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Agree, but with the caveat that DTTL noise map is used but not the LODs. They just do not work with SRO. I think that it would also be best to use the SRO recolored LODs now available from that mod.


EDT2 is a nice enhancement, but it conflicts with a number of other mods that we need to account for (HQ LODs for starters). I think that it should win all conflicts.


The install order...




Recolored Pines


...corrects the issue of the LODs from DTTL (for trees at least...this is how I have it installing). EDT2 can be installed later in the list.


SDO still needs to be considered and tested as well.


SDO? Do you mean SFO or Skyrim Distance Overhaul?


The load order should be (per the updated 2.2.7 changelog):

  • Skyrim Realistic Overhaul
  • Distant Terrain & Tree LOD
  • Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Basic + Recolored Trees & LODs
  • Enhanced Distant Terrain 2
  • Quality Skyrim World Map
  • Trees HD - REMOVE Vurts!
The full install of our working Core through sec G will yield (as of now using AOF Mountains, which will likely change to Vanilla HD):



SDO? Do you mean SFO or Skyrim Distance Overhaul?


The load order should be (per the updated 2.2.7 changelog):

  • Skyrim Realistic Overhaul
  • Distant Terrain & Tree LOD
  • Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Basic + Recolored Trees & LODs
  • Trees HD - REMOVE Vurts!
The full install of our working Core through sec G will yield (as of now using AOF Mountains, which will likely change to Vanilla HD):


I meant Skyrim Distance Overhaul that adds in LOD objects. Is the Proposed Core list in the MT forum up-to-date?



Those are great compares. It's nice to see the before and after work that we're doing.


Updated my previous to account for a couple of things I forgot... here is the complete installation matching the compares above (except AOF appears in the screens and vanilla HD Mountains is in the list):



