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Requiem Pack (WIP)

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@MadWizard :


Ok thanks Mad for the correct link.

I'll try to switch back to the 1.61c to make things work properly.


  On 4/12/2014 at 7:20 PM, MadWizard25 said:

Alternatively, you could make a custom OBIS patch for 1.61G and requiem with tes5edit.


Oh I wish I had the "Patching on your own" perk in my skills, but sadly I don't have enough time to learn it for now.

But as stated by the philosopher :


"It will be mine. Oh yes. It will be mine."

© Wayne Campbell.

  • 3 weeks later...

I just wanted to drop by and apologize for not posting any updates for so long. My motivation took a hit because my 4th graphics card is broken (tested this in a system of a friend of mine, it's definitely the gpu) and I cannot play the game myself. The store I bought the card from sent me B-stock as replacement after the 2 weeks return time went out so I probably got the cards people returned and not RMA because of black screens. I'm currently thinking about asking my sister to bring me a r9 290 vapor-x from the US (gifts below 450€ are duty free), it's much cheaper there (~60€, about 82USD) but that's still 6 weeks from now.


Demand a refund for such poor service, that kind of **** is unacceptable. Read over the terms and make sure to go immediately to a supervisor when you call (I recommend calling but I can be very persuasive comes from being around my mom so much)


I have never had a graphic card break on me, in 20 years and I've been through more graphics cards than you can shake a leg at and I push my cards.  You've some serious bad luck!  


I do tend to buy the top of the range cards though, as I have found the components for the cheaper models especially the fans poor.


Hope you get things sorted out Spock

Off topic coming up. If we're going to continue talking about graphics cards someone make a thread over in Banter Inn, this is about the Requiem Pack.


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The good news; everything seems to be working as expected for a partial CORE + partial REGS + Requiem setup. Partial due to personal prefs.


The bad news; everything is working as expected.


I have tried many times to "get into" Requiem, can't do it. Just a mind-numbing perk grind to get the simplist of characters able to survive a stroll, let alone any quests. I wish it were actually an RP overhaul, some things are intriguing enough to keep me trying, but it has almost zero immersion value for me. Thought the REGS stuff might help, but you can't enjoy exploring unless you can explore.


I only decided to post this comment in case others might feel the same (want to like Requiem), but are put-off. The mega-modding STEP community might be able to make it both an interesting RP mod while also allowing you to participate in the game quests and story lines without the incredble grind required just to get through any of the beginning questlines.


Yes, I know, "Requiem isn't for everyone". Was just hoping to get it "for a few more".


Check your strategies and gameplay skills. Not meaning to be rude but I find it relatively straight forward as long as you "role play" that means think as though you are actually in Skyrim and do not want to die. Sure it does take a while before you can go toe to toe with big bad guys but that is realistic, that is what role playing is if you want a harder game play experience. Of course if you want to be a big hero from the first role of the dice or prefer exploring leaving combat relatively un-modded or close to vanilla so it is easy then of course as you say Requiem is not for you. It requires patience and immersion into the world properly - this is what makes it such a different experience from the original game.


You can of course reduce the grind aspect through the MCM menu - it is there as options and you can survive more easily and still get the benefit of the well placed enemies and twists to the normal game.




@Smile44 - Well, I have no interest in being an immediate hero; I would just like an opportunity to get through BFB, or any other beginning quest, and experience Requiem and Skyrim together. I'm actually looking for "difficulty". No-nothing mage (clothes only) on vanilla Legendary; no problem. SkyRE; a "difficulty" joke. HLERevenge of the Enemies; okay, getting there. I'm just a guy looking to keep Skyrim interesting after two and a half years. Requiem "seems" to me to be such an interest keeping mod, but it goes out of it's way to make things difficult, not immersive.


This has been hashed a million times in the Requiem forums, I don't want to start it again.


Thanks for your work on the Pack; it helped me get a stable Requiem + all my other mods game working. I still have the setup; can't quite get rid of it. Maybe I'll enable Faendal and see if I can get through BFB without a week's work.

Posted (edited)

BFB was made deliberately harder. You need fire spells and solid silver weaponry and help, and arrows are not effective against Draugr. It was intended not to be do-able until you reach at least level 11. This is because once this is complete you are on to your first Dragon and these are much much harder than vanilla e.g. Deadly Dragons on Expert setting and so you would not stand a chance unless you had some good gear, potions  etc.. It takes time to accumulate all these things. So you need to take on less demanding missions first at the lower levels. Also it makes sense not to be able to take on Dragons when you have just started out Dragonborn or not. BFB is a showstopper but other quests and areas do not get the same treatment from Requiem so BFB should not be seen as the standard for all quests.



Edited by Smile44

This is why i personally like requiem so much. It feels like i have to make something out of myself before im capable of becoming a hero in name as well as skill. Doing hold quests like bandit hunting until level 10 makes perfect sense then. Im slowly accumulating skill and renown. Eventually your good enough for more high risk quests like BFB, and finally the first dragon which i just completed at lvl 21, and it was still tough. This just feels like far more of a natural character progression than vanilla skyrim, even if it can be a grind sometimes.


