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VEGA Core: Vanilla Enhanced Gameplay Alternative (by Nearox)

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There are aspects of ACE that I don't totally agree with (casting stances, combat stances, etc). Not that I think they're bad ideas , simply that they haven't fully activated them, so I'd rather not deal with them or get the full service!

If you're just using the perk module there's no problem at all. I think there's better enemy AI and Combat overhauls out there, as well as better magic and smithing modules.

So, as an overhaul, I think SkyRe gets the job done better (and Requiem), but as part of a bundle, it does a great job with the combat stuff!

In regards to ACE combat, most of the patches will have to do with ACE Archery, which adds short and long bows. If you don't use ACE archery, you won't need the patches. Conversely, most of the weapon mods seem to have patches available, so I'm not sure it's much of an issue!

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Go to a new thread to discuss overhauls if it's not about this pack (which is pretty much dead as said by Nearox). If you're just looking for mods I would suggest you look for some of the older posts, specifically Iroha's pre-pack (in the guides forum) on SkyRe and magic overhauls it contained some good advice, conflict resolution and good mods some are outdated while others might still be applicable.

  • 5 months later...
Posted (edited)

Confused about how to use these Skyproc pathers. I am on the step of running SUM, and the pack instructions say to enable the Bashed Patch and make sure the Pre ReProccer WA Fixes esp are active and that everything below this is inactive. However I have the ReProccer and Balbor and Steelsouls above the Pre Reproccer and below the bashed patch so should they be active or inactive?


Here is my load order starting with the bashed patch:


Bashed Patch, 0.espReProccer.espDragonbornArmorFix.espReProccerDragonborn.espSkyRe_CraftingFix.espPre ReProccer WA Fixes IW aMidianSS IA Patch.espqotsafans Books HF Patch.espqotsafans Ingestibles Patch.espqotsafans LeveledLists IW IA Patch.espqotsafans Miscellaneous ReProccer + IA + Destruction Tweak 50 Patch.esp


Which of these should be active or inactive when running SUM.


Also should Dual Shealth Redux, Better Shaped Weapons, and Fores new idles be active in the install order when running SUM?


Finally the above questions are purely hypothetical for me at the moment because I am trying to use Immersvie Armors, which BOSS thinks is missing the Spike.esm master which evidently it use to use but does not any longer and can be safely ignored, but the skyproc pathcer evidently can not ignore this error and aborts every time. So does anyone know how to get around this problem with immersive armors?

Edited by Component_Actual
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