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please help me I swear ill even pay you !!! Im trying all i can to find the source of CTD!


Posted (edited)
i attached the rest :/
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
<unknown self>.huntersvisionutilityscript.GetFormlistFromMod() - "HuntersVisionUtilityScript.psc" Line 10
<unknown self>.huntersvisionutilityscript.GetBeluaVampireLordWalkingSpellsList() - "HuntersVisionUtilityScript.psc" Line 23
<unknown self>.huntersvisionutilityscript.AddToBSRSpells() - "HuntersVisionUtilityScript.psc" Line 52
[GophersHuntersVisionQuest (98000800)].huntersvisionmaintainancescript.maintenance() - "HuntersVisionMaintainanceScript.psc" Line 46
[alias Player on quest GophersHuntersVisionQuest (98000800)].HuntersVisionLoadScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "HuntersVisionLoadScript.psc" Line 10

The one in read is the one that a forum said 

6.  In this file, scroll alllll the way to the bottom.  Now, start looking from the bottom upwards.  If you're anything like me, you'll see plenty of errors and warnings thanks to the half bazillion mods all cohabitating not so peacefully.  You'll be looking in particular for anything that repeats itself more than the others.  Some mods will have a few errors, and that's okayish, but you're looking for that one little bastard that's ruining everyone's fun.  He'll show up alot, so once you find it, look and see if you can find a "EvilScriptName.psc" file.  It will most likely end in a "psc", because that's a papyrus script file.

so anyone can anyone please tell me what you understand that can please help me :( i really tried this time.. i re installed for the third time .. only installed my mods one by one.. and everything is now acting up!

I'm very heavily modded but hence why i said if u take ur time helping me and have the patience with me i swear it go unnoticed !
 I understand i have a lot but i've read everything up on these mods and added one by one .. i figure i might have a mistake but i don't know which mistake i made.. if theres a conflict if its a load order.. if i need a patch! i need some ones advice and see if anyone can notice my mistake! please?


system specs.txtFetching info...

LoadOrder_Skyrim_2014-10-13T21-58-28 POST.txtFetching info...

NEW ERROR LOG.txtFetching info...

Edited by poweredbypoosey
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memory block log

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  On 10/15/2014 at 3:16 PM, phazer11 said:

Well as Hishutup says you need both SKSE and ENBoost to play it properly otherwise you will almost definitely get a CTD.

You should read the detailed instructions on all of the mods that have them, here are some that relate to your difficulties.


what u mean .. what if i dont want an enb what do i need to not have?

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remember that debugging is tricky and is not the same for everyone. I have to bring your game up to a level that I can efficiently work from otherwise its near impossible.

Can I fix the issue?


But I will be able to guide you


And I am being serious about the above.


This is a short list of what I test for:

ENBoost settings

Memory issues

Mod manager screwups

Specific mods


The terms ENB and ENBoost are used with different definitions


ENB includes ENBoost


ENBoost does not include ENB


Meaning ENBoost does NOT alter the shaders. It only alters the way it handles graphics...Stuff


STEP standards are not to use ENB but only the ENBoost portion

Meaning they shut off all of the enb stuff and leave the memory handling and a few other settings

Refer to Phazer11 post and give the STEP guide a read... Since, there is good info in there



The memory blocks log looks good.

Hmm as I am taking a look through your Load Order

I see a lot of patches that can be tossed because you should make your own patch



Do you have any mods with deleted Navmeshes

do you "Check for Errors" on your mods

to do this navigate to your Tes5Edit location and rename or delete the current tes5Edit_log.txt

Open Tes5Edit and click [OK]

after the background loader is finished

Select all of the mods (click the first esm then shift click the last mod)

right-click and then select Check for Errors

after it is finished close tes5

share the Tes5Edit_log.txt using spoilers or uploading it




I am unsure about a lot of the mods but here are some that I know to be suspicious




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Posted (edited)
    also i run tes5edit all the time.. i actually have fixed a few errors and watched a recent video on how to merge videos ( which i don't trust myself enough to even dare too ) but I do check for errors if you mean looking threw what it processed ..

ive never actually pressed check for errors as i try not to touch with well buttons ill im said to as i don't wanna mess things up !
  I'm running it right now and gunna let you when i do finish ur list
Edited by poweredbypoosey
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Posted (edited)

LMAO i cant even post the tes5edit report from the error log it breaks the webiste lol !how would i send that to you?even attaching it,it says to big?

Edited by poweredbypoosey
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Posted (edited)

I really cant i just email you it? im rather not sign up for everything online when it wont upload becasue its too big ?and what about the other birds mod the skybirds i think? 

Edited by poweredbypoosey
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  On 10/15/2014 at 10:52 PM, poweredbypoosey said:

I really cant i just email you it? im rather not sign up for everything online when it wont upload becasue its too big ?and what about the other birds mod the skybirds i think? 

You don't have to sign up to pastebin. Doing so just means you can edit and delete anything you paste.

Although there really isn't any reason to not signup, it's not like you are handing over any money or personal details that aren't already on other sites.


If your TES5Edit.log is greater than 500K, which it probably is, just paste it into 2 or more pastebin pages.

  • 0
Posted (edited)

Oh, I brought those up because some have had minor issues in the past but I don't know how relevant they are.

I just listed ones that I have familiar with and there were not very many.

As for the Tes5Log... all you should what the background loader... You didn't run the check for errors thing.


Your Load Order is kinda different from what I am used to.

The ones I generally see are SR:LE, STEP and STEP Packs.

This makes things hard because I don't know much about some of the mods you are using


You can kinda tell because I am the only one that is trying to guide you...


EDIT: ty Grant


EDIT2: Earlier you changed you SKSE to look like mine.

What lines did you precisely change/add.

Edited by hishutup
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well i sent it too you by PM and i do appreciate you help but like i said i'm willing to pay you $45 dollars if you can please help me, well as you said guide me ! Maybe to find the source of the problem..seeing as i literally called places and obviously theres no skyrim modding specialist lol that can come over and fix my game.and my skyrim ini is set too; 

ScrapHeapSizeMB=256which this is located in my programs86/steam/steamapps/skyrim/data/skse/skse.ini

oh and also i can send you links to my mods.. and or if you see a problem in my load order please lmk as i use wyre bash when i use loot it re arranges them but some are orange so i fix them manually but what the plugins list says to the right side...

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I can't accept any profits but if your willing then donate to the STEP site


I did receive those pms but as I said they were incomplete.


can you take the text file and attach it to the post or compress it into an archive and then attach that.

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Let me know if you got to my site okay and see the 7 posts of my tes5edit error log lol.. I also tried to compress it and add it and again it said it was too big of a file :psyduck: so i did the best i could with sections to make it so you can with ease due to the fact of the amount by breaking them off at sections ..and there numbered lol  :wallbash:

AHH HA HERE YOU GO lmao !!! instead of going to site 

pastebin_backup_20141015.zipFetching info...

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Oh, are you using the more/less patches version of Jswords  hmm, a lot of the ones that I see I know are fine


This two seem weird though. Maybe disable them and any dependents and test

RedspireManor.espETaC - Complete ELFX Patch.esp

 And then report back with Memory blocks log...And if you desire the papyrus thing(I doubt this will be anything)

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