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Posted (edited)

Following up on my excitement about the library: Neovalen pointed me out to an even better mod that adds books from the older Elder Scrolls games, Skyrim Book Covers - Lost Library. This mod has 295 books vs 177 books in the Tamriel Compendium which I was going to use. So, unfortunately the upcoming library expansion in Jaggersfeld Extended will not be able to fit all the books I hope to have in my playthrough.


It will still hold all the vanilla books, though! With room to spare. I'll just have to divide my eventual collection between vanilla and not. Having a different house contain the "Lost Library" does kind of fit, anyway. :-)


Also, this got me looking at various bookshelf scripts...it seems what I proposed in my last post probably isn't possible. And if it was, it would be a whole new mod. It seems just getting books to properly fit on bookshelves needs a whole new SKSE script mod, and doing more beyond just getting books properly on the shelf may be more than SKSE can handle. I looked at Bookshelves Updated SKSE Script, as well as the original bookshelves script SKSE. I also just noticed cccow posted a link to Unlimited Bookshelves, which was just updated by a new author in October 2015. I will have to figure out which works the best out of these three, just to get books properly on shelves. Forget alphabetizing them. ;-) Lol.


Anyway, these bookshelves have nothing to do with your mod, but I just thought I would update regarding my previous post.



Edited by Nebulous112
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That's actually good information. Thanks! Yeah the bookshelves are a real pain the arse! That's why most authors just copy them from vanilla or modder resources. Setting them up on your own can be an all day event.

  • 3 weeks later...

The new year is upon us. I've been trying to get into contact with the original Jaggarsfeld authors for some time now without success. I know I said I was going to gear up to do some more work on this mod but I'm at a cross roads. At this point, I'm considering two options for Jaggarsfeld Extended.


Option 1 is to continue expanding this mod, but I'm finding it harder to do that without full access and freedom from having the original mod as a master. It's difficult and clunky to work with this mod in the CK having to constantly switch back and forth between a plugin with and without a master flag in the header. Further changes will also highly deviate from the original design of Jaggarsfeld. Without being able to actually hold a discussion with the original authors, I'm just about ready to call it a day with this mod and leave it up as "fixed" version of Jaggarsfeld and nothing more.


Option 2 is to simply upload one last version. This version will have the scripts replaced with General Stores for those having script issues, and I'll call this mod "final" at that point. If this happens, I will move on to my own house mod which will be greatly inspired by Jaggarsfeld, but with far more versatility in it's design, and another house mod I've been toying around with.

Posted (edited)

Personally I would say Option 2 cos if you can't get a hold of the orginal mod authors you might hit a brick and not be able to continue. At least if you do your own home mod, you can build it the way you want and do whatever you want.

Edited by Darth_mathias

I agree with Darth. It seems your hands are tied at this point. Option #2 seems the most reasonable if you still can't get a hold of the authors.


More work to "re-do" things, but the freedom of working on your own project without any constraints could be worth it. You may find it more fulfilling.

  • 4 weeks later...

Version 2.0 released (final version)


I've updated the mod to v2.0. This will be the final version of the mod. I will do a few tweaks here and there, but this is the final major release. That means nothing else spectacular is coming to this mod. At the very least, Jaggarsfeld is fixed for the users who still love this player home. I will update eventually with patches of the lighting mods as optional downloads.


So what will I be doing? I'll be continuing my work with STEP, but I have also taken a position on the Relighting Skyrim team to redo Relighting Skyrim from the ground up. These two projects will be taking up most of my time, but I still want to build my own house mod eventually so that might be in the works when I have time.

  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Status Update


If you haven't seen my new post on Nexus, there have been some developments; thanks to SparrowPrince's...pecking. :^_^: Basically, one of the authors contacted me and through some discussion Darth granted me access to the original Jaggarsfeld mod. They have both retired from modding so I will now be maintaining Jaggarsfeld. The reigns are in my hands as of this moment. I couldn't resist updating the mod page to add in a proper changelog section and enabling the bug reports. I'll go over the page soon to breathe some fresh air into it.


So what does this mean?


For Jaggarsfeld, it means I'll be updating the original mod with all the fixes I did for Jaggarsfeld Extended. This will only be the fixes, though. No custom additions will be carried over due to one stipulation of managing it; an "original Jaggarsfeld" is to always be available for download. This means for those users which just wants the original mod, you can now have now it with fixes included once I update the mod. I've already carried over what I could in xEdit. Now just the CK work is left.


For Jaggarsfeld Extended...I will most likely retire the mod and Nexus page after a transition period. It just makes more sense to manage everything from one location. Jaggarsfeld Extended will now become "extensions". I am probably going to breaking it down into a few module plugins so that users can have the choice of installing what option they do and do not want.

Posted (edited)
I couldn't resist updating the mod page...




What did I say?  ::D:


Edit: Unpin that giant sticky too. That's a right eyesore.

Edited by Guest

hey  Tech I just noticed you've updated Jaggersfeld (nice to see someone still looking after this mod). No you've updated it do we still need your Jaggersfeld Extended mod or had this been incorperated into the main mod?


Only the fixes have been incorporated. Jaggarsfeld Extended (JE) users don't need to update anything until I shut the mod page down. Updating to the recent update will just cause a but of ITMs as per the warning I put up on the description. This is because for most of the fixes, I was able to simple carry them over in xEdit. Only a few things had to be done by hand. The navmeshes have not been fixed yet either. So for now, I would recommend current JE users to not update.


What is going to happen is that I will be separating the extra content from Jaggarsfeld Extended into modular downloads on the Jaggarsfeld page. Want follow support? Install the optional for it. Want better lighting? Install the optional for it as well. Of course I'll have a combined plugin option for those wanting all the modules.

  • 4 weeks later...

Quick Update: v2.3.1


I have fleshed out JE to be more compatible with Jaggarsfeld and removed the ton of ITMs. It's still not perfect, but it now runs more smoothly and gives less problems. All of JE will still be incorporated into Jaggarsfeld over time. Right now I'm working out Van's (the werebear) insanity issues with being a frenzied maniac, killing everything in sight. His counseling has gone well as we've worked past his anger issues. He now has a more normal routine and I'll leave as a surprise since he wants to show everyone what great progress he's made.  Once I have Van's issues all worked out, I'll add him back into JE as he'll be fit for society again.


I'm basically learning this stuff as I go and it'll help me out when getting down to business on my own player home, Dragonborn Sanctuary. Now excuse me, I have to go learn how to create custom dialogue so Van isn't a mute.


I'll do the voice acting for the werebear because it's only fair an equal maniac does it. I'll record it all on my 80's police dictaphone I stole from a internet cafe in 1890.


Well, it would be nice to have him voiced. I'm finding that adding simple dialogue is not that simple. Looks like it's all connected to quests...which is one of the more advanced CK subjects. Much tutorial reading, watching, and guess-work is in my future. ...I just couldn't leave well enough alone....

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