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This is a shout out to all and any ENB Preset authors and those that are knowledgeable about the parameters within the enbseries.ini file:


Some of you may have been invited here by myself or another member and the rest may have simply stumbled upon this thread. Whichever you are, we're in need of your help!


The ENBSeries INI Guide will be a reference housing all the parameters found within the enbseries.ini file. However, due to either outdated, incomplete, or undocumented information about the parameters, we're in need of the community to come together to help us define these parameters in detail.


You can click the link in the OP to view the Guide. You'll find many of the parameters defined; however, the information is either incomplete, too simple, wrong, or just plain missing! We're asking the community to help us in this endeavor to build a reference for both new users and authors alike. The goal is to be able to use this reference during development of presets and mods for developers or just simple tweaking and learning for newer users. The fact is, nothing this complete has ever been done that is also readily available to the community! Once it's complete, an offline version will also be available to download.


JawZ has already signed up in this effort and you'll notice some of his addition here and there on the Guide. For those that are willing to take on this task for the community, use JawZ's additions for your example to be able to add your own. First step will be to sign up on the forums if you haven't already. Next will be to log into the wiki. You can do this using the same username and password you use for these forums. Once logged in, you'll be able to make your additions signed with your signature. To edit a single parameter, simply click on the [EDIT] link to the right of the parameter. Additions should be made as below to keep the original text as well as additions for other users (in other word, one should not be editing anything...just adding):




This parameter will adjust the brightness of the color correction. This can help if users are using different in game brightness settings and need to tweak for preference.
<div class="imgs2">[[Image:Dummyplaceholder.jpg|225px|highslide=B2:]]  [[Image:Dummyplaceholder.jpg|225px|highslide=B2:Sky Layers]]</div>
With additions added:


This parameter will adjust the brightness of the color correction. This can help if users are using different in game brightness settings and need to tweak for preference.

This line is an addition made by TechAngel85. It includes all sort of helpful information about the parameter below! ~~~~
<div class="imgs2">[[Image:Dummyplaceholder.jpg|225px|highslide=B2:]]  [[Image:Dummyplaceholder.jpg|225px|highslide=B2:Sky Layers]]</div>
As you'll notice the line that was added is spaced down. This separates it from the original text when saving the edit. You'll also notice the four tildes at the end. That adds your signature to the line. The above added line would save as such:

This line is an addition made by TechAngel85. It includes all sort of helpful information about the parameter below! --TechAngel85 (talk) 12:43, October 19 2014 (EDT)
Finally, you can use this thread for any and all communication and discussion of the Guide.


Any authors/users that help will have their username(s) added to the Thank You section with a link of their choice added which can be a link to their mod, preset, user page, etc.


Made various changes all around... in effects I simply replaced what was there in most cases with something more concrete. 

I also added in a bit about the palette.


I guess that will do for now!


Thanks! Be sure you're adding and not changing though. This way I can go back and gather all information from all contributors in order to put together a concise and detailed definition of the parameters. This also helps with flow since we all have different writing styles. :thumbsup:


I'll be PMing some authors later today.


I'd be happy to help with this project. I'll take a look at the guide soon and make some additions where necessary. Just to clarify, is this guide specifically related to the enbseries.ini only or is it to ENBSeries as a whole, including shaders and such?




I did with the palette part.. but the effects descriptions where woefully outdated and very imprecise in their formulation. 


On that note then one thing that probably needs to be addressed is the fact that there is the default .fx files and modified versions. Quite a few entries in the enbseries.ini will only work with the default enbeffect.fx file... however just about all custom versions make away with the default stuff these days since there is not much point in using it and better stuff is available. 

  On 10/19/2014 at 10:56 PM, Jafin16 said:

I'd be happy to help with this project. I'll take a look at the guide soon and make some additions where necessary. Just to clarify, is this guide specifically related to the enbseries.ini only or is it to ENBSeries as a whole, including shaders and such?



Welcome Jafin!. This one is specifically for the enbseries.ini file. The rest can partly be found here: https://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:ENB There isn't anything covering the .fx file yet.


