Aiyen Posted December 11, 2013 Posted December 11, 2013 Some of you have bugged me, some of you have begged.... And some of you just do not care! All are equally fine! But it has finally come! FARTING DRAGON And myself present Skylight ENB!Wiki Link Yes... quite dramatic I know.... I will pimp up this post more later... for now I just wanted to release it, link it here for the people who have asked.... and apparently Boris just made a new version as I release... and back to testing again!
phazer11 Posted December 12, 2013 Posted December 12, 2013 Finally! To those who are trying it out I greatly encourage you to use the mods Aiyen has linked to on his description page. For Enhanced Lighting for ENB you'll want this version. ELE - Interior Lighting v0.0.4 (Former ELE - Imagespace module)
WilliamImm Posted December 12, 2013 Posted December 12, 2013 As I said on the comments, seriously looks good. I'm itching to see SFO Regular support. Also wondering about TreesHD support, but the bark on Vurt's latest trees looks great enough (judging by your images) that THD may not be needed.
Aiyen Posted December 12, 2013 Author Posted December 12, 2013 Well I need a tester for that version! I will most likely finish up the texture tonight if I get the time! Have to make more pretty screenshots of interiors as well! I use TreesHD as I recall. But in general I doubt that bark is an issue, since as I know then it is a different type of mesh from foliage, and hence does not become super saturated with ENB. I dislike neon green grass etc. ;)
Nerdgazm Posted December 12, 2013 Posted December 12, 2013 What should the brightness be at in-game (fGamma setting in the ini)
Aiyen Posted December 12, 2013 Author Posted December 12, 2013 fgamma=1.0 If you want it brighter or darker then use the ingame GUI and adjust the Exposure Scale to your liking. (You need to open the Shaders window, and then it is under enbeffect.fx.... near the top.) There is one for both day night and interior. The default value is set so that gamma should be compatible with most monitors out there.
Nerdgazm Posted December 12, 2013 Posted December 12, 2013 Quote fgamma=1.0 If you want it brighter or darker then use the ingame GUI and adjust the Exposure Scale to your liking. (You need to open the Shaders window, and then it is under enbeffect.fx.... near the top.) There is one for both day night and interior.The default value is set so that gamma should be compatible with most monitors out there.Thank you! It looks amazing, and the best part is that I have 60+ fps in Whiterun when I usually have like 40-50 with an ENB! Using it with CoT, Cot Weather Patch, ELFX and ELE :)
Aiyen Posted December 12, 2013 Author Posted December 12, 2013 Glad that you like the visuals, and the performance! If you have 60+ you can just crank up some quality. Some nicer shadows or water is always good.
Quahogs Posted December 12, 2013 Posted December 12, 2013 Well I found a home! Thanks for all your hard work Aiyen. It really straddles the perfect blend of vibrancy (blue skies, green lush) yet maintains realism (not cartoon colors). Night is smooth black without looking like black gauze is covering the landscape. I was able to tweak the GUI inside a mine to the darkness I preferred - took 2 seconds. I don't know, are other ENB's this easy to modify? What's best is the customer support! :-) For what I'm paying I demand nothing less ;-) I have 2 questions for you. 1. I dropped a DoF file in there (just love the effect). I had to overwrite your file enbeffectprepass.fx to do it. Will that affect your ENB in some capacity ? 2. Is not using ELE a game breaker? I was testing the game and had issues entering Windhelm or loading a game right in front of Windhelm's door (black screen or ILS). Since it was the only mod I added prior to everything working with my old ENB - when I removed ELE I had no issues. It was late so I didn't attempt the reversal to see if it holds true. What am I losing not installing ELE if it really is creating an issue I can't resolve? The one interior I visited look fine by me without it. Thanks
Aiyen Posted December 12, 2013 Author Posted December 12, 2013 Yay another fan! Ego tripping aside! I doubt that many other ENB´s are this easy to configure since they have so many options! I have decided to remove anything I do not actively use. Also setup the enbeffect.fx shader so it is easy to add it in if you want. With respect to nights then that was one of the "bonuses" of disabling certain of the default skyrim shaders. Like the default CoT night levels use to make stuff darker. Now you can configure it easily in a number of ways using just the GUI... hence you do not have to go in and out of game and mess with files! About your questions: 1: You can use any file you want! You just need to copy in the enbeffectprepass.fx file and enable the DoF in the EFFECTS section of the enbseries.ini. And voila. The only way in which it will affect the ENB is in terms of performance. The higher the quality of it, the more FPS it drains! Another reason why I just left it out. Along with the fact that people have really different opinions on how it should be done to look great. 2: ELE imagespaces are the current best work that ensures a continuity across skyrim that the default ones just cannot match. Hence you will not have as many issues with having one interior look epic, and the next one like a cartoon. Sadly I have not been able to disable all the shaders responsible... so stuff like image space contrast, saturation and color tint, will still apply. But since JawZ is a wizard of epic proportions with this stuff, I now do not have a reason too. You can use other image space mods, but you might have to alter the interior saturation levels at the very least. Especially the ELFX enhancer, is quite colorful, but the default settings should look... decent with it. Essentially if people do not use what I recommend, then the best I can do is offer advice on how to tweak so it looks nice. Perhaps down the road if someone makes some changes that works better with for example the enhancer, then I do not mind hosting an optional file for it with full credits etc. As for the ILS issues... then you need to make sure the load order is correct with it. It should not be possible for the mod itself to cause ILS´s since it only alters lighting templates and imagespaces. It does not add anything into the game.
EssArrBee Posted December 12, 2013 Posted December 12, 2013 It finally happened! I'll have to update the ENB Guide and throw this on there, when I get back next week. I don't think I've changed it since like .22X.
Quahogs Posted December 12, 2013 Posted December 12, 2013 Thanks for the info. I will look at ELE again this evening. BOSS had it before ELFX but then I read it should be after so that's where I parked it. However I don't know what kind of conflicts they present. I am curious about water transparency. Is there a way to tweak where you CAN'T see the fish from where you're standing on the shore? My old ENB was like that too (I use RW2). Thanks.
WilliamImm Posted December 12, 2013 Posted December 12, 2013 I'll fix up BOSS's load order regarding ELE soon (to match JawZ's recommendations). For some reason, Mediafire is blocked by the school ISP, so I can't really examine the plugins up close. What I have done is deregexed the CoT patch plugins (so that the load order remains constant - I used Smile44's recommendations) and added the two Skylight-specific plugins to the masterlist. This should hopefully fix a lot of issues.
Aiyen Posted December 12, 2013 Author Posted December 12, 2013 Thanks for that WilliamImm, would most likely solve quite a few. About the fish. As I recall then even in vanilla this is an issue. I forgot all the specifics about it, there was a long debate on the ENB forums when water was being optimized a few months back. It is also an issue for a few other items in the water at various locations. But tweaking the settings should lessen the issue if I recall correctly. But again since water is so texture dependent, then I have not really played around with it in depth (Yes I had too). Finally. No rush EAB! There will probably be quite a few changes done over the next few weeks as people find god knows how many horrible bugs and issues I never thought of!
WilliamImm Posted December 12, 2013 Posted December 12, 2013 You are welcome. And here's another question: I've noticed that prod80 recommende both of the Lorkhans Vision mods (Galaxy and Moons). Would you recommend using both with Skylight, and if so, what version? I'm pretty sure you would, but it doesn't hurt to ask anyway.
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