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Yeah I do. But that website is giving me headaches everytime I go there. For some reason I am getting overwhelmed by the tons and tons of mods and quickly lose focus and just close it down.

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@Octopuss - i shouldn't have bumped it huh !


I am not sure if they're hidden Gems, but on my next playthrough with a total new mod setup i gonna use these two:


Character Creation Overhaul https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/21587/?


Enemy AI Overhaul https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/40491/?


This one though, is definitely a Gem, if not hidden either =)

Dynavision <3 yes ! https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12525/?


I know Designs of the Nords is in STEP:Extended, but it really doesn't get enough attention.


Project Parallax is very subtle, and requires ENB, but is really great.


Horns are Forever is essential to play an Argonian.


Grass on Steroids is coding wizardry, how on earth it manages to boost fps while making grass denser I do not know.


Bookshelves Script SKSE is a little Quality of Life mod.


Red Mountain Erupts is a great example of how to setup a mod page, but the mod itself is a tiny little immersion thing.

  'Octopuss said:
I noticed the AI overhaul couple days ago' date=' but I bet it's exactly the kind of mod new player should avoid :D[/quote']

Yes, definitely =)


Both the Overhauls are highly discouraged if playing the first time.


I've mentioned above this one already and it might be a sub to STEP Core:


Improved Vanilla Smithing Perks (compatible with Armor and Weapon fixes, with Core in general as far I've experienced): https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/33959/?


It basically divides between improving and smithing. Depending on level of skill (like Novice Smithing, Apprentice etc.) you improve 20% or 40% all items and so on. Then the other branch allows you to create Vanilla gear according to your skill level, for example, Advanced Smithing gives allows you to create Scaled, Steel Plate, Orcish and Nordic Items.


So, all it does, is assigning the vanilla gear designs to new branches and perks. It simply makes more sense to me than the vanilla one.

  'Octopuss said:
I noticed the AI overhaul couple days ago' date=' but I bet it's exactly the kind of mod new player should avoid :D[/quote']
  'Soire said:
  'Octopuss said:
I noticed the AI overhaul couple days ago' date=' but I bet it's exactly the kind of mod new player should avoid :D[/quote']

Yes' date=' definitely =)


Both the Overhauls are highly discouraged if playing the first time.


I do NOT agree with this. I don't see any reason for a new Skyrim player to not use Revenge of the enemies. It makes the game harder but not impossible (not even close) and vanilla difficulty is TERRIBLE. When I see someone playing Skyrim or Fallout (3/NV) 100% vanilla I die a little bit. AI, combat system and perks enhancements/modifications are a MUST HAVE in my opinion. They're just really really bad in the original game.

  'Allsunday said:
  'Octopuss said:
I noticed the AI overhaul couple days ago' date=' but I bet it's exactly the kind of mod new player should avoid :D[/quote']
  'Octopuss said:
I noticed the AI overhaul couple days ago' date=' but I bet it's exactly the kind of mod new player should avoid :D[/quote']

Yes' date=' definitely =)


Both the Overhauls are highly discouraged if playing the first time.[/quote']

I do NOT agree with this. I don't see any reason for a new Skyrim player to not use Revenge of the enemies. It makes the game harder but not impossible (not even close) and vanilla difficulty is TERRIBLE. When I see someone playing Skyrim or Fallout (3/NV) 100% vanilla I die a little bit. AI, combat system and perks enhancements/modifications are a MUST HAVE in my opinion. They're just really really bad in the original game.

Can count it down to taste, perhaps. To clarify why i think, new players should play (at least a bit) without too many overhauls of that kind is, that they actually get to be able to notice the difference of Vanilla and the Overhauls. May gives more ability to chose from the 34k or whatever mods available on Nexus according to their taste, besides using STEP.


Well I use Hjerim Refurbished, which is the best Hjerim enhancement mod compared to the rest (for my taste at least). Also I use a mod that adds the heavy metal band Amon Amarth outside of Jorrvaskr in order to add them as followers (requires UFO). Pretty neat!


 - Dovahkiin Prayers - Simply adds a meditate animation when activating any shrine of divines. It's simple, but it adds MASSIVELY to the immersion! I can't play without it now.



I added that one to my latest install and I have to agree with Rootsrat. It's a very simple mod but it does add a lot. It makes the whole shrine activation thing... I don't know how to put it... more meaningful?
  • 2 weeks later...

Here are a few I enjoy:


Celtic Enchanting Table (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3987/)

--For those who don't like pentagrams; replaces the pentagram on enchanting tables with a celtic knot.


Telescope (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30473)

--Craft a telescope for looking at distant objects or people.


Guess the Distance - Perceptive Scouting (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30816/)

--Scout enemies from afar and tell what level they are and what weapons they might carry. Compatible with Telescope (above) for added perception.

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