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Step SkyrimSE Patches (by Step Modifications)
Mousetick replied to TechAngel85's topic in Step Skyrim SE Guide
Armor Type is used with Light Armor or Heavy Armor skills. Wearing a piece of Light Armor in combat increases the Light Armor skill, and its armor rating is scaled based on the Light Armor skill. Wearing a piece of Clothing does not affect, and is not affected by, skills. Armor keywords are used by perks, among other things. All changes from WACCF should be forwarded.- 119 replies
DynDOLOD 3a143 Test version for Parent > Child copies of references with dynamic LOD More observations while peering through the plugins: The 'No Respawn' flag doesn't appear to be carried over to the child copies. For example: MQ106DragonMoundREF [REFR:000CAF88] (places DragonMoundBase [ACTI:000CAF75]) Parent ref > Child copy Some parent references such as Windmills and Smelters have a XLRT - Location Ref Type: ResourceDestructibleObject [LCRT:0001D4DF] field. For example, ResourceObjectFarmPalagiaFarm [REFR:0005CA6C] (places SFarmhouseWindMillDirt02Whiterun [STAT:0001686D]). I don't know what this is intended to do and I couldn't find any info online. Going by the name, it would suggest the object can be destroyed, but how? I suspect this is a left-over from a game mechanic that was cut or never implemented. This post on reddit seems to confirm that. You said local scripts are not carried over to the child copies, which is good, but there may be a potential issue with local scripts attached to the base record. There is very little information available online, except this UESP article which doesn't match exactly the terminology used by xEdit. It's not clear to me what the default behavior is when the reference's VMAD section is empty. Are the base record's local scripts automatically inherited by the reference? For example, DragonMoundBase [ACTI:000CAF75] has a local script: This reference [REFR:00066953] (places DragonMoundBase [ACTI:000CAF75]), explicitly sets the 'Inherited and Removed' flag on the FXDragonMoundScript of the base record, which I'm interpreting as "don't inherit this base record script, remove it". If this is correct, it may be necessary to apply a similar override to child copies using scripted base records in order to 1) prevent side-effects and 2) avoid bloating the save file by adding more unnecessary script instances. This would significantly complicate the copy process however. Hopefully your friends from the xEdit team can shed some light on this. Thanks. Full logs here if you need them: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1B18Drj8elt8ao0dIlBcw39eqMWYoH--h/view
Thanks. I'm still compiling a list of references toggled by script and copied by Parent > Child, which is a bit time-consuming. Once that's done I'll go check things out in-game. I'll let you know the results later. But so far, things look great "on paper" (i.e. in xEdit).
You can post a screenshot of that specific wood post in xEdit loaded with all the plugins in your load order, so we can take a look, if you like. Anyway, enabling or disabling by console is harmless in this case. LOD has nothing to do with it. LOD is a reflection of, and is affected by, objects placed in the world, not the other way around. You will need to regenerate LODs to account for the now re-enabled objects (assuming these objects have LOD).
DynDOLOD 3a143 Test version for Parent > Child copies of references with dynamic LOD Fix for scanning Markarth with ScanParent=0 confirmed in new test version. -- So I'm peering through the DynDOLOD plugins and identifying the initially disabled references that would need testing. Houston, we have another problem We forgot about the opposite scenario: a reference with dynamic LOD is initially enabled, then disabled later in-game. The child copy remains perpetually enabled. For example, the Solitude Lighthouse fire: [REFR:0007526C] (places SlighthouseActivator [ACTI:000622F0]) [REFR:00062832] (places SlighthouseFireOff [STAT:0001A0B4]) These 2 references are not linked together by an Enable Parent, they're toggled independently. Here's the bit of Papyrus code that does it, during the related quest: ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_14 Function Fragment_14() ;BEGIN CODE alias_MS07LighthouseFireOff.GetRef().enable() alias_MS07LighthouseFire.GetRef().Disable() [...] alias_MS07LighthouseFire.GetRef().Disable() is not going to affect the child copy: skyrimesm_07526C_SolitudeWorld_DynDOLOD_PARENT_DynDOLOD_NOLOD [REFR:5908ED4A] (places SlighthouseActivator "Solitude Lighthouse Fire" [ACTI:000622F0]) remains enabled. Possible solution: extend the previous solution of linking the child copy to the parent reference via Enable Parent, to all copies of references with dynamic LOD. As discussed before, this requires the parent reference to be persistent, but that theoretical limitation should have no impact in practice for references that are toggled via script, as they must already be persistent. Thanks.
I only tried once. The new version ran successfully to completion. Thanks.
Is the object reference persistent? Is this with an existing save from an ongoing game or with a new game? Persistent references are saved in the game save file. When loading a save, the game reads the persistent references' state from the save file, not from the plugins. Draw your own conclusions from this information to determine if this is normal behavior in your case.
