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I can't figure out what logic WB is using for the bashed patch with the changes that T&B makes. If you look at the changes that Economics of Skyrim makes (after T&B), you will see that the bashed patch preserves what EoS changed vs. putting back what was in Skyrim.esm. The EoS changes are very similar to the ones that T&B makes. But WB doesn't preserve the T&B changes.


For now, the simplest way to fix it seems to be what WilliamImm suggests.


Economics of Skyrim has Delev and Relev bash tags, and as I mentioned above the bashed patch preserved the changes EoS makes. I added the Delev and Relev bash tags to T&B, and the bashed patch didn't create any records that override the changes made by T&B. This would thus seem to be one solution to getting the correct bashed patch behavior with T&B.


Since it was mentioned on the BOSS thread, I tried using the new BASH tags autodetection script in TES 3.0.29 . It said T&B should have a Delev tag. It didn't note that a Relev tag was needed; however, the Relev portion of the script doesn't check the LVLF (flag) records.


You might ask someone that knows more about LVLI if 0 is a valid input for LVLD - Chance None since that is a change that is being overwritten by Skyrim.esm. Other than that my bashed patch inherits everything else.


It just involved me editing the TAG message to have DELEV and RELEV. The same tags should be mirrored in the Bash window as well - doesn't look like the taglist automatically updates with the masterlist.


How do you get it to update the tags? Mine looks like it has no tags (when I look at the bottom right hand corner of Wrye Bash) - though BOSS just updated. Should I just manually add delev and relev via WB?


OK, thanks.


What is the suggested installation for STEP? As I recall, this includes several fixes in addition to gameplay enhancements. Will this work without issue for an existing character, or is a new game recommended?

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