
From Step Mods | Change The Game



This guide is out of date and is NOT supported! It may contain information that is incorrect or not in line with the current state of the game.
Go to the latest supported FalloutNV Guide.

Step FalloutNV Guide

This is our first release of the Step Fallout: New Vegas (FalloutNV, FNV) guide (see Step Versioning Documentation. This is also a special release, since it is the first official Step guide created and maintained by an adjunct staffer or "Guide Curator", Majorman. This guide is essentially an 'official' fork of ex-Step staffer, EssArrBee's, "Fear & Loathing In New Vegas". As such, this guide adheres to the Step Mandate and conforms to the quality and performance expectations of all official Step Guides.

Since this is the furst iteration of the guide, the Changelog will show only applicable post-release changes.

About Step

A Foreword

Created by TheCompiler (Daniele Ferraro), Step is a collaborative project with input from the modding community, technical volunteers, and project administrators. The goal is to provide tested and validated methods for establishing and maintaining an enhanced modded game. Thus, the guide provides detailed, well-tested build instructions for a solid modded game that achieves an enhanced, vanilla experience. It's meant to be installed in its entirety and not piecemeal.

The Step team collects information from the modding community through extensive mod testing, detailed reviews, feedback, and suggestions exchanged on the Step Community Forums. Posting rules apply, so be sure to read and follow them. Engage and enjoy a warm welcome and plenty of high-quality support from a large community of experienced members.

New to Modding?

We recommend that you ...

  • read through this Guide at least once before attempting installation.
  • follow all linked guides and read through them, as well.

There is a lot of information to absorb and learn in order to successfully build a modded game. We and the community, have brought together a lot of this information into guides as a free and hopefully convenient resource for all. New and experienced modders alike will find many answers within these guides and linked resources. This Guide is written in such a way that it expects users to know the basics of modding and related tools (e.g. mod managers, LOD optimizers, configuration utilities, etc.). However our support forums are always available for our users.


The following nomenclature is used throughout this guide and should be understood before proceeding.

  • 'tick' means 'check': Frequently, the word 'check' or 'checked' can mean 'ensure' in addition to "check mark", so 'check' is not used where it is synonymous with 'tick' to avoid any mistakes that can (and have) happened from this conflation.
  • Baseline: An installation of a mod using the recommend file option listed within the Baseline column of the mod tables below.
  • Step Patches: A "patch" is a plugin that allows two or more mods to work together without conflicting. The Step Patches are such plugins, but allow all of the mods in the Step Guide to work harmoniously together. Some users refer to this as a conflict resolution patch or "CR Patch".

Minimum System Requirements

We recommend the following hardware configuration for running a Step FalloutNV installation at a resolution of 1920x1080. The minimum requirements will allow most users to install and run the Baseline options, which match FalloutNV's recommended requirements. Our recommended requirements below will allow most users to install and run the Guide using higher quality options with all of the Guide's optional components (Lighting and Weather, ENB, etc.).

Users wishing to install high quality options at resolutions higher than 1920x1080, be advised a more powerful system will likely be required than what is listed below.

Hardware Minimum Recommended
Windows OS Windows 10 64-bit Windows 10 64-bit
CPU Intel Core i5-3470 or equivalent Intel Core i5-4670 or equivalent or better
System RAM 6 GB 8 GB or higher
GPU Nvidia GTX 780 3GB / AMD R9 290 4GB Nvidia GTX 970 or equivalent or better / 4GB VRAM or higher
Drive Space ~34 GBs (includes game+guide) ~36 GBs (includes game+guide)
Monitor Resolution 1920x1080 1920x1080 or higher

Time Requirement

Users should be aware that it will usually take anywhere from several hours to a several days to complete this Guide from start to finish. Since this is a start to finish process, a recommend schedule for completing it is:

Day 1 : Steps 1 - 3
Day 2 : Step 4
  • Step 4 is installing all the mods. Depending on download speeds and previous modding knowledge, this step could span 1-3 days.
Final Day : Finish the remainder of the Guide.

The overall message here is that Step encourages users to always follow proper computer ergonomics when modding! Remember to take breaks and happy modding!


Game & Tool Installation

Install Direct X 9

Before you start with the System Setup make sure you've downloaded and installed the Direct X Runtime Libraries:

  1. Follow the link to Microsoft's page.
  2. Download the archive to a location of your choice.
  3. Double-click on the file to install.

Follow the System Setup Guide!

Those who have not completed the System Setup Guide should STOP and do so now BEFORE continuing this guide! This is a perquisite for completing any of the Step Bethesda mod-build guides.
NEW GUIDE FOLLOWERS: Deviate from these instructions at your own risk! Instructions in this guide presume that previous instructions have been followed.


Tool Configuration

Mod Organizer - FalloutNV Initialization

FIRST, follow the System Setup Guide. The below instructions describe how to initialize a Fallout New Vegas (FalloutNV) instance in Mod Organizer (MO). If MO was installed as a Portable application, the instructions below will need to be reinterpreted accordingly. Those who already have a MO instance for FalloutNV can skip this initialization:

➕ [Click to show]➖ [Click to hide] Initialization Instructions

  1. Launch MO by running its executable (e.g. ..Modding/Tools/Mod Organizer/ModOrganizer.exe)
  2. Upon load, click the Instance Manager button on the tool (first button).
  3. Click [Create new instance] button.
  4. Select Fallout New Vegas and click [Next].
    If it didn't find the game, users can manually browse to the game's location.
  5. Name the instance something like Step Fallout New Vegas or keep the default. Click [Next].
  6. (optional) change the location of data stored. Step recommends the default location, unless space restraints prevent this. Click [Next].
  7. A confirmation window will display with the installation information. Click [Finish].
  8. MO is now ready to use with this guide.

Profile Setup

Mod Organizer's profile feature allows the creation of multiple mod-builds. Begin by creating/editing two profiles for use with this guide:

➕ [Click to show]➖ [Click to hide] Profile Setup Instructions
  1. Launch MO, choosing the Fallout New Vegas Instance.
  2. On the Default profile, arrange the mods in the left pane in the following order:
    1. FalloutNV.esm
    2. DeadMoney.esm
    3. HonestHearts.esm
    4. OldWorldBlues.esm
    5. LonesomeRoad.esm
    6. GunRunnersArsenal.esm
    7. ClassicPack.esm
    8. MercenaryPack.esm
    9. TribalPack.esm
    10. CaravanPack.esm
  3. Click the Profiles MO.png button on the menu bar.
  4. Select the Default profile.
  5. Ensure the Use profile-specific Game INI Files box is ticked and click [Copy].
  6. Name the new profile Step Fallout New Vegas, or anything similar.
  7. Ensure that both Use profile-specific Game INI Files and Automatic Archive invalidation boxes are ticked.
  8. Close the window by clicking [Close].
  9. Select the Step Fallout New Vegas profile from the profile selection down-drop.
    • If users receive a notice saying some INI files were missing and will be copied. This is normal.
    • If an error is displayed about missing "modlist.txt" files, restart MO (or do a system reboot if one hasn't been done yet).
  10. Now click the MOlistoptions.png button and select [Create empty mod].
  11. Name it xEdit Output.

Tool Setup

All tools installed in the System Setup Guide should already be configured in MO. Some tools will have been auto-detected and added; nevertheless, ensure the settings below are set correctly for all tools. xEdit is used in this example:

➕ [Click to show]➖ [Click to hide] Tool Setup Steps

  1. Click Gear MO.png at the top of the main Mod Organizer window.
  2. In the left pane of the executables config, click the [+] to add a new executable, and then [Add from file...].
  3. Browse to the SSEEdit.exe file (e.g. ..Modding/Tools/xEdit/SSEEdit.exe).
    • This should auto-fill most of the fields.
  4. Change the title to xEdit.
  5. Input the following in the Arguments field separated by a single space:
    • e.g. -IKnowWhatImDoing -FNV -AllowMasterFilesEdit
    • "-IKnowWhatImDoing": This turns off a warning presented when users make edits.
    • "-AllowMasterFilesEdit": By default xEdit will not allow master file editing. This enables that.
  6. Tick the Create files in mod instead of overwrite box. Select the xEdit Output mod from the drop-down.
  7. Tick the Use applications icon for desktop shortcuts box.
  8. Click [Apply].
  9. Repeat these steps to add the remaining executables as indicated in the table following.
    Arrange the tools in any order using the up and down buttons above the list. This will dictate the order that tools are listed in the MO "Run" dropdown menu. Close the window by clicking the [OK] button.



For tools previously installed, adjust the arguments below for use with FalloutNV.
Application Title Executable Argument(s)
xEdit xEdit.exe -FNV -IKnowWhatImDoing -AllowMasterFilesEdit
Tick the Create files in mod instead of overwrite box and select the xEdit Output mod from the drop-down.
xEditQuickAutoClean xEditQuickAutoClean.exe -FNV
Tick the Create files in mod instead of overwrite box and select the xEdit Output mod from the drop-down.
LOOT LOOT.exe --game="FalloutNV"
xLODGen xLODGenx64.exe -lodgen -FNV -o:"DriveLetter:\Modding\Tools\xLODGen\xLODGen_Output"
Replace DriveLetter: with the drive letter of the 'Modding' folder.

Tools can be arranged in any order using the up and down buttons above the list. This will dictate the order they are listed in the MO "Run" dropdown menu. When complete, close the window by clicking the [OK] button.

BethINI Setup

BethINI needs to be run for the current MO profile to establish the configuration files before beginning mod installation. This ensures that all users share a common configuration during the modding process. As such, please do not deviate from the instructions below.

BethINI Initialization

➕ [Click to show]➖ [Click to hide] Initialize BethINI

  1. Close MO and run BethINI (e.g. ..Modding/Tools/BethINI/BethINI.exe).
    If prompted by Windows protection, click More Info and then [Run anyway].
  2. When BethINI launches, select "Fallout New Vegas" from the game selection box.
  3. Allow BethINI to handle custom INIs, if prompted.
  4. Go to the Setup tab and ensure the
    • Ensure the Game path is correct (e.g. ..\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas).
    • Ensure the Mod Organizer path is correct (e.g. ..\Modding\Tools\Mod Organizer).
    • The INI Path name depends on the MO Profile Setup
      • If BethINI does not automatically display the profile created previously, browse to the applicable MO's /Profile folder.
      • Select the Step Fallout New Vegas profile folder, and click [Open].
      • Click [OK] at the prompts to restart BethINI with the desired profile configured. Allow BethINI to handle custom INIs, if prompted.
      • BethINI should restart whenever the INI path changes in order to associate the MO profile information.
  5. Return to the Setup tab.
    • The “Automatically Check for Updates”, “Auto-detect Invalid Settings”, “Always Select Game”, and “Modify Custom INIs” boxes should be ticked.
    • If BethINI will be used for multiple games from a single installation, the “Always Select Game” box should be ticked.
  6. Keep BethINI open.

