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A Real Explorer's Guide to Skyrim

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  On 10/5/2014 at 11:45 AM, darkside said:

A huge mod with uniquely voiced actors, takes a shitload of time to make. But I will never understand why so futuristics, with trains and digital panels and what not... All this effort, a lot of quality in this mod. But some parts of it are really breaking the Skyrim experience imho


Looking at the videos I am more inclined to think 'Star Wars' than Skyrim. 

  On 10/8/2014 at 6:19 PM, Nearox said:

A huge mod with uniquely voiced actors, takes a shitload of time to make. But I will never understand why so futuristics, with trains and digital panels and what not... All this effort, a lot of quality in this mod. But some parts of it are really breaking the Skyrim experience imho


Looking at the videos I am more inclined to think 'Star Wars' than Skyrim. 

I thought it was a Fallout/FNV mod at first glance. Seems more in keeping with the lore of the Wizardry franchise then TES lore. Considering the quality, maybe I should do a profile that combines Aethernautics/Dwemertech/Wheels in not-so-lore oriented playthrough (and that dwemer chainsword mod, 'cause Chainsword!)

  On 10/8/2014 at 6:19 PM, Nearox said:

A huge mod with uniquely voiced actors, takes a shitload of time to make. But I will never understand why so futuristics, with trains and digital panels and what not... All this effort, a lot of quality in this mod. But some parts of it are really breaking the Skyrim experience imho


Looking at the videos I am more inclined to think 'Star Wars' than Skyrim. 

I'm with Nearox on this one, Trainwiz mods, as well made as they always are, still sometimes feel out of place in Skyrim. Were REGS not geared towards lore-friendliness, it would surely be an instant addition to the guide however.

  • +1 1

Hey folks, I signed up for a forum account just to pipe in with my 3 cents worth here. Bluntly... I vastly preferred the 3.x cities with the REGS-fixed esp. The sewers were a huge loss, and the only thing that JK's has over Nernie's is being prettier and more detailed...


Which, for me personally, is a huge downside, because it absolutely kills my framerate. I don't even find it more realistic, because the foliage is so overdone that I keep looking at how close trees and bushes are to buildings and wonder why people aren't caring for their homes. I spent an hour disabling plants in Whiterun yesterday, for 2 frames in the worst places, and less annoyance about plants clipping with buildings and admittedly overly-compulsive worries about what the roots would be doing to foundations.


I know walking back the main changes in a major version up isn't in the cards here. But is there any chance someone might be able to give me a link to the former REGS-Nernies w/sewers package?

  • +1 1
Posted (edited)

Current REGS has a few issues now im not 100% sure this is only regs mind you. but im 99% certain its an issue with etac 13 and regs 

Heljarchen Incompatability issues with buildings from CRF this terrain burries the blacksmith https://i.imgur.com/0fwUCDq.jpg

There were also like 2 floating torches in dawnguard but that is ok.

Edited by Dragoncon
Posted (edited)

@tyrthyllanos try reducing shadow settings, pretty much fixed most framedrops for me. Try setting fShadowDistance in skyrimprefs.ini to 3000 or lower if it is set higher (for reference, setting your shadows at 'medium' in the launcher will set fshadowdistance at 2500). You'll probably see shadows being drawn relatively close to you but it bumped my framerate in the worst areas from 12-15 to 30-40. So for me it was either huge fps drops or seeing the shadows being drawn closer to your character.

My shadow resolutions are also set at 2048 instead of 4096. Other settings that may help are iShadowMaskQuarter, iShadowFilter and iShadowMode (all set to 3 instead of whatever it is that the high/ultra presets set them to). Lastly, you could disable shadows on grass by changing bShadowsOnGrass from 1 to 0. Not sure if you win any frames in cities with that but you could try.

All of this will make the vanilla shadows look ... awful but ENB pretty much fixes most of this with little or no performance cost.


You may also be capping your VRAM so you might want to check that out.. But I'm pretty sure the shadows affect everyone because I had the drops with an i5-3570k@stock+GTX970. Turning the camera in some select areas in Whiterun, Windhelm and Solitude (most notably the main entrances) even brought the fps down to 40 without any mod installed except the JK ones. Got that back to 58-60 by just reducing fShadowDistance to 2500. Took me hours to figure it out though .___. Unless you have a monster CPU @ 5++ Ghz you probably have to tune down shadow settings with mods that add so much detail.


So yeah, maybe it will fix your problems too.. Sadly it doesn't fix the 'immersion' issues you have with it ::P:.. maybe set iMinGrassSize to like 40 for lower grass density? Or disable mods that add flora, I thought unique grasses and groundcovers + flora overhaul both add stuff to the city areas, but I'm not too sure.. personally I only have flora overhaul and don't find the clipping to be really intrusive. Again, not sure how and/or if this even affects the city areas in a major way.

Edited by Pretendeavor
Posted (edited)

@Pretendeavor : Thanks, but I'm using what was a mid-range PC the day Skyrim released. I've already heavily tuned down shadows and run vanilla level textures (with some lower than that, from performance enhancement packs or fixed with DDSopt) on a 1gb card. I'm not running out of VRAM, I have a monitor on 100% of the time I'm playing Skyrim to troubleshoot and watch for that. I only cap VRAM when I'm testing (by running through the air at unnatural speeds to force fast exterior cell changes). I'm even totally stable doing that, I have all the performance and stability mods and tweaks it takes to run Skyrim as well as my system can. Low frames in JK cities is just an issue with my 5 year old graphics card, which was rather nice at that time for the price and has zero issues with vanilla Skyrim. I never drop under 30 frames in the vanilla game, but JK Windhelm can bring me to 18-ish looking in certain directions in certain places.