So it's not really a DynDOLOD problem: The house in question is located in Whiterun exterior (Tamriel). It uses WRHouseWind01 [STAT:0003CDE3] as the base model, and WRDragonDoor01 [DOOR:000252C7] for its door. Both of which are normally found only inside Whiterun. WRHouseWind01 [STAT:0003CDE3] has LOD but WRDragonDoor01 [DOOR:000252C7] doesn't. So Parent > Child results in the house being copied to WhiterunWorld, but not the door. I guess one solution could be: Add a rule to give LOD to WRDragonDoor01 [DOOR:000252C7] but I'm worried the door LOD could clash with DynDOLOD Resources' LOD model for WRHouseWind01 [STAT:0003CDE3], which already has the door built-in. wrhousewind01_lod_0.nif
Over there: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HBzSJ56QkptARN150kduGita9awnWx77/view Attempting to run the latest test version uploaded to Mega produces a Range Check exception. Logs: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TeIv02YR4GZGDV1uydPJL2d_03fuvRYZ/view
DynDOLOD 3a143 Test version for Parent > Child copies of references with dynamic LOD I've completed my testing. Here's an updated checklist with some corrections to markers I got wrong the first time, and my annotations on the results: Remarks: I had to disable collision to climb above walls or buildings for most of the verifications but always stayed within the city bounds. For Markarth, it appears Parent > Child copies of dynamic references were made even though ScanParent=0 in DynDOLOD_SSE_childworld_MarkarthWorld.ini. This allowed me to test them, but the fact they were made seems like a bug? Beside checking the references with enable parent above, I looked around the periphery of cities and everything looked OK. I didn't find anything visually broken. I think I'm going to switch to NoCellsWithNAVM=0 for Riften next time, to get more trees directly behind the walls and fix the view towards the docks from the canal. I found a small issue with a Cutting Room Floor house copy (object LOD, not dynamic LOD) in Whiterun but I need to investigate more before I can report the problem. Next steps: I'm going to regenerate the plugins with the update you uploaded this morning, and take a look at the initially disabled references.
Yes, agreed. But I think it works out perfectly. A non-persistent reference used by a separate script is an anachronism. It's not safe. I believe CK enforces persistence of references used as script properties. If a mod uses a non-persistent reference in a script, that mod is already bugged, with or without DynDOLOD. If there are non-persistent initially disabled references, it's probably because the mod author doesn't care or know about properly UDR'ing them, but they're actually never used/enabled by a script. In such a case, xEdit shows that the temporary reference is not referenced by anything else. In which case, they don't really need dynamic LOD. -- I noticed I had some dynamic Parent > Child copies in Whiterunworld cell 4,-1 even though it is navmeshed. Then I noticed that NoCellsWithNAVM=0 in DynDOLOD_SSE_childworld_WhiterunWorld.ini. It's completely fine, I just want to confirm this is intended, as all other cities have NoCellsWithNAVM=1. Thanks.
I've compiled a list of enable parent switches grouped by city and affected cells. Toggling a switch may enable or disable objects depending on opposite state. The list was based on Parent > Child copies generated with NoCellsWithNAVM=1 so is probably incomplete. Only vanilla references were considered. I'm putting it here in case it might be of some use to you: Now that the prep work is done, time to finally check things out in-game
About initially disabled references: I'm assuming those that can have LOD receive dynamic LOD in case they might be enabled later by a Papyrus script. Is this correct? As I mentioned, I don't seem to have any copies of such references in my DynDOLOD plugins, so I need to ask for confirmation: Is their child copy a clone of the parent reference, with the initially disabled flag carried over? If this is correct, we have a problem, Houston The Papyrus script which toggles the parent reference is oblivious to the existence of the child copy, so the child copy is going to remain perpetually disabled. Possible solution: don't carry the initially disabled flag over to the child copy, add the parent reference as enable parent of the child copy. So the child copy automatically remains synchronized with the parent reference.
Sorry, I don't understand. Would you mind clarifying what covered area is referring to? Let's say I'm standing on a city wall or atop a building at the edge of the city and looking at the surroundings. If the dynamic reference copy is outside the active cells grid, I'm not going to see its full model, I'm going to see its dynamic LOD instead. Unless the reference is a large reference. So it seems like a waste of time to visually check these dynamic reference copies that are too far from the cells containing the city limits. Ok. Animated models would be things like windmills I assume. I reran my filters to include initially disabled flag and that didn't change the results, in my case. The reason I'm filtering to get the list of enable parent or initially disabled reference copies is so that I can identify which ones are dynamic, where they are, and how they are enabled. If I'm peaking over a city wall, and everything is looking fine because all the dynamic references are disabled and therefore not visible, it's not going to be a very good test, is it? Like the Civil War stuff, it's always disabled except during sieges. On second thought, the number of added dynamic reference copies is not a big deal in regards to performance, as most of them, at least in vanilla, are disabled most of the time. Thanks for your input.