BethINI Basline Configuration

Users should now continue through each of the tabs within BethINI, matching the screens below. Again, please do no deviate from these instructions at this time. Click the header to see important notes:

➕ [Click to show]➖ [Click to hide] Basic
  • Window Resolution should match the system resolution.
  • Click the [High] preset for the initial setup.
  • The recommended Antialiasing is "4x" for the initial setup.
  • The recommended Anisotropic Filtering is "8x".
  • Tick the boxes next to:
    • Transperancy AA
    • VSync
    • Enable File Selection
Please avoid the temptation to click [Ultra] for now, even if the PC is high-end.
➕ [Click to show]➖ [Click to hide] General
  • The Screenshots directory, Filename, and Index can be set to whatever the user desires. Screenshots are taken by pressing the Print Screen button on the keyboard PrtSc.
  • Untick the box next to Intro Logos.
➕ [Click to show]➖ [Click to hide] Gameplay
NPC Use Ammo is optional, but NOT recommended. The developers haven't provided NPCs with a substantial amount of ammo, so they will run through it pretty fast and then be forced to engage in melee, making the game easier in the process.
➕ [Click to show]➖ [Click to hide] Interface
  • Users that require subtitles may enable them here.
➕ [Click to show]➖ [Click to hide] Detail
  • Water and Shadow quality can be increased or decreased based on performance. For baseline setup, leave them as-is.
  • Decal Quantity should be increased to [High].
➕ [Click to show]➖ [Click to hide] View Distance
  • The Object, Actor, and Item fade values are user preference.
  • Set Light Fade to 8192
  • Set Grass Fade to 10240
  • uGridsToLoad should never been changed from vanilla's default of 5.
➕ [Click to show]➖ [Click to hide] Visuals
Do not change anything.
➕ [Click to show]➖ [Click to hide] Custom
Do not change anything.
  • Return to Basic tab, and click [Save and Exit].


Cleanup and Considerations


At any time during the mod installation process, LOOT should be used to sort plugin load order before running the game. This is necessary to ensure proper plugin priority (load order), which can have a dramatic impact on the game. Users not running the game during the mod installation step of the Guide can wait to sort after this step is complete. To sort with LOOT:

  1. Launch LOOT via Mod Organizer 2 from the executables drop-down menu at the top of the right pane.
    • If LOOT fails to start, try adding the following argument as described in Tools Setup: --single-process. If LOOT cannot find the game directory, add the path to the FalloutNV game folder to Installed Path under LOOT settings.
  2. Click the [Sort Plugins] icon at the top of the LOOT window.
  3. Several plugins will show warnings. The next section describes how to clean them up.
  4. Click [Apply] button, which has replaced the Sort button at the top.
  5. Close LOOT.


When running LOOT before completing the Step Guide, additional warnings may be indicated. These will all be addressed by the end of this Guide.

Up to this point, users should only have the following plugins, in the order listed:

  1. FalloutNV.esm
  2. DeadMoney.esm
  3. HonestHearts.esm
  4. OldWorldBlues.esm
  5. LonesomeRoad.esm
  6. GunRunnersArsenal.esm
  7. ClassicPack.esm
  8. MercenaryPack.esm
  9. TribalPack.esm
  10. CaravanPack.esm

If the plugins are not in the order listed, run LOOT now.

Cleaning Vanilla Master Files

Step no longer recommends cleaning the vanilla masters, since this has always been unnecessary. See the relevant posts for details and further reading. We continue to provide general plugin cleaning instructions for those mods that may require it.



For those that have previously-cleaned vanilla masters, please consider reverting to the uncleaned vanilla masters. Effectively, there is no difference.

Standard Cleaning Procedures

➕ [Click to show]➖ [Click to hide] Toggle cleaning procedures...

  1. Run xEditQuickAutoClean from the drop-down executable list in MO.
  2. On the plugin selection window, double-click on the mod being cleaned (e.g. Update.esm).
  3. Once xEdit is finished, click [X] at upper right to close. A backup of the original plugin will automatically be saved into (e.g., ../xEdit Output/FNVEdit Backups) inside of xEdit Oputput mod (or in Overwrite at the bottom of the MO mod list (left) pane id previous instructions were NOT followed!).
  4. To verify the plugin hase been cleaned, LOOT can be run again, and no warnings should be apparent.

Stability INI Tweaks

This section contains INI Tweaks that are crucial to the game's stability but cannot be implemented via BethINI.

Navigate to Tools/INI Editor on MO's toolbar. Choose the Fallout.ini tab and edit the following lines (or add them if they are not present):

➕ [Click to show]➖ [Click to hide] Removing mouse acceleration...

[Controls] fForegroundMouseAccelBase=0 fForegroundMouseAccelTop=0 fForegroundMouseBase=0 fForegroundMouseMult=0

➕ [Click to show]➖ [Click to hide] Improving memory management...

[General] bPreemptivelyUnloadCells=1 [BackgroundLoad] bSelectivePurgeUnusedOnFastTravel=1 [Audio] iAudioCacheSize=8192 iMaxSizeForCachedSound=1024

➕ [Click to show]➖ [Click to hide] Multi-threading support...

Step recommends to input the actual number of cores on the CPU. Here's how to discover the number of cores for those that need a guide].

[General] bUseThreadedAI=1 iNumHWThreads=4 -->adjust this number to correspond to the number of logical processors on the actual CPU used.

  • Click [Save] when ready and close the window.

Understanding the Step Patches

A “conflict resolution” patch, or CR Patch, is a plugin that resolves conflicts between various active plugins. They allow using various mods together without any major issues while still achieving the desired outcome from the mods. Thus, the Step Patches are one part patch and one part mod.

The Step Patches are built specifically for the Step mod list. They are required and are dependent on specific mods as noted in the mod list. They will not resolve conflicts with any applicable mods that are not within the guide's mod list, though.

Step Patches

  1. Step FalloutNV - Conflict Resolution Patch (Step Patch - Conflict Resolution)
    • For those that would opt for their own custom lighting and weather mods
    • Patches all applicable mods except for Lighting and Weather mods
    • Required for all users!
  2. Step FalloutNV - Lighting and Weather Patch (Step Patch - Lighting and Weather)
    • The current version of this guide does not utilize or therefore require a Step Patch - Lighting and Weather.


Step FalloutNV Mod List

At this point, the PC modding environment should be fully set up and ready for mod installation.
IMPORTANT: Please read ALL of the following carefully!

  • This guide can be installed in one of TWO ways:
    1. All mods from all ModGroups (mod tables) installed. This is recommended, due to the coordination of this build with respect to lighting, weather.
    2. All mods from all ModGroups EXCEPT for the optional ModGroup, 18-Lighting and Weather. Use this approach if a custom lighting/weather solution will be applied.
  • After installing a mod, ALWAYS enable the mod and any related plugins in MO unless otherwise instructed.
  • If no Notes or Step recommendations are provided for a particular mod, download, install, and enable the mod. All options are valid.
  • Mods should be arranged in MO in the order that they are listed to ensure other mods further down the list overwrite/override those occurring before them.
  • Mods are listed in alphabetical order within each Mod Group and any deviations from this are purposeful to achieve the desired outcome.
  • Always install plugins (ESLs/ESMs/ESPs), unless otherwise noted. When there is a choice to use an ESL, always choose that UNLESS continuing a playthrough using a previously-existing savegame (ESL-flagged plugins can 'break' a save that relies on a ESP or ESM version of the same plugin!).
  • Always follow LOOT's advice in regards to mod cleaning and sorting unless otherwise noted.
  • Do NOT extract BSAs if support is expected.

ModGroup Separators

Mod Organizer features the ability to create separators within the mod list to group mods for easier visual reference. Step recommends using these separators for each ModGroup below:

➕ [Click to show]➖ [Click to hide] Steps to Create MO Separators
  1. Click MOlistoptions.png at the top of the mod list pane.
  2. Select [Create Separator], and give the separator a name. Step recommends using the Mod Group names (i.e., Extensions, Resources, Lighting and Weather, etc.).
    • Create a new separator for each new Mod Group while working through the Guide.
    • Separator colors can be customized by right-clicking on any separator and selecting Select Color.

Mod Table Reference

Below is the legend and reference for the mod tables used in this Guide. Users should refer back to it when confused about a mod listing.

Mod Name Baseline Instructions
Mod (patch/enb-independent)Wikilink.png Baseline Notes
Mod (patch/enb-dependent)Wikilink.png Baseline Notes

Mod Table Legend

Table Flags A red vertical bar indicates that the mod is required by the Step Patch - Conflict Resolution.
A yellow bar indicates that the mod is required by the Step L&W Patch.
A blue bar indicates the mod includes instructions for ENBSeries.
Mod Name Nexus mod name presented as a link to Nexus for download.
Wikilink.png Link to the mod's wiki page, which includes various information about the mod.
Baseline This notes the Step Baseline version or option of the corresponding mod that should be installed, and usually refers to options affecting performance/quality. General suggestions are located in the "Notes" column; see below.
Instructions Brief notes that apply to the mod or installation.
In some cases, mods with several options will include a suggested option. These suggestions will take the form of: "Step recommends: Option A Main File."
In other cases, there may only be one appropriate option, which fits the Step Mandate. These instructions will take the form of: "Install Option A Main File."
Users will also see links displayed as: [Expand]. Users should click these links to expand the mod row to reveal detailed instructions for installing the mod.


Mods that expand on the inherent functionality of a game or another mod without themselves affecting content
Mod Name Baseline Instructions
FNV 4GB PatcherLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
Even though the GOG version of Fallout New Vegas is pre-patched to make the FNVPatch.exe executable able to use up to 4GB RAM, this guide still requires users to install the FalloutNV 4GB Patcher from Nexus regardless, as it has a built-in compatibility with NVSE and shaders like SweetFX and Reshade.
  1. Download the latest version. Choose manual download from the download tab at Nexus.
  2. Place the FNVPatch.exe file into Fallout New Vegas\ (not the data directory!), usually found at ...\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas.
  3. Run FNVPatch.exe.

Use MO to call the game executable, not "NVSE" or the launcher. The game is now "patched" to see 4GB of memory and will automatically load NVSE if present.

NVSELink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
  1. Download the latest archive.
  2. Place all *.exe and *.dll files into Fallout New Vegas folder (not the data directory!), usually found at <.../Steam/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas>. Should be four files:
    • nvse_1_4.dll
    • nvse_loader.exe
    • nvse_editor_1_4.dll
    • nvse_steam_loader.dll

Various online guides suggest users to create a custom NVSE.ini file to handle memory allocation. This is no longer required as the most current version of New Vegas Tick Fix (NVTF) provides memory handling instead. Attaching memory handling functions to NVSE while using NVTF simultaneously might ultimately decrease game stability instead.


If NVSE is installed correctly, MO will detect it and show it in the executables drop down.

FNV Mod Limit FixLink to the mod's Wiki page.
JIP LN NVSE PluginLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available

Download and install the latest version.


WARNING: These edits must be repeated every time the mod is updated.

It is recommended to change some of the default INI settings:
  1. Double-click the mod in Mod Organizer and select [Ini-Files].
  2. Find the following lines and change their values to the ones below (save and close the file when done):

bEnableNVACAlerts=1 bNPCWeaponMods=1 uWMChancePerLevel=2 uWMChanceMin=10 uWMChanceMax=20

  • Players are encouraged to tweak uWMChanceMin and uWMChanceMax in order to adjust the chances of weapon mods appearing on NPC weapons to their personal preferences.
JohnnyGuitar NVSELink to the mod's Wiki page.
NVAC - New Vegas Anti CrashLink to the mod's Wiki page.
NVTF - New Vegas Tick FixLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available

Download and install the latest version.

