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please help me I swear ill even pay you !!! Im trying all i can to find the source of CTD!


Posted (edited)
i attached the rest :/
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
<unknown self>.huntersvisionutilityscript.GetFormlistFromMod() - "HuntersVisionUtilityScript.psc" Line 10
<unknown self>.huntersvisionutilityscript.GetBeluaVampireLordWalkingSpellsList() - "HuntersVisionUtilityScript.psc" Line 23
<unknown self>.huntersvisionutilityscript.AddToBSRSpells() - "HuntersVisionUtilityScript.psc" Line 52
[GophersHuntersVisionQuest (98000800)].huntersvisionmaintainancescript.maintenance() - "HuntersVisionMaintainanceScript.psc" Line 46
[alias Player on quest GophersHuntersVisionQuest (98000800)].HuntersVisionLoadScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "HuntersVisionLoadScript.psc" Line 10

The one in read is the one that a forum said 

6.  In this file, scroll alllll the way to the bottom.  Now, start looking from the bottom upwards.  If you're anything like me, you'll see plenty of errors and warnings thanks to the half bazillion mods all cohabitating not so peacefully.  You'll be looking in particular for anything that repeats itself more than the others.  Some mods will have a few errors, and that's okayish, but you're looking for that one little bastard that's ruining everyone's fun.  He'll show up alot, so once you find it, look and see if you can find a "EvilScriptName.psc" file.  It will most likely end in a "psc", because that's a papyrus script file.

so anyone can anyone please tell me what you understand that can please help me :( i really tried this time.. i re installed for the third time .. only installed my mods one by one.. and everything is now acting up!

I'm very heavily modded but hence why i said if u take ur time helping me and have the patience with me i swear it go unnoticed !
 I understand i have a lot but i've read everything up on these mods and added one by one .. i figure i might have a mistake but i don't know which mistake i made.. if theres a conflict if its a load order.. if i need a patch! i need some ones advice and see if anyone can notice my mistake! please?


system specs.txtFetching info...

LoadOrder_Skyrim_2014-10-13T21-58-28 POST.txtFetching info...

NEW ERROR LOG.txtFetching info...

Edited by poweredbypoosey
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I rarely see CTD caused by scripts...

Its more likely that its the memory problems


Well, I guess I'll start somewhere...


whats your skse.ini and your enblocal.ini


Also download and install Memory Blocks Log

cause your game to crash

Then post the Memory Blocks Log.log



If you can just copy/paste them into a spoiler its easier for me to read



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Posted (edited)

sorry i just signed up for this.. how would i add spoiler?also i dont have enb..

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Edited by phazer11
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also im looking up Shlongs of skyrim .. and trying to see if maybe indigo the follower. maybe they need a patch?would you know .. i have the beast race shlongs add on. But not sure seeing i also have moonlight tales.. 

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you misspelled spoiler on the 2nd one...

that is the skyrim.ini


Can you post the skse.ini and th end local.ini


That shouldn't be an issues but more of an inconsistency in the cosmetics.

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i dont have a skse.ini.. and where is the local.ini ... i do apologize ahead of time for my very obviously annoying questions.. I lost all confidence of knowing what im doing since this new install. and kinda stuck in a rut with what to do and where to look.

  • 0
Posted (edited)

you should have both... 

the enblocal.in is located in the skyrim installation directory(where the skyrim.exe is located)


as for the skse.ini it is located in:

<Skyrim installation>Dataskse

Edited by hishutup
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Thats the skyrimprefs




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I have a series of questions that may prove useful in the near future:

do you follow step, SR:LE or your own

what mod manager are you using

are you using SKSE

are you using enb/enboost

how much modding experience do you have

do you know how to patch mods



I would continue to help but I am tired and I have school.

I'll be back in around 13-15hrs


There maybe someone else to help you in the meantime

tomorrow Ill be able to provide better help than I can right now...

meaning I'll have pictures, lots of them...

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      i've watche countlesss videos from gopher. and i have skyrim performance.. i know enough from what i've done by restarting .. i have alot of mods and yes i read ll of the modders pages.. i have tes5edit .. i also have wyre bash to use the batch patch .. i use NMM. i have skse. experience i cant really say i guess enough but it comes to point where i try all i can and watch all i can but i'm obviously not finding a solution, i haven't patched anything except for a shelter mod.. but i watched a video for it.. 

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Posted (edited)

I use MO so my Skyrim installation directory is going to be fairly clean...

You should be using ENBoost

ENBoost helps skyrim with some VRAM and memory problems

but you should have




I have a bunch of extras but here is a pic

Posted Image


enblocal.ini [MEMORY] section, Yours may differ.


You should also have SKSE along with SKSE folder inside the Data folder



pic of skse in skyrim directory

Posted Image


Pic of skse folder that is located in the Data folder and the my skse.ini file

Posted Image


Your skse values should be different


If you don't have these then you'll most likely experience CTDs

especially without the memory stuff in skse.ini

I add these values and I started crashing all over the place.

If you do then I'll go into memory blocks log

If you need some reference material then here

ENBoost/ENB stuff


I would also recommend ditching NMM and switch to MO.

Mo is pretty good for Skyrim (I disagree for Oblivion but that is me)

MO reference Material


I promised pics... you got 'em

Edited by hishutup
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Posted (edited)

ya the problem is i cant seem to get enb settings to work on my computer... and i rather not either. its way to complicated. to many adjustments and frankly i'm having a hell of a time here figuring out one problem i rather not add more ! I honestly wish someone could take the time to maybe see if my load order is correct.. or if u see a conflict mod .. seeing i might have one but idk ive read up as much as possible and haven't seen anything on my side or in my opinion .. !Another set could and would be beneficial to find maybe a small error in my judgement.. besides adding more to the problem.oh and sorry i appreciate the opinion but i have tried to make the switch to MO and i switched back .. i just rather play the game the way i know how and i'm no advanced user .. MO isn't easy for me... and when i did have it my game would launch and then a hr later idk what happened then it wouldnt .. so if theres a way to help with NMM that be great! 

Edited by poweredbypoosey
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Well as Hishutup says you need both SKSE and ENBoost to play it properly otherwise you will almost definitely get a CTD.

You should read the detailed instructions on all of the mods that have them, here are some that relate to your difficulties.


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