++ 000 - Skyrim - Animations BSA.7z (6F70599E) (Installed)
++ 001 - Skyrim - Interface BSA.7z (ED48DB4A) (Installed)
++ 002 - Skyrim - Meshes BSA.7z (36D58D55) (Installed)
++ 003 - Skyrim - Misc BSA.7z (6EC80093) (Installed)
++ 004 - Skyrim - Shaders BSA.7z (105C9B82) (Installed)
++ 005 - Skyrim - Sounds BSA.7z (C6920669) (Installed)
++ 006 - Skyrim - Voices BSA.7z (16540A13) (Installed)
++ 007 - Skyrim - VoicesExtra BSA.7z (07A59202) (Installed)
++ 008 - Dawnguard BSA.7z (606F6CF8) (Installed)
++ 009 - Hearthfires BSA.7z (3A08E731) (Installed)
++ 010 - Dragonborn BSA.7z (80AAFF72) (Installed)
++ 011 - Update BSA.7z (6DF52706) (Installed)
++ 012 - Vanilla Optimized Textures_H-H-H.7z (7FBF64B2) (Installed)
014 - == B - Utilities ==
015 - == D - Fixes ==
++ 016 - D_Appropriately Attired Jarls_BAIN-v1.1.1-23793.7z (739E27B7) (Installed)
++ 017 - D_Argonian Decapitation Fix_BAIN-v1.0-22624.7z (19B30E6C) (Installed)
++ 018 - D_Bowlegged Jump Fix_BAIN-v1.1-7416.7z (94FAF991) (Installed)
++ 019 - D_Brawl Bugs Patch_BAIN-v1.0-24020.7z (663FF8E7) (Installed)
++ 020 - D_Consistent Older People_BAIN-v1.6-19730.7z (18B8A9BD) (Installed)
++ 021 - D_Cursor Fix_BAIN-v1.3-36125.7z (DBB394B5) (Installed)
++ 022 - D_Dead Body Collision Fix_BAIN-v2.4-30947.7z (90EA6685) (Installed)
++ 023 - D_Fast Travel Timescale Fix_BAIN-v1.0-19389.7z (CC1A0B4E) (Installed)
++ 024 - D_Fuz_Ro_Doh_BAIN-v6.0-14884.7z (E5C7ACC9) (Installed)
++ 025 - D_Guard Dialogue Overhaul_BAIN-v1.3-23390.7z (605731AD) (Installed)
++ 026 - D_Nitpick_6.0-19556-4-0.7z (9E668EC5) (Installed)
++ 027 - D_Skyrim Project Optimization_BAIN-v1.51-32505.7z (AA6C9659) (Installed)
++ 028 - D_Tail Twist Fix_BAIN-v1.1-32949.7z (6F9C513F) (Installed)
++ 029 - D_Trade & Barter_BAIN-v1.2-34612.7z (C72201D3) (Installed)
++ 030 - D_Unofficial Dawnguard Patch_BAIN-v1.2.4-23491.7z (AF4099A2) (Installed)
++ 031 - D_Unofficial Hearthfire Patch_BAIN-v1.1.2-25127.7z (699DE1BF) (Installed)
++ 032 - D_Unofficial Dragonborn Patch_BAIN-v1.0.5-31083.7z (6D0BBB83) (Installed)
++ 033 - D_Unofficial High Resolution Patch_BAIN-v1.1.2-31255.7z (0407B844) (Installed)
++ 034 - D_Distant Decal Fix_BAIN-v1.2-31982.7z (FF2133A7) (Installed)
++ 035 - D_Unofficial Skyrim Patch_BAIN-v1.3.3c-19.7z (425C9154) (Installed)
++ 036 - D_Weapon & Armor Fixes_BAIN-v3.1-34093.7z (26739BF5) (Installed)
++ 037 - D_Acquisitive Soul Gems_BAIN-v2.4-5312.7z (61E5EAB3) (Installed)
038 - == D-Non-STEP ==
046 - == E - Interface ==
++ 047 - E_Better Dialogue Controls_BAIN-v1.2-27371.7z (25A02B05) (Installed)
++ 048 - E_Better MessageBox Controls_BAIN-v1._2-28170.7z (A52D4AF0) (Installed)
++ 049 - E_Lockpicking Interface_BAIN-v1.2-2845.7z (95212C76) (Installed)
++ 050 - E_Skill Interface_BAIN-v6.0-7308.7z (F454E5B6) (Installed)
++ 051 - E_Skill Interface (Dawnguard)_BAIN-v5.0-7308.7z (54E28D4E) (Installed)
++ 052 - E_SkyUI_BAIN-v4.1-3863.7z (C8272DAC) (Installed)
++ 053 - E_STATUS_BAIN-v1.96-32657.7z (720D32CB) (Installed)
054 - == E-Non-STEP ==
077 - == F - Conflicting Graphics ==
++ 078 - F_Ruins Clutter Improved_BAIN-v2.5-14227.7z (5A086E20) (Installed)
++ 081 - J_Realistic Smoke & Embers_BAIN-v1.4-836.7z (F63B5EA4) (Installed)
++ 082 - F_Ultimate HD Fire Effects_BAIN-v1.9-28642.7z (98E849F8) (Installed)
++ 083 - F_SMIM_BAIN-v1.53-8655.7z (95BDE24B) (Installed)
++ 084 - F_SRO_BAIN-v1.6.7z (F0ADB825) (Installed)
++ 085 - F_HD Misc_BAIN-v1.0-3595.7z (EA03B6B0) (Installed)
++ 086 - F_Food & Ingredients - Performance_BAIN-v1.6-1192.7z (DB3DAF3B) (Installed)
++ 087 - F_Tobes Highres Textures_BAIN-v1.2-1123.7z (306A9306) (Installed)
++ 088 - F_Enhanced Distant Terrain 2_BAIN-v1.3-39394.7z (B8BB364C) (Installed)
++ 089 - F_Quality World Map_BAIN-v8.0-4929.7z (22334214) (Installed)
090 - == F-Non-STEP ==
094 - == G - Landscapes & Environment ==
++ 095 - G_Vanilla HD Rocks_BAIN-v1.0-29802.7z (3E9B35E9) (Installed)
++ 096 - G_Skyrim Flora Overhaul_BAIN-141.7z (26288C9B) (Installed)
++ 097 - G_Detailed Terrain & Tree LOD_BAIN-v2.1-17984.7z (C0BAD4E3) (Installed)
++ 098 - G_Dragon Glyphs-Fixed_BAIN-v2.1-27095.7z (61C42102) (Installed)
++ 099 - G_Enhanced Night Skyrim - Medium Stars_BAIN-v0.4-85.7z (20028A3E) (Installed)
++ 100 - G_HQ LODs_BAIN-v2.1-4834.7z (AA65BB67) (Installed)
++ 101 - G_Hybrids Plants & Herbs_BAIN-v4.0-1546.7z (024CC733) (Installed)
++ 102 - G_Moss Rocks_BAIN-v1.31-31856.7z (44FEF2E2) (Installed)
++ 103 - G_Moss Rocks DB_BAIN-v1.0-40944.7z (E6DCF129) (Installed)
++ 104 - G_Point The Way_BAIN-v1.0.1a-33393.7z (1A3349EE) (Installed)
++ 105 - G_Real Ice_BAIN-v3.0-5388.7z (3A7CAF71) (Installed)
++ 106 - G_Realistic Mushrooms_BAIN-v1.1-29935.7z (5003C8C2) (Installed)
++ 107 - G_Realistic Tundra Moss_BAIN-v1.4-28292.7z (5BB7DF4D) (Installed)
++ 108 - G_SkyFalls plus SkyMills_BAIN-v2.0-40564.7z (FE39CF8A) (Installed)
++ 109 - G_Terrain Bump_BAIN-1.4b-4964.7z (2D2F398C) (Installed)
++ 110 - G_TreesHD_BAIN-v1.6-3812.7z (74B69012) (Installed)
++ 111 - G_Visible Windows_BAIN-v1.2-6971.7z (8BE9D275) (Installed)
++ 112 - G_Whitrun Trellis_BAIN-v1.1-1647.7z (26940A5D) (Installed)
++ 113 - G_WATER_BAIN-v1.8-13268.7z (BE353DE6) (Installed)
++ 114 - G_Windmills Resized_BAIN-v1.1-30026.7z (49942AE7) (Installed)
115 - == G-Non-STEP ==
155 - == H - Characters & Creatures ==
171 - == H-Non-STEP ==
197 - == I - Clothing & Equipment==
215 - == I-Non-STEP ==
229 - == J - Animations & Effects ==
238 - == J-Non-STEP ==
258 - == K - Clutter & Miscellaneous ==
280 - == K-Non-STEP ==
296 - == L - Sound ==
310 - == L-Non-STEP ==
324 - == M - Gameplay ==
++ 335 - M_Scenic Carriages_BAIN-v1.2a-15094.7z (6894E2AC) (Installed)
340 - == M-Non-STEP ==
396 - == P - Optional Packs ==
++ 404 - P_Revamped Exterior Fog_BAIN-v1.0-9930.7z (30D8913F) (Installed)
411 - ==Last==