The full functionality of this mod can only be unlocked in windowed mode. It is recommended to use it in conjunction with One Tweak. Do not use this mod with an ENB, they are not compatible.


WARNING: These edits must be repeated every time the mod is updated.

It is recommended to change some of the default INI settings:
  1. Double-click the mod in Mod Organizer and select [Ini-Files].
  2. Find the following lines and change their values to the ones suggested (save and Exit when done):

bRedoHashtables=1 bModifyDirectXBehavior=1 bEnableThreadingTweaks=1 bToggleTripleBuffering=1


The Havok engine that's incorporated in Fallout New Vegas causes various bugs at FPS above 60Hz. For most users Step recommends capping the games maximum FPS at 60 via the videocard drivers. However, this might not be desired by users who own high-end videocards and monitors capable of refresh rates above 60Hz. The following sections support for those that want to play the game at higher than 60 FPS:

  1. Use your videocard drivers to cap the game at the desired FPS.
  2. Double-click the mod in Mod Organizer and select [Ini-Files].
  3. Now go to the [FPSFix] section and adjust the iMaxFPSTolerance to the desired maximum FPS amount +60. For example, if your monitor's refreshrate is 120 Hz, you should set the value at (120+60)= 180. You MUST ensure your game FPS do not go above iMaxFPSTolerance =be it with an FPS capper or another method, otherwise the game's logic will speed up.
  4. Find the following line in the [GTC] section and make sure the value is set as suggested:
  • Those that still experience issues should try the alternative FPS Fix:

[GTC] bFPSFix=0 bAlternateGTCFix=0

  • In same occasions playing at high FPS will cause the so-called "Spider Hands" glitch (player's fingers growing longer). Find and modify the following line to fix it:
New Vegas Heap ReplacerLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
  1. Download the archive from Nexus, using the Manual Download option.
  2. Open the archive and extract d3dx9_38.dll from that folder into Fallout New Vegas\ folder (not the data directory!), usually found at ...\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas.
  3. While the archive i9s still open, extract the contents of the Data folder (it should contain just a folder named NVHR) into FNV's Data folder, usually found at ...\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\Data.
  • Make sure that you extract only the contents of NVHR's Data folder and nor the Data folder itself. To check it, navigate to FNV's Data folder, usually found at ...\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\Data and check its contents. It should contain a NVHR folder inside and not another Data folder.
Ogg Vorbis LibrariesLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available

It is highly recommended to backup your libvorbisfile.dll first:

  1. Go to your Fallout New Vegas folder (not the data directory!), usually found at <...\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas>.
  2. Find a file named libvorbisfile.dll
  3. Right-click on the file, choose Rename and rename it to backup.libvorbisfile.dll
  1. Download the latest archive from Nexus, using the Manual Download option:
  2. Place both *.dll files into Fallout New Vegas\ (not the data directory!), usually found at <...\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas>.
One TweakLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
One Tweak works in fake fullscreen mod, which itself works only under capped FPS. While opting not to install One Tweak will not have any adverse effects on gameplay itself, it prevents crashes when minimizing the game to the Windows taskbar and turning additional monitors on a multi-monitor configuration on/off. Still, guide users that prefer to play in fulscreen mode should skip this mod.

Download and install normally through MO.


Once the installation is complete, click the Tools button at the top of MO and select INI Editor:

  • Select the FalloutPrefs.ini tab and check the value of the following line:
    • If the line does not exist, paste it in.
    • If it exists, make sure their values are exactly the same as below.

[Display] bFull Screen=0

Save and close.

ShowOff NVSE PluginLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
Download and install both ShowOff NVSE and ShowOff INI main files. Select Merge when prompted.

(Alternative download link:Github link. Use only if the file is not on Nexus.)


Mods solely providing assets intended specifically for use by other mods without themselves affecting content
Mod Name Baseline Instructions
UIO - User Interface OrganizerLink to the mod's Wiki page.
The Mod Configuration MenuLink to the mod's Wiki page. Download and install the Main File and the Update File. Select Merge when prompted.


Baseline mods that should be overridden by other mods AND/OR that make widely-accepted programmatic changes expected by other mods
Mod Name Baseline Instructions
Collision MeshesLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
  1. Download and install the Main file
  2. Download and install the Update to 1.6.4. When the "Mod Exists" warning appears, choose [Merge].
  3. Download and install the Hectrol Tumbleweed compatibility and OJO BUENO Texture Pack compatibility Miscellaneous files.
  4. When the "Mod Exists" warning appears, choose [Merge].
Optional Performance Tweaks

The highly detailed meshes can lead to FPS loss. Following the instructions below can improve general FPS: Hide the following folders to improve FPS (instructions for hiding files/folders):

meshes\clutter\billiards meshes\clutter\bobbypin meshes\clutter\cafeteria meshes\clutter\consoles meshes\clutter\duckovs meshes\clutter\gardengnome meshes\clutter\grill meshes\clutter\hamradio meshes\clutter\hospital meshes\clutter\maintenance meshes\clutter\mopbuckets meshes\clutter\mannequins meshes\clutter\nv_gomorrah meshes\clutter\nvkhanrugs meshes\clutter\nvwoodbarrel meshes\clutter\office meshes\clutter\rugs meshes\clutter\sportsequipment meshes\clutter\Tenpenny meshes\clutter\tricycle meshes\clutter\tv02

Yukichigai Unofficial Patch - YUPLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Unofficial Patch NVSE PlusLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available

Download and install the latest version.


WARNING: These edits must be repeated every time the mod is updated. It is recommended to change some of the default INI settings:

  1. Double-click the mod in Mod Organizer and select [Ini-Files].
  2. Find the following lines and change their values to the ones suggested (save and Exit when done):

[OPTIONS] bChristineSkills=1 bCompanionSuiteEffects=1 bKnockdownExploitFix=1 bMissingDMReturnOptions=1 bPyromaniacBurningDamageFix=1 bRetroactiveExplosionImmunityFix=0 bReturnToSenderMoraleFix=1 bStrongerEuclidDeathRay=1

FNVLODGenLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
Download and install FNVLODGen Resources Main File and NMC LOD texture fix Optional File. Select Merge when prompted.

NOTE: FNVLOGen = 'xLODGen', which was installed as instructed in the System Setup Guide, so the "FNVLODGen #.#.#" Main File can be disregarded.

Hall Of EquipmentLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
Use this mod only if you cannot find "Wasteland Clothing Hires". If you manage to find "Wasteland Clothing Hires" in the Web, you can skip this mod as it is inferior.
  1. Download and install the Main file
  2. Download and install all the Optional files except Weapons.
  3. When the "Mod Exists" warning appears, choose [Merge].
Improved Sound FX v0821Link to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available

Download the main file only.

  1. Download the file manually to a location of your choice.
  2. Drag and drop the archive to the Downloads tab of MO.
  3. Double-click on the archive in MO to install the mod.
  • This mod comes with a BAIN installer:
  1. Tick both Data and DLC esps in the installer.
  2. Wait for the installation to finish and double-click on the mod to open it.

Disable all plugins (instructions for disabling plugins) except:

Improved Sound FX.esp

Then enable the following plugin:

Improved Sound FX - Merged major DLC.esp

LOD additions and improvementsLink to the mod's Wiki page.
MGs Neat Clutter RetexturesLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
Download and install MGs Pack Ojo friendly 7, Beige Pack, Duct Tape and Flat mop_mop bucket. Select Merge when prompted.
Much Needed LODLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
Download and install the main file and Much Needed LOD - NMC Patch and Much Needed LOD - Ojo Bueno Patch optional files. Select Merge when prompted.
NMCs Texture PackLink to the mod's Wiki page. Medium Pack Detailed Instructions available
  1. Download and install "NMCs Textures NV MEDIUM Pack" Parts 1 and 2 main files.
  2. Whenever the "Mod Exists" warning appears, choose Merge.
  3. Download and install the Naval Chair Fix, Patch All Sized Packs and Water Tower Clark County Fix update files.
  4. Whenever the "Mod Exists" warning appears, choose Merge.
  5. Download and install the X-Y Ratio Main screen for NMCs Texture Pack optional file, where X-Y corresponds to your monitor's resolution (e.g. mine's 16:9).
  6. When the "Mod Exists" warning appears, choose Merge.
Asterras Many FixesLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
  1. Download:
    • Asterra's Many Fixes with Fixes For Minor Annoyances (Main Files)
    • Asterra's Many Fixes - Collision Meshes compatibility (Optional Files)
    • Asterra's Many Fixes - NMC's Texture Pack compatibility (Optional Files)
    • Asterra's Many Fixes - Semi-Transparent Door Glass compatibility (Optional Files)
  2. Install the Asterra's Many Fixes with Fixes For Minor Annoyances main file first.
  3. Install the optional files in any order or merge them (Whenever the Mod Exists warning appears, choose [Merge])
POCO BUENO Texture PackLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
Download and install the main file and the PocoBueno Skeleton Transparency Fix optional file. Select [Merge] when prompted.
Project NevadaLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available

As of 2021 Project Nevada is very outdated and should not be used as a standalone mod. However, it adds some lore-friendly weapons and armor that can be used with the help of Project Nevada-Equipment Standalone.

  1. Download the main file.
  2. From the FOMOD installer tick only the Core and Equipment modules, and [Install].
  3. During installation, MO should warn you that a newer version of the MCM is detected. Click [Yes] to keep the standalone version of the MCM.

Disable ALL plugins (instructions for disabling plugins).

Hide the following folder (instructions for hiding files/folders):


05-Animation and Physics

Mods that affect animations or physics
Mod Name Baseline Instructions
RagdollsLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
Download and install the Ragdolls and NOT the Ragdolls TTW main file. Then install the Blind Deathclaw and the ED-E fixes under the Optional Files tab. Choose [Merge] when prompted.
360 MovementLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
FOMOD Instructions
360 Movement
  • Introduction
    • Important
      • ☑ Readme
        • Next
  • Installation
    • Core
      • ☑ Main File
    • 360 Sneak Options
      • ◉ No Weapon Out
    • Patches
      • ☑ Diagonal Movement Patch
    • Miscellaneous (Use at own risk!)
      • ☐ None
        • Install
.INI Tweaks

The following tweaks are necessary only if you use a custom version of lStewieAl's Tweaks. The one that comes with the Step Fallout New Vegas Patch is already pre-configured with these tweaks.

  1. Double-click on lStweieAl's Tweaks and go to the "INI-Files" tab.
  2. Make sure that the following lines are set:

bNoTurningAnim = 1 bBetterAutoWalk = 0

Animated IngestiblesLink to the mod's Wiki page. (english) Download and install the main file and the update file. Select [Merge] when prompted.
B42 Weapon InertiaLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Better PostureLink to the mod's Wiki page. During install, right click "Data" and select "Set data directory", then click [OK].
Camp McCarran Animated MonorailLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
Download and install Camp McCarran monorail animation stand alone version and Monorail Proper Sounds. Select [Merge] when prompted.
Diagonal movementLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Female Sitting Animation ReplacerLink to the mod's Wiki page.
ImpactLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
Install the IMPACT - The Gaming Rig file only.