I don't know what happened but the first post of this topic, authored by sheson and containing important README and BEFORE YOU POST type of information, has disappeared. Now there is an old 2019 post from user 'Caaros'. Latest Wayback Machine capture: https://web.archive.org/web/20230530205331/https://stepmodifications.org/forum/topic/17510-dyndolod-300-alpha-128/
DynDOLOD 3a143 Test version for Parent > Child copies of references with dynamic LOD Preliminary test results with Icerunner in Solitude: Before > After 👍 I'm trying to take a systemic approach to testing rather than wandering around haphazardly and visually checking stuff: I loaded the DynDOLOD plugins in xEdit and applied a filter by references with EDID containing "DYNDOLOD_PARENT". Then I applied a custom script to list all records that have an Enable Parent. Notes: My cities are vanilla with minor changes, mostly various small fixes. I always use the default NoCellsWithNAVM=1. Results: A total of 993 references were copied, which is a pretty high number, but not too bad. Most of the copied references are vanilla stuff for Civil War sieges, and Khajiit Caravans. The rest of the copied references are from mods which in my case are not at all close to the cities, the changes are at least 3 or 4 cells away from the city walls. Such as Goldenglow Estate in Riften, or the Western Watchtower in Whiterun, or a buildable house on the road up to Riverwood, at the foot of the mountains. Next Steps: It should be fairly easy to check the Khajiit Caravans when they're in town, so I'm going to do that. As for the Civil War siege stuff, I think each city is controlled by its own enable parent common to all the changes, more or less - I hope - so I should be able to toggle them and check them out. In order to save time, I don't think it's worth checking the copies that are far away from the walls. It may be important for players who fly/glide, but I don't. Even if I did, it doesn't make sense to me to fly out of cities. Once the player reaches the border of the child worldspace, there is nowhere else to go. Questions: Are there other types of references beside Enable Parent that have dynamic LOD and that I should look for copies in DynDOLOD plugins? Any thoughts, comments, advice? Thanks. Full logs here if you'd like to take a look: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HBzSJ56QkptARN150kduGita9awnWx77/view
Yes that is correct, I did ESM-flag the SaveTheIcerunner.esp plugin. That console display inaccuracy bothers me greatly so I decided to investigate. I tried to reproduce the issue from scratch using test plugins manually created in xEdit. One 'master' plugin defining a new reference, one 'override' plugin overriding that reference. This is a rabbit hole of mind-boggling permutations but I think I managed to narrow it down: The 'master' plugin must be ESM. Either .esm or ESM-flagged .esp. The reference override in the 'override' plugin must have an enable parent. Notes: Console display problem doesn't happen if 'master' plugin is not ESM. It doesn't matter if 'override' plugin is ESM or not. It doesn't matter if the reference in the 'master' plugin has an enable parent or not. Only the enable parent in the override triggers the incorrect display. It doesn't matter what changes the override makes to the reference. It can be simply an ITM + enable parent. It doesn't matter whether 'master' or 'override' plugins are ESL-flagged or not. Weird, huh? I don't know if this is a bug in More Informative Console or yet another engine quirk or a side-effect of low-level SKSE plugins (such as SSE Engine Fixes). Sorry for veering off-topic but I think this is pertinent as it affects DynDOLOD reporting and troubleshooting. The true origin of the reference cannot be determined by looking at the console in those cases, one must go look into xEdit. I'd be interested if others could confirm my observations. Thanks.
Yes. Sorry forgot to include screenshot: Indeed: Yes, that is not questioned. Sorry if I wasn't clear - I wasn't talking about the base record, I was talking about the reference itself, which is defined in SaveTheIceRunner.esp, not in DynDOLOD.esm: Ok, I'll give it a try. This will take a while... Thanks.
