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Aiyen: I have borked my pointers, 

This-> Skylight enb

that -> Natural Lighting and Atmospherics for ENB by Confidence-Man


So, does your ENB support NV? I guess yes, but Ild like to be sure.

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Aye, but I wanted farting dragons :p


In all seriousness though, thanks for the suggestion. The only problem I have with CoT-based ENBs is that new worldspaces still use vanilla weathers (Wyrmstooth and BlackLand for example).

And although Skylight ENB is the best looking ENB preset I've tried, the absence of sunlight on most vanilla weathers would certainly be a bit of a problem when I reach those regions in my playthrough :|


Aye, but I wanted farting dragons :p


In all seriousness though, thanks for the suggestion. The only problem I have with CoT-based ENBs is that new worldspaces still use vanilla weathers (Wyrmstooth and BlackLand for example).

And although Skylight ENB is the best looking ENB preset I've tried, the absence of sunlight on most vanilla weathers would certainly be a bit of a problem when I reach those regions in my playthrough :|


I've never thought of that in fact! O_o


I plan to try Wyrmstooth this playthrough (hopefully it will last long enough for my char to finally do it!).


Hm... We need Wyrmstooth COT addon. I might contact both authors to see if they would be willing to cooperate on such a project...


SSL : Yes Skylight ENB supports Night vision, Both vanilla and predator vision. I use predator vision myself, and would recommend that anyday over the vanilla thingy.


CJ2311: Ah yes the farting dragon! Amazeing what happens when you are bored!

Hmmm I never really considered support for those mods since I do not use them myself. I am fairly certain there already are CoT patches for them though. If not then it should not take long to create. Would perhaps be something I would consider if it does not exist.


Also yeah those damn vanilla tint heavy image spaces.... I am considering just doing them all and include them in my WISE patch... It is a simple enough fix to solve the darkness issue. But in order to make them really good I would have to include vanilla weathers in my weather system, which would just add another 5-7 ini´s to adjust every single time. That wont happen until I am really happy with the way it looks so I know I do not have to overhaul everything in a week... again.


As for night vision all you need is the image space brightness modifier. In the default enbeffect.fx file then there is a section called APPLYGAMECOLORCORRECTION (AGCC). This is what normally forwards all the image space modifiers so take effect. The one for brightness is called _c3.w.


So what you would need to add right after the color is loaded is just this

color.xyz = _c3.w * color.xyz;


There have also just been released a new Night vision enbeffect.fx file from some dude I cant recall... it even adds in bloom and grain etc. to the night vision.. quiet impressive really. The above just increase the brightness when you use nightvision....might implement some coloring at some point though to make it look nicer.


As for night vision all you need is the image space brightness modifier. In the default enbeffect.fx file then there is a section called APPLYGAMECOLORCORRECTION (AGCC). This is what normally forwards all the image space modifiers so take effect. The one for brightness is called _c3.w.


So what you would need to add right after the color is loaded is just this

color.xyz = _c3.w * color.xyz;


There have also just been released a new Night vision enbeffect.fx file from some dude I cant recall... it even adds in bloom and grain etc. to the night vision.. quiet impressive really. The above just increase the brightness when you use nightvision....might implement some coloring at some point though to make it look nicer.


Oh wow, that easy? Well thanks a lot for the info. I guess I'm back to testing all the presets now. Makes me wonder if I'll ever play Skyrim again... :P

Yeah well the catch is that it implements the image space brightness as well.. so for some presets it might throw of the balance depending on weather and where you are. However most image spaces use a brightness of 0.8-1.3 range... so the effect is not that noticeable.


Welcome to STEP :D

Yup, I brought this on myself :p



Yeah well the catch is that it implements the image space brightness as well.. so for some presets it might throw of the balance depending on weather and where you are. However most image spaces use a brightness of 0.8-1.3 range... so the effect is not that noticeable.

I suppose that could "easily" be fixed by modifying any problematic image space's brightness in TES5Edit then.

Thanks again :)


Latest version is up... now with dawnguard support as well. Fixed the red bloom issues, and interiors are now more sharp and defined. Also a new ToD system so everything should blend much nicer.


And before Neovalen or someone else ask... yes I will make a legendary version at some point when I am happy with the content :P


The weather system I implemented is basically divided into this scheme.


Clear, Cloudy, Fog, Overcast, Rain, Snow, Dragonborn, Dawnguard.


All CoT weathers have been subsidivided into the first 5 groups, while the Dragonborn contains the settings for the vanilla Dragonborn weathers that are in use if you use my Dragonborn patch.

So far the Dawnguard one is not released... it is ready but I want to finish up on other stuff as well before releasing. It will come next update.