Disable plugin (instructions for disabling plugins):


IMPACT - Compatibility EditionLink to the mod's Wiki page.
NV Animation for Not Animated ContainersLink to the mod's Wiki page.
New Vegas - Enhanced CameraLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Smooth True Iron Sights CameraLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Weapon Animation Replacer WARLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
  1. Download FOMOD version to a location of your choice.
  2. Drag and drop the archive into MO's Downloads tab.
  3. Double-click on the mod to install. When Confirm Mod Name window appears, rename it to Weapon Animation Replacers WAR, then click OK.
  4. Recommended settings (you can switch to the ones you like, but generally the 1st and 3rd person option number should match):
FOMOD Instructions
Weapon Animation Replacers
  • Aimed Pistol
      • ◉ Professional
  • Assault Rifles
    • 1st Person
      • ◉ Option 2
    • 3rd Person
      • ◉ Option 2
  • Rifles
    • 1st Person
      • ◉ Option 1
    • 3rd Person
      • ◉ Option 1
  • Pistols
    • 1st Person
      • ◉ Option 3
    • 3rd Person
      • ◉ Option 3
  • Stance
      • ◉ Relaxed Stance
        • Install
WAR-Enhanced Camera Compatibility PackLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available

Step recommends to install the mod manually, as explained below:

  1. Download and install the Release 2 - 2hand Rifle Reanimations file first and click Manual when prompted.
    1. Expand "Release 2 - 2handrifle animations->Raw Files".
    2. Right click "Data" and select "Set data directory", then click [OK].
  2. Download and install the Release 3 - 2hand auto reanimations - v2 with animated fingers file and click Manual when prompted.
    1. Expand "Release 3 - 2handauto update v2.0->2handauto v2.0->Data".
    2. Right click "Data", select "Create Directory" and name the directory "NVSE".
    3. Right click the NVSE folder you just created, select Create Directory and name the directory "Plugins".
    4. Drag the NVSE_EnhancedCamera.ini file into the Plugins folder you just created.
    5. Right click "Data" and select "Set data directory", then click [OK].
  3. When the Mod Exists warning appears, choose [Merge].
  1. Double-click on the mod and go to the INI-Files tab.
  2. Change the following lines and press Save when done:

bEnableHeadBob=0 bFirstPersonShadows=1 bUseThirdPersonArms=0

06-Models and Textures

Mods that replace existing models or textures
Mod Name Baseline Instructions
HD One Hand Melee by Insanity SorrowLink to the mod's Wiki page. Download and install the main file and the Gun Runner Box optional file. Select Merge when prompted.
Weapon Retexture Project - WRPLink to the mod's Wiki page. To use with WMX, download and install version 1.95 under the Old Files tab only.
12 7mm SMG re-retexturedLink to the mod's Wiki page.
357 Revolver Re-RetextureLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
Install the Main File.

Disable plugins (instructions for disabling plugins):


Single Shotgun Re-RetextureLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
Install the Main File.

Disable plugins (instructions for disabling plugins):


GRA WRP Unofficial Patch V2Link to the mod's Wiki page.
Weapon Mods Expanded - WMXLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
  1. Download and install Weapon Mods Expanded v1_1_4.
  2. Install the WMX - Weapon Retexture Project compatibility v1.2.4 file.
  3. When the Mod Exists warning appears, select [Merge].
  4. Download and install the WMX-DLC v1_0_2 file.
  5. Follow the FOMOD instrcutions below and when the Mod Exists warning appears, select [Merge].
FOMOD Instructions
  • WMX_DLC MAin Menu
    • WMX-DLC
      • ◉ WMX-DLCMerged
    • WMX-POP
      • ◉ WMX-POPMerged
        • Next
  • Final Steps
    • Info
      • All ticked by default
        • Install
WMX-WAR Compatibility

Hide the following folder (instructions for hiding files/folders):



Disable the plugin (instructions for disabling plugins):


4k Fridge ReplacerLink to the mod's Wiki page. 2k
4k MedKit ReplacerLink to the mod's Wiki page. 2k
Baseball bat RetextureLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Better Gas Leak EffectLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Bowie Knife retextureLink to the mod's Wiki page. Download and install the Bowie and BloodNap knife retexture for WMX optional file only.
Bozar retextureLink to the mod's Wiki page. 2k
Brahmin Steak RetextureLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Brahmin Variant ReduxLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Caravan Lunch - Fixed UV MapLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Cherry Bomb HD retexture and remodelLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
  1. Download and install the Round mesh for cherry bomb optional file.
  2. Download the 512x512 textures miscelaneous file.
  3. Install the file. It has a BAIN Installer, tick the Default 512x512 box only and then click [OK].
  4. When the Mod Exists warning appears select [OK].
Cleaver and Chopper RetextureLink to the mod's Wiki page. Main file only Download and install Cleaver Retexture for WMX optional file only.
Combat knife retextureLink to the mod's Wiki page. Main file only Download and install the Combat knife Retexture for WMX optional file only.
Critters Retexture PackLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Dead Money - Decayed Ghost PeopleLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Dog 2KLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
A Fallout 3 mod. Needs manual installation:
  1. Download the file manually to a location of your choice.
  2. Drag and drop the archive to the Downloads tab of MO.
  3. Double-click on the archive in MO to install the mod.
Dynamic Pipboy LightLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Endgame Slideshow Widescreen FixLink to the mod's Wiki page. Download and install the file with aspect ratio corresponding to the in-game resolution (not the BSA version).
Engine Block OverhaulLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Enhanced Blood TexturesLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Euclids C-Finder RetextureLink to the mod's Wiki page.
EXE - Effect teXtures EnhancedLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Feral Ghoul Retexture by KoldornLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Fire Axe replacerLink to the mod's Wiki page.
HD Desk FanLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
Install the HD Desk Fan V1 - Darker propeller main file and the Higher quality mesh fix optional file. Select [Merge] when prompted.
HD Flare Gun Retex V2Link to the mod's Wiki page.
HQ Pre-War Books and Damaged BooksLink to the mod's Wiki page. Install both main files. Select Merge when prompted.
Half Hansified HolorifleLink to the mod's Wiki page. Download and install the Half Hansified Holorifle WMX DLC main file only.
Hatchet RetextureLink to the mod's Wiki page. Download and install the Hatchet retexture for WMX optional file only.
Healthier Yao GuaiLink to the mod's Wiki page. Healthier Yao Guai main file
Hectrol ED-E Deluxe HR Retex EVOLUTION PACKLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
FOMOD Instructions
Hectrol ED-E Deluxe HR Retex EVOLUTION PACK
  • Hectrol ED-E Deluxe HR Retex EVOLUTION PACK
    • Hi-Lo Res
      • ☑ High Res (2048 x 2048)
    • Additional Options
      • ☑ Spooky Ed-E by archerarcher
        • Install
Hectrol FX Duststorm Deluxe Highres RetexLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
  1. Download and install the main file.
  2. Expand Hectrol FX Duststorm Deluxe.
  3. Right-click on 1024 and select Set data directory, then click [OK].
Hectrol Lockinterface Deluxe HighRes RetexLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Hectrol Mailbox Deluxe HighRes RetexLink to the mod's Wiki page. 512x512
Hectrol MiniNuke Deluxe HighRes RetexLink to the mod's Wiki page. 1024x1024
Hectrol Tumbleweed DeluxeLink to the mod's Wiki page. Install the Main File. Hide the following folder (instructions for hiding files/folders): meshes
Hectrol Vegas Sewer Deluxe HighRes RetexLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Hi-Res TypewriterLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Hi-Rez Vanilla Posters and GrafittiLink to the mod's Wiki page. Install the main file and the update file. Select [Merge] when prompted.
HiRes Skill Books RetextureLink to the mod's Wiki page.
High Res Vanilla Water Bottle Textures and MeshesLink to the mod's Wiki page.
High Resolution CigaretteLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
  1. Download and install the main file.
  2. Expand High Res Cig - AIO Burned Version.
  3. Right click Snubbed and select Set Data Directory.
  4. Press [OK] to install.
High Resolution Dynamite RetextureLink to the mod's Wiki page.
High-Res Hula Girl Retex and ResourceLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
  1. Download the Coconut Bra main file.
  2. Expand Jockerine's Hula Girl Retex - Coconut Bra.
  3. Right-click on 512, select Set Data Directory, then press [OK].
Holodisk (Holotape) - RetexLink to the mod's Wiki page. AoT - Holodisk Retex - Dirty
Improved Cyberdogs TexturesLink to the mod's Wiki page. Install Improved Cyberdogs Textures and Improved Rex Textures (no glow). Select Merge when prompted.
Improved LOD Noise TextureLink to the mod's Wiki page. Download and install the "Improved LOD noise Texture" file only.
Improved Robots TexturesLink to the mod's Wiki page. Install the three main files. Select Merge when prompted.
LAER RetextureLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Laser RCW and Big MeltdownLink to the mod's Wiki page. Install Laser RCW Retexture and Laser RCW 3rd Person Textures. Select Merge when prompted.
Magazine ReduxLink to the mod's Wiki page. 1024x1024 Install both the main file and the update file. Select Merge when prompted.
McCarran main terminal transparent glassLink to the mod's Wiki page. McCarran_Glass_transparency_NMC_version
Mccarran Escalator GlassLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Minimod - High Res Clutter Battery Cigarette Pack and CartonLink to the mod's Wiki page. Install the Main File. Hide the following file (instructions for hiding files/folders): textures\clutter\junk\cigarette.dds
Minimod - High Resolution NewspapersLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Mojave NightsLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available

Download the Mojave Nights FOMOD version

FOMOD Instructions
Mojave Nights
  • Main
    • Select Moon Size
      • ◉ 80% (Default)
      • ☑ Enhanced Night Sky
      • ◉ Regular Moon (default)
        • Install
Money Higher Quality Retex 1 2Link to the mod's Wiki page.
NV Animated Immersive LanternsLink to the mod's Wiki page.
NV Compatibility SkeletonLink to the mod's Wiki page. Download and install the NVCS (Updated for 360 Movement) optional file only.
Neglected Weapon Texture TweaksLink to the mod's Wiki page. Neglected Weapon Texture Tweaks (2k-1k)
Nuka Fridge HDLink to the mod's Wiki page. Nuka Fridge HD - 2k
Ojo Bueno Nuka Cola MachineLink to the mod's Wiki page. 2K Lite
Old World Blues - Unique Think Tank MembersLink to the mod's Wiki page. Download and install Unique Think Tank Members - Colored Tanks Optional File only.
Omnis Hi-Res Pip-Boy 3000Link to the mod's Wiki page.
PM's Med-Textures - HD Chems and VenomsLink to the mod's Wiki page. Install the main file and Sebastjin's Normals optional file. Select Merge when prompted.
PMs HD Ammo BoxesLink to the mod's Wiki page. 1024/512 Download and install PM's HD Ammo Boxes - 1K Diffuse 512px Normals only.
PMs HD Legion OverhaulLink to the mod's Wiki page. 2k
PMs HD Ranger OutfitsLink to the mod's Wiki page. 2k
PSRO - Peripheral Scope Reticle OverhaulLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
  1. Download and install the 1a. PSRO - Peripheral Scope Reticle Overhaul main file.
FOMOD Instructions
PSRO - Peripheral Scope Reticle Overhaul
  • Status Check
    • Continue?
      • ☑ Let Me In
        • Next
  • Pick Your Position
    • Background Visibility
      • ◉ 75% (Recommended)
        • Next
  • Finish
    • Fin?
      • ☑ Finish
        • Install
2. (Optional - only if you like Depth of Field (DoF) effects) Download and install the 1b. PSRO - Peripheral Depth Blur . When the Mod Exists warning appears, select [Merge]
  1. Open the INI Editor from MO's taskbar.
  2. Add the following line under [Display] in both Fallout.ini and FalloutPrefs.ini (save and close when done):

[Display] fScopeScissorAmount=0

Pause Menu HDLink to the mod's Wiki page. 1024
PimpboyLink to the mod's Wiki page. Pimpboy - Sapphire Detailed Instructions available

Download and install your version of choice (Sapphire is recommended).


