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  • 6 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Skyrim script extender added a feature that supposedly fixes broken saves caused by orphan scripts. The most recent version with this feature doesn't appear to be on the main download page, but it is in the archive.


From the skse_whatsnew.txt document included int he most recent version. From a fix implemented in version 1.6.7. Newest version 1.6.8 is archived today, the 20th of february 2013.



- add console command ClearInvalidRegistrations to remove invalid OnUpdate() registrations

This prevents orphaned OnUpdate() events and the resulting bloated/broken saves when removing certain mods.

When applied to an already bloated save, it will stop growing further and instead shrink over time

as the game processes all queued events. This may take hours depending on the amount of bloat.

To execute automatically after each reload, add this to \Data\SKSE\skse.ini:




  • 11 months later...

hi, the Tweak in SKSE . ini to enable the sortering in chest isn't requier anymore ?



BTW, imo we can propose the SKSE 1.7.0 now , no ? that pretty stable, and the Patch for memory fix is really cool and stable.

  'varrgas said:
BTW' date=' imo we can propose the SKSE 1.7.0 now , no ? that pretty stable, and the Patch for memory fix is really cool and stable.[/quote']

It's an alpha build so I would think it's a reasonably good idea to wait until it's finished. Use at your own risk, but it's *probably* working fine. Memory patch is included so you can use






now instead, as per the INCLUDED README!


i already use this Tweak with the alpha build, and "this", totaly change my game experience.


More stability, and no more CTD, and in my case (i don't understand why but i work on it) i have more FPS with the Alpha, and this incrase of FPS is not from the memory tweak.


For the Inventory chest tweak in SKSE.ini, i finaly found what i want. I think the SKSE.ini Tweak from there : https://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:Skyrim_Installation , must be there too : https://wiki.step-project.com/Skyrim_Script_Extender


because, if you follow the STEP installation guide, you must instal SKSE at 2.C. Extenders , and on the wiki page for SKSE, the only tweak showed is :




and we can see the other tweak "only" if we click on the link in 1.A. Install Steam & Skyrim.


i know there is a message who tell us STEP assumes that the user is beginning with a clean Skyrim installation from the link above, but SKSE is really far awy in the Hack section, and imo , many people will not going there and doing this in first, they will clean install, and start to Instal modmanager / tweak the Skyrim.ini File and Graphic setup, and not going read everything in the first link.


Maybe the Tweak must be present in the SKSE Wiki page too ?


i know there is a message who tell us STEP assumes that the user is beginning with a clean Skyrim installation from the link above, but SKSE is really far awy in the Hack section, and imo , many people will not going there and doing this in first, they will clean install, and start to Instal modmanager / tweak the Skyrim.ini File and Graphic setup, and not going read everything in the first link.


Maybe the Tweak must be present in the SKSE Wiki page too ?

Ah, but the notice on top of the Skyrim installation guide say it's only recommendations for the tinkering types. All info needed for STEP is in the... STEP guide. And thus the only SKSE ini tweak you need for baseline (which is SKSE 1.6.16) is ClearInvalidRegistrations=1. As of STEP 2.2.8 that is.

Notice: This is an ancillary guide to the official STEP Guide created to reduce the length of that guide. Users reading this are likely the tinkering type or are interested in more detail around configuring Skyrim in order to increase quality or performance, but this guide is not an essential component of a successful STEP installation. [my emphasis]


STEP is an enchancement of the Skyrim Vanilla, that why there is some Mods like oblivion gate, birds, or just HD rabbit.

And on the other side, give the game the best stability.




this is the thing who i didn't found on the wiki page of SKSE, and imo, must be in, cause not only "tinkering types" need it to enchance the game. no ?
  • 2 weeks later...

Is the SKSE.ini created automatically or not?

And when it comes to different settings in it, are they added automatically under some circumstances or do I need to add everything manually?


I've never seen it created automatically; I've always created it in Notepad++ and then added it to Skyrim\Data\SKSE. This is also what Neo says in the SR:LE guide (his instructions include additional detailed MO-specific steps).

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Any news on when SKSE 1.7 is coming out of alpha? Dynamic Potions recently updated and requires the 1.7 version of SKSE and it left me wondering if there was a date on a beta version or something.

Edited by Crimson13
  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Guys,

I'm having trouble installing SKSE. This is where I'm suck:


"This 'mod' requires a special install:

  • Place *.exe and *.dll into <skyrim>/ (not the data directory!)
  • Repackage skse*.zip:
    • Extract Data/
    • Repackage into a new zip file (name it accordingly)
    • Place into MO downloads directory
  • Install repacked archive via MO
  • Add the following to <skyrim>DataSKSEskse.ini (create INI if necessary):

Now, I can't seem to find an SKSE folder within my data folder. Is there something wrong with the given installation guide? I've come up against a brick wall here. Please help.

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