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A Real Explorer's Guide to Skyrim

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  On 4/5/2014 at 2:32 PM, Smile44 said:

Hey CJ have you thought about the Mod Death Mountain? There is a part two coming out and overall both look very good, I don't imagine that it clashes with much but you would know better than I whether it interferes with anything currently in the pack. Definitely worth a look IMHO::):

I don't know about compatiblity, but the mod you linked to seems to add free OP weapons, spells, and followers with thu'um :|I think I should add a separate section for this kind of quest mods...
  On 4/6/2014 at 2:35 AM, Necrokat said:

very excited to find this mod! i've been using the Nernie City modfor awhile and am happy to see this integrates it and fixes some stuff. ogg tho, whiterun looks as it usually does when i had just Nernie's installed, but when i go to Darkwater Crossing (thru coc console) none of the usual Nernie's addons are there, and i my FPS takes a dive (13-15) for the duration there, and i eventually crash. i do not have the nernie esp enabled. any ideas? thanks

The only modules from Nernie's that are used in this pack are Solitude, Whiterun and Windhelm.Darkwater Crossing uses Jenna's Expanded Towns and Cities instead. But I don't why that would make your FPS drop, considering ETaC doesn't even add that much stuff in that area.

Ok have read it again and you are correct, the overpowered weaponry and followers apparently needed to complete the quests would be ridiculous in normal Skyrim still I like the idea of having to find notes and solve clues to progress rather than the normal map markers etc.. It does still look interesting. If some sort of patch made it impossible for at least the weapons to leave Death Mountain or to become inert on completion of the quest or even to be non rechargeable so care in their use i.e. only when the fan is covered in smelly stuff, would be advised. All of these are problems for the author I would guess. Then again this quest is meant for high level adventurers so should probably conquered most of skyrim before attempting this.


I will be playing through it shortly, so will feed back on it. Still like the look of it though.



  On 4/6/2014 at 6:29 AM, CJ2311 said:

I don't know about compatiblity, but the mod you linked to seems to add free OP weapons, spells, and followers with thu'um :|I think I should add a separate section for this kind of quest mods...The only modules from Nernie's that are used in this pack are Solitude, Whiterun and Windhelm.Darkwater Crossing uses Jenna's Expanded Towns and Cities instead. But I don't why that would make your FPS drop, considering ETaC doesn't even add that much stuff in that area.

hmm, i'm just using REGS Resources.esm and REGScities esp. i installed Nernie's 1.25 that was linked, Wndhelm lighthouse, and Sewers (but didn't install those their esps). the way i read it, REGS was modular and i didn't have to use ETAC.  i thought REGS Cities just merged those 3 mods. so i have to install all of ETAV to use REGS Cities?


Well yeah, the guide is modular, but it aims to include the best parts of each city mod, not mash em all together.

If all you want from the guide (when it comes to city mods) is Nernie's Cities, Skyrim Sewers, and Windhelm Lighthouse, you might as well remove REGS, install those 3 mods and load them in this order:


- Windhelm Lighthouse.esp

- Skyrimsewers.esp

- Nerniescitiesandvillages.esp (not sure about the name of the esp but you get my meaning)

Posted (edited)

CJ: Has anyone else reported follower related pathing issues in Darkwater Crossing and/or Rorikstead? My followers always get "stuck" crossing the main bridge entrance into Dark Water and stall out and go inside certain store in Rorikstead every-time I go there.


If I travel far enough away from the towns I can get my followers back under control, so it's certainly not gamebreaking, just weird.


I'm using the REGS ETAC v3.22 and v3.22 Patches.  Boss Sorted with custom USER List in place from the guide.

Edited by Kuldebar

Nope, no one reported any behaviour like that.


Are you using other mods that might affect the area maybe? Note that Darkwater Crossing in particular is a copy of the ETaC one, nothing was modified in its exteriors except for a bug with the water textures, and a fix for SFO, neither of which will affect NPCs.

Posted (edited)
  On 4/4/2014 at 1:21 PM, Nearox said:

I think it's regular behaviour for a 2GB GPU. I also run SRLE + REGS with a 2GB card (HD6950). If I only use SRLE then my game barely stutters. When combined with REGS it stutters because it constantly reaches the VRAM limit and therefore has to swap with RAM. The only solution is to decrease texture size.Do note that some mods use vastly more resources than they might appear. Better Males is such an example, you can safely ddsopt those head msn files to .5k without significant quality loss and saving loads of vram (check the Better Males thread here on STEP for more info). On my own game I also had to ddsopt all the aMibidian born equipment stuff to 50%.

Any other mods you recommend to ddsopt? Thanks.Tried to reduce textures in half to 1k but still get infinite loading screen in Riften. May need to go back to just SRLE. T-T Edited by thaiusmle

You could just drop Dawn of Riften if it's taking a toll on your system.


Speaking of which.



Version 3.3.1:


Guide Updates:

    [*]Added The Secret of Dragonhead by MannyGT.

REGS - Patches Update:

    [*]Added a patch for the latest version of Cutting Room Floor and Interesting NPCs.

    [*]Added a patch for the latest version of Cutting Room Floor, Dawn of Riften and Interesting NPCs.

    [*](Use only one of those two patches, depending on which mods you have installed)

  • +1 1
  On 4/7/2014 at 5:45 PM, gpthree said:

In the REGS guide, The Secret of Dragonhead is pointing to The Temple of Black Rock on the Nexus.

Fixed, thanks :)Also I'm really thinking I should remove Dawn of Whiterun from the guide, I'm not even using it in my playthrough any longer because of the FPS drop and the Jorvaskar changes, something must have gone wrong with the latest update.
  On 4/7/2014 at 6:54 PM, CJ2311 said:

Fixed, thanks :)Also I'm really thinking I should remove Dawn of Whiterun from the guide, I'm not even using it in my playthrough any longer because of the FPS drop and the Jorvaskar changes, something must have gone wrong with the latest update.

Are you thinking about replacing it with something else or just removing it?


That's the problem, good city mods are rare on the nexus, and inexistent on the workshop. All I can find are mods that add a hundred trees or fill the city with clipping items :|


I had CL Whiterun in for a bit when I was trying out Open Cities. I wonder how compatible it is with REGS. Of course its got its trees also.


Just so I'm clear on this, we chose either Riften NavFull or Riften NavLite, based on which mods we have. Do we continue to use REGS Patch - 3DNPC.esp and REGS Patch - CRF.esp in addition to the new patch?

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