In order to carry over the fixes from YUP:

  1. Right-click on the mod in the left pane of MO and choose Open in explorer.
  2. Navigate to ...\meshes\pimpboy3billion and find pimpboyarm.nif.
  3. Create a copy of pimpboyarm.nif and rename it to pipboyarmfemale_fixed.nif
Pre-War Money RetextureLink to the mod's Wiki page. In the BAIN Installer tick only "$5 Light Distress".
Project Nevada PatchesLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
  1. Download Project Nevada - WMX Support only to a location of user's preference using the "Manual Download" option from the Nexus.
  2. Navigate to the download location and open the Project Nevada - WMX Support archive.
  3. Inside the archive, find a folder named fomod and delete it.
  4. Find a file named Project Nevada - WMX.esp and delete it as well, then close the 7z window.
  5. Drag and drop the modified archive to the Downloads tab of MO.
  6. Install the mod.
Project Nevada - Equipment StandaloneLink to the mod's Wiki page. Install Project Nevada - Equipment Standalone 1.1 and PN - ES WMX 1.2. Select Merge when prompted.
Real ToastLink to the mod's Wiki page. Real Toast Without Toast 512k
Repconn Sign RetextureLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Retextured Fallout Ordnance - RFOLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Retextured Labels - Food and MoreLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
  1. Install Food Labels first.
  2. Install Additional Retextures second and choose [Merge] when prompted.
  3. Install High-Res Sugar Bombs last.
  4. Expand High-Res Sugar Bombs
  5. Right-click 512, select Set Data Directory, then press [OK].
  6. When the Mod Exists warning appears, choose [Merge].
Retextured Playing CardsLink to the mod's Wiki page. Cards Retexture 512x512 - Grimy Variant
Semi-transparent Door GlassLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
Install the Main File.

Hide the following files (as they are fixed by Asterra's Many fixes) (instructions for hiding files/folders):

meshes\dlcanch\dungeons\office\doors\dlcanchoffdoorbigred01.nif meshes\dungeons\nv_craftsmanhomesinterior\nvcraftsmanrmendb.nif

Sniper Rifle RetextureLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
Download the optional file only.

Of all the mods in the FalloutNV Guide, this one has the most steps and is probably the hardest to install correctly as it requires the most manual tweaking. Read the instructions carefully first and if they seem too much, simply skip this mod.

  1. Download and install the ChristineCOSRifle optional file only.

The following steps will make the mod compatible with WMX.

  1. Double-click on the mod in the left pane of MO and go to the Optional ESPs tab.
  2. Move christinecos.esp to the Optional ESPs tab, then click on [Close].
  3. Right-click on the mod in the left pane of MO and select Open in Explorer.
  4. In the explorer window navigate to the textures folder.
  5. Within the textures folder create a new folder (right click on an empty spot and select New>Folder). Rename it to WeaponModsExpanded.
  6. Drag the weapons folder inside the newly created WeaponModsExpanded folder.
  7. Open the WeaponModsExpanded folder and rename the weapons folder in it to oldworldblues.
  8. Now navigate to \textures\WeaponModsExpanded\oldworldblues\2handrifle and create a new folder (right click on an empty spot and select New>Folder). Rename it to cossniperrifle.
  9. Now drag and drop all the loose textures (the other files in the directory) in the newly created cossniperrifle folder.
  10. Open the cossniperrifle folder. If you did everything correctly, the filepath should be \textures\WeaponModsExpanded\oldworldblues\2handrifle\cossniperrifle.
  11. Replicate the christinecos.dds file 3 times until there are four duplicates in total.
  12. Rename the four files to 1stpersonsniperriflecarbonurban.dds, 1stpersonsniperrifleurban.dds, sniperriflecarbonurban.dds, sniperrifleurban.dds respectively.

A good way to check if you did everything right is to check the Conflicts column on the left pane of MO. Right-click on an empty spot on the left pane and select "Refresh". If you see the green-plus-and-lighting icon appear, then everything is OK.

Super Mutants HD - 4k RetexturesLink to the mod's Wiki page. 2K Low Download and install the 2K Low optional file only.
TCM's LOD OverhaulLink to the mod's Wiki page.
TFH Better Authority GlassesLink to the mod's Wiki page. TFH Better Authority Glasses - Subtle Version
Teddy Bear RetextureLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
  1. Download and install the main file.
  2. Expand Brown bear, right-click on 1024 and select Set Data Directory.
  3. Press [OK] to install.
Textures Over TimeLink to the mod's Wiki page. Install only the ''FlagStoneWalls, HH_Sandstone, and Sandbags main files. Select Merge when prompted.
The Molerat Extravaganza - Molerat RetextureLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Throwing melee weapon retextureLink to the mod's Wiki page. Install the main file and the Normalmap fix (no ugly shiny) optional file. Select Merge when prompted.
Tweaked CashregisterLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
Install the Main File.

Hide the following folder (instructions for hiding files/folders):


Ultra-Luxe Interior Re-textureLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
  1. Download the main file.
  2. Double-click on the mod in the Downloads tab to install.
  3. Expand the UL Retex from the menu and untick everything except Default - Replace All Curtain Textures.
  4. Right click on Default - Replace All Curtain Textures and choose Set data directory, then click [OK].
Vanilla Loading Screens HDLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Vurts Improved PlantsLink to the mod's Wiki page. Download and install the Desaturated Textures optional file only.
Wasteland Flora and Terrain OverhaulLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
WARNING: Do not clean the mod's plugin. Even if LOOT suggest that you do so.

Install the Wasteland Flora and Terrain Overhaul main file and the Landscape Seam Fix, Honest Hearts Trees and Plants and Rocks Overhaul and UHQNV Rocks - Roads and Terrain Overhaul optional files. Select Merge when prompted.

Weapon Enhancement PackLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
A Fallout 3 mod. Needs manual installation.
  1. Download the file manually to a location of your choice.
  2. Drag and drop the archive to the Downloads tab of MO.
  3. Double-click on the archive in Mo to install the mod.

Assets from this mod can be used to improve Christine's CoS Sniper rifle.

  1. Right-click on Weapon Enhancement Pack and select Open in Explorer.
  2. Navigate to textures\Weapons\2HandAutomatic\.
  3. Find and copy the 1stPersonG3AssaultRifleClip.dds and G3AssaultRifleClip.dds files.
  4. Navigate back to the textures folder and create a new folder within it. Name the new folder WeaponModsExpanded.
  5. Open the WeaponModsExpanded folder and create a new folder within it. Name the new folder oldworldblues.
  6. Open the oldworldblues folder and create a new folder within it. Name the new folder 2handrifle.
  7. Open the 2handrifle folder and create a new folder within it. Name the new folder cossniperrifle.
  8. Open the cossniperrifle folder. If you did everything correctly, its path should be ...\textures\WeaponModsExpanded\oldworldblues\2handrifle\cossniperrifle. Now paste the files from step 3.
  9. Rename 1stPersonG3AssaultRifleClip.dds to 1stpersonsniperrifleurbanextmag.dds and G3AssaultRifleClip.dds to sniperrifleurbanextmag.dds.

07-Sounds and Music

Mods that affect sounds or music
Mod Name Baseline Instructions
Ambient Wasteland 2Link to the mod's Wiki page.
CONELRAD 640-1240 - Civil Defense RadioLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Immersive Pickup Sounds PatchedLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Improved Sound FX - WMX PatchLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Mojave Music Radio - ExtendedLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available

These are the instructions for adding 45 songs to Mojave Music Radio, raising the total number of songs to 60.

  1. Download and install the MMRE Music Pack 1 and MMRE Music Pack 2.
  2. When the Mod Exists warning appears, choose [Merge].
  3. Download and install the MMRE ESPs file.
  4. When the Mod Exists warning appears, choose [Merge].

Disable plugins (instructions for disabling plugins): Move all plugins except MojaveExtended60.esp into "Optional ESPs".

If a bigger package is installed, make certain to use the proper plugin.

08-Character Appearance

Mods that affect the appearance of the player character or NPCs
Mod Name Baseline Instructions
Armor Replacer Child NPC FixLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Authentic Burned ManLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Fallout Character OverhaulLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available

The current version of Fallout Character Overhaul (FCO) contains multiple errors and poorly written scripts and should not be used as a standalone mod. However, the assets of FCO (textures and meshes) are still required by other mods on this guide.

FOMOD Instructions
Fallout Character Overhaul 3.0
  • Fallout Character Overhaul 3.0
    • Addons
      • ☐ None
    • Teeth Textures
      • ☑ Dirty Textures
    • Options
      • ☑ Hair Textures
        • Next
  • Fallout Character Overhaul 3.0
    • Patches
      • ☐ None
    • NPC Addons
      • ☐ None
        • Install
  1. Install the Fallout Character Overhaul 3.01 Update.
  2. When MO asks for confirmation, click Merge, not Replace.

Disable plugins (instructions for disabling plugins):

FCO - OHSB NPC Edits.esp FCO - Russel.esp FCO - NPC Change.esp

Ensure that FCO - Master.esm is the only plugin listed in the "Available ESPs" box.

  1. Once the installation is complete, click the Tools button at the top of MO and select INI Editor
  2. Check the value of the following line in both fallout.ini and falloutprefs.ini.
    • If the line does not exist, paste it in:
    • If it exists, make sure their values are exactly the same as below:

[General] bLoadFaceGenHeadEGTFiles = 1

FCO - The Last Few EditsLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
  1. Download and install the main file.
  2. Install FCO - The Last Few Edits Patches optional file.
  3. When MO asks for confirmation, click Merge, not Replace.

Disable plugins (instructions for disabling plugins):

FCO - The Last Few Edits - JSUE Patch.esp FCO - The Last Few Mojave Raiders Patch.esp

Ensure that FCO - The Last Few Edits.esm, FCO - The Last Few Edits.esp and FCO - The Last Few Edits - YUP Patch.esp are the only plugins listed in the "Available ESPs" box.

FCO BugfixesLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
Install the FCO Robert's Fix file only.

