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    Oklahoma, USA
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    All of them!
  • Diamond in the Rough
    Simple Children
    It's just the perfect overhaul for the children of Skyrim. The children "feel" like the belong in the world, meaning they fit perfectly into vanilla style. You can look at them and believe they would grow up to resemble the adults of the world.

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Community Answers

  1. Discussion topic: Fine LOD by HoratioHafnaugels Wiki Link
  2. Discussion topic: HGPAKtool by monkeyman192 Wiki Link
  3. Discussion topic: No Suit Annoyances - Updated by brandoncamp16, TechAngel85 Wiki Link
  4. Current Guide is not usable with the latest game update (v5.5+) due to significant changes to how mods are handled by the game.
  5. Z is probably around your own age. I, myself, am 39. We're not that young ourselves around here.
  6. This could really be answered with a quick Google search so I'll just copy and paste it from Google: Now Step requires the Anniversary Edition of Skyrim (basically a DLC), which includes many mods from the Creation Club that Bethesda decided to officially support.
  7. Within the Lumen LUA, you'll want to reduce any "INTENSITY" for any light that is too bright for you. So with each section for each light: { ["MBIN_FILE_SOURCE"] = "MODELS\PLANETS\BIOMES\COMMON\BUILDINGS\PARTS\BUILDABLEPARTS\DECORATION\LABLAMP.SCENE.MBIN", ["EXML_CHANGE_TABLE"] = { { ["SPECIAL_KEY_WORDS"] = {"Name", "pointLight1"}, ["VALUE_CHANGE_TABLE"] = { {"TransY", "1.05"}, {"RotX", "90"}, } }, { ["SPECIAL_KEY_WORDS"] = {"Name", "pointLight1", "Name", "FOV"}, ["VALUE_CHANGE_TABLE"] = { {"Value", "80.000000"}, } }, { ["SPECIAL_KEY_WORDS"] = {"Name", "pointLight1", "Name", "INTENSITY"}, ["VALUE_CHANGE_TABLE"] = { {"Value", "21000.000000"}, } }, { ["SPECIAL_KEY_WORDS"] = {"Name", "pointLight1", "Name", "COL_R"}, ["VALUE_CHANGE_TABLE"] = { {"Value", "0.500000"}, } }, { ["SPECIAL_KEY_WORDS"] = {"Name", "pointLight1", "Name", "COL_G"}, ["VALUE_CHANGE_TABLE"] = { {"Value", "0.850000"}, } }, { ["SPECIAL_KEY_WORDS"] = {"Name", "pointLight1"}, ["ADD_OPTION"] = "ADDafterSECTION", ["ADD"] = LABLAMP }, }, }, The "model" tells you which light; for the above it's the "LABLAMP". You'll want to find the "INTENSITY" section and change that value to something less. The same goes for the "GetBlock" section at the top. These are additional lights that are added to the objects, which you can see how at the bottom of the code above "["ADD"] = LABLAMP". It will probably take some trial and error to find the intensity that works best for your system.
  8. As the saying goes, "build it and they will come."
  9. I've reached out and confirmed that Soft Shadows has been hidden due to conflicts with CS. Directly quoting: Doodlum has also stated he's okay with the linking to the hidden file, directly, for any of his hidden mods. It was an ick and went again my morals to do this without seeking out the author first, regardless if Nexus ToS allows it or not. I have reached out to Nexus Staff regarding the matter, though, because the ToS is not clear in regards to hidden pages. They allow distribution of the files, forever; however, that distribution can't happen for mods that are hidden unless a direct link is used. Getting that direct link could be challenging when the page is hidden, and near impossible for the average user who is not familiar with how Nexus links files.
  10. They are already a master. The statement just means you can't use any of those Patches without having the Step Patch - Conflict Resolution.esp file installed, which in and of itself is a requirement to use the Guide. The note is kinda redundant in that regard.
  11. I'm going to have to test this out! We were trying out a new idea for RWT to address water LOD that looked great in vanilla, but terrible with ENBSeries because it tiled very badly. Going to have to see if this corrected that issue! @CaptainKumquat
  12. We have not been manually linking to hidden mods. We might link to a file from a mod in the archive or link directly to a file due to NSFW content, but I can't recall ever purposely going past an author's hidden status. In the past, we simply told users to wait it out or skip for now. Just because we haven't encountered any issues doesn't mean they aren't there. The fact that we don't know what the issues are makes doing this that much worse. We're just going in blindly at this point. Nexus has been down so I haven't had an opportunity to search for the forum topic to try to understand why the mod is hidden. They may not show up until later in the game (I know I haven't gotten much playtime in since adding this mos, have you?) or may not be that apparent to us. Seriously, this is a bad practice! ...and I'm only speaking towards a mod that is hidden. Other cases where we link to files directly are okay because those aren't to merely circumvent the author's wishes like you have done here.
  13. If the mod has issues that the author has identified and is big enough they closed off the mod page, we shouldn't be supporting it either. I, personally, as an author would be annoyed if people were doing this after I closed the mod page do to bugs within the mod. I would highly discourage this practice!
  14. Meshes shouldn't be an issue unless they are providing a custom texture path to their own glow maps. Once the ones for Gamwich's mods are done, all the conflicts within the Guide should be covered (unless there are custom paths with custom meshes).
  15. Frankly, I have no idea why that would have been recommended. Could have been something up with testing, but nothing on our forum topic suggests any of that. I remember Rudy telling me they were going to fix all of their meshes, but that has never happened so it could have been something to do around that too. I find it disappointing that Rudy hasn't returned to all their mods to fix this. At this point, doesn't look like they ever will. On another note, Gamwich gave permission for all their mods, so I will be adding those over my "weekend" (Wed/Thus). I think that will cover all the mods in the Guide.
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