It contains my take on how the vanilla soulcairn weathers should look, as well as the special eclipse effect that Dawnguard introduces.


In general the weather.ini´s only contain the info related to weather related options. Hence some stuff is not editable in them. I have just been lazy and copied over the entire enbseries.ini so the files are a bit larger.

In terms of visuals then you can think of the enbseries.ini as the middleground where all weathers sort of look semi decent. The weather inis are what allows each group to shine. For example if you use just the enbseries.ini then the sun will glow through heavy cloud layers during overcast and storms. Also all nights will be sort of equally dark. With the weather.ini´s then clear and cloudy are far brighter while storms and overcast are darker.


In your case then you would need to change the clear/cloudy files only since they are the only ones where you can actually see the sky.

However like I said, then I found a small error in my bloom code which caused a too heavy emphasis on red tones. This will be fixed for the next update as well. Also I might alter the sky intensities a bit for clear and cloudy since they seem a bit too high. (I have noticed that some weather have tonemapping issues). Hence I hope you do not think they are too low, since already there are issues with the current settings. But well feedback is limited and I am just one guy! :D


Also when you open the ingame GUI then the shaders window is also opened up by default.. at least for me. If you open up the weathers menu as well you can see all the settings that weathers can affect. For example EFFECTS is not one of them, like Time of Day too. There are a few others as well.


Hope that answers all... and now I know about one more thing I need to put in the readme as well.


Yes, the intensities for top, middle and horizon are a bit high ... however, the curve is a bit low for each IMHO. I think the sky should be blue when you can see it in the daytime under partly cloudy and clear weather, especially in cold climates (darker at top and fading to light ... as opposed to grayish/purplish/whitish as most ENB produce). Google "sky images"


Also, skylighting is not enabled in your weather.ini's, so this is moot, no?


I ultimately want to strip those weather INIs of any settings that don't affect weathers.


So the answer is that the weather INI settings always override the enbseries.ini settings where they overlap?


If the game uses a weatherID that is coded into the weatherlist then the corresponding ini file will be the one used.


When you are ingame you can see which settings are used. If any of those settings are missing or deleted by accident, then ENB will automatically write them again at default values.


Skylighting is not used nope.. so those values do nothing, but like I said ENB will always rewrite them if you delete them, since they are a hardcoded part of the weather.ini files.


The sky color depends on weather so make sure you try out quite a few before you change anything.

Most of the cloudy are much more blue then the clear. The reason for this is that the sun and volumetric rays etc. cause the sky to get brighter. And since there are no real clouds on the clear weathers then this color is all over the place on those but not on cloudy

You can reduce the volumetric rays intensity to 0 to get a really blue sky on clears as well during the day.

But also some clears have base values that just makes them look really bright at horizon level.

If it is really annoying you I can suggest that you try JawZ modifed skysphere mesh.. it moves the horizon further down below the gameworld so it is hardly noticeable.


Weathers I normally use for testing.

xxx58148 Clear snowy weather... probably the brightest in the CoT.

xxx5a1c0 clear less bright

xxx5b7c0 Cloudy with Aurora

xxx40cd0 cloudy dark

xxx44824 overcast

xxx45868 fog

xxx47e30 snow 31 for blizzard


Aiyen, I'm trying out the latest version (2.0b, unless you update while I'm posting this again...!) - really liking it - the weathers I've seen so far are really great - mainly rainy weathers/storms (I'm using supreme storms) which get very overcast and atmospheric. Great work.


I'm still having issues with the nights being too dark - vanilla is of course too bright, but with Skylight nights are very dark and also seem very long, i.e.: sunset is quite early and sunrise quite late. in another thread you said the best way to tweak this was via bloom levels at night/dawn/dusk - looking at the enbbloom.fx ini, I have no clue as to what values to tweak to make nights a little brighter. Can you help?


Also one other thing I've noticed (only on once occaision) is that for some reason children's skin seems unnaturally red - this was in Riverwood in a storm, and strangely the adults were not so much affected. Turning down the red saturation levels fixed this temporarily.


Yeah I have overhauled everything properly for the new ToD system. Now nights are actually quite lovely imo. They more depend on where you are in skyrim rather then what weather it is. IE nights are going to be rather bright in snowy regions, but quite dark and spooky in falkreath.


The update will be out in a few hours.. just need to put on some final testing, and polish.. and wait for nexus to behave again!


Children are always too red, there is a mod that help with this, but I forgot what it is called. Perhaps someone else will fill in that blank. Sadly I do not have it on my list yet... so I cant even go look it up!


Edit: Update is out now since nexus allowed me to actually upload it! Yay!

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