Disable plugins (instructions for disabling plugins):

FCO - Roberts Patch.esp

Type3 Body and Armor ReplacerLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
This page has been flagged as Adult Content!. The page and the related mod contain no explicit content.
  1. Download and install the New Vegas Type 3 Armor Pack Complete V2_1 main file.
  2. Download the CombatMk1, CombatMk2, Fieldhand outfit Fix, Leather Armor Wrist fix update files.
  3. Install the update files. During install click Merge, not Replace, when asked.
  4. Download the Business Suit with Shirt and Tie and Merc Charmer with stockings optional files.
  5. Install the update files. During install click Merge, not Replace, when asked.
Type 3 Honest Heart Tribal ArmorsLink to the mod's Wiki page. Install the main file and the Fix for Graham outfit and Fix for Sorrows body update files. Select Merge when prompted.
Female Raider Skin for Type 3Link to the mod's Wiki page. This page contains NSFW images! Follow the direct download link to avoid explicit content.
Dead Money Type3 OutfitsLink to the mod's Wiki page. Install the main file and both optional files. Select Merge when prompted.
Lonesome Road Armors for Type 3Link to the mod's Wiki page.
Old World Blues Armors for Type 3Link to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
This is a Not Safe For Work (NSFW) mod page!

For the most vanilla-like options, install the main file and the Patch for StealthSuit- Fixed and Modest Patient Gown optional files.

  1. Download and install the main file.
  2. Download the Patch for StealthSuit- Fixed and Modest Patient Gown optional files.
  3. Install the update files. During install click Merge, not Replace, when asked.
T6M Courier's StashLink to the mod's Wiki page. Download and install the main file (Non-BNB) only.
Roberts Male Body FNVLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
This is a Not Safe For Work (NSFW) mod page and installer!

Direct download links are provided in the Installation section below. The SFW options are provided by default.

  1. Download and Install the Roberts New Vegas Main - Underwear 3_4 main file first.
  2. Download and Install from optional files:
  3. Whenever the Mod Exist warning appears, choose [Merge] in order to overwrite the main file.
  4. Download and Install from miscellaneous files:
  5. Whenever the Mod Exist warning appears, choose [Merge] in order to overwrite the main file.

The male hand textures included with Robert's are problematic. Follow these instructions to fix them:

  1. Right-click on the Roberts Male Body FalloutNV mod in MO's left pane and slect Open in Explorer.
  2. Navigate to textures\characters\raider, hold [Shift] and select handmale.dds, handmale_n.dds, handmale_sk.dds, handmale_1st.dds, handmale_1st_n.dds and handmale_1st_sk.dds.
  3. Right click on the selected files and choose [Copy].
  4. Navigate to textures\characters\male and paste the selected files.
ADAM RebornLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available

Below are the recommended install options:

FOMOD Instructions
ADAM Reborn
  • Main
    • Complete Version or Custom Install
      • ◉ Complete Version
        • Next
  • Original Gloves
    • Which gloves do you want?
      • ◉ ADAM Fingergloves
        • Next
  • Alternate Riot Gear Helmet
    • Do you want to install alternate Riot Gear Helmet?
      • ◉ Original Helmet
        • Next
  • NCR Trooper
    • Do you want to install NCR Trooper module?
      • ◉ No
        • Install
AMidianBorn NV Book Of WaterLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
  1. Download BOA NV The Book Of Flesh.
  2. Double click on the downloaded file to install. In the Quick install menu rename the file to aMidianBorn NV Book Of Flesh, then press [OK] to finish the installation process.
  3. Download nov 2011 book of steel.
  4. Double click on the downloaded file to install. In the Quick install menu rename the file to aMidianBorn NV Book Of Steel, then press [OK] to finish the installation process.

Disable plugins (instructions for disabling plugins):

Boacombat2glove.esp boa ncrpahelmet.esp

Bornagain Combat ArmorLink to the mod's Wiki page. 2048 Detailed Instructions available
Download and install the Lite Version and the BornagainFNVCombatArmorLonesomeRoad4096 optional file. Choose [Merge] when prompted.
Book of Steel - Compatibility EditionLink to the mod's Wiki page.
NCR Trooper Overhaul betaLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
  1. Download and install the main file.
  2. Download and install the Sapper Leg Fix update file. When the Mod exists message appears, select Merge.
  3. Double click on the mod in the left pane of Mo and go to the Optional ESPs tab. Move NCRTrooperOverhaul.esp to the Optional ESPs box.
NCR Trooper Overhaul - DistributedLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
Needs cleaning
  1. Download and install the main file.
  2. Activate the mod in the left pane of MO in order to proceed with cleaning.
FCO Fallout Character Overhaul - Compatiblity Patches for YUP and MoreLink to the mod's Wiki page. Download and install the FCO and NCR Trooper Overhaul_beta and Distributed file only
Spice of Life - Variety Armor and Clothing Robert Breeze Type3Link to the mod's Wiki page. Main file only
Spice of Life - Fallout Character Overhaul and The Last Few Edits PatchesLink to the mod's Wiki page. Spice of Life FCO Last Few Edits Patch only
TFH Better Authority Glasses YUP Patch (Sideways Glasses Fix)Link to the mod's Wiki page.
The Legacy of X13 - An Armor OverhaulLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
  1. Download and install the Dead Money Assassin Suit file.
  2. Download the FULL - Default Armour main file for vanilla look. Alternatively, you can install any of the alternative color retextures (indicated with "Red", "Blue", "Green" in the header. Take a look in the gallery section of the mod to choose).
  3. During install of the FULL - Default Armour file click [Merge].
  4. Download and install the 3-2 Patch main file.
  5. When the Mod Exists warning appears, click [Merge].
  6. Download and install the Type 3 Mesh optional file.
  7. When the Mod Exists warning appears, click [Merge].


Mods have a programmatic component that fixes various bugs and/or inconsistencies
Mod Name Baseline Instructions
Ammo Burst Case Count FixLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Ammo Script FixesLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Mostly Unarmed TweaksLink to the mod's Wiki page. Main file only Download and install the main file. Then download and install the optional WMX patch. Select [Merge] when prompted.
Casino Suits FixLink to the mod's Wiki page. Download and install the main file only.
Centered 3rd Person CameraLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
Install the Main File.

Disable plugins (instructions for disabling plugins):

Centered 3rd Person Camera - Unraised.esp

Critical and Effects - Fixes and TweaksLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Easier Mass Purified WaterLink to the mod's Wiki page.
FNV LOD Texture PatchesLink to the mod's Wiki page. Install both main files and the "Tecium LOD patch for Ojo-Poco" optional file. Select Merge when prompted.
Lonesome Road True Faction AllegianceLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Lucky 38 E3 Lights RestoredLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Mojave Patch OutpostLink to the mod's Wiki page. Download and install YUP-WMX only.
Navmesh Fixes and ImprovementsLink to the mod's Wiki page. Navmesh Fixes and Improvements - Base Game and ALL DLC
No more giant manhole coversLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Primm Reputation RestoredLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Sun Guard Headgear Logic FixesLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Throwable Weapon FixesLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Y-17 Trauma Override Harness GlovesLink to the mod's Wiki page.


Mods that affect general or multiple gameplay mechanics
Mod Name Baseline Instructions
Ammo Ingredients as LootLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Couriers Stash IntegrationLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
  1. Download and install the main file.
  2. Download and install the Integration - Couriers Stash - WMX miscellaneous file.
  3. When the Mod Exists warning appears, select [Merge].
  4. Double-click on the mod in the left pane of MO, and go to the Filetree tab.
  5. Right-click on Integration - Couriers Stash.bsa and select Rename.
  6. Rename Integration - Couriers Stash.bsa to Integration - Couriers Stash+WMX.bsa.
    • This last step is necessary due to the way MO 2 handles archives. It does not automatically load loose .bsa files.
    • To check whether the edit to the .bsa archive has taken effect, go to the Archives tab of MO 2. Integration - Couriers Stash+WMX.bsa should have a tick (☑) next to its name.

Disable plugins (instructions for disabling plugins):

Integration - Couriers Stash.esp

Delay DLCLink to the mod's Wiki page. Use Delay DLC Combined
Faction Armor Usage EnhancementLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Harvestable Cave FungusLink to the mod's Wiki page.
JAM - Just Assorted ModsLink to the mod's Wiki page.
JIP Companions Command and ControlLink to the mod's Wiki page.
LStewieAls TweaksLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
  1. Download and install the main file.
  2. Download the "Quick Scope Anims" optional file.
  3. Install the optional file. When the "Mod Exists" warning appears, choose [Merge].

A preconfigured ini file required to take full advantage of lStewieAl's tweaks is included in the STEP Guide CR patch further in the guide.

Lonesome Road - Scorched Sierra Power HelmetLink to the mod's Wiki page. Main File only
More Caravan Players - RestoratonLink to the mod's Wiki page.
New Vegas Uncut 1-5 7Link to the mod's Wiki page.
Unfound LootLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
Download and install the main file and the optional ini file. Overwrite when asked.

This mod is no longer on the Nexus. Use the alternative download link instead.

  1. Download the main and the optional ini files to a location of your choice.
  2. Drag and drop the files to the Downloads tab in MO.
  3. Install the files in any order you like. When the Mod Exists warning appears, choose [Merge].

11-Gameplay-AI and Combat

Mods that affect AI, stats, or combat mechanics of NPCs
Mod Name Baseline Instructions
Fallout 4 Survival Mode - Style DamageLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
(Optional) This mod will increase difficulty by a notch, so skip it for a more vanilla experience.

Download and install the NVSE version from optional files. It has no plugin and can be disabled at any time if the settings prove too hard.

Immersive Hit Reactions - Makes Combat ResponsiveLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Immersive Recoil 2.0Link to the mod's Wiki page.
JIP Realistic Weapon OverheatingLink to the mod's Wiki page.
JIP Selective-FireLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Melee Cleave a.k.a. SweepLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Melee Reach FixedLink to the mod's Wiki page. Download and install ALTERNATIVE mastahbossu's Scripted Version
Quick Grenade HotkeyLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
Instructions for oHUD compatibility available

Download and install the mod normally.


In order to get oHUD support for this mod do the following:

  1. Right-click on the mod and select Open in Explorer
  2. Go to \menus\prefabs\grenadehotkey\ and right-click on GrenadeKeyHUD.xml, then select Open with... from the dropdown menu.
  3. Open the file with Notepad or Notepad++.
  4. Find the set of lines in the first block and change to match the second block following (save and exit when done):

<visible> <copy src="ActionPoints" trait="visible" /> </visible>

<visible> <copy src="ActionPoints" trait="visible" /> <and> <copy src="io()" trait="_iHUD_CND" /> <gt>0</gt> </and> </visible>

5. Save and close the file.

Thermic Lance - Fire effectsLink to the mod's Wiki page.


Mods that affect currency, rewards, values, rates, or any other economy-related mechanics
Mod Name Baseline Instructions
Casino Exchange AllLink to the mod's Wiki page. Download and install the Casino Exchange All 1-5a main file. During install tick the Pre-War Money option.
Craftable Sellable Counterfeit Bottle CapsLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Dead money - Surprise Vending Items RestorationLink to the mod's Wiki page.
New Vegas Economy ImprovedLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
Download and install the New Vegas Economy Improved main file only. DO NOT download New Vegas Economy Improved - Ultra Lightweight Alternative.
Working Bottle Cap PressLink to the mod's Wiki page.