Also, all the flora in question isn't grass, it's all hand placed small trees and shrubbery. Graphically it's not just the shrubbery that's an issue, considering my card, polygons from objects are also an issue, and there are so darn many objects in JK's cities. I like how they look, really, except the Whiterun Flora looking like out of control encroaching overgrowth. Windhelm is cool as heck. It's just not worth the performance hit to me, but what I really loved about the previous REGS cities pack was that there wasn't really a hit at all. I'd kind of thought that low-to-no performance hit was part of the REGS project charter, but maybe that was something I just imagined up.


The lack of sewers, though... that hurts me in my soul. 

Edited by tyrthyllanos
  On 10/9/2014 at 1:52 AM, tyrthyllanos said:


The lack of sewers, though... that hurts me in my soul. 

Nothing is stopping us from using Skyrim Sewers 4 - I am doing so, personally. 


You will just possibly have navmesh problems, which could prevent followers from following you into the sewers, or NPCs won't walk over them, things like that - though you will have no problems going in.

  On 10/8/2014 at 11:11 PM, tyrthyllanos said:

I know walking back the main changes in a major version up isn't in the cards here. But is there any chance someone might be able to give me a link to the former REGS-Nernies w/sewers package?

REGS - Cities v3.3 : https://www.dropbox.com/s/mcrkqobdrdyiuzl/REGS%20v3.3%20-%20Cities.rar?dl=0

REGS - Patches v3.4.2 : https://www.dropbox.com/s/4c8srbies1ft747/REGS%20v3.4.2%20-%20Patches.rar?dl=0




  On 10/8/2014 at 11:52 PM, Dragoncon said:

Current REGS has a few issues now im not 100% sure this is only regs mind you. but im 99% certain its an issue with etac 13 and regs

Heljarchen Incompatability issues with buildings from CRF this terrain burries the blacksmith https://i.imgur.com/0fwUCDq.jpg

There were also like 2 floating torches in dawnguard but that is ok.


Where is that screenshot taken? I don't recognize this place and highly doubt it's even covered by ETaC since there are only 3 snowy settlements in ETaC (Dawnstar, Morthal, and Winterhold).

  • +1 1
  On 10/9/2014 at 4:50 AM, keithinhanoi said:

Nothing is stopping us from using Skyrim Sewers 4 - I am doing so, personally. 


You will just possibly have navmesh problems, which could prevent followers from following you into the sewers, or NPCs won't walk over them, things like that - though you will have no problems going in.

Do you use Skyrim Sewers 4.12 from the mod page? Thanks

Posted (edited)
  On 10/9/2014 at 10:04 AM, CJ2311 said:

Current REGS has a few issues now im not 100% sure this is only regs mind you. but im 99% certain its an issue with etac 13 and regs

Heljarchen Incompatability issues with buildings from CRF this terrain burries the blacksmith https://i.imgur.com/0fwUCDq.jpg

There were also like 2 floating torches in dawnguard but that is ok.



Where is that screenshot taken? I don't recognize this place and highly doubt it's even covered by ETaC since there are only 3 snowy settlements in ETaC (Dawnstar, Morthal, and Winterhold).

I don't know which mod in regs is overwriting it but CRF adds this town back to the game its Heljarchen.


You're right its not etac im looking for what mod it is :/


It is these cells https://i.imgur.com/TMwzseE.png

Edited by Dragoncon
Posted (edited)

I have narrowed down this town getting burired to the Real Explorers Guide to Skyrim Patch itself


REGS Patch - NSUTR + RRR.esp Disabling this patch fixes this building


If you want to see the issue in-game you can use live another life alternate start to spawn at nightingale inn

Edited by Dragoncon

I haven't tested this fix in-game, however you could try loading up REGS Patch - NSUTR + RRR.esp and Cutting Room Floor.esp in TESVEdit, and for all the conflicting categories under the REGS Patch ('0000A03D', '0000A05C', '0000A05D') copy the values for the REGS Patch as overide into a new esp, and copy the conficting values from CRF. Thats what I quickly threw together, so someone more knowledgeable than me may come with a beter idea.

  On 10/9/2014 at 11:31 PM, james4832 said:

I haven't tested this fix in-game, however you could try loading up REGS Patch - NSUTR + RRR.esp and Cutting Room Floor.esp in TESVEdit, and for all the conflicting categories under the REGS Patch ('0000A03D', '0000A05C', '0000A05D') copy the values for the REGS Patch as overide into a new esp, and copy the conficting values from CRF. Thats what I quickly threw together, so someone more knowledgeable than me may come with a beter idea.

What I did for myself was copy the conflicting landscape files over from CRF to a new esp, and used that as a temporary override for the regs patch I BUM ruled it to load after REGS Patch - NSUTR + RRR.esp i haven't seen any major issues with it but its still best for most people to wait for CJ to look into it himself to ensure there are no problems with doing this method.

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