  On 10/19/2014 at 11:07 PM, Aiyen said:

I did with the palette part.. but the effects descriptions where woefully outdated and very imprecise in their formulation. 


On that note then one thing that probably needs to be addressed is the fact that there is the default .fx files and modified versions. Quite a few entries in the enbseries.ini will only work with the default enbeffect.fx file... however just about all custom versions make away with the default stuff these days since there is not much point in using it and better stuff is available. 

I strictly copied and pasted the effects section from the ENB Guide that we did...so I guess that stuff just go overlooked. I read your edits and they seem okay. I'll be sure to port it back over to the ENB Guide as well. I'd like to have the .fx files covered too (they would be implemented as another separate Guide) but that would be 100% an authors work because I have no clue about any of them. I can implement the foundation and set up the Guide and then let everyone have at it if it's something that is wanted. That would be something to do after all of this is done though. Would be best to focus on one thing at a time.


*been playing mechanic on my car all day so I'll email those authors I had in mind after a shower*


Welcome all who have join in on this project! Any and all information that you can provide is very welcome. No amount is too small!


For those of you that don't know yet, here is a list of users/authors who that joined in:

  • Aiyen
  • Confidence Man
  • dptheslothking/Sloth
  • Jafin16
  • JawZ
  • Mangaclub
  • Matso

As I said in my invitation, if any who join would like a link back to their ENB, user page, etc. Just let me know and I'll put one up on the Guide in the Thank You section.


You guys can use this thread to communicate and discuss. Rarely do this many authors gather at once on these forums! :gnome: *gnome dance* :gnome:


I'm still waiting for reply from a few more authors so more may be joining in later.


Again, thank all of you for doing this. Without you all, this would not be possible!


Just wanted to note that I made a very small change but didn't add it as an addition. In [sHADOWS] for DetailedShadowQuality, it previously listed the quality settings as 0, 1, and 2. I added -1 as well since that is a viable variable for that parameter. -1 does indeed function.


That's all so far! I've been a bit busy in RL lately so my time has been limited... and on top of that I'm trying to get my preset finished, tested and released in a little over a week. Yay!


Anyways, hope that's alright I made that change! I'll follow the requested format for changes for the rest of the guide.




Changes like that are cool to make without any addition. Just add it or change it. I've been caught up in Real Life myself the past several days so I've not had much time. That's the reason for the formatting style that I went with for the additions and whatnot. That way we can all work on our own free time. When I do get more time, I'll start verifying the allowed values as well as start taking some compare shots and get those added. Lots of work to be done before this is finished!I'm extremely grateful for anything that you all can add for defining the parameters. Without you all, I'd never be able to put a resource like this together on my own!


If you need some screens I could do some for a few of the easier ones.

like the rain...


I would probably use vividian as a base enb with a step extended instal.

Unless you have a particular setup and enb you want to be used throughout.


Is there any particular way you want these done?

Like min and max values to show the difference. 


Whn doing the comparison shots it would be better to have a uniform, consistent visual to compare with. I always used a default ENBSeries straight from the box so that people new to the mod would know how each of the setting would look when altered from it's default state.

That or having a ENB that does not alter the vanilla state of the game unless it has recieved a change in some value/values.

  • +1 1

Ok, that what I was thinking before I posted and is the reason why I mentioned it like its a base.

I wonder if tech will agree.


I figured I might as well get some of the easier ones done so that the more difficult ones could get the most attention


I think using an ENB that's more or less a vanilla enhancement would be the best way to go. I know MTichenor's SkyRealism ENB Evolved has a vanilla color version that looks quite good. It is, however, a bit behind on updates IIRC. I think the latest is for v0.221? The shaders are also far from default.


I'm not a big fan of just using ENB out of the box because it kinda looks bad, IMO. If that's what you all decide to do, that's fine with me and I'll go along with it, but I think something that's actually configured to look decent without altering vanilla colors much or at all will in the end be more helpful so people can actually see what it looks like in practice.

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