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  On 7/24/2014 at 10:45 PM, phazer11 said:

I don't think it'd help in this instance but I'm assuming you've tried using the purge cell buffers (PCB) console command while indoors? It might also be useful to test out those Script Cleaner tools to see if they would fix it.

I don't think PCB doesn't anything with the actors but it's worth a quick test. This also has nothing to do with scripts but rather Level Lists so I doubt those will work.


Coincidentally, my Bash Patch is now only 8KB  :huh: ...weird to go from 260KB to 8KB considering I've done nothing different from the first 100 times I've made my Bash Patches.

  On 7/24/2014 at 11:04 PM, TechAngel85 said:

Coincidentally, my Bash Patch is now only 8KB  :huh: ...weird to go from 260KB to 8KB considering I've done nothing different from the first 100 times I've made my Bash Patches.

Exactly why I asked you the size of it. Larger patches tend to have a problem that caused all the patchwork necessary to revert to incorrect settings. I'll look at your plugin later.


The more Delev tags the smaller the patch should get. Delev basically tells the Bashed patch not to forward that particular Leveled List if the last loading mod has a Delev tag so that mod's record wins.


Well, the Patch without the Delev and Relev on Content Addon is now 13KB, down from 283KB. I think there's a glitch in there somewhere...


Regardless of the patch size, the testing I did holds true (because that testing was with the new smaller patches). So the issue wasn't in the patch, it was Content Addon not having the needed tags.



I'm getting ready to test out a couple ENBs and then restart a new game with the fix from my testing. I'll play most of tomorrow (vacation is wonderful! :^_^: ) to see if it holds up.

  On 7/24/2014 at 7:42 PM, TechAngel85 said:

This would suggest anyone with the naked NPCs issue will have to start a new game with a rebuilt Bash Patch to be rid of it unless there is a way to refresh what the NPCs are wearing.

A simple way to deal with it is to use the 'resetinventory' console command as you come across them. GO into console, click the 'offending' npc, resetinventory using the npc id the console shows. It's a little slower, but it DOES allow you to keep your current save.

  On 7/25/2014 at 12:32 AM, Shadriss said:

A simple way to deal with it is to use the 'resetinventory' console command as you come across them. GO into console, click the 'offending' npc, resetinventory using the npc id the console shows. It's a little slower, but it DOES allow you to keep your current save.

Eureka! This worked! I can now confidently update the mod page. I'll also post an announcement about it to ensure all users know about this issue and the fix since this is potentially affect a LOT of users.
  On 7/25/2014 at 2:08 AM, EssArrBee said:

Probably need to change the bashed patch instructions.

Yep! You can do that if you want or I'll get to it in a bit. I just got home from playing tennis and NEED a shower! The humidity is insane right now!

I'm in Oklahoma and the humidity is currently at 83%!


Anyway, I updated the Batch Patch instructions and the Book of Silence mod page with a notice that Batch Patch must be used with Content Addon or issues will arise (this is because I was helping a user earlier that wasn't using it). About to post an announcement.

  On 7/25/2014 at 12:41 AM, kryptopyr said:

I wasn't aware of the "resetinventory" command; good to know.  You can also use "disable" then "enable" in the console to reset NPCs.

Glad to have helped - though credit where it's due, NeoValen posted that command and fix in a seperate thread over in the SRLE troubleshooting forums for the same issue... though he never got it narrowed down, I don't think. I'm sure he'd have mentioned it if he'd gotten here first.


Either way, happy to have contributed.

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