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The first three tabs have been reviewed, revised and overhauled.


Intro Tab

  • Some grammar errors corrected
  • A few links added


Quickstart Tab

  • The memory section has been updated


ENB Choice Tab

  • Grammar corrections
  • Links added
  • ENB Profiles reformatted and updated (they are no longer aimed toward installation but rather an overview of the profile...installation is handled per profile on the author's Nexus page)
  • New Profiles added and a couple out-dated ones removed
  • Added DnyaVision to the list of supported ENB mods
  • ...this section of the Guide needs to be reviewed every couple of months for out-dated information
  On 8/25/2014 at 11:25 PM, TechAngel85 said:


O you can set VideoMemorySizeMb yourself. On a 32bit system you set it equal to you VRAM in MB. 2GB VRAM=2048MB so you'd set it to 2048. On 64bit systems  the official formula is: (VRAM + RAM) - 2048. Recently another formula has popped up that is: (VRAM + RAM - 2048)/2. The max value can't be greater than 10240 so if you have a value greater than that using the formulas, set it to 10240.



Formula 1 example: if you have 2Gb of VRAM and 8GB of system RAM then you'd get this:

2048 + 8192 -2048 = 8192


Formula 2 example using the same numbers is:

(2048 + 8192 -2048)/2 = 8192/2 = 4096



Both formulas are safe so you might just experiment and see which one works best for you. Here are the lines from Vividian ENB from my own profile:

ReservedMemorySizeMb=512    // Reduce to 256 or 128 if you have less than 3GB VRAMVideoMemorySizeMb=5120        // Formula: (VRAM + RAM - 2048 / 2) , max value: 10240EnableCompression=trueAutodetectVideoMemorySize=false

Thank you very much TechAngel85! Setting this instead of the automatic suggestion stated in the STEP guide may have solved my stuttering problems.

ReservedMemorySizeMb=512 (changed from 64)VideoMemorySizeMb=9216 (changed from =)EnableCompression=trueAutodetectVideoMemorySize=false (changed from true)


=> smooth 60 FPS


Seems like the automatic detection makes something wrong or is too safety?

I need to have a closer look into this subject, i guess :confused:.

My fps-drop-problem


Glad it's helped someone! That's the reason I've updating the ENB Guide. It's a bit out of date and since I've been using ENB again for a while now, I finally feel comfortable putting some time into it.

Posted (edited)

;( I don't get smooth 60fps on the intro sequence (what STEP asks to use as a benchmark) at the first turn, it'll dip down somewhere around 52 ~ 49 for a few seconds, then go back up to 60 for a couple seconds, then before the second turn it'll dip down to 47 then backup 50 then as soon as the guy starts talking to you its at 49 no matter what settings I put it at.  Then all the way down that hill it stays around 50.  Is this bad?


I'm not sure if I need to install the rest of STEP (I am done with section 2G and at that benchmark).  Don't think the rest of the mods will help, thinking if anything it'll hurt.


I've read everything to the T, I've even gone back and re-read the details of every mod, ensured the priority is correct.  The only thing I"m not sure about at this point is my load order (right pane).  I have run loot and moved orcish weapons below main weapons mod and before clothing mod.  As far as I know, there is no pictoral showing a complete 100% followed and 100% installed step core load order (right pane).  That would be REALLY helpful.


Here are my specs, you tell me if I'm experiencing crappy performance at this point in the STEP installation:

Asus Gryphon Z87

Intel 4670K

Nvidia GTX 770 PNY 2GB ram xlr8 edition

Crucial ct480 M50 SSD

16GB ram (DDR3 12800)


No overclock, no overheating staying cool

DRivers and bios is all up to date (chipset, graphics card...)

I have F-Secure set to turn off all security

Nothing running in background.  My system is running as lean as it could be (all services unnecessary turned off and disabled, no system restore, none of that junk)


I would think my setup could handle more than this.


