iRadialBlurLevel from 2 to 1. What AS-LAL has to do with it and how is it correlated? :confused:
  6. Wow....I would have never guessed!! iRadialBlurLevel is responsible for such artifacts/issues?
  7. I would agree 100% with Pretendeavor. I have had this window popping up like the last 3-4 versions of DynDOLOD and from what it seems the reason is exactly wht Pretendeavor explains. LodGen's command prompt window is still occupied witht the previous worldspace when the wolrd script calls it again whne running on the next worldspace. Nothing too serious I guess...LODGen works just fine.
  8. Darth did you have these issues with ELFX 3.0 and CoT 5.0 and Vividian ENB? Are these issues persistent on a new game as well with VW and ELFX 3.0?
  9. I can also confirm that. This is the only FormID that is altered in the new ELFX cells that CWI-ELFX patch is touching. Moreover, these 2 FormIDs are identical (meaning that they refer to the same object, same cell placement, same positioning, same lighting) therefore I can only assume that by changing this FormID in the CWI-ELFX patch we will be good to go. Have not tested it in-game but to be honest it is such a straightforward change that shouldn't require any testing at all! :) Lexy, abt BFU...I am sorry but I am not using it. Elysium Estate is by far my old time favorite as to use any vanilla homes...even modded ones! It doesn't make sense. Probably there are some issues left from your transition from RS and/or ENB settings. Actually the only object changed between ELFX 2.0 nad 3.0 for archmage quarters is the FormID you identified above.
  10. Well...I cannot be sure that CWI-ELFX patch is good to go. There might be a strong case (like RRR-ELFX patch) that some formIDs get redundant. I will also check tonight or tomorrow and report back.
  11. Yeap, definetely these ones are not needed. The change back to the originals for some of them is intentional and due to the addition of Meieran an NPC cut from the game. Also Lexy...for all those dialog records have a look at their EDID-EditorID...that will give you a hint.
  12. Have a look at CCF's Nexus page...there have been some discussions abt it. Also Kryptopyr uploaded an updated script to address this issue, but unfortunately it will not fix any NPC that has already spawned. Give it a go! EDIT: Ha ha!! Ninja'ed by Neo!! ...actually I never saw the above replies..Ninja'ed by everybody!!
  13. I do not think that it makes any difference where Dual Sheath Redux.esp is loaded. What matters is Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp to load last but I suppose it does since this esp is in the Skyproc LOOT's definition territory so it will always be loaded there.
  14. By Whiterun area you mean entering Whiterun or in general the Whiterun Hold area? just as a test...see if disabling Populated Skyrim 2016 will do any difference. Also check that you SKSE memory patch is working as it should. Check it by enabling Memory Blocks mod.
  15. The first 2 are new placed objects (records) Darth. They can easily conflict with each other if they are placed at the same spot. This cannot be seen, nor fixed, with TES5Edit. You need CK!! (TBH, I am not using RRR Enhanced so I wouldn't know if this conflict is real or a product of a bad CRF update process. Have you tried on a new game to see?)
  16. Use MFG Console to see from which esp the objects are coming from.
  17. Lexy, these are not real errors. Tes5Edit reports them as such because in the record flags of Navmeshes there is a flag named Unknown 11 by TES5Edit which probably the game never uses and the authors of TES5Edit never actually found any valid info to interpret them into their program. These kind of errors can be safely ignored.
  18. Install order does not mean anything for these patches. They are going to be merged anyway and it is the merge order that matters most. If you wish to install them alphabetically just for the aesthetics of it then yeah, go ahead!
  19. Hey CJ!! I really hope that life is treating you well and that u r doing fine! BTW, Immersive College of Winterhold is absolutely compatible with ICAIO. Town of Winterhold and College of Winterhold will always be compatible with ICAIO, as per author's compatibility article. Which means that Winterhold-Expansion Ruins should be compatible as well(I am not using it). Take care mate!
  20. That would be wrong in some cases (especially when the conflicting mods are more than 2). The VERY general idea is to carry forward the "Conditions" from that mod that you think are the most important to be the first in-line. Then on the "Conditions" header you right click and select add. TES5Edit will just add a generalized condition because..well...it has to add something! Then you drag over to this newly added condition (completely substituting it) the condition(s) from the other conflicting mod. This is in general terms the idea behind those sort of conflicts; BUT you need to know rather well what each mod that you are conflict resolving is trying to achieve.
  21. For the first one I would say to carry forward the CWO record and then add the condition from ICAIO. But pls do take it with a grain of salt because I am not using CWO and I can only assume what the keyword "CWONon Speakable" means! For the second one...you surely need the added script property from USLEEP as it corrects a malfunction of the reward letter in "An Enemy's Gratitude" quest. Now regarding CWO and Forgotten City...I would again say carry forward the CWO one, and add the Forgotten's City condition abt Cassia's PLea letter and lastly drag the USLEEP script property over. Lexy, just a piece of advise when you are conflict-resolving "Conditions"...DO NOT chack "hide non conflicting rows". You want to have all conditions visible because some of them are repeated in all conflicting mods and thus not a conflict at all. Again, I should say that I am not using CWO (nor will I ever be) so I can only suggest the above by just looking at the pictures (which are incomplete due to "hide...") and without knowing much abt what CWO touches.
  22. Will do! Just thought I would post here first as not to bug Groovtama. Neo, I would appreciate if next time you load up the game can check this and advise. Equip a shield and an axe or mace, and sheath-unseath a few times in a row and see if what I describe happens to you as well. Thanks! :)
  23. Hi guys, Have any of you encountered an issue with drawing animations when you have a shield on left hand and a mace or axe on the right? It seems that the animation that plays shows unseathing the axe or mace from the left part and not from the right. If I completely unequip and equip again it plays as it should but only for a moment or two...then comes back to the faulty ones. I do not remember having this sort of issue before updating XPMSE to v3.77. Any thoughts?
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