Mods that help to improve game immersion and role-playing scenarios
Mod Name Baseline Instructions
Animated Cigarettes - Smoke me Im famousLink to the mod's Wiki page. Download and install the Animated Cigarettes - English 2.6 optional file only.
Better Armed Bright FollowersLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Bryce Anders Companion InventoryLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Burning Campfires RedoneLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Burning Campfire REDONE 2 Electric BoogalooLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Dead Money - More and Better Crafted KnivesLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Eddie Hears An ExplosionLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Gas Pumps of New VegasLink to the mod's Wiki page. Install the main file and the update file. Select Merge when prompted.
Gun Runners Actually Run GunsLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Handbottled WaterLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Helmet OverlayLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
(Optional) This mod is optional as helmet overlay effects may not fit everyone's taste. Please visit the mod page to decide whether the mod is needed. It is not required by the Step patches and can be skipped.
  1. Download and install the main file.
  2. In the installer tick Medium (2k) on the Texture Resolution screen.
  3. Tick Enable on the Texture pre-loading screen.
Two items featured on the Step Guide are not currently supported by Helmet Overlay. Follow the steps below to provide support:
  1. Right-click on Helmet Overlay in the left pane of MO and select Open in Explorer from the drop-down menu.
  2. Find and open the Helmet Overlay folder. There should be a file named default.txt inside it.
  3. Open the txt file and scroll to the very bottom of it.
  4. Press Enter (also known as Backspace)to start a new row and paste the following lines of text exactly as written bellow:

@EMR-StealthSuitMkII.esp:00331E $ranger_blu.dds $helm.dds 1 ; Stealth Suit Operative Helmet

5. Save and close the file when done.
More Rads In the AssLink to the mod's Wiki page. (Script Runner) Detailed Instructions available
(Optional) This mod will increase difficulty by a notch, so skip it for a more vanilla experience.

Install (Script Runner) main file only.

  1. Double-click on the mod in the left pane of MO.
  2. Go to the INI_Files tab.
    • Tweak the values to personal preference.
    • Setting everything to -1 disables all changes to RADs (it works as a failsafe).
Nipton Fires ExtinguishedLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Old School HP Damage VisualsLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Ownerless TrashLink to the mod's Wiki page. Download and install the Ownerless Trash with DLC Optional File only.
Philippes Recipes - Unlock RecipesLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Ultrajet - ContrerasLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Working Crimson Caravan TradersLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Working Gomorrah Prostitues - pun intendedLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Working Grinding WheelLink to the mod's Wiki page.


Mods that alter aspects of quests and/or related lore
Mod Name Baseline Instructions
Arcade Rehired - Recruit After QuestLink to the mod's Wiki page.
BrotherhoodHouse AllianceLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Enslaving Arcade FixLink to the mod's Wiki page.
I Fought the Law - NCR StartLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Legion Brotherhood AllianceLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Save CassLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Vault 34 Better ReactorLink to the mod's Wiki page.

15-Gameplay-Skills and Perks

Mods that affect the player character's or NPC skills and perks or related leveling
Mod Name Baseline Instructions
A true Scribe Assistant - Veronicas perk revampLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Armour Repair KitsLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Better HackingLink to the mod's Wiki page.
COMPANION CARRY WEIGHT FIX - Companion SuiteLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
(Optional) This mod is optional but recommended. Read the detail instructions before deciding on slipping this mod.

This mod is required only if:

  • Unofficial Patch NVSE Plus is active (strongly recommended).
  • bCompanionSuiteEffects=1 in Unofficial Patch NVSE Plus's INI file (this is a recommended setting).

Obviously, the companion suite can simply be disabled (bCompanionSuiteEffects=0), in which case this mod isn't needed; however, some of the effects of companion suite are recommended for hardcore playthroughs (it makes companions tougher).

Check all the companion suite effects on the Fallout Wiki

Junk Rounds PlusLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Mantis Gauntlet - Crafting - Schematics - RestorationLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Nuka Chemist PlusLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Repair Bladed Weapons with Whet Stone (With DLC Support)Link to the mod's Wiki page.
Repair Metal Armor with Any Metal Misc ItemsLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Simple Explosive EntryLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Ultimate Unarmed and Melee Perks Tweaks - UUMTLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Veronica Companion Weapon - Recharger PistolLink to the mod's Wiki page.


Mods that affect any aspect of the user interface
Mod Name Baseline Instructions
A Few More Map MarkersLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
Needs cleaning
  1. Download and install the main file.
  2. Activate the mod in the left pane of MO in order to proceed with cleaning.
Cursor Unilaterially Matched (NVSE)Link to the mod's Wiki page. Download and install Cursor Unilaterially Matched (NVSE) - DarNUI.
Item Icons ReduxLink to the mod's Wiki page. Download and install the mod. In the Bain installer tick 00 Core files and 02 Core files - Upscaled Icons only.
JIP Improved Recipe MenuLink to the mod's Wiki page.
You take a sip from your trusty Vault 13 canteenLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Unofficial DarNified UI Update FNVLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
  1. Download the main file. It is not on Nexus, so download manually.
  2. Once downloading is complete, open MO and find the Downloads tab.
  3. Drag and drop the files from your download location to MO's Downloads tab.
  4. Double-click on the main file to install.

In order to display any text in-game, DarNified UI - TTW requires the installation of custom fonts.

  1. Click the Tools (puzzle) icon on MO's toolbar and choose INI Editor from the drop-down menu.
  2. Open the falloutprefs.ini tab and search for a [Fonts] section. If one exists (in most cases it shouldn't), delete everything listed in it (the [Fonts] header included), then click Save.
  3. Open the fallout.ini tab and search for a [Fonts] section.
    • If a [Fonts] section exists, change everything in it with the text below.
    • If no [Fonts] section exist (this should be the case in the majority of cases, simply paste the whole text below to the very bottom of the ini (the [Fonts] header included):

[Fonts] sFontFile_1=Textures\Fonts\DarN_FranKleinBold_14.fnt sFontFile_2=Textures\Fonts\DarN_FranKleinBold_16.fnt sFontFile_3=Textures\Fonts\Glow_Monofonto_Medium.fnt sFontFile_4=Textures\Fonts\DarN_Sui_Generis_Otl_10.fnt sFontFile_5=Textures\Fonts\Fixedsys_Comp_uniform_width.fnt sFontFile_6=Textures\Fonts\DarN_Sui_Generis_Otl_13.fnt sFontFile_7=Textures\Fonts\DarN_Libel_Suit_Otl_24.fnt sFontFile_8=Textures\Fonts\Glow_Futura_Caps_Large.fnt sFontFile_9=Textures\Fonts\NVFont_Test.fnt

4. Click Save when done.

One HUD - oHUDLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
  1. Download and install the main file first.
  2. Download the "One HUD (oHUD) TTW Darnified Patch" optional file (NOT the One HUD (oHUD) - Gophers TTW Darnified Config optional file).
  3. Install the optional file. When the Mod exists warning appears, click [Merge].
  1. Right-click on oHUD on the left pane of MO and choose Open in Explorer.
  2. Open menus\prefabs\ and rename hudtemplates.xml to hudtemplates_darn.xml
  3. Drag and drop the newly renamed file into menus\prefabs\ahud.
  4. When the "File already exists" warning appears, confirm the overwrite.
  5. Go to menus\main and open hud_main_menu.xml.
  6. Search for the following line hudtemplates.xml (that is line # 80 for those using Notepad++).
  7. Change the text from hudtemplates.xml to aHUD\hudtemplates_darn.xml.
  8. Search for the following line <add src="io()" trait="_HUDRad_X" />
  9. Delete the text right beneath it (<add src="screen()" trait="width" />) or comment it out. (that is line # 649 for those using Notepad++).
  10. Save your changes and exit.


Mods that programmatically add new or alter vanilla locations
Mod Name Baseline Instructions
Casino CrowdsLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Cut Sewers RestoredLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Marilyn Vanilla Restoration - Improved Cut ContentLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Strip Wall BilboardsLink to the mod's Wiki page.
The N.V. Interiors ProjectLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
  1. Download and install the NVInteriors Core v2.1.1 main file only.
  2. Double-click on the mod on the right pane of MO and go to the Optional ESPs tab.
  3. Move NVInteriors_Core.esm to the Optional ESPs tab.
  4. Download and install the NMC_NVInteriors Compatibility Patch Medium v2.0 optional file.
  5. When the Mod Exists warning appears, select Merge.
NV Interiors RemasteredLink to the mod's Wiki page.
The N.V. Interiors Project A Room With A ViewLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Uncut WastelandLink to the mod's Wiki page. Uncut Wasteland plus NPCs
Vault 22 Flora Overhaul RemasteredLink to the mod's Wiki page.
Windows of the MojaveLink to the mod's Wiki page.

18-Lighting and Weather

Mods that affect lighting and/or weather systems **installation is optional**
Mod Name Baseline Instructions
Altitude - A Vanilla Plus Weather ModLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
WARNING: Not compatible with ENB.

Download and install the main file.

Old World Blues - Path LightingLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
Install the main file.

Disable plugins (instructions for disabling plugins):

OWB-Path Lights - Darker Nights.esp

Simple Interior Lighting OverhaulLink to the mod's Wiki page. WARNING: Not compatible with ENB.


Mods that generate derived mod output from load-order-specific assets

No mods defined.


Mods that programmatically resolve load-order conflicts
Mod Name Baseline Instructions
Step Patch - Conflict ResolutionLink to the mod's Wiki page. Detailed Instructions available
Download and install the main file.

(optional) Download and install the Optional File (it will tweak game settings to make the game more challenging - see the Article to decide). Choose [Merge] when prompted.

Mod List Cleanup & Performance Check

Final Sorting and Cleaning

Before moving on, run LOOT from MO, then sort, and accept the default load order provided. Review the mod list in LOOT looking for any plugins reported as needing to be cleaned. Keep in mind that LOOT tends to lag behind on the report information, so it will not always be accurate. Ignore any reported missing compatibility patches or other warnings. These are either handled by the Step Patches or not of any concern. Perform the standard cleaning procedures on the mods requiring cleaning.

Be aware the Step Patches are designed to work with a default, LOOT-sorted plugin order. This eliminates the need to set rules on the load order. From this point on:

  • Ensure all applicable mods are ticked in the left pane of MO.
  • Ensure all plugins are ticked in the right pane of MO.
  • Sort the load order using LOOT whenever plugins are added/removed.
  • Update LOOT (the program and masterlist) whenever updates are available.
  • Open Tools->INI Editor in MO and select the falloutcustom.ini tab. Make sure that the ini file is empty. Edits made within falloutcustom.ini will overwrite all other ini tweaks and can break Archive Invalidation, resulting in texture issues.

FPS Management



Step recommends to cap your maximum FPS for Fallout New Vegas on all configurations in order to avoid collision-related glitches that appear when the framerate exceeds 60 Hz.

The goal at this point is to have at least 55 FPS in exteriors on average. Fallout New Vegas uses Havok software to simulate physics in-game. The software is perfectly attuned to work on FPS up to 60 Hz, but causes all manner of collision glitches once that limit is exceeded. For this reason Step recommends to limit the game's frame rate to 60 Hz through your video card's software. There are plenty of guides online on how to do it based on the user's video card model.

Alternatively, one can set their FPS at a value higher than 60 Hz provided they tweak NVTF's settings as explained on the respective mod's Wiki page.

Performance Tuning

It's recommended to use either third-party applications like FRAPS or driver software. Optional instructions are provided to assist.