Is anyone confident enough that their STEP core installation is 110% correct could post a pic of their load order?

If someone could work with me over STEAM,  you can PM me and I'll friend you on STEAM to work together.  I'm always appreciative of anyone's help.

Edited by edemircistep

No it is not bad in that area. 


There are areas in the game that are just really badly optimized. If you absolutely must have 60 FPS everywhere then you would need to really lower the shadow resolutions so those areas do not require nearly as much to render. 


Also the intro is really heavy compared to most of the game, so take it with a grain of salt! 


I'd like to classify myself as a moderate player.  I just found this whole WIKI and group of individuals so refreshing and really got me going which is why I just started blasting into the STEP guide and annoying everyone with all my questions :D


I'm not familiar with how others fare on the benchmark section, so I wasn't sure about how I'm performing next to others with similar setups.


About that plugin load order... I believe there's real value to having that posted for the STEP core community.  Maybe that's something I can help with!  I'm more than willing to help this community in any way I can.


Small edition to my smooth 60 fps. It's not the whole STEP install yet and my rig is pretty good. I want to optimize how far i can look. If i'm able to have a nice overview over Skyrim i have no problems with 40 FPS.

Stable 30 FPS are still playable and some have no problems with this. Some(like me) notice it's a bit "choppy", but the main concern is changing FPS i think.

For me setting the [Memory] section manual instead of automatically solved my FPS drops while turning and looking around.


So I tested thoroughly last night with different combinationss  I found a setting that seems to reduce the bottom end frame dip around 20% and keeps overall FPS at 60 MUCH longer.  I tried all different combinations of ReservedMemorySizeMb where VideoMemorySizeMB was either 10240, or 8192 (using max or using formula 2).  I have 16384MB System Memory and 2GB Vram.  Playing with increments of 64 meg from 0 to 1024 on ReservedMemorySizeMB, I found that the system gave me very noticable improvement using VideoMemorySizeMB=10240 and VideoMemorySizeMB=512.  I do understand Boris states that using afterburner is not supported when using ENboost (or is it ENB?? whatever) but I noticed my Vram usage never goes above about 1.5GB during opening sequence, it just stays flat.  Not sure if this is normal.  I'll have to get done with step and look at these numbers while playing.


Installation tab has been updated and should work with more recent ENBSeries versions now.

  • Updated installation instructions
  • Updated formatting
  • Added a couple notices
  • Fixed broken links
  On 8/31/2014 at 10:00 PM, afonik said:

Can you please consider adding a specific Nvidia Inspector guide for ENB.

IIRC the one STEP links is only for non-ENB setups.

True, and I will consider adding a tab to the Inspector Guide for ENB users. It will be short since most of the driver stuff is turned off when using ENB.


My aim is to get the best quality setup possible.

I'm using Vividian ENB and 've been tweaking around with nvidia inspector, skyrim inis, enblocal.ini, ...

but i realize that most of the time i really don't know what i'm achieving.

for instance, i think i should disable AO in Inspector since ENB as its own kind of SSAO but there are many guides suggesting the opposite.

I dont even know if the ENB overrides the inspector settings.

I have a gtx 780ti and most of the times i dont have a frame drop 


I only know of a couple situations where you can choose either ENB or the video driver. AF is one where you can disable it in one and enable it in the other. I'm not sure how AA and AO works in this situation; however, I've already been in talks with Aiyen about the AA in regards to ENB AA vs SMAA (I currently have both enabled and am unsure if the effects stack or not). I would like more clarity on at least these three as well (AA, AF and AO) when it comes to ENB vs video drivers.


Right now there is no solid information that I've been able to dig up on the subject. I'm sure all the info is buried in the ENB Dev Forums; however, I don't have time to sit for hours and dig around. I have too many other projects to worry about like updating this ENB Guide and learning 3ds Max.


If by chance I manage to find solid information on the subject I'll share it and point the source.

In the meantime good luck with your projects

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