DD on (default setting) Expert is a minimum for Dragons, IMHO; they are suppossed to be an awesome foe. I mean, look at what you can craft from their remains; they SHOULD be hard to kill. Dragon strength is a poor excuse to OP BFB; I look forward to DD dragons in playthroughs, lots of "ohhh, crappp" moments.


Been grinding away, actually. Hunting, mining, and gathering; naked, with a only bow and pickaxe so I can carry something of value back. Emptied every barrel in Whiterun, with my buddy Brenuin. Killed by a wolf while in steel armor after it "bit" my Imperial bow (ever handle a good wood bow?) and kept knocking my sword out of my hands. Kiting mobs and critters to guards. Recycling loot to gain crafting skills. Sleep in the ruined house or watchtower to save coin. Quite the escapist fantasy; seems more like my real life than a game. ::|:

Posted (edited)

I tried. Just got killed by Vilkas during the Companions quest start. Beat him to his knees a couple times, but he keeps re-setting to full health. Don't quite understand the purpose of things like that, seems just to be added for frustration's sake. Normally, playing hardcore (dead-is-dead) is the ultimate immersion enhancer for me; it REALLY makes you consider EVERYTHING you do in a playthrough because every choice is a life or death (new game) decision in one way or another. Simply not possible to play that way in Requiem.


I've played through a HLE+RotE+DD setup (not quite VEGA) already, think I'll make it full VEGA and try adding the Warzones pack to it.


My hat is off to the the Requiem players.

Edited by Searcher7
Posted (edited)

As far as I know Companion NPCs are very powerful. I tried beating Vilkas at lvl 12 and got my ass handed to me. Since i play an archer/ light armor character I can understand why post fight. I suspect the guild questlines are for mid level game play or higher, lets say lvl 25+


This makes sense, none of the core quest content for Skyrim is easy in Requiem. You need to be someone of decent power to be considered for the Companions. Search the requeim nexus forum thread for details, i seem to remember that it was stated guild quests are very difficult. I only managed to start and complete the Saarthal questline for the Mages guild by raising my speech to 50 (to skip magic entrance test) via training and enchantments, and have yet to start the thieves guild quests due to lack of perks in sneaking and pick pocketing. I got decimated in Fellglow keep in mages guild, and I dont think ill revisit that till lvl 30, maybe 35.


Im level 25 now and am only now again considering taking on vilkas, and only because I finally managed to grab the 2nd gruesome shot perk in archery, which finally allows for decent armor penetration. That plus some decent wep enchantments.


TLDR; a lot of main quests require a semi powerful character to begin, level 20, or maybe even 30 plus. You need patience before the game really gets going. Requiem is for role play, you cant start these quests until you have some decent character development. No level 5 dragon slayers or lvl 10 companion status. If you dont have this role play mindset then Requiem is gonna give you a bad time.

Edited by MadWizard25

You can beat Vilkas at level 1, you just need to block well and take a healing potion every now and then, and be evasive when you need to be.



Posted (edited)

I did "beat" him. At level 4. Twice, in fact. The first time, I was afraid he could be killed and eased up. He jumped up from bleedout, fully healed, and whacked me dead. The next time, I beat him down and tried to kill him. I figured it was only fair; he was willing to kill me, after all. Nope. I'd wail on him good while he was down, but he wouldn't die. Then he'd jump up, fully healed, and come at me again. I tried sheathing weapons to calm him down, only blocking, and only attacking (since he was checking "my arm"). I don't know what the quest script is looking for, but beating a senior Companion circle member to the ground should be enough to verify the "arm" of any applicant. The relative difficulty in doing so is immaterial. I gave Vilkas a good thrashing, for real this time. To no end.


Its this type of pointless difficulty, prevalent throughout the mod, that turns people off to Requiem and earns it the common moniker of a hardcore difficulty mod. I don't think some people here understand the concept of "role play". Role play is not a characteristic used to describe a required mechanic of game play. It is a combination of player imagination and gameplay characteristics which allows immersion in the vicarious exploits and game world interactions of a free-form character. Grinding skills is not role play, by the very definition of "grinding". A particular role play mod may encourage a particular character type, but Requiem promotes itself as, simply, the Role Playing Overhaul. It is anything but that. The player has to fit herself into a strict and harsh game mechanic. An immersive role play scenario allows wide choice and player devised solutions which match the imagined role of the character. The most common hint for Requiem is; get heavy armor and a bow. No, I want to role play an innocuous looking, dual wielding, poisoned dagger slinging thief. Of course, Skyrim steers characters into particular roles simply from the basic nature of the game. But it is far easier to role play in vanilla than in Requiem because the player has far more immersion enhancing choices regarding character builds and play style. EDIT: Difficulty level has no bearing on role play, IF you're allowed to maintain some relative performance amongst differing character roles.


A simple name change would resolve almost every issue I have with "Requiem - The Role Play Overhaul". Just call it Requiem; I'm certain Ogreboss did so originally for good reason (look up the definition). Its beyond me why he insists that Requiem is a role play mod when, in fact, it drastically limits role play choice, options, and immersion. Unless, of course, you enjoy the character builds forced upon you. Then I can understand its appeal.

Edited by Searcher7
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