➕ [Click to show]➖ [Click to hide] Benchmarking Instructions

Take a moment to configure the chosen FPS overlay as described above. If FRAPS are used, install into e.g., C:/Modding/Tools/FRAPS.

  1. Launch Fallout New Vegas, and start a NEW game to verify that it loads without issue.
    • Ensure that the FPS overlay is working.
    • NOTE: If the game crashes at any point, there is a problem with load order, enabled mods, or any number of things missed in the above instructions. Please troubleshoot by validating that all instructions have been followed. If custom mods have been installed and enabled, disable them.
  2. Create a character to test initial frame rates. Complete the initial quest in Doc Mitchell's House and exit it through the front door.
  3. Take a walk around Goodsprings and measure the FPS.

Performance/Quality Optimization

There are many things that can be modified to improve performance and quality, depending on the performance headroom available. Following are some suggestions listed in descending priority:

  1. Consider revisiting the BethINI Setup to set the [Low], [Medium], [High], or [Ultra] preset until FPS is close to or greater than targeted.


ENB Configuration

As ENB was designed and optimized specifically with Skyrim in mind, it does not work as flawlessly with Fallout New Vegas. In recent years New Vegas Tick Fix (NVTF) does a much better job at memory management, performance and stability than ENBoost. Since the author of NVTF advise against the use of ENBoost or ENB (see the sticky post), this guide also recommends not to use any of them.

In addition guide users can refer to this forum post by Audley in which he discusses how the software AA provided by ENBoost/ENB presets is inferior to the hardware AA applied by Fallout New Vegas.


Mods that affect post-processing graphics **installation is optional**

No mods defined.


Level of Detail (LOD)

Now that all the mods and patches have been installed/sorted and performance margins are acceptable, the next step is to generate custom LOD data for the mod list. Recommended settings correspond to rendered game resolutions that can benefit. Using 'higher' settings will otherwise be a waste of PC resources that may be necessary to keep frame rates above 50 FPS. Use 'lower' settings as a compromise if necessary.

Any time a mod providing LOD assets is added, removed, or changed, LOD should be regenerated. Examples include --but are not limited to-- most of the '04-Foundation' mods, Wasteland Flora and Terrain Overhaul, any mod that has LOD in the title, etc.

Before moving on, create an empty mod for the LOD output:

  1. Click on the MOlistoptions.png button and select, [Create empty mod].
  2. Name it xLODGen Output (this will only be used as a resource for xLODGen).
    • This places a new, empty mod at the bottom of the mod list.
  3. Find the FNVLODGen mod from the 04-Foundation mod group and ensure it is enabled.


xLODGen is run to generate updated LOD terrain textures and meshes so that landscape LOD is updated with mod changes:


➕ [Click to show]➖ [Click to hide] Sort Plugins

  1. Sort your mod order with LOOT.
  2. Ensure that FNVLODGen.esp and tmzLODadditions.esp are last in your load order on the right-hand side of MO.


➕ [Click to show]➖ [Click to hide] Terrain and objects LOD generation

  1. Run xLODGen from the MO executable drop-down list.
  2. On the left pane, select all worldspaces.
  3. On the right pane, make sure that only Terrain LOD and Objects LOD are checked.
  4. Under the Objects LOD section, change the Atlas size option to 8192 x 8192
  5. Click [Generate] to run the process, which will require upwards of 15 minutes, depending on the PC.
  6. Once the "LOD generation complete" message has appeared, close xLODGen.

Wrap Up

➕ [Click to show]➖ [Click to hide] Terrain and objects LOD wrap up

  1. Navigate to the xLODGen output folder (e.g. ..Modding/Tools/xLODGen/xLODGen_Output).
  2. Back on MO, open the xLODGen Output mod in an Explorer window (Ctrl+double click).
  3. Cut and paste the files from the LOD generation to the FalloutNV - xLODGen Output folder. Close both folders.
  4. Enable FalloutNV - xLODGen Output mod.

When to Regenerate LOD

Whenever there are changes to the mod list that affect the underlying landscape: height, shape, textures, etc.


Final INI Configuration

Step Fallout New Vegas is fully installed and working at this point, but if FPS are bellow 60, some adjustments may be beneficial to performance or quality. A final consideration is customizing BethINI.


Mod Configuration (MCM)

The game is now ready to be loaded to configure mods in the Mod Configuration Menu (MCM). The MCM a mod that allows mod authors to provide custom, game-accessible settings for their mods. Recommendations are provided below for select mods. The remainder are user preference.

First Launch

To run the game, select the New Vegas (not the Launcher) executable from the drop-down list and click the Run button. Keep the following in mind when first launching from a fresh Guide installation:

  • A new game is required!
    In other words, don't load from a save when first launching after a fresh guide install to avoid issues. Review the changelog before upgrading from a previous version of this Guide to determine whether or not a new game is advisable.
  • When launching the game for the first time after a Guide install, the load could take significantly longer than normal. This will only be a one-time wait as all the installed mods are being initialized. Subsequent load times should be shorter.
  • Once the main menu loads, Vault Boy's head icon should appear in the bottom left corner of the screen. Move the mouse cursor over it. It should dispay your current version of NVSE, JIP LN Plugin and Johnny Guitar NVSE. If the text appers, the extenders installation has been successful.

Start a New Game

In order to configure in-game and settings, the player should start a new game. Once the intro movie finishes, the player wakes up in Doc Mitchell's house and is prompted to modify main character's appearance and to choose a name. Once that's done, press Esc to open the Pause Game menu.

Disable Auto Saving

Before you do anything, go to Settings and then Gamplay and disable all manners of autosaving. Fallout New Vegas sadly has unresolved bugs in its vanilla saving scripts than can lead to broken savegames and you may lose your progress. To prevent loss of savegames, Step uses the Savegame Manager function of lStewieAl's Tweaks (already per-configured in the ini file included in the Step Patch - Conflict Resolution) which will automatically save the game every 30 minutes.

Control Key Settings

To set up the controls, simply go to Settings and then Controls. Initially Step recommends to change only the following keybinds:

  • Run: R-Shift (Right Shift)
  • Block: either set it to L-Alt (Left Alt) or leave it only on the right mouse button
  • Ammo Swap: -

Gaming Mouse Support

Remapping hotkeys to mouse buttons in Fallout New Vegas is not very intuitive. Basically users have to navigate to Settings, Controls and then look for a Device option appearing in the bottom-right corner of screen, as shown on the picture:

lStewieAl's Tweaks Hotkeys

The following keys are bound to specific functions activated via lStewieAl's Tweaks. They can be changed by navigating to Settings -> Tweaks menu (recommended option) or within the the NVSE_stewie_tweaks.ini file which comes with Step Patch - Conflict Resolution:

  • Toggle Night-Vision scope On/Off: N
  • Search Inventory: Ctrl+F. (obviously the inventory has to be opened first)
  • Full Save Hotkey: F6
  • Incremental Save Hotkey: F7

STEP recommends using the Incremental Save function from lStewieAl's Tweaks instead of the Quick Save function of the base game.

Mod Configuration Menu Settings


ExtraHUD is one of the components of OneHUD - oHUD and allows the player to add extra additional elements to the in-game HUD. This guide highly recommends players to activate the optional "Hardcore Mode", so they will need to visualize the needs meter.


The latest version of Darnified UI adds extra HUD elements similarly to the ExtraHUD module of OneHUD - oHUD, so the player has to choose the extra HUD elements of one mod over the other. The Step Guide recommends to use OneHUD, as all its HUD elements are dynamic (meaning they can be hidden under certain conditions, de-cluttering the UI) whereas elements added by Darnified UI are static and cannot be hidden.

Open Meter Settings, Statistic Settings and Extra Settings and disable everything. All extra UI elements will be genearated by OneHUD as explained above.

Immersive HUD

Another component of OneHUD - oHUD, it allows the player to configure the conditions under which HUD elements will hide and appear. Refer to the picture below to configure the Main Settings, setting the hide conditions for each HUD element is user preference.

Just Assorted Mods

Just Assorted Mods is a collection of (mostly) UI mods that aim to add modern shooter game mechanics to Fallout New Vega. Step recommends to enable only the components listed on the picture.

The settings of most of Just Assorted Mods' components is up to user preferences, except the following:

The hotkey suggested for Just Vanilla Sprint might conflict with the vanilla hotkey for walking/running. Users should reconfigure the "Walk/Run" hotkey in game settings, or change the Just Vanilla Sprint Hotkey.

Animated Cigarettes

It is recommended to disable the Bonus Effect of smoking (as shown on the picture) provided by this mod, as the bonus is too powerful.

Animated Indigestible

Adds animations for eating and taking chems, which is great for realism, but be careful when taking chems in battle - the animations take time, so the effects aren't instant.

Handbottled Water

The author of this mod is not a native speaker, so keep in mind that "Capsule" on the image bellow stands for a bottle cap.


The Recommended options are on the picture:

Remaining Mod Configurations

The remaining mod configurations are recommended to be left at their defaults for the most enhanced, vanilla experience. However, users may adjust the settings for these mods to their preference.


Help build STEP

STEP can only get bigger and better with help from the community. It is very time consuming for the STEP team to ensure that the Guide is consistently maintained at the highest quality possible. We need people to help us identify mods that improve the vanilla game while adhering to our Mandate. We also need ongoing bug reports, reviews, and updates on mods that may cause problems or that stray from the Mandate.

In order to suggest a mod for inclusion, visit the Mods section of the Forums.

Call for Mod Testers

Community members interested in becoming Mod Testers, please contact TechAngel85 via PM on the forums. Once registered, Mod Testers will be given access to Staff forums that houses useful information. For more information about our mod testing process, read through the Mod Testing Guide to get a sense of what's involved.

Call for Forum Moderators

Regular community members interested in becoming moderators, please contact TechAngel85 via PM on the forums. Forum Moderators will be determined based upon level and quality of activity within our community.

Thank you for reading and enjoy the game!


Thank you all!

The STEP administrators would sincerely like to thank (from the bottoms of our fuzzy little hearts):

  • The authors of mods and tools recommended within our Guides
  • The core Community for feedback, suggestions and input
  • Step staff for their altruistic and for keeping this website alive for so many years
  • EssArrBee for his awesome "Fear and Loathing in New Vegas Guide"
  • The Beta and Mod Testers for their good humor and rigorous analyses
  • The Nexus community
  • Bethesda Softworks for their games
  • Obsidian Entertainment for their work on Fallout: New Vegas
  • Tannin for the gift that is Mod Organizer
  • All the developers that kept MO alive to create MO

Step Staff

Guide Curator

  • Majorman
    • Lead Release Coordinator, Patch Coordinator


  • TechAngel85
    • Lead Forum Administrator, Mod Author
  • z929669
    • Project Founder, Lead Site Developer, Lead Site Administrator

Step Admin

  • DoubleYou
  • Greg

Honorary Staff

Retired Founders, Administrators, and Staff:

  • Aiyen
  • Bealdwine
  • deathneko11
  • EisDrache
  • EssArrBee
  • Farlo
  • frihyland
  • GSDfan (still active: MO Support)
  • GrantSP
  • hishutup
  • Kelmych
  • MontyMM
  • Nebulous112
  • oqhansoloqo
  • phazer11
  • rootsrat
  • stoppingby4now
  • TheCompiler
  • torminater
  • Uhuru
  • WilliamImm
  • wolverine2710