Here is my SR:LE setup currently for LODs and I'm very very happy with it:


1. Skyrim Realistic Overhaul (Basis)

2. Enhanced Distant Terrain 2 ( Distance Color Map Textures )

3. Quality World Map /w Roads ( Map roads )

4. HD Enhanced Terrain ( Noise Map + Map Snow )

5. High Quality 3D Map ( Map Meshes )

6. High Quality LODs ( Meshes and Normals )

7. RWT ( Water, maybe, can't recall if LOD or not )

8. SkyFalls + SkyMills ( Distance Waterfalls and Mills - using the RWT workaround atm )

9. SFO + Recolor ( Trees )

10. Skyrim Distance Overhaul ( Distance buildings / Terrain Details )

11. Vivid Landscape Series (including Rocking Stones)


Question is, where does DTTL come in? (i.e. what does it do / buy me)


HD Enhanced Terrain also has detailed map snow and far as I can tell is still a good noise map. Has there been a noise map comparison outside of the EDT thread recently? :)


Edit: Just look a look, there is a DTTL and a HDET individually but only a DTTL + EDT2 image. I think some compares with HDET + EDT2 vs DTTL + EDT2 are in order.


Edit2: One thing DTTL seems to have that no other mod does is the DLC Tree LOD files.


Tech, you can answer the questions about some of the other LODs that STEP will use, at least in core, that are different than the ones in Neovalen's list. I don't think that Vivid Landscape or Rocking Stones are used at all, right? I'm not sure what provides the LODs that these do, and with all the other changes recently; I sorta understand the mod list but not everything about what is being used/excluded from some of the mods.


Vivid Landscapes - Rocking Stones (is the parallax version of AOF - current STEP) and is being debated in another testing thread dedicated to mountains atm.



As for as where DTTL can fit in with my load order it would be either position A or B depending on compare outcome:


1. Skyrim Realistic Overhaul (Basis)

2. Enhanced Distant Terrain 2 ( Distance Color Map Textures )

3. Quality World Map /w Roads ( Map roads )


4. HD Enhanced Terrain ( Noise Map + Map Snow )


5. High Quality 3D Map ( Map Meshes )

6. High Quality LODs ( Meshes and Normals )

7. RWT ( Water, maybe, can't recall if LOD or not )

8. SkyFalls + SkyMills ( Distance Waterfalls and Mills - using the RWT workaround atm )

9. SFO + Recolor ( Trees )

10. Skyrim Distance Overhaul ( Distance buildings / Terrain Details )

11. Vivid Landscape Series (including Rocking Stones)


A keeping the current noise map and gaining the DTTL tree LODs for DLC. Map snow still in use.

B replacing the current noise map and gaining the DTTL tree LODs for DLC. Map snow still in use.


Therefore the compare between DTTL + EDT2 and HDET + EDT2 still is needed for both STEP and SR I believe to be complete as far as terrain noise mappings go.

This thread provided base noise map compares but not when combined with EDT2. I can only really look at these things at night due to a cell phone not being large enough to see the compares but I think it warrants a look.


Did just a quick test run (using load order posted above) looking from White River Watch. A and B as noted above... only difference was noise map.


Without ENB:




With ENB (Unreal Cinema latest BETA):




Just one location, not really representative of an overall result but all I can do tonight - falling asleep.


Just a few observations, perhaps you guys can do more:

1. Roads. With DTTL - the road was basically non-existant. It was completely covered by dark spots. With HDET you can still make out the road at least. This is especially apparent in the ENB shots which cut through the fog with sun.


2. Far Distance Grassy Terrain (by mountains far end of the shot): DTTL has simulated grass patches (courtesy of the splotches) as far as the eye can see, whereas with HDET it is mostly just grassy/noisy golden area. Can you really see grass patches that far away or does it fade into the horizon?


3. Mid Distance Grassy Terrain (right side before the road): DTTL just looks messy/splotchy where HDET looks like real tundra grass growing there.


For me, the winner is HDET noise map(i.e. position A). I leave you guys to decide.

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