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I agree that it's a bit "bassy", but it's the best sound mod around, it really kills it! Everything sounds really good. The only other comment I would have is that dialogue is a bit too loud and it doesn't fade away naturally, I can hear people talking loudly from a distance that the voice should already be slowly fading off... it may be only my impression though.


Playing on stereo speakers (2.1) of mid range quality here, but they're very well configured.


Can you all begin commenting on your experience with this mod in relation to Sounds of Skyrim?


Can they be realistically used together, or are they too conflicting? Would we even WANT to use them together?


What about other sound mods, given these two overhauls?


Can they be realistically used together, or are they too conflicting? Would we even WANT to use them together?


As far as I know dungeon ambience is WIP for AOS, so SoS should be usable here. The other modules mess with the AOS composition though. If I remember right LordKorn said in his commends section that it's technically possible to make them compatible but both mods try to achieve a different experience. But don't quote me on that.


For the Wiki: Would you like me to name it Audio Overhaul and save the rest for the long name description or Audio Overhaul for Skyrim?


Yeah that name is find for the wiki page. Keeping the titles easy makes it easy to link to the page from other wiki pages.


If we are considering this mod then we will also have to include the DLC patch since we doing away with vanilla support and going with LE only. There is a full LE version on michealrw's nexus page among some other patches for popular mods. I think we need to get him back over here to get an MTs opinion about where this mod is best suited vs the other STEP mods.


Well, when it comes to Sounds of Skyrim, my experience went like this:

1. Installed Sounds of Skyrim

2. Ran game and set up the sounds (that took a lot of time - needs and MCM menu!)

3. Ran into Dragonsreach

4. I began to hear Dwemer machine noises

5. I immediately uninstalled


So maybe I didn't really give Sounds of Skyrim a real chance, but it needs an awful lot of patching to resolve conflicts with my other mods, and I didn't really like dwemer machine noises randomly playing where there were no dwemer. It seemed more work than it was worth. Maybe I'll give it a try another time.



Agree on the name



Agree about the patches ... MichaelRW does the patch? wierd. Maybe he should contact LoRd KoRn about contributing there.


EDIT: Wait ... I know that ... I had already downloaded all of his patches, and just forgot :P . Still, why does the CoT patch exist on both Nexus pages, and why is MichaelRW not working directly on the AOS page ... ?



I had no idea SoS was that tough to set up. That alone is a strong argument for removing from STEP at least until it is cleaned up. I'll take a look at some point myself.


I currently have AOS + Legendary DLC patch + COT patch, but I was wondering if it would be logical to use a majority of the STEP sound mods, but overwrite them with AOS. Then any sounds AOS doesn't touch would still be useful?


Edit - I noticed a majority of the files do not get overwritten. Does this mean AOS doesn't touch some sounds, or that it leaves some vanilla but the mod itself alters the way they work? I just assume if I had some sound mods, and then overwrote most with AOS then I will have some leftover sounds but they simply won't sound quite the same as most of the AOS sounds. Is this correct?




The CoT patch on the primary mod page was made by LK while the ones on Michaelrw's page are from him. His page also offers a wider range of CoT patches based on your DLC's, winter edition, ect.

I'm not sure why michaelrw decided to run a separate page, only that he had volunteered to make patches for the mod.


On the SoS side of things:

I used SoS a few times, I never had any issues with it, it added a nice ambiance to the game however, IMO it doesn't compare to AOS since it does so much more than add sounds to the environment. I know there is a patch for SoS on michaelrw's page but I honestly don't see the point, even if they both work together it seems to me like it would be excessive. Sorta like installing ELFX and RLO at the same time, like even if they where compatible, whats the point? I know the dungeons aren't covered yet but I'm looking forward to seeing what LK does with them.


Just my input


I use the SoS Dungeons module along side of AoS. The Dungeons module is, in my opinion, the only SoS module really worth it, since it is so damn creepy. I think AOS is miles above everything else, to be honest.


Thanks Spock that helps us a lot. Live long and prosper.


I've done some vanilla testing, and should be doing 2.2.8's current modlist with this mod when I get home from work. Where is everyone putting AoS in the install order?




If the current changelog is accurate BOSS should handle the LO just fine. Don't forget to grab the patches for some STEP mods though.

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