Skyrim SE / DynDOLOD 3a142 / Resources 3a42 / DLL NG + Scripts 3a12 The dynamic LOD of the Icerunner ship from Save the Icerunner docked in Solitude harbor is visible when viewed from Tamriel worldspace, but not when viewed from the Solitude worldspace. https://dyndolod.info/Help/Child-Parent-Worldspace-Copies addresses references with object LOD, but doesn't mention dynamic LOD. So I'm assuming they're not supported. I'd appreciate it if you could clarify this point and hint at whether this is something you might try to address in the future. This report is provided for your information and asking for your thoughts. Thanks in advance. The Legacy of the Dragonborn museum in Solitude has 2 exterior balconies: 1 on the first floor, in Tamriel; and the other 1 on the second floor, in SolitudeWorld. View from Tamriel balcony | Harbor with Icerunner | LODs off View from Solitude balcony | Harbor with missing Icerunner | LODs off Dynamic LOD in Tamriel | Full Model* * By the way, do you know why the console shows the original ship [REFR:2E000C3A] is defined by DynDOLOD.esm? It's actually defined by SaveTheIcerunner.esp: ??? The Icerunner ship is located in cell -16,22 which is part of SolitudeWorld and has been processed by DynDOLOD for Parent > Child copies: Full logs here https://drive.google.com/file/d/13ztLnWFIIBlL459vnhVIwrB4B32ywMF-/view Thanks. Never mind, I don't know how to read: It's set to zero in DynDOLOD_SSE_childworld_SolitudeWorld.ini: ; set to 1 to not enable dynamic LOD in this child worldspace NoDynamicLOD=0 So maybe there's a bug, or I'm not understanding what the effect of this setting is supposed to be.
You may have noticed this mod displays a popup banner in the center of the main menu screen while the game starts, and a popup progress bar in the top-right corner of the screen while it loads animations, both using very bright coloring and style reminiscent of 1980s personal computers. I dislike both. What if every SKSE mod displayed its own banner on the screen, it would be a mess. They can be turned off by editing settings in [...]\SKSE\Plugins\OpenAnimationReplacer.ini: To turn off the popup banner, set bShowWelcomeBanner to false: bShowWelcomeBanner = false To turn off the popup progress bar, set bEnableAnimationQueueProgressBar to false: bEnableAnimationQueueProgressBar = false I'd recommend to leave them on (the default) initially, so you can see the mod is starting up properly. Once you've seen them a dozen times and you've had enough, you may want to turn them off.
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xLODGen LOD 4 Optimize Unseen Comparison
Mousetick replied to Mousetick's topic in General Skyrim SE Discussion & Support
I've not played much since regenerating terrain LOD. Water vs. shoreline z-fighting: I haven't seen any. So far. LOD vs. active cells transitions: Very nice, very smooth. I'm too lazy to make rigorous before/after in-game tests, so it could just be confirmation bias. Performance: Didn't make before/after in-game tests. I haven't noticed any degradation. You can give the new recommended settings a try if you like. Terrain LOD is simply meshes and textures. You can swap old and new at any time, if you have enough space to keep the old around. -
Vanilla Scripting Enhancements (by Nightfallstorm and JR)
Mousetick replied to Kattmandu's topic in Skyrim SE Mods
The Effective variant (the one which requires po3 Papyrus Extender) of the mod OnMagicEffectApply Replacer does exactly the same thing as this mod. If you use one, there's no reason to use the other one. Vanilla Scripting Enhancements is safer to install as it comes in a BSA. Sort its plugin very high, below USSEP. OnMagicEffectApplyReplacer comes as loose files. Putting it all together, plugin sort order should be: Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp Vanilla Script MicroOptimizations.esl (if used) Vanilla Scripts Enhanced.esl SimplyOptimizedScripts.esl [... other mods ...] For each of these script optimization mods, the plugins are dummy empty plugins which only purpose is to load their associated BSA file. The position of the plugin determines the overwrite priority of the BSA's contents in the load order. Loose files always overwrite BSA contents. -
Vanilla Scripting Enhancements (by Nightfallstorm and JR)
Mousetick replied to Kattmandu's topic in Skyrim SE Mods
It's not technically essential, but it helps. I don't know about Vokrii's cloak spell(s) as I haven't looked into that in details, but I know for sure there is at least one other mod in the STEP guide that still uses a cloak spell to distribute to NPCs: FIZZLE. This mod alleviates the Papyrus VM overload by optimizing only specific vanilla NPCs (~10) which are scripted to detect if certain spells are cast on them. It's not a generic solution. For example it has no effect if you use mods with scripts that detect magic effects: cloak spells can still overload the Papyrus VM. This mod is nice to have for the ~10 vanilla NPCs it addresses. I've used it since it was released. But its coverage is very limited. PS: As an alternative to FIZZLE, I'd recommend Just Cast It - LITE which I've been using. It uses SPID instead of a cloak spell to distribute to NPCs. Another alternative would be Unattuned - Immersive Spell Failure which looks interesting but more difficult and dangerous than FIZZLE or Just Cast It - LITE. It also uses SPID. I haven't tried that one. -
TESTING Vanilla Script (micro)Optimizations (by Subhuman0100)
Mousetick replied to Kattmandu's topic in Skyrim SE Mods
I've used this mod since it was released and still do use it, but I don't recommend it for STEP at this time: 1 script is out of date with USSEP 4.2.8+ and breaks the transit of Khajiit caravans. 1 plugin change apparently breaks the kid adoption quest. Until an official or 3rd-party easy-to-install fix or update is available, it can't be used (without manually fiddling with it to work around the issues).