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Everything posted by bern43

  1. Sounds like an interesting build. I've got my loop in a CaseLabs SM8 with an Aquaero 5xt. It's an amazing combo. Good luck with the leak test!
  2. Just installed the main file. Does the main file not contain the ini?
  3. Guide says to delete the wyrmstooth.ini. All I see in MO is the meta.ini. Same thing?
  4. If you want to be extra sure with cc cleaner just go into the settings and list your skyrim folder as an exception to what is checked/cleaned. When I used cc cleaner I actually had my whole steam folder as an exception.
  5. Very basic question. In your guide on merging it states: "Select only the mod files to be merged then click [OK]. (These must be sorted in the order specified.)" What exactly does it mean to sort the mod files in the order specified? There doesn't seem to be a way to sort them before selecting them. Think I'm missing something really simple.
  6. SR:LE uses a timescale of 10. That works a bit better with ineed and frostfall IMHO.
  7. Anyone know if there is an issue with Parallax and ENBoost? There's several references on the comments to the Project Parralax nexus page that seem to suggest that people are having trouble running both at the same time.
  8. I've seen the water flickering with my sli 780s. Doesn't happen all the time though.
  9. You should still install the Core Patch if you're using STEP: Core.
  10. It technically depends on the mod. But I always just play it safe and rebuild as it only takes a few minutes.
  11. Any thoughts on how to get this to show fps? I just get a question mark next to it.
  12. Where should I put this in my install order if I want to add it to step extended? Any tips for adding it in? Reading some of the comments on the mod page it also seems like enboost and parralax have problems running at the same time?
  13. Just to clarify, no problems now with EFF and Interesting NPCs? Saw that a patch was mentioned but couldn't find it.
  14. Asus motherboards are good. Aisuite not so much.
  15. Just checked Dragonmourninn.esp with Tes5Edit and it does have 31 itms. I went ahead and cleaned. Same for the 2 itms in Inns and Taverns.esp. Probably harmless that they're in there, but no harm in cleaning. Might want to update the guide.
  16. Can you disable your intel card in your bios?
  17. Really just getting flickering in this Mzarnumez area. I get a tiny amount in other water areas in the distance. I've got some very minor z-fighting, not sure if that's related. I just did the shipwreck start from live another life to check. That script spam reference honestly seems more troublesome than the flickering. Looks like it was reported to the author, but no real response.
  18. Just fast traveled to Mzarnumez (The Lost Wonders of Mzark) and the water in the sea flickers like crazy in that area before you actually enter the dungeon. Anyone else see this? I haven't notice flicker like this before.
  19. So no problem running optimized HRDLC textures and then this mod loaded after? The optimized textures would just be applied to those that this mod doesn't replace if I understand things correctly?
  20. Loot reporting. Haven't checked them yet.
  21. Just finished installing REGS. Getting 31 itms for DragonMournInn.esp and 2 itms for Inns and Taverns.esp. Should I go ahead and clean them?
  22. Ran Loot this morning and now Cutting Room Floor is coming up as dirty and having 4 itm records. Strange thing is that I installed Cutting Room Floor weeks ago and have run Loot several times with nothing coming up until this morning. Also getting 31 itm records for DragonmournInn.esp and 17 ITM records for AdalMatar.esp, and a warning indicating that AdalMatar.esp file has 3 deleted NavMesh records. Both of these are related to the Fight Against the Thalmar, which is supposedly clean.
  23. For Immersive College of Winterhold should we be installing the Syrim Distance Overhaul Patch if we're using STEP Extended? It's not clear from the instructions and I just wanted to double check it wasn't already in the patch at the end. SR:LE has you install the patch.
  24. Got it for the esps. What about other files and folders? Just hide them in the file tree?
  25. Very basic question but how does one install a mod without the esp or other files through mo? I know how to restructure a zip file and then install manually and how to hide files. Is not installing a portion of the file different? Sorry if this is really basic.
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