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Requiem Pack (WIP)

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I still have to look at cells and worldspace, but this is the load order I've come up with so far:



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How bad of a job did I do? :ermm: :cool:


Don't have time this morning for a proper look, but first thing is lose SoS. You already have AOS. SoS will cause too many problems for you. AOS covers the same ground in a more compatible way. Any mod that modifies cells can cause problems which I guess you will see when you load up your load order in TES5Edit. Many of Azirok's patches need Requiem - Resources as a master so check that it is high enough. Should be just after Reequiem.esp.



  • +1 1

Only worldspace is still missing. What do you think about my current load order?   Do I still have to look at worldspace conflicts or can I start my save like this?



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It is worth having a look at worldspace conflicts but it looks as though you are ready to start testing in game. I can't see any kind of compatibility patch in your load order but if you are building one and it seems you are (and you should) then it will need to load just before the bashed patch.


Good stuff.




Ok well it's up to you, you have to make sure that Requiem and related mods win when they need to and that can only be done by building a patch. In that case do not use LOOT to sort your Requiem mods, put all of them at the end of your load order (before bashed patch) in the order shown by Azirok. The only way to be sure. LOOT works great but you need the patch to make it work with Requiem .and similar overhauls.




Wait a minute: I thought I had a choice between building a CR patch and using my load order to settle conflicts? Do I have to use a CR patch in order to use Requiem? I thought a modified load order would do the trick... :huh:

Posted (edited)

I think it's up to you.  The thing is : building a Conflict Resolution patch will always be ideal if done properly, as it allow you to do some fine tuning (ie : choosing a specific record of a non-requiem mod to be forwarded while still placing Requiem and co. at the bottom of you load order).

Edited by Fereval
Posted (edited)

You can use load order to settle most things as far as Requiem is concerned but it is not the ideal. When Requiem was originally devised it was not meant to be used alongside lots of other mods as it includes a great many of those mods within itself and touches nearly everything in the game but when you use mods like DCO it needs to overwrite Requiem scripts but certain changes by that mod makes Dragons too weak so a patch is added to correct the stats back up to those that Requiem has for Dragons, but otherwise allows DCO to do it's thing. If you loaded DCO before Requiem then it would largely overwritten and pointless.


It's a question of how stable you want your game to be. The more script intensive mods you add the less picturesque mods you can have due to having to load cells on entry. E.G. Enhanced Blood and Wet & Cold add a lot of scripts which can strain the engine in certain situations. So much better to reduce that script burden. That said Azirok uses a lot of script heavy mods including SoT, but he also builds a CR patch to ensure he gets what he needs and the game runs smoothly.


You kept mentioning a CR patch so I assumed you were making one. If you don't want to use one then use Azirok's load order but at the end of you mod list. You may find a number of your other mods become obsolete though. Like I said before it is your choice. The pack guide has a suggested place to move Requiem but it is for BOSS so it wont be as simple with LOOT. the game runs well with that load order in place.


Azirok is officially back on the case now so we should be getting some updated patches soon, not to mention the packs he was planning on making as well as a guide to help make Requiem compatible by building your own CR patch. I will incorporate all of this into the guide as soon as it becomes available.



Edited by Smile44
Posted (edited)

Well, I think it's time for me to wait then since I don't really know what I'm doing and build a CR patch means (for me:)) just making sure azirok's load order is respected, but otherwise I really don't have a clue how all mods interact with each other and how I should fix certain things.


Gonna check what other games I have waiting for me in my Steam library...I really should have started The Witcher 2 and not spent more than a whole month on trying to get Skyrim to run. ::(:

Edited by Pillendreher

That might be the case, but I never would have thought I'd spend this much time without even playing the game. I'll put Skyrim on hiatus and I'll return once azirok has sorted out his patches. ;)

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